To Mr Peter Mulcaster Farnacres 26th June 1779
Mr Mulcaster
You receive herein the Langley Mill Pay Bill for the 21st inst amounting to £522 . .4. Our reckoning up our Cash after getting Home we found it to over run £ . 9 & ¼
As we have made an alteration in the price of the Lead Carriage it will be proper to have all the Lead got in that was delivered from the Mill at the price of 13d you will therefore take care of that and let us k
To Mr Peter Mulcaster. Farnacres 28 June 1779
Mr Mulcaster
Though you have not yet been successfull as to a Tryal for a Quarry you are desired to go on and make an effectual Tryal as a Quarry in that Situation wd be a Treasure to us and we wish you success.
You receive inclosed a Copy of the Memorandum and directions given you when we are at the Mill & we yesterday sent you the Pay Bill with all entered into it.
What you propose is pe
Bretton, July 3rd 1779
Dear Sir,
I am much oblig’d to you for your news, which it is and will be always more satisfactory to me than the public papers.
If our ships do not keep the enemy from our coasts, we shall have some entertainment upon Land and then the Coxheath & <Warley> Gentlemen &c will have different business than hitherto with visits from Ladys of all qualities.
The picture is arrived safe for which you have my thousand thanks, and I s
Mr. Robt. Lisle Junr. Morpeth Musselburgh 4th July 1779
Sir Your Letter to Sir John Trevelyan of the 22nd Ult. he inclosed to me at this Place I observe what you say with respect to the Elsdon Road but cannot at present give you an Answer. I shall be at Newcastle about the End of this Month when I shall make the necessary Enquiry & give you an Answer. I am etc J E Blackett
Mr Alex[an]d[er] Whaley Hardwoodshield Dukesf[iel]d 7th July 1779
I'm sorry to find when at Allenh[ea]ds mill last Week that what was agreed between you and me last Spring (in regard to the Lime you was to supply that Mill with) has not had the desired effect of preventing future complaints of want of Measure in the Loads sent; as we agreed there should be a Measure sent to the Mill as a standard and in case you could not afford the quantity - by it at the price that I was to
Mr Cuth Peart, Newcastle Dukesf[iel]d 8th July 1779
You'll herewith receive a Plate of Silver as per inclosed acco't & also the Month Acco'ts for May & June for the several Mills, I forgot to leave you May Month Acco'ts when last at the office. I hope you have got Mr Morrow's Acco'ts settled, I am in hopes to get all the Lead of the Roads against Mr Blacketts return, that we may then be able to settle the Lead Acco't properly - shall be ob
Mr Isaac Hunter at Dukesfield Newcas 9th July 1779
I received yours this Morning inclosing the Monthly Accounts but what is extraordinary the Plate of Silver is not come to hand. I have enquired of the Waggoner who says it did not come to their Waggon nor did he know any thing about it; this has made me very uneasy & as Corbeld is not in Town today I desire you will make Enquiry concerning it. We have at last got Mr Morr
Mr John Bell Hexham Abbey Newcas 9th July 1779
I received a Letter from Mr Blackett Yesterday who desires me to answer yours, respecting a Person to succeed Mr Morrow at Blaydon, by acquainting you that he does not intend appointing an Agent there till his return Home about the 15th instant when he will pay due Attention to your Recommendation. I received a Letter to day from Mr Hunter of Dukesfield wherein he says he has s
Mr John Turner at Wallington Newcas 10th July 1779
Sir Mr Blackett, who is yet from Home, desires me to send you a Letter from Mr. Lisle which he received a few days ago respecting Elsdon Road for your Consideration You see the whole Expense amounting £310.10s.0d is no very considerable Sum tho’ without being perfectly satisfied of the Utility of such Diversion of the Road Mr Blackett cannot think it advisable to recommend it to Si
J.E.Blackett Esq, Newcastle Dukesf[iel]d: 10th July 1779
Inclosed you have July month Acco'ts by wh[ic]h you'll see there's better than 12 thousand p[iece]s of Lead at the several mills ready for Blaydon - once the weather takes up shall start the Lead Carriage f[ro]m this Mill as all the Lead deliv[ere]d f[ro]m her is got in except one piece, I'm in daily expectation of hearing that all the Lead of the other two Mills are also got off the Roads.
Messrs Plumb & Browne Goldsmiths Newcas 17th July 1779
Forster Lane London
I have this day sent you by Jno & James Jackson the London Carriers a piece of fine Silver containing One Thousand & Seventy five Ounces & a half which I desire you will place to Account with Sir Thos Blackett Bt as usual at the Market Price & advise me on your Receipt of It. I am etc CP
To Mr Peter Mulcaster. Farnacres 23 July 1779
Mr Mulcaster
I reced your's of the 15th & 17th when Mr Thornton was here but could not write before this time acknowledging the Recet thereof. I shall be glad to hear from time to time how all goes on at the New Winning and as soon as it is necessary to begin Walling or Conduiting I should like to know what the Open Cast will come to including George Temperley's Attendance. If the Slope Sides will
To Mr John Finch. Farnacres 23rd July 1779
I desire you'll send 100 Casks of Bone Ashes the first opportunity. Be pleased to direct them to Messrs Walton & Turner to the Care of Mr Henry Airey Merchant Newcastle and advise when they are shipped. Mr Salter will pay for them. I am
Sir Yours etc
N W Junr _
To Mr Peter Mulcaster. Farnacres 26 July 1779
Mr Mulcaster
Inclosed you have a Sketch for the Conduit at Stublick new Winning and you'll observe the only difference in the Dimensions from what you mention in your Letter is that the side Walls of the Conduit are to be only 16Ins broad at the Top. The Cover stone is drawn to be 6 Inches thick but I don't expect you'll be able to get of that thickness for the whole tho' I wish to have them strong
To Mr John Holmes. Farnacres 26th July 1779
Dear Sir
On Saturday last we delivered to the London Carrier a Box Containing 878 3/4 Ounces of Bullion for you which doubt not you will receive on the 7th of August. We are
Dr Sir. Yours etc. W& T
To Mr Thos Ions. Farnacres 27th July 1779
Mr Ions
I was very much surprised to find on enquiry that no Lead had been brought from Newburn the last Week at which I am so very much displeased that you may depend upon it if you do not exert yourself to the utmost from the time you receive this Letter I shall most assuredly give directions that you have nothing further to do with the Lead Carriage. I expect the above to be fully complied with and am
Mr John Robson Durham Castle Newcas 30th July 1779
Mr Blackett received your Letter of the 26th instant respecting the Yearly Rent due to the Bishop of Durham from Sir Thos Blackett for Winlaton Lordship. I have examined the Accounts & find there were two years Rent due Martins last amounting to £9.6s.4d which Sums will be immediately paid at this Office on your sending the usual Receipt given to Mr Morrow
Mr. Abraham Logan at Lamberton Newcas 2nd Augst 1779
near Berwick upon Tweed
Sir I am desired to acquaint you That Mr. Blackett received your Letter respecting the Payment of the £1000 on the late Sir Walter Blacketts Bond to Mr. Ord of Broomdikes & his Family & as soon as we have a Copy of the Bond (which you will please to send immediately to this Office ) as early a day as possible will be fixed for the Payment of the
Mr Jos Dickinson at Coalcleugh Newcas 3d August 1779
Mr Blackett received your Letter of the 30th Ulto acquainting him of your coming hither on Tuesday first for Subsistence Money for the Workmen & desires you will postpone your Journey till you hear further either from himself or etc CP
Mr. Forster Postmaster Newcas 4th Augst 1779
In Berwick
Sir I am desired by Mr. Blackett to acquaint you that the Conveyance of Needle Eye & White Sands is executed by Sir John Trevelyan so that this Business may now be proceeded in & which Mr. Blackett is desirous of having done at his Office here,
You will perhaps be enabled, on your Receipt of this, to fix a day for your coming hither.
I am et
Mr Robt Morrow at Blaydon Newcas 10th Augst 1779
I am sorry to inform you That it is Sir Thomas Blacketts Pleasure to displace you as His Agent at Blaydon & as another is appointed you will please to give him Possession as early as you conveniently can I am etc John E Blackett
[There follows a table which is available in the PDF of this document]
To Mr Jn Holmes
Dear Sir
Above you have an Abstract if our Account which doubt not you will find right if it differs from yours we shall be glad to hear from you but indeed we think as you found out what you thought an Error you should first have stated your Account.
From the above you will observe we have this day Drawn upon you for £249:17:10 being the Amount of 878 3/4 Ounces of Bullion at 5s/8
Mr Thomas Wall Temple London Newcas 14th Augst 1779
Sir Your Favour of the 6th Ult. I duly received This serves to inclose youu a Bill drawn by Messrs. Bell Cookson & Co on Castell Whately & Powell dated 14th inst[ant] at 35 days date for £500 to enable you to pay Sir Edwd. Winningtons half Years Int[ere]st on the late Sir Walter Blacketts Bond & Mortgage for £25000 due the 6th instant. When this Payment is made you will please to send me th
Mr Cuth Peart, Newcastle Dukesf[iel]d 17th Augt 1779
Inclosed you have my General Acco'ts and also an acco't of the Lead Refined and reduced since Sir Thos. entered to the Refinery to the 31st of Dec'r 1778 as desired, I have put the quantity of Silver extracted in one line w[hi]ch was the produce of 6 plates as the Plates were mostly mixed w[it]h 11 & 8 stone p[iece]s of Lead. I have sent you the General Acco't according to the quart[erl]y Acco't w[i]
Mr Mulcaster, Blaydon Dukesf[iel]d 17th Augt 1779
You'll please to forward the Iron Castings, Iron &c to the Bankfoot now that the
Carriage is on, have inclosed the Article of agrements made with the Carriagemen on the 29th of April for your Friend, who I expect will make the Carriagemen abide by, and that those who has already brok through them may be punished in the manner that you and I was speaking of, (i.e.) to put all the Carriagemen upon a level as at starting and