Messrs Plumb & Browne Newcas 6th Novr 1779
Forster Lane London
I have this day drawn a Bill on you in favour of Sir Thos Blackett or order at 30 days date for £300 which I doubt not you will duly honour & you will please to charge it to his Account
I have this day sent you by John & James Jackson the London Carriers a piece of fine Silver containing Eleven Hundred & seventeen Ounces
To Mr Peter Mulcaster. Farnacres 7 Novemr 1779
Mr Mulcaster
Agreable to the promise we made you in our Letter of the 29th Ulto, we send you the Form of a Pay Bill, which you may return along with the Pay Bill, for the present year. We are
Yours etc
W & T
To Mr Peter Mulcaster. Farnacres 9th Nov 1779
Mr Mulcaster
Yours of the 3d& 5th are now before us and we think what you say about the Level Work perfectly proper. In effect making such a declaration as G Temperley did was in the first instance making an agreement and in the next putting an end to it by enabling the men to have Wages whether they Worked fairly or not. If Fra.s Carr applies for Money you must venture to lend him and we assure you we a
Mr Peter Mulcaster. Farnacres 13th Novr 1779
Yours of the 9th & 10th are now before us.
The Silver has come to hand & sent for London.
We are much obliged to you for measuring Dinnetley Wall and it gives us great satisfaction to find that Mr Thorntons Measurements agree with Yours, as we are able to hear that the Levelmen are getting well on. Pray don't you think when they make a good Bargain with us that th
Mr Jno Holmes. Farnacres 13th Novr 1779
Dear Sir
Being desired by a Friend of mine to get an undrawn Ticket in the present Lotery I must beg the further favor of you to do that busyness and to desire to hear from you by return of Post.
Yesterday a Box of Bullion was sent by the Carrier the Quantity about 713 Ounces but I have not yet got the Carriers Recet so do not know the exact Weight. I am
Dr Sir Yours et
Sir Thomas Blackett Barot Newcas 13th Novr 1779
at Bretton near Wakefield
Dr Sir
Your favour of the 8th instant I reced. I can’t inform you the day that Mr Coulthard died but Mr Bell tells me you have three months yet to nominate the Person who is to succeed to the Curacy at Allandale. I have sold Dr Hall 5000ps Lead at £12 p Fother; one half refined & 500 ps Slag at £11.15s.0d a Fother which is
Mr Thos Maughan N[ew] house Dukesf[iel]d 15th Nov'r 1779
D'r Sir
On examining the Ton-Tail Ore that was come to Rookhope Mill last Friday I find it so bad that it cannot be Smelted in its present state without great Injury both to the Hearths & Bellows, so gave orders to the Clerk not to let it be smelted till it's made better -I therefor desire that you'll acquaint thoses that has taken at your several Groves that they must not send it f[ro]
Robert Child Esqr & Co Bankers Newcas 21st Novr 1779
Inclosed you have a Bill drawn by Bell Cookson & Co dated 16th instant at 30 days date for Ninety Pounds on account of the Revd Dr Blackett of Plymouth the Receipt of which you will please to acknowledge & advise the Doctor of the same. I am etc JEB
Mr Thomas Wall Temple London Newcastle 21st Novr. 1779
Sir I have inclosed you a Bill drawn by Messrs. Bell Cookson & Co on Messrs. Castell Whately & Powell dated 16th instant at 20 d[ays] date for £150 One Hundred of which is to pay Mrs Gordons Intrest & the Fifty Pounds Mrs Fields half Years Annuity. You will please to acknowledge the Receipt of this Bill I am etc J E B.
£150 . .
To Mr John Holmes. Farnacres 22d Novr 1779
Dear Sir
On the 13th there were 713 1/2 Ounces of Bullion delivered to the Carrier which we doubt not you will receive safe on Saturday first.
We duly reced your !etters of the 13th & 17 inst together with the Tickets and Mr Cratherns Recet as below, which we shall Account for in drawing the Bill for the above mentioned Bullion.
You have our hearty thanks for the tr
Mr Peter Mulcaster. Farnacres 25th Novemr 1779
Mr Mulcaster
Yours of the 3d 5th 9th & 10 th inst all came duly to hand & the Recet acknowledged by ours which you mention and this serves to acquaint you that yours of the 20th & 21st are safe here.
You did not before yours of the 20th acknowledge the Recet of ours of the 29th Ulto & Instant & it was no way material except that we always like to hear that our Letter
Sir Thomas Blackett Barot at Newcas 28th Novr 1779
Bretton near Wakefield
Dear Sir
Your favour of the 16th instt I received. I observe that you have had a Visit from Forster & Westgarth. I imagine they will be got Home. The Assignment etc that you return’d are not yet come to hand. Please to advise me by whom they were sent that some Enquiry may be made about them. Mr Bell received the 6 Dozn of
To Mr Peter Mulcaster. Farnacres 29th Novemr 1779
Mr Mulcaster
We have reced your Letters of the 28th instant, and also the Accounts of Ore delivered and Amount of the Carriage for the present year & the old Account for last year.
On Monday Evening the 12th next Month we desire youll be at Newcastle and that Jno Friend and Mr Thornton may come with you. The next Morning you must come to Farnacres where we will have all packed for you ready for the Pay.
Dr Messrs Walton & Turner to Mr John Holmes
For Cash pd the 13th Novemr 1779 for a Lottery
Ticket for them No. 37,019 including Registering. £13 - 6
For Do - pd the 17 Nov 1779 for a Do No 47,518 for
Mr Walton including Registering. 13 18 6
For Do pd Mr Crathern 6 Nov 1779 for Bone Ashes. 22 - -
For Do - wch he is desired to pay Mr Crathern for
50 Casks of Bone Ashes sent on Board of the Peggy
John Middlemas Master as per
Mr Peter Mulcaster. Farnacres 4th Decrmr 1779
Mr Mulcaster
We have reced your Letter by Mr Todd and have no objection to your making the Pay on Thursday the 16th inst and desire you will fix it accordingly.
It realy vexes us to hear the Level Men get into difficulties and we must beg to have the Work carried on Night and day Sundays not excepted til the Quick Sand is got entirely secured or otherwise there is no saying what may be th
Messrs Plumb & Browne Forster Lane Newcas 4th Decemr 1779
I have this day sent you by John & James Jackson the London Carriers a piece of fine Silver containing Seven Hundred & Seventy one Ounces which I desire you will place to Account with Sir Thomas Blackett Barot as usual at the Market price& advise me on your Receipt of It. I am etc JEB
771 Ounces at p oz
J.E.Blackett Esq, Newcastle Dukesf[iel]d: 9th Dec 1779
Inclosed you have the Month Acco'ts for the several Mills - I'm in hopes that I shall not trouble you for any Subsistance M[one]y till the Spring's pritty fore-advanced; but in case otherwise shall acquaint you beforehand I am
Yrs &c &c IH jr
Due from Several Lead Carriers for Bankage
Edward Atkinson 67 £ 2 5
William Brown 11 5
Thomas Forster 441 15 9
John Havelock 258 9 3
James Johnson 230 8 3
Wm Pattinson 50 1 9 1/2
William Wilson 102 3 8
Thomas Ions 11 5
1170 £2 1 11 1/2
To Mr Peter Mulca
To Mr Peter Mulcaster. Farnacres 24th Decemr 1779
Mr Mulcaster
Yours of the 20th Decemr is come safe to hand with the Assays and Jno Leonards Recet Inclosed. John is a steange irregular Being, but under the circumstances you mentioned we'd be hard upon him if we were not to forgive him. We entirely approve of what you have done about the Reducing etc.
We are glad to hear that we have got into terra firma with the Level but much concerned th
J.E.Blackett Esq, Newcastle Dukesf[iel]d: 25th Decr 1779
By Mondays Carrier youll receive a Plate of Silver as per inclosed Acco't. If you have any Castor Oil by you I wish you would send a Bottle of it by Mr Forster who I suppose will be in town next week & will think little of the trouble for one of the Workmen who got great benefit f[ro]m what you before sent us, is now very ill & desiring to have of it again - you'll please to accept of the Pheasant
Sir Thomas Blackett Barot Newcas 26th Decemr 1779
at Bretton Yorkshire
Dear Sir
The Box of Writings arrived safe. Mr Bell paid me on the 21st instant £800 on account of your Rents. Your Lead Stewards came here this Evening & to morrow I shall pay them £1600 for Subsistence to the Workmen & for Wood Payments. There are no material Alterations at the Mines since I last wrote you.
I have strongly recommende
Mr John Holmes
Dear Sir
By last Weeks Carrier we sent you a Box containing 732 3/4 Ounces of fine Silver. When you write us you'll be so obliging as send Mr Cratherns Recet for the 50 Casks of Bone Ashes sent on Board of the Peggy John Middlemas Master.
The 50 Casks of Bone Ashes desired in our Letter of the 3d inst, we wish to receive as soon as Mr Crathern can send them. We are
Dear Sir Your etc.
W & T
Farnacres 31 Decr 1779
Mr Peter Mulcaster. Farnacres 31 Decr 1779
Mr Mulcaster
We have reced your two Letters of the 26th and are very happy to find the Alteration you have made as for the Reducers is so promising to produce advantage to Greenwich Hospital. We very much approve of what you propose further in this matter.
We are extremely angry at the bad behaviour of John Forster and Geo. Robinson and it is certain if we had been at the Mill at the time we shd have d
Messrs Plumb & Browne Goldsmiths Newcas 31st Decr 1779
Forster Lane London
I have this day sent you by John & James Jackson the London Carriers a piece of fine Silver containing Nine Hundred & Seventy seven Ounces & an half which I desire you will place to Account with Sir Thomas Blackett Barot as usual at the Market Price& advise me on your Receipt of it.
I have drawn a Bill on you for £500 payable to Bel
To Mr Peter Mulcaster. Farnacres 2nd January 1780
Mr Mulcaster
Having carefully weighed the Assays for the last Six Operations I find them to be in produce as follows.
[There follows a table which is available in the PDF of this document]
From the above it is evident the Alteration of the Kams working is a Method with very Considerable Advantage and you will observe Mr Walton had made a mistake when he wrote you the 15th of Novemr but th