Mr. Blackett sent the above Bill in a Letter to Sir John Trevelyan this 5th June 1780
£100 . . Newcastle Bank 6th June 1780
Thirty Days after date Pay to the order of John Erasmus Blackett
Esqr. One Hundred Pounds Value received
For Bell Cookson Carr Widdrington & Self
To Messrs. Castell Whately & Powell Jos. Saint
London Pay the
J.E. Blackett Esqr N.Castle Dukesf[iel]d 6th June 1780
Inclosed you have the Month Acco'ts for the several Mills by w[hi]ch you'll see that we get but poorly forward w[i]th the Lead Carriage from Rookhope & Allanheads Mills, f[ro]m Dukesf[iel]d we do pritty well, for including this Morn[in]g have delivered better than 10 Thousand p[iece]s of Com[m]on Lead, and am not affraid but we shall clear the Mill before mid-summer of all the Com[m]on & Refined Lead. I do n
Mr Mulcaster Blaydon Dukesf[iel]d 8th June 1780
Shall make you sure of the quantity of Com[m]on Lead that you name in yours of the 6 inst being at the Bankfoot against the last of this month if you do not want of the Long or Refined Lead in the time for I understood by you that you would want of that Lead 1800 p[iece]s to make up a former Bargain. you'll give me a line if you should want of the L[ea]d as I shall continue deliv[er]y Com[m]on till I hear f[ro]m you will not be
To Mr John Holmes. Farnacres 9th June 1780
Dear Sir
We have reced Yours of the 3d and this Day have drawn upon you for £231.2.9 being the Amount of 796 Ounces of Silver Bullion at 5s/9 3/4d P Ounce after deducting 4s for Cleaning Mr Waltons Watch who after making enquiry after the Watch Chain etc is told by a Gentleman who accompanied Mr Graham to London that Mr G has the whole carefully locked up for Mr Walton. We are glad to hear we are soon to
Mr Peter Mulcaster. Farnacres 9 June 1780
Mr Mulcaster
As we do not observe that your Letters of the 5th, 8th, 10th, 12th & 29 April Your Memorandums of the same Month of the 16th, 19th, 20th & 29th or your Letters of the 14th, 16th, 22nd, 25th and 28th of May & 1st June inst have been particularly taken notice of, we now acknowledge to have received the whole as also your Letter of the 7th inst which is just come to hand.
The Silver m
Mr Peter Mulcaster. Farnacres 13th June 1780
Mr Mulcaster
We have reced Yours inclosing the Pay Bill and desire you will come down to this place on Monday Evening next for the Cash to make the pay, as neither of us can come up to do that busyness you may therefore mix the time of making the pay at your own House at any time you think proper after Wednesday next as I am not perfectly clear that you will be able to get sooner home than the Evening of
To Mr Thornton.
Mr Thornton
You are desired to be here with Howdon and Partners early on Monday Morning without fail and you will have to return with Mr Mulcaster on Tuesday or Wednesday with Cash for the Pay. If you could be here on Sunday Evening it would be very agreeable to
Yr Hble Servt
N W Junr
13 June 1780 Farnacres
To Mr John Holmes. Farnacres 23rd June 1780
Dear Sir
We wrote you on the 9th inst acquainting you that you would receive by the Carrier of that Week about 940 Ounces Of Bullion but as matters were then in such confusion we thought it prudent to defer sending it til the sad tumults were over and which we hope are now totaly so and shall be happy to hear you received no injury.
On the 17th we delivered to the London Carrier a Box containing 942 1/2 O
An Account of the Produce of Silver at Langley Lead Mill compared with the Assays from the 1st May 1779 to and with 20 May 1780
[There follows a table which is available in the PDF of this document]
To Mr Peter Mulcaster. Farnacres 23d June 1780
Mr Mulcaster
Above you have an Account showing the Produce of Silver for the last year from which you will see we are clearly doing very much better since the alteration of the Bellows, and we hope to
To Mr John Holmes. Farnacres 5th July 1780
Dear Sir
We are favoured with your Letter of the 1st inst and tho' we are clearly entitled to draw for the Silver at 5s/9 3/4d according to what was settled 21 Septemr 1779 in the present case as then has been so long an Interval of Blank, we shall only draw for £250 payble 40 days after Date and after you having disposed of this Silver shall be glad if you would acquaint us at what rate P Ounce we are
To Mr Peter Mulcaster.
Mr Mulcaster
On looking over the Lead Carriers Bills, we find we have allowed Isaac Burnhope One Pound more than we ought to have done as youll see by the inclosed Account herein youll observe 40 pieces set down at 8 1/2d. £2:8:4 which shd have been £1:8:4 youll therefore get him to sign the inclosed Recet and Promissory Note and give him up the Recet which has the mistake in it. We are
Yours etc
W & T
7 July
To Mr Peter Mulcaster. Farnacres 14th July 1780
Mr Mulcaster
Yours of the 10th is come to hand and we are obliged by your punctuality as to Isaac Burnhopes Acct and glad that you are convinced that our Accts with you are right. We approve the orders you have given Watson.
We are pleased to hear the Shaft is compleated and that the Men have made better Wages of the last bargain than was expected.
The Walling the inside of the Dam on the Com
To Mr Peter Mulcaster. Farnacres 15th July 1780
Mr Mulcaster
Upon examining the Lead Warehouse Quantity I find that the Carriers will have to receive for Five Pigs of Lead out of 9 which they pd for as lost & the Account will be as follows.
Number of Amount of Lead pd Amount of money to
Pieces pd for as lost to be returned
For each Carrier
J.E. Blackett Esqr N.Castle Dukesf[iel]d 16th July 1780
Herewith you'll receive a Plate of Silver, Weighing 1153 Ounces, the Litharge was not all wrought up w[hi]ch prevented my sending the Acco'ts &c.
I have been among the Rookhope Wainmen last week and have got as many promised as will carry all the L[ea]d that's at that Mill so that I do not fear but we will get it all moved for I find they have carried above 12 Hundred p[iece]s this last week w[hi]ch is a
Mr Nichs Walton Junr Farnacres Newcastle 17th July 1780
Dear Sir
At my return from the North I found your Favour of the 30th Ulto. I understood that you was from Home which was the reason that you I did not answer it & I was in hopes of meeting you on Saturday.
I observe that a Dispute was likely to arise respecting the Boundary of the Long Ditch etc & that you recommended that Mr Fryer should attend the Examination. I int
Mr Isaac Hunter at Dukesfield Newcastle 18th July 1780
Your Plate of Silver is come safe to hand containing 1150oz.10dwts. Mr Blackett is now from Home but I have sent him your Letter by which he will be very well pleased to see that you get better forward with Carriage of Rookhope Lead as the want of it might have been very prejudicial to the Refinery here. I am etc CP
Mr Dickinson Coalcleugh Dukesf[iel]d 20th July 1780
D'r S'r
I find when at Allanheads Mill yesterday that there's already as much Ore at her as we ought to have, as w[it]h the Ton Tail that's expected; I therefor desire that you'll stop
any more of your Boose Ore being sent, and in case we can make Room at her the latter end of the Year if you are likely to have any dificulty of getting your Mines clear'd shall then take
2 or 3 Hundred Bings but we
To Mr John Holmes. Farnacres 22d July 1780
Dear Sir
We have your Letters of the 1st & 15th now before us and in answer to both we now are to acquaint you that we propose drawing for the Balance for last Cake at the Rate of 5s/8 1/2 d P Ounce but shall not draw it til the advice of the Arrival of the Cake which the Carrier of this week will bring you weighing 807 1/2 Ounces. The Acct for the last Cake will stand as below. We are
Sir. You
Mr Richd Chambers. Farnacres 22d July 1780
Dear Sir
I desire youll be so good as get us Eight Brass Weights adjusted to Standard by the Town Weight. They must be each two Stone and I beg the favour of you to get them for us as expeditiously as possible and sent by James Johnson the Hexham Carrier; Four directed to Mr Peter Mulcaster at Langley Lead Mill and Four to Mr Jonathan Hilton at Alston. I am
Dear Sir Your etc
N W Junr
Mr Peter Mulcaster. Farnacres 22d July 1780
Mr Mulcaster
Last Night I reced your Letters of the 16th & 18th. The Silver was sent for London Yesterday afternoon somI never saw it.
I have tryed the Produce of Silver & find it to be as follows. The Assay weighed 2Gr 14 dwt which is equal to 10 Oz 13 dwt 3Gr 6Tenths P Fodder and as there are 80 Fodders refined the Quantity of Silver according to Assay amounts to 852 Oz 12 dwt and the real
Messrs Child & Co Bankers Newcastle 26th July 1780
Inclosed you will receive a Bill drawn by Bell Cookson & Co on Castell Whately & Powell dated 25th instant at one Month for One Hundred & fifty seven Pounds ten Shillings being half a Years Composition for Weardale Tithe Ore due to the Right Revr Dr Thurlow Lord Bishop of Lincoln the 15th August.
Please to acknowledge the Receipt of
Mr Thomas Wall Temple Newcastle 26th July 1780
Sir Inclosed you will receive Messrs. Bell Cookson & Cos Bill on Castell & Co for Five Hundred Pounds at a Months date dated 25th inst. to pay Sir Edwd. Winningtons half Years Intrest on Mortgage of Wallington due the 6th August. Please to acknowledge the Receipt of this Bill & send me the usual Receipt I am etc J E B.
To Mr Peter Mulcaster. Farnacres 28th July 1780
Mr Mulcaster
I am very much concerned for the loss of George Temperley who always appeared to me to be, as you very properly say, a most faithfull Servant and indeed I was happy in the Idea of our having a person who I, as well as Mr Turner, hoped to give Incouragement to and retain in the service of Greenwich Hospital for a long time but how uncertain are all our Expectations and there is no saying how lon
Mr John Holmes. Farnacres 8th Aug 1780
I now take the opportunity of acknowledging the recet of your Letter of the 5th and tho' I expect you to set out for Yorkshire this day I shall write exactly as I thought you in London. I have drawn upon you for £231.13.8 being for the balance as below mentioned. The Bill is payable 30 days after Date. I am for Mr Turner & Self
Sir Your etc
N W Junr
Balance of Acct for the
Mr Richd Wray Hexham Newcas 15th Augst 1780
Inclosed you will receive Bank Notes to the amount of Sixty Pounds which with £2.8s.0d in Cash is in full for Candles delivered to Wolfcleugh to 30th June last. I am etc CP