Mr Thomas Wall Newcastle 26 March 1780
Temple London
Sir Inclosed you will receive a Bill drawn by Bell Cookson & Co on Castell & Co dated 25th inst. at a months date for Two Hundred Pounds to make the quarterly payments on Sir Jno Trevelyans acco[un]t from 31st instant to 30 June next for which you will please to send me your Receipt as usual. I am etc J E B.
£200 . 0 . 0
To Mr Peter Mulcaster. Farnacres 31 March 1780
Mr Mulcaster
I have reced your Letter of the 25th,26 & 27 and am realy very much concerned that the Level Works get on so badly, but stil hope our difficulties are at an End.
What you have done as to Thomas Temperley is quite proper; and also what you mention as to the Slates, and therefore desire they may remain at the Quarry; but with regard to the Stones desire they may be got to the pla
To Mr Peter Mulcaster. Farnacres 7th April 1780
Mr Mulcaster
On looking over the Operations again and examining the Operation ending the 1st inst I find the following Errors which desire you will satisfy in in your Copies.
In Operation ending the 27th November in the Accts of Ore brot in
You have Brownley Hill Bouse 14.2.8 22.2
shd be Brownley Hill Bouse 5.2 Cutting 9 14.2.8 22.2
In Operation ending 26th February you have at yr
To Mr John Holmes. Farnacres 11th April 1780
Dear Sir
On Saturday last a Box was delivered to the Carrier containing 755 1/2 Ounces of fine Silver which I now give you this Acct of and am
Dear Sir Your etc
N W Jun
PS. I am glad to see Silver rather on the rise & Hope that will continue.
Mr Dickinson Coalcleugh Dukesf[iel]d 18th April 80
D'r Sir
I have fixed Friday next to meet the East hand Carriers to settle the Lead Carriage for this year from the Bankfoot & as the [London Lead] Comp[an]y's carriagemen has had the advantage of the Back Carriage of the things sent of Sir Thos. Blackett's Lead Mines by the Bankfoot for some years past to the prejudice of His Lead Carriage it has been alledged by those that has that Carriage that
Mr Mulcaster Blaydon Dukesf[iel]d 18th April 1780
Inclosed you have a List of the Carriagemen & No. of Draughts that I think we should imploy this Season but as it's only made f[ro]m the Papers I got f[ro]m you & the Minutes taken when paying the Money at Blaydon I beg that if there's any in it or omitted by your opinion that you may correct it for I think we may make a pritty good sum[m]er work for 34 Draughts. for I shall give Mr Smith a schedule of those we ing
J.E. Blackett Esqr N.Castle Dukesf[iel]d 23d April 1780
The inclosed Month Acco'ts I intended wating upon you w[i]th last Friday after I had settled w[it]h the Easthand Carriers at Blaydon for this years Carriage but my Galloway was so lame that I darest go no further, I found the Lead Ways so Wet & bad that day that Mr Mulcaster & I agreed not to start the Lead Carriage till Monday come a fortnight the 8th May (in case you do not want Common L[ea]d in the meanwhile
Messrs Plumb & Browne Newcastle 19th May 1780
Foster Lane London
I have this day drawn a Bill on you payable to the Order of Messrs Bell Cookson & Co at 30 days date for Three Hundred Pounds which you will please to pay & Charge to the Account of Sir Thomas Blackett Barot. I shall send you a piece of Silver the 27th instant & desire you will advise me of the Price on the 6th instant.
J.E. Blackett Esqr N.Castle Dukesf[iel]d 21st May 1780
You'll receive herewith a Plate of Silver as per inclosed acco't I understand by Mr Mulcaster that you wanted to know what quantity of Com[m]on & Reduced Lead we can deliver f[ro]m the Several Mills before the latter end of Aug[us]t if we are kept going with Com[m]on Ore till then (w[hi]ch I have no doubt but we shall at this Mill) shall be able to send to Blaydon f[ro]m this Mill 15500 p[iece]s Com[m]on Lead an
To Mr John Holmes. Farnacres May 21st 1780.
Dear Sir
I have this day drawn upon you for £179.15.3 payable Ten Days after Date being for the Amount of the last Cake of Bullion sent you which weighed 623 Ounces price 5s : 9 1/4 P Ounce.
This Week's Carrier brings you a Box containing Seven Hundred and Ninety Six Ounces of Bullion which from what you mention in your Letter to Mr Airey we have reason to hope will come to a good Mark
To Mr Peter Mulcaster. Farnacres 22d May 1780
Mr Mulcaster
I send this only to desire that you will let me have the Operation ending last years work, as soon as your Convenience can admit of it, and that you will let me know what Breadth you and Mr Smith set out the new Road to be at Lowbyer: Mr Hilton has seen Mr Bird who seems to behave very fairly upon the Occasion.
I am Your etc
N W Junr
PS As so
Mr Thos. Maughan N.House Dukesf[iel]d 22d May 1780
D'r S'r
I was sorry to find when at Rookhope Mill the 19th inst. that the Ore we are getting f[ro]m your Mines is no better dressed than what was sent the latter end of last year. I therefor beg that you'll give such Orders as will prevent my troubling you with further complaints on that head for I am certain that what's sent this Spring f[ro]m Middlehope that we cannot make a Ton of Lead f[ro]m 6 Bings of it, and
To Mr John Holmes. Farnacres 25 May 1780
Dear Sir
In the great Hurry I was when I last wrote you I find I have made an Error in drawing for the wrong Cake of Bullion.
I now draw upon you for £219.5.9 payable 30 days after Date being the Balance of Acct as below mentioned which rectifies the Error & am for Mr Turner & Self
Dear Sir Your etc
N W Junr
PS. The Bullion you reced the 19th inst was sen
Messrs Plumb & Browne Newcastle 27th May 1780
Foster Lane London
I have this day sent you by Frans Ridley the London Carrier a piece of fine Silver containing One Thousand & forty three Ounces which I desire you will place to Account with Sir Thomas Blackett Barot as usual at the Markett & advise me on your Receipt of It.
To Mr Luke Noble at Sir Thos Blacketts Newcas 28th May 1780
Bretton near Wakefield Yorkshire
Inclosed you will receive a Bill drawn by Bell Cookson & Co on Castell & Co dated 27th instant at a Months Date for Five Hundred Pounds on the Account of Sir Thos Blackett Barot the Receipt of which you will please to acknowledge and advise Sir Thomas of the same. I am etc JEB
Sir Thomas Blackett Barot Newcas 28th May 1780
White Hart Buxton
Dear Sir
On the 20th instant Mr Bell paid me £800 on Account <of> of your Rents & I expect he will be able to pay me a further Sum in a short Time. I have by this Post wrote to your Steward Mr Luke Noble & inclos’d him a Bill for £500 on your Account of which I advised him to advise you.
I have not yet f
To Sir John Trevelyan Barot. MP. Newcas. 28th May 1780
Half Moon Street London
D[ea]r Sir I was favoured with your Letter of the 15th instant & am glad to find you approve of the Agreement entered into with Mr. Jona[tha]n Sorsbie Jr. The payments are to be made twelve Months from each other & not six Months as I by mistake informed you this is a very great Indulgence & must be attended with a Considerable Lo
Stock 30 Septem 1779 2266
Delivered from Langley Mill 9313 11579
Sold and delivered 4963
Sold and not delivered 2600 7563
Yet unsold 4016
LS OS RS L Total
Stock as above 220 10 936 1100 2266
Delivered as above from Langley Mill 336 113 903 7961 9313
556 123 1839 9061 11579
Sold & delivered & not delivere
Mr Thomas Wall Temple Newcastle 5th June 1780
Sir Inclosed you have Messrs. Bell Cookson & Cos Bill on Castell Whateley & Powell for Two Hundred Pounds at 35 days dated 6th instant to Enable you to make the Quarterly Payments from the 30th instant to 30th Septem[be]r next & for which you will please to send me the usual Receipt Inclosed also I send you an Account of the several Remittances made you on Sir John Trev
Mr. Blackett sent the above Bill in a Letter to Sir John Trevelyan this 5th June 1780
£100 . . Newcastle Bank 6th June 1780
Thirty Days after date Pay to the order of John Erasmus Blackett
Esqr. One Hundred Pounds Value received
For Bell Cookson Carr Widdrington & Self
To Messrs. Castell Whately & Powell Jos. Saint
London Pay the
J.E. Blackett Esqr N.Castle Dukesf[iel]d 6th June 1780
Inclosed you have the Month Acco'ts for the several Mills by w[hi]ch you'll see that we get but poorly forward w[i]th the Lead Carriage from Rookhope & Allanheads Mills, f[ro]m Dukesf[iel]d we do pritty well, for including this Morn[in]g have delivered better than 10 Thousand p[iece]s of Com[m]on Lead, and am not affraid but we shall clear the Mill before mid-summer of all the Com[m]on & Refined Lead. I do n
Mr Mulcaster Blaydon Dukesf[iel]d 8th June 1780
Shall make you sure of the quantity of Com[m]on Lead that you name in yours of the 6 inst being at the Bankfoot against the last of this month if you do not want of the Long or Refined Lead in the time for I understood by you that you would want of that Lead 1800 p[iece]s to make up a former Bargain. you'll give me a line if you should want of the L[ea]d as I shall continue deliv[er]y Com[m]on till I hear f[ro]m you will not be
To Mr John Holmes. Farnacres 9th June 1780
Dear Sir
We have reced Yours of the 3d and this Day have drawn upon you for £231.2.9 being the Amount of 796 Ounces of Silver Bullion at 5s/9 3/4d P Ounce after deducting 4s for Cleaning Mr Waltons Watch who after making enquiry after the Watch Chain etc is told by a Gentleman who accompanied Mr Graham to London that Mr G has the whole carefully locked up for Mr Walton. We are glad to hear we are soon to
Mr Peter Mulcaster. Farnacres 9 June 1780
Mr Mulcaster
As we do not observe that your Letters of the 5th, 8th, 10th, 12th & 29 April Your Memorandums of the same Month of the 16th, 19th, 20th & 29th or your Letters of the 14th, 16th, 22nd, 25th and 28th of May & 1st June inst have been particularly taken notice of, we now acknowledge to have received the whole as also your Letter of the 7th inst which is just come to hand.
The Silver m
Mr Peter Mulcaster. Farnacres 13th June 1780
Mr Mulcaster
We have reced Yours inclosing the Pay Bill and desire you will come down to this place on Monday Evening next for the Cash to make the pay, as neither of us can come up to do that busyness you may therefore mix the time of making the pay at your own House at any time you think proper after Wednesday next as I am not perfectly clear that you will be able to get sooner home than the Evening of