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Letter – Mary Yorke to William Blackett – 19 Dec 1676

Des the 19 Sr I praise God we had A very good and safe jurney and came hether on Wednesday Last After we parted from you we came to donkester in good time whear I could not preval with your sunn to Runn the Haserd of your disinheriting him, but we there had the seremoney of the sackposet and nowe none is more hapey then thus cupel Thinkes them selves to be, my daughter presents you Sr with her Humbel duties, and all so what is furtherdew from her to all your Relashions, and we all Acknowledg

Letter – Michael Blackett to Joshua Pannell – 23 Dec 1676

Mr Jos: Pannell Newcastle xber [December] the 23th: 1676 Sir My last to you was of the 5th present To w[hi]ch referres you; Since none from you soe the less to Inlarge upon; pray look out the Master to whom this Inclosed is directed; and deliver him itt; who if w[i]th you; will pay you upon my account about 200 Gilders and as much for my Brother Davison; as also for Mr Jefferson and Compa[ny]; as much more - wee can expect noe more tradinge till the Spring as the weather is and

Letter – Michael Blackett to Henry Lawes – 23 Dec 1676

Hen[ry]: Lawes Ditto [Newcastle 23 December 1676] I have before mee yo[u]rs of the 5th present the Contents of w[hi]ch have Intimated to my Brother Davison and Mr Jefferson; wee are all Sorrey you can nott gett home; In respect that itt cannott Tend In our Judgm[en]tes to our advantage; but seeinge you were Surprized and that itt cannot be helped; you might now doe as well as you cann; wee have here fine open weather; if the like w[i]th you; this will nott meete w[i]th you but if

Letter – Michael Blackett to Charles Banks – 23 Dec 1676

Mess[eu]rs Cha[rles] and Ja[mes]: Bankes Ditto [Newcastle 23 December 1676] Sirs My last to you was of the 5th present To w[hi]ch referes you Since have Rec[eive]d yo[u]rs of the p[ri]mo ditto thereby takes notice of yo[u]r draught upon mee for £100 but never mentions upon w[ha]t account; whether yo[u]rs (that is to say In refferance to yo[u]r Wooden Commodityes) or mine that is to say for w[ha]t Jno Strother hath drawne upon you (if upon the former Considderinge w[ha]t I pay

Letter – Michael Blackett to Walter Chaytor – 23 Dec 1676

Mr Walter Chaytor Ditto [Newcastle 23 December 1676] Sir I had formerly an abstract of an account Currant from you If you please to take the paynes as to Sett all thinges Streight; whatever shall be found dew unto you to answer yo[u]r expectation I will order Some to pay itt you and Soe I remayne Just as you please MB:

Letter – Michael Blackett to Humphrey Willett – 23 Dec 1676

Mess[eiu]rs Hum[phrey] Willett and Compa[ny] Ditto [Newcastle 23 December 1676] Sirs I have none of yo[u]rs to answer; Soe the less to Inlarge upon this serveing cheifely to give you notice that this day I have accepted a bill for £100 St[erlin]g dated the 11th present drawne upon mee; by M[esseiu]rs Charles and James Bankes of Hamburgh payable 2/us [usance] att yo[u]r house in London To Mr John Bankes or Order w[hi]ch I pray lett have dew hono[u]r and if Said bill be shewed you be

Letter – Michael Blackett to Charles Banks – 29 Dec 1676

Mess[eur]s Cha[rles]: and Ja[mes]: Bankes Newcastle xber [December]: the: 29th 1676 Sirs My last to you was of the 23th present to w[hi]ch referres you Since none from you soe the less to Inlarge upon this beinge cheifly to desire yo[u]r answer w[i]th all expediditon to w[ha]t is above Written; for I dayly expect John Strother here; w[i]th whome I cannott hansomly discourese the businesse before I know where the blame lies ~ I have nott yett Spoken w[i]th yo[u]r Wooden Cu

Letter – Michael Blackett to Humphrey Willett – 29 Dec 1676

Mess[eiu]rs Hum[phrey]: Willett and Compa[ny] Newcastle xber [December]: the 29th: 1676 Sirs I have before mee yo[u]rs of the 16: and 21 present the former of w[hi]ch requires little answer; In the latter takes notice of the Sale of my Leed att £10:10:= p[er] foodder and that the partey would have 120 p[iece]s more w[hi]ch shall (God willinge) and more (bee) by the very first conveniencey conveyed unto you And if you can agree w[i]th him for 3: 4: 5: or 600 p[iece]s more att t

Letter – Michael Blackett to Edward Blackett – 6 Jan 1677

Brother Ditto [Newcastle 6 January 1677] I have before mee yo[u]rs of the 30th past; yo[u]r order therein shall observe and place the cost thereof To yo[u]r account I can advise you of noe newes but that my Father Intends for London god willinge very shortly; the day of his setting out nott yett resolved upon but hee thinkes itt will bee on the 15th present hee comes In his coach for my Lady sayth shee will accompany him – the £200 of my Brother Davison t'is called In w[hi]ch

Letter – Michael Blackett to Charles Banks – 6 Jan 1677

Mess[eur]s Cha[rles] and James Bankes Ditto [Newcastle 6 January1677] Sirs My last to you was of the 29th past to w[hi]ch referrs you Since have Rec[eive]d yo[u]rs of the 19th ditto w[hi]ch requires little answer soe have the less to Inlarge upon I think to meete w[i]th the Customers about yo[u]r Wooden Commodities within 2 or 3/d[ays] you may be certaine I will doe for you as if it were my owne concerne and shall say noe more; but of w[ha]t passes you shall God willinge have a

Letter – Michael Blackett to Humphrey Willett – 6 Jan 1677

Mess[eur]s Hum[phrey]: Willett Newcastle Ja[nuary]: the: 6: 1676/7 Sirs I have before mee yo[u]rs of the 2d present; w[hi]ch requires noe further answer Then that you may Rely upon 2: 3 or 400 p[iec]es Leed p[er] first oppertunity I wish you and yo[u]r Lady a happie and prosperous new yeare w[i]th many more followinge ~ John Fawsett not yet answered; I wonder w[ha]t is become of him Pray send forward the Inclosed to yo[u]r brother In doeing of w[hi]ch you will oblige

Letter – Michael Blackett to Edward Willett – 6 Jan 1677

Mr Edward Willett Ditto [Newcastle 6 January 1677] Sir I have before mee yo[u]rs of the 29th past the contents have noted hereby you have an Order accordinge to yo[u]r desire w[hi]ch pray see To gett effected as offten as you can possibly Mr Ed[ward]: Willett when you meet w[i]th a conveniencey of a Vessell cominge to this place either from Rouen or Newhaven that returnes to either of S[ai]d places; pray by every such conveniencey (untill you Receive a contradictory Orde

Letter – Michael Blackett to Henry Maister – 6 Jan 1677

Mr Hen[ry] Maisters Ditto [Newcastle 6 January 1677] Sir I have beene for a while keepinge my Christmas In the Countrey att my Returne doe meet w[i]th yo[u]rs of the 9th past; the contents have well observed if yo[u]r Socke Moulds and Coulter Mouldes bee both In one barr they are of a Sort that I never Saw in all my life and Such never come to this Towne that I can heare of however pray send mee for a Tryall Two Tonn; one Tonn pann Plates as formerly desired I meane as nigh as yo

Letter – Michael Blackett to Joshua Pannell – 12 Jan 1677

Mr Jos: Pannell Newcastle Ja[nuary]: the: 12: 1676/7 Sir My last to you was of the 23th past To w[hi]ch referres you Since none from you Soe the less to Inlarge upon this beinge cheifely to desire you to Inquire after one Robert Sutton a Sea Man who formerly dwell att Sheilds And as I am Informed is att present In yo[u]r place if you meete w[i]th him pray demand In the behalfe of my Uncle Matthew: Kirkley upon a bond £5:= and lett mee know his answer here under you will have a letter

Letter – Michael Blackett to Charles Banks – 12 Jan 1677

M[esseu]rs Cha[rles]: and Ja[mes]: Bankes Newcastle Jan[uary]: the 12: 1676/7 Sirs The above is Coppy of my last to w[hi]ch Referrs you my last to you was of the 6th ditto your answer unto the same I doe not question but is dispatched ere this if not pray let it be done with all expedition I have att last mett w[i]th my Customers, with whome I have had soe much discurse, if I find neither there old store to be nigh gone, nor they att all willing to buy more, Especially

Letter – Michael Blackett to Humphrey Willett – 12 Jan 1677

M[esseu]rs Hum[phrey] Willett and Compa[ny] Ditto [Newcastle 12 January 1677] Sirs My present my Ma[ster] beinge very busie comandee mee to inclose and send you this bill for one hundred pounds St[erlin]g when dew prayes you to p[ro]cure the needfull I thinke hee has Shipped you 300 p[iece]s Leed; of both w[hi]ch you may by next Post expect more att large; noe more att present but that I am P:L: Servant to MB: Esq[uire]

Letter – Michael Blackett to Humphrey Willett – 13 Jan 1677

M[esseu]rs Hum[phrey] Willett and Compa[ny] Newcastle Ja[nuary] the 13th 1676/7 Sirs I had nott time to write you last Poast but Ordered my Man to send you a bill for £100 w[hi]ch I find hee p[er]formed accordingly of the same pray procure acceptance and payment In dew time ~ I have this day past upon you a bill for £400 payable 12/d[ays] sight to the Right Honorable Katherine Lady Gray Dowager of Warke; or Order vallew of Mr W[illia]m Browne; tis now late and I have

Letter – Michael Blackett to Robert Jackson – 13 Jan 1677

Mr Robert Jackson Newcastle January 13: 1676/7 If you receive this letter tomorrow night, (as I have taken as good fare as I Can that you shall) that soe by monday by Cuth[bert] fouler [Fowler] you may send mee a bill of your owne or procure me of any other in this place for £100 or £300, you will doe mee a kindness if you will doe itt, though they bee att 20/d[ays] date you doe pretend a great deale of kindnesse soe pray excuse my boldness if I desire you to speake to Mr Cooke and Mr

Letter – Michael Blackett to Matthew Lamb – 13 Jan 1677

Mr M[atthew] Lambe Newcastle January 13: 1676/7 In the first place Inclosed is a letter w[hi]ch I must of necessity have att Stoc[k]ton tomorrow night that soe upon monday morning by Cuth[bert] fowler I may Receive answer there unto, w[hi]ch will be here Tuesday morning before post goe away, I durst not venter [venture] to trust C:f [Cuthbert Fowler] with itt for feare off a neglect, upon Receipt immediately send away the foot post or some other with itt the charge I will repay you att m

Letter – Michael Blackett to George Moorecroft – 16 Jan 1677

Mr Geo[rge]: Moorecroft Newcastle Ja[nuary]: the: 16th 1676/7 Sir I writt to you about eight dayes agoe w[hi]ch I am confid[ent] you Received In dew time; Soe that I very much wonder I have nott had a line In answer there unto this is therefore to putt you In minde of the contents thereof and to desire you care in every p[ar]ticular but esp[e]cially on account how you p[ro]ceed in the latter clause of my last letter; relatinge to the businesse you know of, certainly Penn and Ink is not

Letter – Michael Blackett to Humphrey Willett – 16 Jan 1677

M[esseu]rs Hum[phrey] Willett and Compa[ny] Newcastle Ja[nuary]: the: 16th 1676/7 Sirs My last to you was of the 13th present to w[hi]ch referrs you Since none from you Soe the less to Inlarge upon this serveinge cheifly to advise you that this day I have drawne upon you a bill for £13 payable 10/d[ays] Sight to Mr Samuell Simmons or Order vallew [value] of Thomas Riddall Esq[ui]re Inclosed you have two bills for £200; when dew I pray procure the needfull w[hi]ch is

Letter – Michael Blackett to Humphrey Willett – 20 Jan 1677

M[esseu]rs Hum[phrey] Willett and Compa[ny] Newcastle Ja[nuary]: the: 20th 1676/7 Sirs In the first place Fausett and Wigganer are arrived so that I have Rec[eive]d both the Cheese and the Craddle for w[hi]ch I give you many thankes but especially for the former ~ pray take notice that this day I have vallued upon you a bill for £80 payable 6/d[ays] Sight To Mr Rob[er]t Bloome or Order vallew [value] of Mr Samuell Ellison which lett bee complyed w[i]thall towards disc

Letter – Michael Blackett to Matthew Lamb – 20 Jan 1677

Newcastle Ja[nuary]: the: 20th: 1676/7 Writt to Mr Mat[t]hew Lamb and Mr Geo[rge]: Moorecroft etc. MB:

Letter – Michael Blackett to Humphrey Willett – 23 Jan 1677

M[esseu]rs Hum[phrey] Willett and Compa[ny] Newcastle Janu[ary]: the: 23d 1676/7 Sirs I have before mee yours of the 18 present for your great kindness therein, doe give you many thankes, but a free horse ought not to bee too much spurd, I doe assure you I will never Charge any thing upon you, when not In Cash but when brave advance offers, and then I will presume, and if I Cannot, Reeinburse you In time, as some times it doth fall out, I will allow you Consideration

Letter – Michael Blackett to William Blackett – 26 Jan 1677

Newcastle Ja[nuary]: the: 26th 1676/7 Writt To S[ir] W[illia]m Blackett To Mr Lamb and To Mr Buckle
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467