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Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 19 Nov 1780

Mr Mulcaster.                           Farnacres 19 Novr 1780 The Silver is come safe to hand and weighs exactly 750 1/2 Ounces. I am Sorry you are prevented getting the School House covered in this Season and desire you'll take care to get the Walls covered with Turf to prevent their being injured by the Frost. It will give us pleasure to hear that you get Coals to answer for the Reducing and I shall be glad to hear how you get on.  Mr Blackett

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 24 Nov 1780

Mr Mulcaster.                         Farnacres 24th Novr 1780 As we shall make a Pay when you are ready with the Lead Ore Carriers Accounts I desire youll let me have the Ore Carriers Bill as soon as convenient.   I don't wish to hurry you as it may possibly be some little time before it is convenient to make the Pay and I rather think that likely. Yours of the 20th & 21st are both reced and I am glad the Quantity of Ore has proved so well and so nea

Letter – Cuthbert Peart to Richard Wray – 24 Nov 1780

Mr Richd Wray Newcas 24th Novemr 1780 Hexham Sir I send you herewith inclosed Three Bank Notes amounting to Fifteen Pounds which with 12s.0d to be given you by the Hexham Post is in full for Candles delivered to Wolfcleugh Mines to 30th Septr last. I am etc CP

Letter – Cuthbert Peart to John Turner – 25 Nov 1780

Mr. Turner at Wallington Newcastle 25th Nov[embe]r 1780 D[ea]r Sir I have received the Twenty Pounds of John Hart & inclosed you have three Bank Notes value £15.0s.0d which with £1.13.4d Cash & a Receipt for £3.6s.8d. for a Years < Vi… > Rent for Wallington is the full amount of It. I am etc CP

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 3 Dec 1780

Mr Mulcaster.                     Farnacres 3d Decemr 1780 Yours of the 25th 27th and 28th are all received together with the Account of Ore reced this year and Pay Bill for the same. Yesterday Mr Walton saw Mr Blackett who will speak to Mr Hunter in a few days about the Reducing Business, after which we will endeavour to fix everything with him relative to that matter. We must approve of what you propose to the little Bingsteads as conveniences to the W

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Holmes – 6 Dec 1780

To Mr Jno Holmes                                     Farnacres 6 Decr 1780 Dear Sir Yesterday's Post brought us your favor of the 2d by which we are much obliged and thank you for the trouble you have taken in getting the accompanyments for the Copying Machine. We have this day drawn upon you for £197.14.8 being the balance of acct as below. Miss Smeaton is very well and desires her love.   We are very much concerned to hear of the Forgery

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 6 Dec 1780

Mr Mulcaster.     Farnacres 6th Decemr 1780 We have received yours of the 1st inst with the Operations which we doubt not are now right.   We are clearly of Opinion that you have detected the Error as to Blagill Ore delivery so clearly that Company ought to admit your Account of last year and also make up the deficiency of the 2Cwt and we will look sharp to that when the Ore Accounts of this Year are settled.  We have no wish to have the Thortergill Syke Ore Tails washed sepa

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Plumb & Brown – 9 Dec 1780

Messrs Plumb & Browne Newcas 9th Decemr 1780 Foster Lane London Gentn I have this day sent you by Francis Ridley the London Carrier a piece of fine Silver containing Seven Hundred & fifty Eight Ounces & an half which I desire you will place to Accot with Sir Thomas Blackett Barot as usual at the Markett Price & advise me on your Receipt of It.

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Holmes – 18 Dec 1780

Mr Holmes. Farnacres 18th Decer 1780 Dear Sir Last Saturday we delivered a Box to the London Carrier containing 918 1/2 Ounces of Silver Bullion which hope you will receive safe. The several articles for Copying are come to hand. We are Dear Sir Your most Humble Servants Walton & Turner

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Messrs Child – 19 Dec 1780

Messrs Child & Co Bankers Newcastle 19th Decr 1780 London Gentn Inclosed you will receive a Bill drawn by Messrs Bell Cookson & Co on Castell & Co dated 5th Decemr at 30 days for One Hundred Pounds. You will please to give Dr Blacketts accot of Plymouth Credit for this Sum advising him & me of the Receipt of the Bill.

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Edward Blackett – 19 Dec 1780

The Revd Dr Blackett Newcastle 19th Decemr 1780 Plymouth Dr Sir I this day remitted a Bill to Robert Child Esqr & Co for £100 which will be due the 7th Janry & desired them to place it to your Account. You did not send me a Receipt for the last Years Interest so have inclosed two Receipts which you will please to sign & return me in the inclosed Cover. I am etc JE Blackett

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Thomas Blackett – 23 Dec 1780

Sir Thomas Blackett Barot Newcas 23d Decemr 1780 Godfrey Bosvilles at Thorpe near Bridlington Yorkshire Dear Sir I observe you have had more Demands upon you lately than you expected. I have got a Bill on London for Two Thousand Pounds that will be due the 28th January to satisfy the Demand made by Doctor Walker. Please to let me know what further Sum you would have remitted to you & whether I shall send the two Bill

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Thomas Wall – 24 Dec 1780

Mr Thomas Wall Temple Newcas 24th Decem[be]r 1780 London Sir You have inclosed a Bill drawn by Messrs. Bell Cookson & Co on Castell & Co dated 25th instant at a Months date for Two Hundred Pounds This Sum is to make the quarterly Payments on Sir John Trevelyans account from 31st Decem[be]r next to 31st March 1781 You will please to send me your Receipt as usual. & am etc J E B.

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 26 Dec 1780

Farnacres 26th Decemr 1780 Mr Mulcaster Yours of the 19th & 20th came duly to hand and we are glad to hear you got well home and have finished the Pay. You say you hope all is right. We hope you have no reason to think any Mistake has been made. The Cash you have received we shall immediately place to the Accounts of the Persons from whom you received it Viz £8 to John Elliot's Account and £44 to Ann Brown's and

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 28 Dec 1780

Mr Mulcaster. Farnacres 28 Decemr 1780 We have received your Letters of the 24th & 25th and observe their Contents. Having fully considered the matter as to Thomas Temperley's House and the accommodating him with Ground near Stublick and not being quite clear that we can get his House at the Colliery ready in time for him to go there against May Day we desire you will tell him that you have reced our direction to acquaint him that tho'

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 29 Dec 1780

Mr Mulcaster Farnacres 29th Decemr 1780 We have reced your two Letters and thank you for the attention you have shown to the busyness about the House at Stublick. We are clearly of opinion that it will be right to have a House same size as yours with a Byre & Stable at the Parlour End as you describe and a Toofall for a Dairey & we will send a plan for Messrs Watson & Howdon to make a Computation by but in the mean time t

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 5 Jan 1781

Mr Mulcaster Farnacres 5 Janury 1780 shd have been - 1781 We have reced your Letters of the 28th Ulto & in answer thereto send this to acquaint you that we are much obliged by your care of the Trees. We have received the Recet for £50-8. Whenever convenient to you we shall be glad to receive the Account of the Materials. The directions for the Estimate are right we have not the least doubt of, and we shall be glad to receive also an Estimate for the new one as so

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Holmes – 6 Jan 1781

Mr John Holmes. Farnacres 6th January 1781 Dear Sir Your Letter of the 30th was duly reced and we have this day drawn upon you for £271.14.6 being the amount of 918 1/2 Ounces of Bullion at 5s/11 P Ounce and we are sorry to find the Trade is in so bad a state. The particulars of the Bills you have etc. We are Dear Sir Your most Humble Servts Walton & Turner PS We join in wishing you and yours many happy Years.

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Plumb & Brown – 6 Jan 1781

Messrs Plumb & Browne Newcas 6th Janry 1781 Foster Lane London Gentn I sent you Yesterday by Frans Ridley the London Carrier a piece of fine Silver containing Eleven Hundred & Eighty seven Ounces & an half which I desire you will place to Account with Sir Thomas Blackett Barot as usual at the Markett Price & advise me on your Receipt of It.

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 7 Jan 1781

Mr Mulcaster Farnacres 8 January 1781 Yours with the Operation and Annual Accts of Materials is come to Hand. As we recollect Dunwoodies complaint is a Rupture if so he certainly may be much relieved by going to the Infirmary at Newcastle do ask him & let him know we will get him recommended if he chooses to go to the Infirmary no operation or cutting of any kind will be necessary but more of an application which will relieve him if his car

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Thomas Temperley – 7 Jan 1781

Mr T Temperley Farnacres 8 January 1781 As we want to have some conversation with You about the Winning to serve before the Levell is got up we desire to see you here on Monday next in the Morning at Ten o Clock. Yours with the Acct of Materials is come to hand. You must immediately apply to Mr Thornton for Wood. If any can be had from Lees Cleugh it will come most convenient; if not it must be got at Brokenheugh Cleugh.

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Thomas Temperley – 8 Jan 1781

Mr Thos Temperley Farnacres 8th January 1781 Thomas. As we think it will be proper to allow the Workmen Boots for Stublick Colliery Levell we desire youll order them immediately, but must desire further that you'll give them strict orders to take great care of them. We are Yours etc W & T

Bill – John Erasmus Blackett – 8 Jan 1781

£500.-.- Newcastle Bank 8th Janry 1781 One Month after date Pay to the order of John Erasmus Blackett Esqr Five Hundred Pounds Value received For Bell Cookson Carr Widdrington & Self To Messrs Castell Whately Jos Saint & Powell London Pay the Contents to Sir Thomas

Letter – Nicholas Walton – 15 Jan 1781

Messrs Walton and Turner desire to see Messrs Surtees Rewcastle and Snowball on Tuesday the 23d in the Morning when they expect to contract with them for Building a House, Byre & Stable wth a Toofall for which they received an Estimate yesterday. Farnacres 15 January 1781

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Thomas Temperley – 15 Jan 1781

1781 January 15. Directions to Thomas Temperley as to the preparing Stublick Colliery for working Coals against Mayday 1781 To make Tryal of the Stone Coal to supply the demand and this to be done as soon as possible and great care must be taken when the openings are made into the Waste lest the foul Air should Hurt the Workmen. To endeavour to supply Langley Mill at Mayday with Coals from the Yard Coal Seam without being at the expence of making the winning of 30 yards of
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467