J.E.Blackett Esqr. Newcastle Dukesf[iel]d 29th May 1781
I thought it was proper to acquaint you that there’s a great Clamour made on account of the Pays w[hi]ch increase daily, and I realy doubt if there’s not a stop put to it by fixing them, that Sir Tho[ma]s Blackett’s Lead Works will be greatly retarded and prejudiced; I’m convinced that if the Carriers could get other work that the greatest part of them would leave us even now and that next Y[ea]r we should only get t
Mssrs Peter & Ja Mulcaster. Farnacres 30th May 1781
We have reced Yours of the 28th May inclosing the Account of Lead delivered from Langley Lead Mill. You are desired to include the Bills for Iron etc when you send the Pay Bill and as we find that John Elliot, Francis Carr, and Francis Robinson were short pd 4/s for Weighing Refined Lead the 29 June 1780, you must put in 24 fothers extraordinary in the Pay Bill you are now making out. We think it right that the
Mr Jno Holmes. Farnacres 2d June 1781
Dear Sir
Inclosed you have a Letter for Mr Smeaton which I desire youll be so good as deliver to him in case he is yet in London and if returned Home be pleased to send it to him in the inclosed Frank.
This days Carrier brings you a Box containing 782 Ounces of fine Silver. I am for Mr Turner & Self.
Dr Sir Your etc
NW Junr
Thomas Temperley. Farnacres 5 June 1781
We have reced yours of this day wth the inclosed Accounts wch we shall examine the first Opportunity, And with regard to James Johnsons Bill, think it necessary you should write to Thos Snowball & Ptners to know the real Quantity of what Wood was brought for Stublick House; we wish you at all times only to call it Stublick House but that the Colliery should be called Stublick Colliery neither High nor Low. T
Sir Thomas Blackett Barot Newcastle 9th June 1781
Bretton near Wakefield Yorkshire
Dear Sir
I received your Favour of the 3d instant & observe that you are arrived at Bretton & that Mr & Mrs Bosville & Miss Wentworths are staying with you. Your Lead Stewards were down here last Month, there was little Alteration in the Mines. Weardale was rather improving. The War obliges me to give longer Credit so shall
Mssrs Peter and James Mulcaster Farnacres 10 June 1781
We have got within 486 pieces of the quantity of Lead sent from the Mill and cannot get the rest from Newburn till the Flood will let them get to it as it is now covered with Water.
We must desire that the people who are to be at the Pays will come very early in the Morning, and do you both and Mr Temperley come to Hexham on the Sunday Evening with all the Books a
Daniel Alder Esqr at Adderstone Newcas 12th June 1781
near Belford North
I am inform’d by Sir Thomas Blacketts Agent in Weardale that you proposed making the Partnership Pay the 20th instant.
I think it necessary to acquaint you that I shall not advance any Money for that Purpose on Sir Thomas Blacketts Account untill his Demand & the Executors of the late Sir Wr Blacketts Demand on the Estate & Effect
J.E.Blackett Esqr. Newcastle Dukesf[iel]d 24th June 1781
I find by my Broth[e]r that there’s to be a meeting of the Trustees of the Toll
Road at Corbridge on Wednesday next to Confer w[i]th the Lead Owners & less on the Toll upon Lime & Coals – have measured what S[i]r Tho[ma]s B[lackett]’s Lead can go upon the Branch at the Lead Hall (to go by Apperley Lane) to 42 Y[ar]ds above a Q[uarte]r of a Mile, f[ro]m Stella- Path to the Yard at Blaydon (& Mr Mulcaster i
J.E.Blackett Esqr. Newcastle Dukesf[iel]d 28th June 1781
I attended the Turnpike meeting at Corbridge yesterday, the Lead Co[mpany] & Mr W. Errington’s people agreed w[i]th the Trustees at 2d p[er] Fother between Lady day & Mart[inma]s and at full Toll the other part of the Y[ea]r. I offered to comp[oun]d for Sir
Thos B’s Lead by the Y[ea]r they asked 35£ but did not choose to treat by by the Fother as they had don so with the other proprietors of Lead - there was a
Mr Holmes. Farnacres 28th June 1781
Dear Sir
We have reced yours of the 16th inst and this day have drawn upon you for £215-10d being the amount of 782 Ounces of fine Silver at 6s/-3/4d P Ounce after deducting £22 which you are desired to pay Richd Probert who will call upon you on Monday or Tuesday
We are exceedingly concerned on Account of the unfortunate accident to the Hinchenbrook and the great loss Captain Maxwell must have sustained
Farnacres near Gateshead
Mr Probert. 28 June 1781
We have this day wrote to Mr Holmes desiring he will be so obliging as Pay you for the 50 Casks of Bone Ashes sent on Board the Peggy Captain Michelmas the 2d inst. We have acquainted Mr Holmes you will call upon him which you are desired to do on Monday or Tuesday. We are
Your Humble Servants
Walton & Turner
Mssrs Peter & James Mulcaster. Farnacres 29 June 1781
We have had an application for 25 Tons of Grey Slag for the new undertaking at Bell's Close which we have promised to let them have by way of Tryal and they will after the Tryal make us an offer. You are therefore desired to acquaint us in what time we could let them have 25 Tons without laying off our Slag Hearth Men and also what it will cost P Ton for carriage of the Slags from Langley Mill to Bell
Sir Thomas Blackett Barot Newcas 29th June 1781
Bretton Yorkshire
Dear Sir
Inclosed you will receive a Bill drawn by Messrs Bell Cookson & Co on Castell & Co of this date payable at 20d date for Five Hundred Pounds, the Receipt of which you will please to acknowledge.
I have lately sold about 5000 ps Lead, the Common at £14.17s.6d the refined at £15.2s.6d p Fother. I now ask £15.5s.0d for Refined.
Farnacres 30th June 1781
Dear Sir
I send this to acquaint you that this day we have sent you by the London Carrier a Box containing 683 1/2 Ounces of Bullion.
We are Dear Sir Your Humble Servants
Walton & Turner
Mr Holmes
Mr Thomas Wall Paper Buildings Newcas 30th June 1781
Temple London
Sir Inclosed herewith you will receive Messrs. Bell & Cos Bill on Messrs. Castell & Co for Two Hundred Pounds at Twenty five Days to make the Quarterly Payments on Sir John Trevelyans Account from 30th June to 30th Sept. next which Bill you will please to advise me on your Receipt of I am etc J E B.
£200 . 0 . 0
J.E.Blackett Esqr. Newcastle Dukesf[iel]d 5th July 1781
Herewith You’ll receive a Plate of Silver weighing 921 Ounces – Mr Salkeld’s illness prevent me sending the Acc[oun]ts of the Lead wrought but as he’s a good deal better to day, hope he’ll be able to get to the Mill in a day or two’s time so shall bring You that
Acco[un]t and the Month Acco[un]ts against the 9th when I shall be obliged to trouble you for Fifty Pound, as I have some small payments to make in this
To Messrs Plumb & Browne Newcas 7th July 1781
Foster Lane London
I have this day sent you by Robert Cave the London Carrier a Piece of fine Silver containing Nine Hundred & Twenty six Ounces which I desire you will place to account with Sir Thomas Blackett Barot as usual at the Markett Price & advise me on your Receipt of It.
Mr Wm Hollier. Farnacres 8 July 1781.
On Enquiry we find the carriage of Slags to Bells Close will be 15/- or at the lowest 14s/6d P Ton. If after the Tryal you make, we can agree for such Quantity as we can annually spare you, we shall consider the Quantity which we send for the Tryal as a part, but in case your Prices do not agree after the Tryal, we must set such a price upon such Quantity as you get as not to lose by letting you have them.
Thomas Temperley. Farnacres 13 July 1781
We have reced your of the 5th instant and certainly approve of you employing such persons as you think most likely to be serviceable to Greenwich Hospital in carrying forward the Works under your care and would by no means have that left to a Lottery.
We approve of your employing an additional Man at the Colliery but are not quite clear you acted properly when you applied to William Walker who was at
Farnacres 13 July 1781
Mssrs Peter and James Mulcaster
We have reced yours of the 9th and 11th inst together with the Lime and Colliery Accounts which with those delivered by Mr Peter Mulcaster when here we expect takes in the whole from the Beginning not having yet had time to examine them. We observe what you say respecting the Business as to the Grey Slags and are obliged by your particular Attention to the Matter, but you
Dear Sir Farnacres 17 July 1781
I desire you will send by James Johnson on Friday 30 of your best & cleaned 1 1/2 Inch Deals to be directed to Mssrs Mulcaster at Langley Lead Mill and to be charged to the Commissioners and Governors of Greenwich Hospital for Langley Lead Mill. Send a Bill of Parcels wth them. I am
Your Humble Servant
Nich Walton Junr
Mr Thomas Harvey Junr
Mssrs Peter & James Mulcaster. Farnacres 17 July 1781
We have reced your Letter of the 14th and approve of what you have done and propose as to the Slags and particularly that you shd try the difference of produce in weight of Slags from different kinds of Ore. We have ordered you 30 Deals. We are
Your Humble Servants
Walton & Turner
Dear Sir. Farnacres 26 July 1781
I desire you will send by James Johnson Hexham Carrier on Monday first
10 Barrs Square Iron rather better than 1 1/8Ins but not 1 1/4 Ins
3 Barrs Smallest Square Iron
3 Barrs Smallest Flat Iron
1 Bundle of Nail Rods
For Langley Lead Mill & to be directed to Messrs Mulcaster
1 Bundle of Nail Rods
For Stublick Colliery & to be directed to Mr Thos Temperley
Be so good as sen
Mr John Holmes. Farnacres 26th July 1781
Dear Sir
I reced your Letter of the 14th inst just when I was setting out upon a Journey into Northumberland and therefore now take the first convenient opportunity of writing you in answer thereto. I have this day drawn upon you for £181-11 payable 30 days after date being for Balance of Account as below, and am much obliged to you for the trouble you have had in paying Mr Probert and getting & paying for th
Mr Thomas Maughan at Newhouse Newcas 26th July 1781
in Weardale
Inclosed you will receive An Abstract of Lord Carlisles Admittances to his Estate near Stanhope which, from the Description, may enable you to say whether his Lordship is working the Leadmines in the freehold or Copyhold part of the Estate or in the Waste or some Encroachment or Inclosure taken from It. Mr Bell & you will correspond about this Business.