Mssrs Peter & James Mulcaster. Farnacres 27th July 1781
We have reced yours of the 19th & 26th inst and have ordered the Iron to come by James Johnson who will also bring the Nails Rods for the Mill & Stublick Colliery.
What you mention with regard to the Slags is duly observed as also what relates to the Reducing & shall be glad to know how the Tryals of both turn out. We think that after all the Furnace will be found the best way & we rat
Thomas Temperley Farnacres 28th July 1781
We have received your Letter of the 19th inst and approve of your going on in working, with the present Men till you see whether the demand after Hay Harvest will answer or not and we also approve of your lowering the Price of Cynders to 9d P Sack for the reasons you have given & desire you will acquaint the Agent at the Cupola immediate & make it as publick as you can only don't call it a
Robt Child Esqr & Co Bankers Newcastle 28th July 1781
Inclosed you will receive Messrs Bell Cookson & Cos Bill on Messrs Castell & Co for One Hundred & fifty seven Pounds ten Shillings at 25d dated 27th instant; being half a Yrs Composition for the Tythe Ore of Weardale Leadmines due to My Lord Bishop of Lincoln the 15th of next Month. You will please to Advise on your Receipt of this Bill &
Mr John Holmes Farnacres 30th July 1781
Dear Sir
By the Carrier who set out from N.Castle on Saturday we sent you a Box containing 756 Ounces of Silver Bullion.
We are etc
Walton & Turner
Thomas Temperley Farnacres 31 July 1781
We have reced your Letter of the 29th & think it will not be worth while to try the Seam of Coal you have met with as it is so thin as 8 Inches.
Mr Bell certainly ought to fill up the Old Pits. Glad to hear all goes well on at the Collry.
When you write again upon half a Sheet let it be inclosed in a Blank Half Sheet & in the making out of your Colliery Accounts for
Messrs Peter and James Mulcaster. Farnacres 3d August 1781
On looking over the last Operation for the Ore of 1780 we find that you gave set down 1000 pieces of Refineable Lead less than had been refined and had reckoned the Refined Lead produced in that Operation to be 1Cwt pieces instead of 1 1/2 Cwts which errors we gave rectified and desire you will set the Originals in your hands right.
By James Johnson we send your Books of Operations and two of your Books
To Messrs Plumb & Browne Foster Lane Newcas 7th Augst 1781
I sent you on Saturday last by Robt Cave the London Carrier a piece of fine Silver containing Nine Hundred & Forty Ounces which I desire you will place to account with Sir Thomas Blackett Barot as usual at the Markett Price & advise me on your Receipt of It.
I am etc JE
Messrs Peter and James Mulcaster. Farnacres 16th August 1781
We have reced your Letter of the 13th and as it is probable we shall be with you on the 9th of next Month desire youll have every thing as farr forward as you can against that time as to the Walls Cynder House and Road & with regard to the latter we wish you not in the least to leave any part uncovered for our View as we shall be perfectly satisfied if you are. We did not forget that part of the Wood had b
To Messrs Plumb & Browne Newcas 22th Augst 1781
Foster Lane
I Yesterday drew a Bill on you at Twenty Days date payable to the order of Messrs Bell Cookson & Co for One Thousand Pounds which I doubt not will be duly honoured & you will be pleased to place it to the account of Sir Thomas Blackett Barot. We make a Lead Mine Pay in a few Days which is the reason of my drawing on
Messrs Peter & James Mulcaster Farnacres 24th Augt 1781
Your Letters of the 17th, 20th & 23rd are now before us. What you propose with respect to the Road is very proper and we must do ourselves what is necessary after we have got as much as we can from the Lead Carriers & dont let us wait too long for their work as we agree with you no great amount is to be laid to it. The new Rooms must be built this Season; and therefore
Mr Richd Wray Hexham Newcas 24th Augst 1781
Inclosed you will receive Bank Notes to the Amount of £45 which with £1.16s.0d in Cash is in full for Candles delivered to Wolfcleugh to 30th June last. I should be glad to know that you receive this Money safe & am etc CP
Mr John Holmes. Farnacres 26th August 1781
Dear Sir
We duly reced your Letter of the 14th inclosing two Tickets in the present State Lottery Nos 29.133 & 4.115 and have this day drawn upon you payble 40 days after date for Balance as below & return you our best thanks for the trouble you have taken for us.
This day Sennt Mr Walton had the pleasure of a <.op> visit at Austhorpe & had the satisfaction to find all well including the Fami
Messrs Peter & James Mulcaster. Farnacres 29 August 1781
We have reced your Letters of the 24th & 25th inst and are glad to see yr produce in the Reducing better than it has been. The Silver is arrived but we do not yet know its weight. We approve of your postponing the Repair of the Reducing Furnace and of the agreement you have made with Thomas Trench & are glad to hear the Garden wall is finished & that Stones are laid towards building your Sta
Thomas Temperley. Farnacres 29th August 1781
We are glad to hear you still continue to get water tho' it is rather hard in the work at Stublick Colliery Levell; as we are also that you have got into the new Pit at Stublick Colliery & have plenty of breadth of good Coal and we approve of your having set off Walker for the reason you have given. We must not desert selling for ready Money. We approve of what you have done & propose with respect
Mr John Holmes. Farnacres 4th Septemr 1781.
Dear Sir
By last Saturdays Waggon we sent you a Box containing 701 Ounces of fine Silver and are
Dear Sir Your most Hble Servants
Walton & Turner
NB The above Bill was given to Sir Thos Blackett Barot the 5th Septr 1781 for his own private use
£500.-.- Newcastle Bank 4th Septemr 1781
One Month after Date Pay to the order of John Erasmus
Blackett Esqr Five Hundred Pounds Value received
For Bell Cookson Carr Widdrington & Self
To Messrs Castell Whately & Po
J.E.Blackett Esqr. Newcastle Dukesf[iel]d 6th Septr1781
Inclosed have sent the acco[un]ts for the last plate – the wet weather has prevented sending any Lead since you was here the Flood Tuesday week wracked up the Races of this Mill & Refinery and took away the Dam at Rookhope Mill – we got this mil and Refinery to work again on Tuesday but last nights Flood stoped the Refinery again tho’ I hope a day will remove what’s washed in to the Tail Race. have got Rookhope t
[A small plan entered at this point is available in the PDF of this letter transcript]
Messrs Mulcaster. Farnacres 20th Septemr 1781
Above you have a Sketch showing how the small pieces of Ground now in Common is to be divided. The Fence dotted is to be taken down. In the first place the Lane of Watering place is to be done and the size of it must be 10 yards broad and the length 40 yards measured along the South East Fence of your Field in which y
Mr John Holmes. Farnacres 22d Septemr 1781
We duly received your Letter of the 15th and have this day drawn upon you for £216.17.5 being the amount of 701 Ounces of Bullion at 6s/2 1/4d P Ounce, the highest price we have ever drawn at. The Bill we have made payable 40 days after date. We are
Sir Your most Humble Servts
Walton & Turner
£216.17.5. Farnacres 22d Septemr 1781
Forty days after date Pay
Sir Thos Blackett Bt Bretton Newcas 25th Septr 1781
near Wakefield Yorkshire
Dear Sir
Mr Chrisr Blackett called on me a few Days since & acquainted me that he had some Conversation with you on the Lead Trade. that you had consented to sell him Lead & likewise to recommend him to Messrs Lancaster & Co as a proper person to purchase Lead for them; As to the first I shall certainly sell your Lead to whoe
Mr Thomas Wall Temple Newcas 25th Sept. 1781
Sir Inclosed you will receive a Bill drawn by Messrs. Bell Cookson & Co on Castell & Co dated 22nd instant at a Months date for £350 which is to make good the Quarterly Payments on Sir John Trevelyans account from 30th Septem. to 31st Decem. next & for which you will please to send me your Receipt as usual. I am etc J E B.
To Mr Hollier. Farnacres 29th Septemr 1781
As we have compleated our Experiments to enable us to form a Judgement of the Value of our Grey Slags P Ton, we shall be glad to see you here on Thursday Morning to talk over that Business, and afterwards Mr Walton will be happy to have the pleasure of your Company at Dinner. Hope it will be convenient for you to settle for the 20 Tons at the same time. We are
Sir Your most Hble Servts
Walton &
Mssrs Mulcaster. Farnacres 5th October 1781
On Monday Evening Mr Farrer will be with you at Langley Mill on his way to Alston on Thursday I shall be with you in the Evening and stay the three following days. Mr Farrer will return from Alston on Thursday and John Wren with him who will leave Langley Mill the day following but Mr Farrer will stay as long as I do.
If you can I desire you will make two Assays from the Lead which was smelted from t
Mr John Holmes. Farnacres 7th Octor 1781
Dear Sir
This days Carrier from Newcastle will bring you a Box containing 798 1/2 Ounces of Silver Bullion which we doubt not you will receive safe.
We are Dear Sir Your most Hble Servts
Walton & Turner
<Ss Ls>
Stock of Lead in the Warehouse 16th June 1781 1267 1879
Delivered Since from Langley Mill
1781 June 30 - Operation ending then 24 1004
July 28. Do 920
Augt 25. Do 36 1021
Septem 29. Do 14 992
Total 1341 5834
Lead Sold Viz.