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Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 2 Nov 1781

Messrs Mulcaster Farnacres 2nd Novr 1781 We have reced your Letter of the 31st Ulto with the Operation, are obliged by yr acquainting T Temperley as to Numbering the Acct and particularly glad to find that the calculations of 3000 will be exceeded. It is certain that none of the Slag Lead that was produced from the first Tryal is refineable by a great deal and therefore if you can pick it out I desire youll do so and let it be melted

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Mr Lawton – 2 Nov 1781

Mr Lawton. Farnacres 2nd Novr 1781. Sir As we find it will not by any means suit us to part with the Lead Warehouse we give you the trouble of this to acquaint you that we shall certainly keep it to the end of the Lease. Sir Your Humble Servts Walton & Turner

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Thomas Temperley – 2 Nov 1781

Thomas Temperley Farnacres 2nd Novemr 1781 I am very well pleased to hear that your Cement is likely to turn out to Mich Lumleys liking, and hope it will prove very good. We shall not grudge the Expence if all turns out well and we flatter ourselves this Oven will fully repay Greenwich Hospital and with good Interest. I am glad you have got all the Iron work & we are also glad to hear the Trade is so good at Stublick Colliery. I

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 9 Nov 1781

Messrs Mulcaster Farnacres 9th Novemr 1781 Having looked over and recomputed the several articles so as to see how the price of Lead and Silver as they now are will affect the produce of Refining 37Foddr 8Cwt 2 Qrs 14 Lb which is only one pound more than the Tryal was made upon, of Mr Wilkinson of Cos Lead I find that the Loss by Refining supposing 5 Ounces P Fodder of Silver to be produced from each Fodder will be 2s/3 3/4d for the whol

Letter – Cuthbert Peart to Isaac Hunter – 9 Nov 1781

Newcastle 9th Novemr 1781 Wrote Mr Isaac Hunter that a Piece of Silver was safe received containing 1017 Ounces CP

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 10 Nov 1781

Messrs Mulcaster Farnacres 10 Novemr 1781 I now inclose you the remaining calculations as to Refining - The way I make out the Table No 3 is as follows. Produce of No 1 Lead Silver and Savings £633.18. 9 2 Do. at 5s P Fodder less price £625. 7. 6 3/4 Decrease in produce by lowering price 5s £8.11. 2 1/4 Value of Lead & amounts of Charges Pr No 1 £634. 1. 3/4 Do at 5s P Fodder l

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Daniel Alder – 14 Nov 1781

Danl Alder Esqr at Adderstone Newcas 14th Novemr 1781 near Belford North Sir Some Intimation having been given me as to making the Partnership Pay I now acquaint you it will be convenient to Sir Thomas Blacketts Agents to do so on Wednesday the 21st instant so you will please to give necessary Directions as to this Business should the day appointed be convenient to yourself. I am etc

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Holmes – 16 Nov 1781

Mr John Holmes Farnacres 16th Novr 1782 Dear Sir. We are in want of a very good pair of Assay Scales that will weigh accurately to an Eightieth part of Grain and shall be much obliged by your enquiring what such a pair with proper weights & a Glass Case to hang them in will cost, including the necessary packages to keep all safe so as to come by the London Waggon to Newcastle. The sooner w

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 16 Nov 1781

Messrs Mulcaster Farnacres 16 Novemr 1781 We have reced yours of the 14th & 15th instant this Afternoon and you have as follows the produces from Assay Brigalburn 7: 6:19 3/10 P Fodder Middle Cleugh 10.15.14 4/10 P Do Operation 9. 3.18. P Do After Refined 9.19 2/10 P Do The produce of Silver this Operation will be as follows Weight of Silver accordin

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Holmes – 18 Nov 1781

Mr John Holmes Farnacres 18 Novemr 1781 Dear Sir. We have this day drawn upon you for £26 payble 50 days after date to Mr Smeaton, which we shall deduct from the value of the Cake of fine silver now in the Road, which weighs 715 Ounces. We are Dear Sir Your most Hble Servts. Walton & Turner £26 - Farnacres 18th Novemr 1781 Fifty days after date Pay Mr John Smeaton or his Order Twenty Six Pounds. Valu

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Thomas Blackett – 20 Nov 1781

Sir Thomas Blackett Barot Newcastle 20th Novemr 1781 Bretton Yorkshire Dear Sir Your Leadmine Stewards were with me to receive Subsistence for the Workmen. They report that the Mines are pretty much in the same State they were when you were in the North & will raise a Considerable Quantity of Ore this Year. At the End of the Year I have given them Directions to make out an Account of the Stock in hand etc when you come Nor

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Plumb & Brown – 24 Nov 1781

Messrs Plumb & Browne Newcas 24th Novemr 1781 Foster Lane London Gentn I Yesterday drew a Bill on you at 30 days date for Four Hundred Pounds payable to the order of Bell Cookson & Co which you will please to pay & place to the Account of Sir Thos Blackett Barot. I am etc JEB

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to John Trevelyan – 24 Nov 1781

Sir John Trevelyan Bart. Newcastle Novr. 24th 1781 Dear Sir Your two letters of the 16th & 23rd I received at Buxton, where I staid ten days & found Great Benefit from the Water & Bathing, We took Bretton & Ripon in our way home where we have been about ten days. The Two Pattent churns were sent here lately, but I have not yet received the Bill for them, the Winnowing Machine will not be finish’d these three weeks

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Thomas Temperley – 26 Nov 1781

Thomas Temperley. Farnacres 26 Novemr 1781 We are exceedingly happy to hear the Cinder Oven answers well. We hope the future burning will not be attended with so much trouble. We are glad to hear you have Let the Level on such terms as to be likely to make amends for the last bargains and we approve of what you are doing about the Sinking to the Yard Coal. We are Your Humble Servts Walton & Turner PS. Your last Accounts are co

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 26 Nov 1781

                                              Farnacres 26 Novemr 1781 Messrs Mulcaster  The Assays will stand as follows.                                       Ozs.   Pw.   Gr.   Tenths  Scaleburn Moss 8. 6.14.4 P Fodder Refineable Do. Slag P.  Do.  Unrefineable  Browngill Sun Vein 14.14. - - P   Do. Refineable  Lead now Selling at £16:15  Silver at 6.1. P Ounce but Silver i

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Holmes – 26 Nov 1781

Mr John Holmes.                       Farnacres Novemr 26th 1781 Dear Sir              You are desired to be so obliging as order a pair of Assay Scales immediately for Silver but before you order them I would wish to try some other Scale maker to know his prices.   However at all Events I beg you will order them to be got with all convenient expedition of such person as you can most approve for accuracy in making such kind of things and desire when they are ready t

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 3 Dec 1781

                                                    Farnacres 3d Decemr 1781 Messrs Mulcaster  You receive Inclosed an Account of the produces of Silver compared with the Assays including the last Operation. We are sorry to have occasioned you so much trouble by forgetting the Account of the Rents which you have a List of as below with Recets Inclosed & filled up as far as they can be 'till you receive the Money.  All that we have to obse

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Erasmus Blackett – 4 Dec 1781

Prices of Silver Bullion at the London Markett 1780 January 7 5 8 p ounce [s/ d] Febry 11 5 7 1/2 March 17 5 7 3/4 April 21 5 9 1/4 May 18 5 9 3/4 June 2 5 9 3/4 June 30 5 8 1/2 Augt 4 5 9 3/4 Septembr 8 5 10 1/4 Octr 20 5 9 3/4 Decembr 4 5 10 1/2 Decembr 29 5 11 1781 Febry 9 5 11 Mar 9 5 11 3/4 April 6 6 May 4 6 1/2 May 18 6 3/4 June 15 6 3/4 July 13 6 1 Augt 10 6 3/4

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Holmes – 5 Dec 1781

Mr John Holmes                           Farnacres 5th Decemr 1781 Dear Sir Yesterday's Post brought us your Letter of the 1st first and we have this day drawn upon you for £196.13s.10d being the Balance of Acct as below; and we return you thanks for your goodness in attending to the Scales.     We are Dear Sir Your most Hble & Obed Servts Walton & Turner 715 Ounces of fine Silver at 6s/2 3/4d P Ounce £222.13.10 Deduct Bill d

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Robert Child – 8 Dec 1781

Robert Child Esqr & Co Newcastle 8th Decemr 1781 London Gentn Inclosed you have a Bill drawn by Bell Cookson & Co on Castell & Co dated this day at 25 days date for £100 for which you will please to Credit the account of the Revd Dr Blackett of Plymouth advising him of the same & me of the Receipt of the Bill. I am etc

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Isaac Hunter – 8 Dec 1781

Mr Isaac Hunter at Newcas 8th Decemr 1781 Dukesfield Sir As the Price of Lead is likely to keep up I would recommend it to you to keep all the Hearths going briskly that we may have a good Stock against the Carriage may start in the Spring which in Case of a favourable Season I hope will be early & to induce them to it I shall have no Objection to advance them some Money on that reason. I am informed that

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 9 Dec 1781

                                                        Farnacres 9th Decemr 1781 Messrs Mulcaster We have reced your of the 6th inst and observe its Contents; we have also reced the Vouchers for the Lead Ore Carriage Pay all right and Thos Temperleys two weekly Accts ending with the 1st December instant & the Cinder Acct ending at the same time.   We observe you have received £94.6.1 for wch you acknowledge to be accountable, and we desire it may r

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 14 Dec 1781

Messrs Mulcaster  We have received the Computations Nos 1 & 2 as also two Assays of Thortergill Syke Lead which being clearly Refineable we shall not weigh them 'till we receive the other Assays you propose sending us.  We much approve of what you intend as to the Cowhill etc, Brownly Hill and Broomsbury Ore Lead as also with respect to the Nine Pieces of Refined Lead being reckoned part of the Quantity reduced from the Furnace after being Repaired for the reasons you have men

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to John DeChair – 14 Dec 1781

Revd. Dr. Dichair Newcas. 14th Decemr. 1781 Edinburgh Sir I am desired by Sir John Trevelyan to acquaint you that he accepts your Notice & will be ready to pay off the late Sir Walter Blacketts Bond in June next. The Money will be paid on Application to me at this Place but it will be necessary that the Person who is empowered to receive the same shall have the Bond etc with a proper Receipt from Mr Blackett Dechair & li

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 15 Dec 1781

Messrs Mulcaster Farnacres 15th Decemr 1781 We have received your Letter of the 12th and you have as follows the weight of the Assays last sent and a calculation of what Silver appears from the Assays to be contained in the following kinds of Lead from the Ore P Fodder: Gr. 80ths. Oz.Pwt.Grs tenths Thortergill Syke 1 58 16. 18. 2. 4. Refineable Guddamgill Burn X Vein No 2& 3. 58 7. 2. 2. 4. Do Brownley
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467