Robert Child Esqr & Co Newcastle 8th Decemr 1781
Gentn Inclosed you have a Bill drawn by Bell Cookson & Co on Castell & Co dated this day at 25 days date for £100 for which you will please to Credit the account of the Revd Dr Blackett of Plymouth advising him of the same & me of the Receipt of the Bill. I am etc
Mr Isaac Hunter at Newcas 8th Decemr 1781
As the Price of Lead is likely to keep up I would recommend it to you to keep all the Hearths going briskly that we may have a good Stock against the Carriage may start in the Spring which in Case of a favourable Season I hope will be early & to induce them to it I shall have no Objection to advance them some Money on that reason. I am informed that
Farnacres 9th Decemr 1781
Messrs Mulcaster
We have reced your of the 6th inst and observe its Contents; we have also reced the Vouchers for the Lead Ore Carriage Pay all right and Thos Temperleys two weekly Accts ending with the 1st December instant & the Cinder Acct ending at the same time. We observe you have received £94.6.1 for wch you acknowledge to be accountable, and we desire it may r
Messrs Mulcaster
We have received the Computations Nos 1 & 2 as also two Assays of Thortergill Syke Lead which being clearly Refineable we shall not weigh them 'till we receive the other Assays you propose sending us. We much approve of what you intend as to the Cowhill etc, Brownly Hill and Broomsbury Ore Lead as also with respect to the Nine Pieces of Refined Lead being reckoned part of the Quantity reduced from the Furnace after being Repaired for the reasons you have men
Revd. Dr. Dichair Newcas. 14th Decemr. 1781
Sir I am desired by Sir John Trevelyan to acquaint you that he accepts your Notice & will be ready to pay off the late Sir Walter Blacketts Bond in June next. The Money will be paid on Application to me at this Place but it will be necessary that the Person who is empowered to receive the same shall have the Bond etc with a proper Receipt from Mr Blackett Dechair & li
Messrs Mulcaster Farnacres 15th Decemr 1781
We have received your Letter of the 12th and you have as follows the weight of the Assays last sent and a calculation of what Silver appears from the Assays to be contained in the following kinds of Lead from the Ore P Fodder:
Gr. 80ths. Oz.Pwt.Grs tenths
Thortergill Syke 1 58 16. 18. 2. 4. Refineable
Guddamgill Burn X Vein No 2& 3. 58 7. 2. 2. 4. Do
Mr Jno Holmes. Farnacres 16th Decemr 1781
Dear Sir
We give you the trouble of this Letter to acquaint you that we have the Liberty of drawing upon you this day for £13 payble to Mr Richd Prime of Bucklersbury 20 days after date which we shall allow in Account for the next Cake of Bullion.
We are Dear Sir Your very humble Servants
Walton & Turner
Messrs Mulcaster. Farnacres 17th Decemr 1781
We have reced your Letter by John Friend and the Assays having been weighed you have an Acct of them as follows
Gr. 80ths. Oz.pwt.Gr.tenths.
Windy Brow 60 equal 7. 7. P Fodder
Browngill & Sun Vein Slag 70 equal 8. 16. 9. 6 P Fodder
Thortergill Syke Slag. 6. 36 equal 14. 4. 4. 8 P Fodder
Greengill 1. 54 equal 16. 10
Thomas Temperley. Farnacres 20th Decemr 1781
We have reced your Letter of the 14th inst and are glad to hear you have got to work in the Yard Coal, and desire all possible care may be taken to have as many of those Coals wch it will now be necessary to work, kept in store for the use of the Reducing at Langley Mill, as Messrs Mulcaster can with convenience put under Cover; and after you have cleared the Yard Coal of Water, let the remainder of it when
Sir Thomas Blackett Barot Newcastle 21st Decemr 1781
Bretton Yorkshire
Dear Sir
I received your Favour of the 10th instant and have according to your desire subscribed Ten Guineas to the Organ for Saint Andrews Church being the Sum I borrowed of you when last at Bretton. I hope you have received the Book of Accounts. Your Lead Stewards were with me for Subsistence for the Workmen on Tuesday last. They came a Week sooner than
Mr Thomas Wall Temple Newcastle 22nd Decemr. 1781
Sir Inclosed you will receive a Bill drawn by Bell Cookson & Co on Castell Whately & Powell dated 18th instant. at a months date for Two Hundred Pounds which is on account of
the Quarterly Payments on Sir John Trevelyans account from the 31st instant to 31st March next for which you will please to send me your Receipt as usual. I am etc J E B.
Messrs Mulcaster Farnacres 25th Decemr 1781
Having reced your Letters of the 23rd inst and weighed and weighed the Assays you have as follows the result:
Grs 80ths Oz Pwt. Gr 10th
Dowgang 2.12 equal 21 1. 9. 6 P Fodder
Caple Cleugh &Sun &North Vein 1. 2 equal 10 21. 6 P Do
Greengill Slag 1. 8 equal 10. 15. 14. 4 P Do
Silver 6s 2
Messrs Mulcaster Farnacres 30th Decemr 1781
I am very concerned at the damage wch has been done to your Roofs and greatly approve of your alertness in getting the whole of the damage repaired and I beg you will continue to exert yourselves to get the work finished with all possible expedition. The weather is now favourable and will I hope continue good till you effect this. I am in not the least hurry about the Assay Accounts.
Date when To whom sold <Type> Ps Fod Cwt Qr Lb Price Amount
Augt 10 Mr <…. & Ch Rowley> L 20 1 9 1 7 £15.10 £ 22 7 5 1/2
11 Mr J R Headlam L 200 14 3 1 21 £15.10 223 4 6 1/2
Mr Edw Bell OS 1 1 2 £15. 8 1 2
Mr Alex Richardson L 42 3 2 7 £15.10 46 18 3 1/2
17 Mr Wm Milburn L 15 1 1 2 21 £15.10 16 14 10 3/4
Sir Thomas Blackett Barot Newcastle 1st January 1782
Bretton Yorkshire
Dear Sir
I wrote you the 21st Ulto to which refer you. Inclosed you will receive a Bill of this date drawn by Bell Cookson & Co at a months date for One Thousand pounds the Receipt of which you will please to acknowledge & hope you think I begin the Year well. I have not sold any more Lead since I wrote you last nor do I expect or desire it till the
Messrs Plumb & Browne Newcastle 4th January 1782
Foster Lane London
I have this day sent you by Francis Ridley the London Carrier a Piece of fine Silver containing One Thousand one Hundred & Sixty one Ounces which I desire you will place to Account with Sir Thomas Blackett Barot as usual at the Markett Price & advise me on your Receipt of It. I am etc JEB
Messrs Mulcaster Farnacres 5th January 1782
Having tryed the Assays I find they are as follows.
Gr 80ths. Oz Pw.Gr
For the last Operation Refineable 2 Assays 1 30 equal 13. 9.12.P Fodd
After Refined 6 equal 14.16 3/10
Dowgang I have tryed again and find it the same as was before rep
Mr Jno Holmes. Farnacres 11 Jany 1782
Dear Sir
By last Saturdays Carrier we sent you a Box containing 1110 Ounces of Bullion which we hope you will receive safe & by one of Lord Ravensworths Servants we sent you a parcel for Mr Stephen John Houle which we expect will be delivered to you on Monday or perhaps Tuesday & youll be kind enough to take care of it till called for.
We are Dear Sir Your most Hble Servts
Walton &
Messrs Mulcaster Farnacres 11th January 1782
We have reced your Letters of the 5th and 7th and hope before this you have got the Roofs repaired, we realy are concerned on Account of the distress you have been in & shall be happy to hear the difficultys are over.
The produce from the Assays last sent will be as follows.
Gr 80ths Oz pwt Gr
Caple Cleugh & N&S Vein Slag. 5
Messrs Mulcaster Farnacres 15th January 1782
The account of the last Assays you have as follows.
Gr 80ths Oz pwt Gr tenths
Thortergill Slag 1.16 equal 11.15. 4 8 PFodder
Windybrow Slag 56 equal 6.17. 4 8
Rich Lithareg lead 1. 8 equal 10.15.14 4
1.74 equal 18 17. 7 2/10 PFod
Price of Refined Lead £17 PFodder
Silver Bullion 6s.2
S’s L’s
Stock of Lead in the Warehouse 16th June 1781 & delivd 1523 7667
Since to the 31st Decemr 1781 from the Lead Mill.
Sold & delivered to the 3rd Jany 1782 inclusive 1126 5214
Sold to Dr Hall & Mr Chapman & not dd 3d Jan 2000
1126 7214
Unsold 3d January 1782 397 453
Gentm. F
Messrs Mulcaster Farnacres 22d January 1782
The Assays reced with your Letter of the 18th December 1782 (it is so dated) are as follows
Gr. 80th. Oz.pwt Gr.10th
Brownleyhill & Slag 26 3. 3. 16. 8 PFodder
Black Slag - Ore Hearth 56 6.17. 4. 8 P Do
Do Slag Hearth 40 4.18 P Do
Refined Lead £17 PFodder
Silver 6s 2
Thomas Temperley Farnacres 22nd January 1782
I have received your Letter and approve of what you have done as to the Level & the Staple; and I am glad to hear you are getting on well at the Colliery and wish heartily to have Success to attend the inoculation of the Putters. I am
Your Humble Servant
Nich Walton Junr
Mr Jno Holmes. Farnacres 23d January 1782
Dear Sir
We have this day drawn upon you for £380.2 being for the Balance of Account as below. The Bill is payble 40 days after date.
We are obliged to you for the trouble you have had about the Scales. The Vouchers are very satisfactory only in the Bill made out by you the sum is set down £8.16 whereas Mr Philips charge is £8.18.6. You will therefore be so good as let us know how this should
Messrs Mulcaster Farnacres 25th Janury 1782
We inclose you a Table showing the produce of Assay of Bullion computed for One Fodder of Lead and supposing the Assay to weigh for 1/80th part of a Grain to a whole Grain from One Pound of Lead.
When you were at Farnacres we delivered you several Tables showing at what prices of Lead and Silver the Lead seemed worth Refining. When you have copied them we shd be glad to have them retu