Newcastle Ja[nuary]: the: 26th 1676/7
Writt To S[ir] W[illia]m Blackett To Mr Lamb and To Mr Buckle
Hon[our]ed Sir Newcastle Ja[nuary]: the: 27th: 1676/7
According to my promise by myne of the 26th present p[er] yesterdayes Post; have thought itt my duty after my Brother W[illia]m his returne from the pay to give you an account of occurances there as well as can bee expected from mee the whole pay tooke as followeth £380:=:=:=
P[ai]d Rich M: towards the heades pay £220:=:=
P[ai]d Jno M: Towards Planky Pay £ 23:14:7
january the 27th 1676/7
To Mr Tho: Lemmon to aquaint him that I have drawn a Bill on him for £12: 8s: 9d which is the Ball[ance] of his account payable to Mr Henry Spurn Master of the [left blank]
this from
Margarett Grey
Mr Tho[mas]: Finley Newcastle Ja[nuary]: the: 30th: 1676/7
I desire you to doe mee the favour p[er] that upon receipt hereof To take mr Lambe alonge w[i]th you if hee bee not Come here and view that Land of my Coasen Edward Blackettes and advise me yo[u]r thoughts w[ha]t you thinke itt realy worth and likewise to take a third p[er]son William Prescott is named but charge whom you please and lett mee have itt under all yo[u]r hands w[ha]t dammage the Quaker hath done the land by pl
Mess[eur]s Hum[phrey]: Willett Newcastle Feb[ruary]: the: 2d: 1676/7
I have this day Shipped and sent to you In Robert Wigganer his vessell of this place 4 Small Rundletts 2 marked HW: for yo[u]r selfe w[hi]ch pray accept of and the other 2 marked EB: for my Brother who now is in London w[hi]ch I desire when they come to yo[u]r hands you will please to cause to bee delivered when called for I am
The Ma[ste]r is sayled and very probable may be w[i]th you soe soone as thi
Brother Edward Ditto [Newcastle 2 February 1677]
I have this day Shipped aboard the Vessell of Robert Wigganer a Ma[ste]r of this place 2 Small Rundletts for you marked EB: the one of Ale and the other of Salmon; for w[hi]ch you may please to send yo[u]r man to call for (about the time you thinke s[ai]d Vessell may be arrived) to my Corespondent his house Mr Hum[phrey]: Willett by name. And if they bee come to his hands hee will cause them to bee delivered; or otherwise if nott come; yo
Mes[seu]rs Cha[rles]: and James Bankes ditto [3 February 1677]
I have Rec[eive]d yo[u]rs of the 16th past w[i]th two p[ri]mo billes of Exchange; from Mr Strother w[hi]ch are not they billes In difference; Soe (that I may noe more in vayne trouble you about this) doe here under send that the Creditt side of his account Currant vizt
one Bill p[ri]mo March upon Peter Wattson for RD 0300:
one more 22 ditto [March] upon yo[u]r selves
Mr Tho[mas]: Western ditto [Newcastle 3 February 1677]
I am glad of the oppertunity To returne you my thankes for yo[u]r kindnesses att London am sorrey I have nott occation to give a clearer demonstration ~
this serves to recommend to yo[u]r Corespondence Mr Michaell Blackett S[ir] Williams second sonne; who mannageith the Iron Trade here as his Father did formerly hee is sometimes wantinge such sortes as you can furnish him w[i]th and (though the <assurance> I
Mess[eur]s Hum[phrey]: Willett and Compa[ny] Newcastle Feb[ruary]: the: 3d: 1676/7
I have none of yo[u]rs to answer soe the less to Inlarge upon this serveinge Cheifly for Covert To the Inclosed bill of Exchange; of w[hi]ch when dew pray procure the needfull:
Mr Mich[ael]: Halle Ditto [Newcastle 6 February 1677]
I have before mee yo[u]rs of the 4th present; whereby takes notice how that Mr Wilkinson is unwillinge to trouble either S[i]r Rob[er]t Eden or S[i]r Rob[er]t Shafto as nott beinge very Intimate w[i]th them I am nott one of those that standes soe much upon that pay[me]nt I will onely desire that kindnesse that hee will nott ptich upon a Townes Man and lett him choose whome hee pleases I shall leave itt to yo[u]r selfe the bond us
Mes[seu]rs Hum[phrey]: Willett and Compa[ny] Ditto [Newcastle 6 February 1677]
I have none of yo[u]rs to answer soe the less to Inlarge upon this serveinge cheifly to lett you know that I have Rec[eive]d the £200 Bill as also to advise you that I have this day vallewed upon you a bill for £100 payable 26/d[ays] Sight To Mr Nicholas Hardinge or Order vallew of Mr John Duglas w[hi]ch pray lett bee complyed w[i]thall; I will God willing remitt itt you againe shortly; my service to y
M[esseu]rs Cha[rles] and Ja[mes] bankes Ditto [Newcastle 6 February 1677]
My last to you was of the 3 p[re]sent To w[hi]ch referres you Since none from you Soe the less to Inlarge upon this beinge cheifely to second w[ha]t is above Written for fear of miscarriadge; and to desire yo[u]r speedy answer; after haveinge compared the above account w[i]th the Debitt side of that account you sent mee; the mistake will bee apparent; Soe that if you have 2 Billes RD1200: RD600: [RD: Rijksdaa
Mr James Burkin Newcastle feb[ruary] the 6th 1676/7
I have before mee yo[u]r last; must begg yo[u]r excuse nott mentioninge the date thereof; for a Reason I immagine; you will soone find out; In persuance to yo[u]r Order Therein I went and spoke w[i]th a greate many of our Ma[ste]rs who I found for the most part all freighted; had yo[u]r order come 14/d[ays] sooner I would nott have questioned but to have gott itt effected upon much more reasonable Tearmes then you propound; but no
Mr Rob[er]t Jackson Ditto [Newcastle 9 February 1677]
If on Monday next you can send mee by Cuth[bert]: Fowler any Billes of yo[u]r owne; or procure mee from any other In yo[u]r place to the vallew of £1 £2 or £300 you will very much oblige
Cosen Blackett Ditto [9 February 1677]
Last Poast I Rec[eive]d a bill upon you for £100 a coppie whereof is as followeth
London the 3d of Feb[ruary]: [16]76/7
Att eight dayes Sight of this my onely bill of Exchange pay unto Mr Humphrey Willett or Order one hundred pounds St[erlin]g vallew here Rece[ive]d and place to account as p[er] advice from
S[i]r Yo[u]r humble Servant and kinsman Edward Blackett
To Mr John Blackett att fallowfield near Newcastle
Mes[seu]rs Hump[hrey]: Willett and Compa[ny] Ditto [Newcastle 9 February 1677]
My last unto you was of the 6th present w[hi]ch I advised you of £100 drawne upon you and the same day to pleasure S[i]r Ralph Carr did give him another bill upon you for £100 payable 12/d[ays] Sight To Mr John Sherwood or Order vallew of s[ai]d S[ir] Ral[ph] the Mayor of this Towne w[hi]ch pray lett bee hon[oure]d I am Indeavoureinge to reimbursse you but as yett cann meete w[i]th noe billes to
Mr Matth[ew]: Lamb: Newcastle feb[ruary] the 9th: 1676/7
I have before mee yo[u]rs of the 5th present; am sorrey that my Cockerton Farme cannott bee <po..en> lett; I thinke I shall bee forced to come over soone; and then shall lett itt my selfe to some or other; I am sure Kitt Place will bee the man very willingly; In the meane time lett him have the first offer of itt att £22 p[er] Ann w[hi]ch if hee refuse; then lett itt to any other att that Rate; but of that I will
Hon[oure]d Sir Ditto [Newcastle 10 February 1677]
I am Entread by my Cousen Edward Greene to desire the followinge kindnesse of you w[hi]ch is that whereas his Brother Joseph Greene hath bought W[illia]m Leacke his fly Boate hee doth begg that you would bee pleased to venture yo[u]r eight part w[i]th him if incase you thinke itt Inconvenient In respect of any former Ingagem[en]t yett if you would say the Word for a 1/16 hee would bee very thankefull and this beinge the first kind
Mr Hen[ry] Maisters Ditto [Newcastle 10 February 1677]
I have before mee yo[u]rs of the 17th past; w[hi]ch by my abcence and other concernes I could nott possible answer sooner I doe dayly expect to heare of the Shippinge of the Goodes desired I vallew nott much whether you send mee one Tonn or 2 Tonn of Coulter Mouldes doe w[ha]t you thinke will bee for my advantage I leave <befit> soly to you t'is onely for a tryall as they prove; shall make bold to trouble you
M[esseu]rs Cha[rles]: and Ja[mes]: Bankes: Ditto [Newcastle 10 February 1677]
My last to you was of the 6th present to w[hi]ch referres you Since have Rec[eive]d yo[u]rs of the 23d past w[i]th an Inclosed to Mr John Strother w[hi]ch I have delivered they contentes whereof In my oppinion t'is a little too harsh and more Hector like then Merchant like; for noe Merch[an]t Infallible itt may bee his mistake and it may prove yo[u]rs I shall censure neither of you untill I know th
Mes[seu]rs Hum[phrey]: Willett and Compa[n]y Newcastle feb[ruary]: the: 10th: 1676/7
I have yo[u]rs of the 6th present before me; Takes notice of w[ha]t you say concerning the bill for £100 upon Mr John Blackett of Fallowfield drawne by my Brother; s[ai]d Mr Blackett lives allmost twenty miles distant from this place for that I have spoake to a freind that lives within 6 miles of his house to aske and see if hee will accept s[ai]d Bill w[hi]ch I doe not question but hee will
Mr Bar[tholomew]: Harle Ditto [Newcastle 10 February 1677]
I hope you are well gott to London should bee glad to heare the newes thereof from yo[u]r owne hands I this day speake to Cosen Kirkehouse who desired mee Write you that whereas hee formerly Ordered one Locksmith to call upon you for a £100 money that was dew unto him s[ai]d Locksmith nott haveinge occation here now desires you to pay s[ai]d sume to my Order w[hi]ch w[i]th w[ha]t more you have a minde to bee payd unto yo[u]r Wi
Mr Rob[er]t Jackson Ditto [Newcastle 13 February 1677]
Postes of the 12th this morning I have Rec[eive]d by Cuth[bert] Fowler and cannott but heartily thanke you for the good p[er]formance of all yo[u]r p[re]tended kindneses; but now findes that nothinge can bee done without money; Soe that I am oblidged to Endeavour; to returne you gertitude [gratitude] accordingly w[i]th my kinde respectes to yo[u]r selfe and good Wife I remayne
Mess[eu]rs Hum[phrey]: Willett and Compa[ny] Newcastle feb[ruary]: the 13th: 1676/7
My last to you was by Saturdayes Post and then did promise to give you advice whether the £100:= bill charged upon Mr John Blackett; would bee accepted or nott but my freind fayleinge to advise mee cannot p[er]forme my promise but the next Post may come to doe itt
To add to the former troubles I have putt upon you (once more) must desire you to Try and send mee by the very first convenie
Mess[eur]s Hump[hrey]: Willett and Compa[ny] Newcastle feb: the: 16dth: [16]76/7
I have before mee yo[u]rs of the 10th present for w[hi]ch I thanke you very kindly; but requireringe little answer; the lesse to Inlarge upon this serveibge cheifly to advise you of the followinge billes w[hi]ch I have this day drawne upon you vizt
one for £70 payable 15/d[ays] Sight To Liuetet [Lieutenant] Coll [Colonel] John Steventon or Order; vallew of Mr Timothy Tizarke £70:=:=