£300 . 0 . 0 Newcastle Bank 22nd June 1782
Twenty five Days after Date Pay to the order of John
Erasmus Blackett Esqr. Three Hundred Pounds value received
To Messrs. Castell Whately & For Bell Cookson Carr Widdrington &Self
Powell London Jos. Saint
Messrs. Mulcaster Farnacres 28th June 1782.
Your Letters of the 17th, 20th and 24th are now before me and you have as follows my answers to the several matters therein contained.
Thomas Temperleys Accounts were recd. along with yr. Letter of the 17th. for three Weeks ending 15 Inst, as also the Assays for which we are much obliged to you and are glad the Kesw:k Ore is so good in produce of Silver. Pray be so good as advise as to the best method of washing this Ore as I doubt
Sir Thomas Blackett Bt at Newcastle 3d July 1782
Bretton near Wakefield
Dear Sir
I was Yesterday favoured with your Letter of the 1st instt & am glad to find that you are got to Bretton & are better. As I was a little doubtfull of Mr Rastricks Abilities for executing the Work proposed I thought it most adviseable to wait till you came into the County when you could have some Conversation with him on the Subjec
Dukesf[iel]d 7th July 1782
Mr W. Forster Allanh[ea]ds
D[ea]r S[i]r
I was in hopes that the Affair in regard to the Carriage of Woulfcleugh Ore would have been drop’d & what had past entirely buried, but the expressions you made use of at Hex[ha]m in your way from the Fair made me sorry to find that I had been mistaken; therefor trouble you with this to beg of you to give it up, as its what I cannot comply with, with out the forfeiture of my Honour w[hi]ch I’m sure you on y
Dukesf[iel]d 11th July 1782
Mr W. Forster Allanheads
D[ea]r S[i]r
I am sorry to find that you still persist in not let[t]ing the Wolfcleugh Ore be deliv[ere]d to Pringle as desired, for I did flatter myself that after my l[ette]r of the 7th Inst that you would have let the matter drop’d however as that’s not now the case am very much hurt to be under the necessity of acquainting you that I cannot consistently with my Honour let you carry (this year) any of that Ore and that if
Messrs. Mulcaster Farnacres 14th July 1782
Yours of the 11th. inst came safe to hand and the Silver which weighs 667 Ounces was yesterday sent for London.
The Price of Lead is now £17.5 Refined p[er] Fodder and Silver now sells at 6s/2d p[er] Ounce but I find is rather expected to fall.
Whenever it is convenient to you we shall be glad to receive an Acct. of the produce of Refined Lead for last Operation as also the Assays, but are in no Hurry.
When Mr. Thornton was he
Mr. Holmes Farnacres 14th July 1782
Dear Sir
By yesterdays Carrier we send you a Box containing 667 Ounces of fine Silver which will we hope arrive safe in London the 26th. instant.
When Mr Smeaton was in London he purchased a pair of Spectacles for a Friend of ours which cost, I believe, 5s - & if you will be so good as let me know what my Watch is to be for cleaning I will allow for that and the Spectacles when I draw for the above Silver.
I observe Silver has been
Mr Thomas Wall Temple Newcastle 15th July 1782
Sir I received your Letter of the 6th instant inclosing a Certificate of the Age of Mr. Blackett Dechair & I herewith return you Dr. Dechairs Receipt for the Intrest due on the Bond which is your Voucher for the Payment. I am etc J E B.
Messrs. Mulcaster Farnacres 19th July 1782
Your Letters of the 12th, 13th and 15th are come to hand as also the Assays and Thomas Temperleys Accounts for two Weeks ending the 13th. Inst, and I have filled up the Blanks in yr Letter of the 11th. agreable to the paper inclosed in yours of the 12th wch. paper I have destroyed.
I have not had time yet to examine the Assays.
I am glad you have had such good weather for the Roof of your House & that the Ore comes in better th
Robert Child Esqr & Co Newcastle 24th July 1782
Bankers London
Inclosed you will receive Messrs Bell Cookson & Cos Bill on Messrs Castell & Co for One Hundred & fifty seven Pounds ten Shillings at 20d dated 23d instant being half a Years Composition Rent for the Tithe Ore of Weardale Mines due to My Lord Bishop of Lincoln from Sir Thos Blackett Bart. You will please to advise me on your Receipt
Messrs. Mulcaster Farnacres 26 July 1782.
In your operation for Langley Mill ending 23rd February last you report 1008 pieces of 1 cwt. to have been refined the Month preceding and 693 that Month making together 1701 pieces of 1 Cwt., which appears to be right. In the same Operation you set down 1006 pieces of 1 ½ Cwt to have been produced from the 1701 pieces, but on looking into your Book of the produce<s> of various kinds by the <several> Workmen I find in the A
Dukesf[iel]d 30th July 82
Mr Forster Allanheads
D[ea]r S[i]r
I saw Pringle to day and he’s willing that you should have a part of the Wolfcle[u]gh Ore to carry that he had taken, but promised that he would wate upon you this Week and settle the quantity &c
Mr John Holmes Farnacres 2d August 1782
Dear Sir
Last Tuesdays Post brought me the favor of your Letter of the 27th Ulto and I have this day drawn upon you payable 40 days after date for the Balance of Account as below, and desire youll be so good as take the trouble of settling the Account with Brother Smeaton at any convenient time.
I heartily congratulate you and my Brother Smeaton on the Event of your Cause at Maidstone as I do also my Friend Mr. Everest. I think
Mr Thomas Wall Temple Newcastle 7th August 1782
Sir Inclosed you will receive a Bill drawn by Bell Cookson & Co on Castell Powell & Co of this date at 25 days for £500 to enable you to pay Sir Edward Winnington for one half Years Intrest of his Mortgage due this Month from Sir John Trevelyan Barot. You will be pleased to acknowledge the Receipt of this Bill & send me the Receipt as usual I a
Messrs. Mulcaster Farnacres 23d Augt. 1782
John Friend in his Letter of the 4th. inst. writes us that he took up 2Bs. 3 Cwt. of Bouse Ore and 2 Bs. 3 Cwt. of Cutting Ore at Greengill West End the 17 July and sent those quantities to Langley for Duty; now it is plain there is some mistake about this as the quantities set down by you in your Operations as reced. from Greengill are as follows.
Bs Cwts. Bs Cwts
In Operation from 27th
Messrs Mulcaster Farnacres 30th Augt 1782
As I propose being at Langley Mill so soon I will let alone making the Alterations in the Operations till then & I desire to receive the Operation for the present Month by this day Sennt. I am glad any time is fixed for the finishing of the Rooms & I hope all will be compleated against I come on the 15th of next Month. It will be very proper to keep constant Fires in the Rooms & till we get fenders <&c> make use o
Mr John Holmes Farnacres 2 Septemr: 1782
By the London Carrier of last Saturday (31st Ulto.) we sent you a Box containing 887 Ounces of fine Silver which we hope you will receive safe on the 13th Inst. We shall be obliged by your pay:g Rich:d Probert for 100 Casks of Bone Ashes for the amount of which we will deduct from the value of the Silver. We inclose you Proberts Account and have wrote a proper Rect. for him to put his mark to & desire it may have the date fil
Messrs. Mulcaster Farnacres 6 Septemr. 1782
We have reced your Letter of the 3d Instant wth. the Operation and Stublick Colliery Accounts.
I am obliged by your attention to the finishing the work at Langley Mill new Rooms & desire the Plaisterer may be at the Mill on Tuesday the 17th in the Morning or rather on Monday the 16th in the Evening as I wd. be glad to settle the Account with him & pay him in full. I desire you will write to Mr Rewcastle & fix him
Copy of 2 Letters sent to Jno. Cookson Esqr. & Teas. Mowbray Esqr.
Matfen Sepr. 7th. 1782
I am desired to acquaint you by Sir Edward Blackett , that on the examination of the affairs belonging to the Grove at Fallowfield; Every thing is found In a very bad Situation; The Stewards house burnt down; most of the materials Stole; all the underground works Entirely <risk’d>.
[struck out: ‘He is very Sensible’] by the covenant of the Lease the Partners are oblige
Dear Madam,
The favour of your letter gave me great pleasure and I beg you to believe how much I shall always be flatter’d and oblig’d by the repetition. I have been told that in Yorkshire the seasons have had their usual course, which makes me hope your place of residence gas not experienced the dismal weather we have had in and near Town. The arrival of the Comte de Grasse very luckily took from it some attention, and you have heard of the distinguish’d reception given him by all rank
Messrs Plumb & Browne Newcastle 18th Sepr 1782
Foster lane London
On Saturday last the 14th instant I sent you by Frances Ridley the London Carrier, in Mr Blacketts absence, a Piece of fine Silver containing Eight Hundred & Seventy three Ounces which I desire you will place to account with Sir Thomas Blackett Barot as usual at the Markett Price advising on your Receipt of it. I am et
Mr: John Holmes Farnacres 20th Septemr. 1782
Dear Sir
On my arrival here last Night I received the favor of your Letter of the 14th. Instant having been from home from Sunday Morning ‘till that time. I have this day drawn upon you for £209.6.9 being for the Balance of Account as below. I thank you for taking the trouble of paying Mr Probert and must beg the favor of you to discharge the inclosed Bill also which you will observe is included in the Accot. above referred to, &am
NB. The above Bill was sent to Mr. Wall to make the quarterly Payments in London on Sir John Trevelyans acco[un]t from 30th June to 30th Septem. 1782
£200 . 0 . 0 Newcastle Bank 28th Sept. 1782
Twenty Days after Date Pay to the order of John Erasmus
Blackett Esqr. Two Hundred Pounds Value received
For Bell Cookson Carr Self & Saint
To Messrs. Castell Powell & Co
Mr Robt Beatson Cinderhill Newcastle 4th October 1782
near Bretton
I received your Letter of the 16th Ulto with your Account of the Bends & Hides sent by Pickersgills Waggon, they arrived safe & inclosed I send you a Bill drawn by Bell Cookson & Co on Castell Powell & Co dated 28th Ulto at one months date for £99.15s.6d the Receipt of which you will please to acknowledge. I am et
Mr Luke Noble at Bretton Newcastle 4th Octor 1782
Inclosed you will receive a Bill drawn by Bell Cookson & Co on Castell & Co dated 2d instant at one months date for One thousand Pounds on account of Sir Thomas Blackett Barot the Receipt of which you will please to acknowledge & acquaint Sir Thomas with the same. I have wrote to him at Mr Bosvilles where I am informed he is at present. Inclosed is a Letter fr