Sir Thos Blackett Barot Newcastle 18th Janry 1783
Bretton near Wakefield
Dear Sr
I have your Favour of the 12th instant acknowledging the Receipt of the Bill for One Thousand Pounds.
Some Letters have passed between the Bp of Durhams Secretary Mr Brooks & myself. I found from him that 1200 Guineas was not likely to be accepted of as a Fine for the Renewal of the Leases of the Leadmines in Weardale but that something more
George Brooks Esqr Green Street Newcas 18th Janry 1783
Grosvenor Square London
I wrote to you last Post to which refer you. As you possibly may not have the present leases of the Leadmines & those of the Lands, in Town, I could Send them up by some safe hand should you think it necessary of which please to advise me & likewise if you are in want of any other Instructions for Completing the Leases. I am etc JE
Sir John Trevelyan Barot . Newcastle 20th Janry 1783
Half Moon Street Piccadilly
Dear Sir The Letter you inclosed me signed by a Committee of the Proprietors of the Fisheries on the River Tweed was answered by Mr. Turner to Mr. Willoughby their Secretary & we thought it would be right & proper for you to adopt the Plan proposed which he acquainted them with I have heard nothing further fro
Sir Thos Blackett Bt Newcas 26th Janry 1783
at Bretton
Dear Sir
I wrote you the 18th instant to which refer you. The Bishops Secretary Mr Brooks writes me that “ Sir Thomas Blackett must sign an Engagement to deliver up the Leases (upon receiving back the Fines) and making void this whole Business if it shall appear that Mr Trevelyan was not living upon the day the new Leases were delivered”. I have consulted Mr Wilso
George Brooks Esqr Green Street Newcastle 26th Janry 1783
Grosvenor Square London
I received your Letter of the 21st instant and observe the Contents. The old Leases will be sent up by Mr Nathl Clayton who goes for London to morrow Morning & will wait upon you with them immediately on his Arrival in Town, he will have Chambers at No 2 Greys Inn. Such an Engagement as you mention is drawn up by Mr Wilson & sent this Post
George Brooks Esqr Green Street Hexham Abbey 5th Febry 1783
Grosvenor Square London
I was astonished at receiving a Letter from Mr Aldn Blackett the other day intimating that a mistake had happened between Mr Dew & me respecting the Renewal of Lintzgarth & Kilhope & Welhope Leases. On Thursday the 5th of Decemr last about Ten o’Clock in the Morning I waited upon Mr Dew at Bp Auckland & acquainted him that I came o
George Brooks Esqr Green Street Newcastle 5th Febry 1783
Grosvenor Square London
I received your Favour of the 30th Ulto the Contents of which I must Confess surprised me much & postponed answering it till I had seen Mr Bell who I immediately sent for from Hexham & inclosed I send you a Letter from him wch I hope will satisfy you that this mistake did not originate with me but that I have been led into it by some misunderstan
Robt Child Esqr & Co Bankers Newcastle 6th Febry 1783
Inclosed you will receive a Bill drawn by Bell Cookson & Co on Castell & Co dated 5th instant at 20 days date for One Hundred & fifty seven Pounds ten Shillings being for half a Years Composition Rent of the Tithe Ore of Weardale Leadmines due to the Lord Bishop of Lincoln as Rector of Stanhope from Sir Thomas Blackett Barot. You will please to a
Mr Thomas Wall Temple Newcastle 7th February 1783
Sir Inclosed you will receive a Bill drawn by Bell Cookson & Co on Castell Powell Sumner & Co dated 5th instant at 30 d[ays] date for Five Hundred Pounds which Sum is to pay Sir Edward Winningtons half Years Intrest on Mortgage of Wallington on Sir John Trevelyans account. You will please to acknowledge the Receipt of this Bill & when paid send me th
Sir Thomas Blackett Barot Newcas 12th Febry 1783
at Bretton
Dear Sr
My last Letter to you was the 26th Ulto to which refer you. The transaction with the Bishop of Durham is now concluded & I hope to your Satisfaction. There was a misunderstanding between Mr Bell & Mr Dew with respect to the Fines for a Renewal of the Lease of the Lands the Particulars of which I shall acquaint you with when we meet. I have Busine
Messrs Child & Co Bankers Newcastle 14 Febry 1783
Inclosed you will receive a Bill drawn by Bell Cookson & Co on Castell & Co dated 12th instant at Twenty Days date for One Hundred Pounds. You will please to Credit the Account of Dr Blackett of Plymouth for this Sum advising him as well as me of the Receipt of it. I am etc JEB
Mr John Robson at the Castle Newcastle 14th Febry 1783
The several Leases of the Mines & Lands in Weardale which have lately been renewed by the Lord Bishop of Durham will be in my Possession on Wednesday the 19th instant. I shall be glad to know what day next Week after that Time may be Convenient for you to meet Sir Thomas Blacketts Agents on the Premises; Mr G Brooks having informed me that you are name
Sir Thomas Blackett orders me to inform you he received the Box with the Leases but found out the Mistake immediately but not being satisfied with our own Opinions consulted Mr. West also who agreed with the same, Sir Thomas desires you will get the Instrument which is Indorsed on the back of the Leases of Livery & Seisin executed as soon as possible & let him know when that is done, you will see by the Leases who is impowered to Act for the Bishop in that affair, & Sir Thom
Mr John Robson Newcastle 18th February 1783
at the Castle Durham
Mr Blackett desires me to acknowledge the Receipt of your Letter to him by this Post & has fixed Wednesday the 26th instant for you & your Clerk to meet Sir Thomas Blacketts Agents at Mr Thomas Emersons at Newhouse in Weardale for the Purpose of giving Repossession to Sir Thomas as Lessee of Weardale Leadmines. I am etc CP
Mr John Robson at the Castle Newcas 19th Febry 1783
Mr Blackett received your Letter this Morning intimating that you could not on accot of Business meet Sir Thomas Blacketts Agents at Newhouse on Wednesday the 26th instant & therefore empowers me to fix Monday the 3d of March to meet at the above Place so as to do the Business on Tuesday the 4th. I am etc CP
NB The above Business was done on the 4th of
Messrs Plumb & Browne Newcastle 22d Febry 1783
Foster Lane London
I have this day drawn a Bill on you in favour of Messrs Bell Cookson & Co at 20d date for £400 which I doubt not will be duly honoured & you will please to Charge it to the account of Sir Thomas Blackett Barot. I am etc JEB
Messrs Plumb & Browne Newcastle 22d Febry 1783
Foster Lane London
I have this day sent you by John & Jas Jackson a Piece of fine Silver containing One Thousand one Hundred & twelve Ounces which I desire you will place to Account with Sir Thomas Blackett Barot as usual at the Markett price advising me on your Receipt of It.
Dukesf[iel]d 8th March 1783
Mr Jno Emerson Blaydon
I desire that youll send me as soon as you conveniently can an acco[un]t of the quantity of Lead you have rec[eive]d f’m each of the Rookhope Carriagemen – I find Mr Peart has been intimating when in Rookhope last week that Mr Smith should send a particular acco[un]t of the delivery f’m the mill to you; if it’s a fault that it’s not sent the fault is in me for he has my orders not to send such an acco[un]t. when I ne
£200 . . Newcastle Bank 15th March 1783
Twenty Days after date Pay to the order of John Erasmus
Blackett Esqr. Two Hundred Pounds value received
For Bell Cookson Carr Widdrington & Self
To Messrs. Castell Powell Sumner & Co Jos. Saint
London Endorsed to Sir John
No. 1534
Dukesf[iel]d 16th March 83
J E Blackett Esq[ui]re Newcastle
I have herewith sent you a Plate of Silver as p[er] inclosed Acco[un]t the severity of the Weather prevented it’s being taken of sooner – youll also receive the Quart[e]r Acco[un]ts Pay Bill Rental & General Acco[un]ts w[hi]ch I hope will be found right - I am
Sir Yo[u]r mo[st] H[um]ble s[ervan]t
Mr Luke Noble Bretton Newcastle 7th April 1783
near Wakefield
Inclosed you will receive a Bill drawn by Bell Cookson & Co on Castell Powell & Co dated 5th instant at one Month for One Thousand Pounds which is on Account of Sir Thomas Blackett Barot; the Receipt of which you will please to acknowledge advising Sir Thomas of the same who I imagine is in London. I propose mak
Messrs Plumb & Browne Newcastle 11th April 1783
Foster Lane London
I am favoured with your Letter of the 5th instant with an Account of the Last Price of Silver sent you for which I have Debited your account £348.13s.2d. I have this day drawn a Bill on you at one months date payable to the order of Messrs Bell Cookson & Co for £350 which I doubt not you will duly honour & place it to the Account of Si
yesterday I received yours of the 7th Instant covering a Bill for One Thousand Pounds for which you have a recet as above. I have acquainted Sir Thos. Blackett with the same who is now at Bretton and desires his respectful Compliments to you I am
Sir your most Obedt. Servt. Luke Noble
Mr Thomas Wall Temple Newcastle Bank 15th April 1783
Sir Inclosed you will receive a Bill drawn by Bell Cookson & Co on Castell Powell & Co dated 11th instant at one months date for Three Hundred Pounds to make the Quarterly Payments on Sir John Trevelyans Account to 30th June next for which you will please to send me your Receipt as usual. I am etc J E B.
£300 . .
Dukesf[iel]d 1st May 1783
J E Blackett Esq[uir]e N[ew]Castle
I have compounded for Sir Thos Blackett’s Lead at Stella Path Barr for one Year at Twelve Guineas, and yesterday agreed with the Easthand Carriagemen for this year at last y[ea]rs price – we have sent to the Bankf[oo]t f’m this Mill 3,560 p[iece]s 2924 p[iece]s of Litharge 170 p[iece]s of slag & the remainder L C Lead
Theres a Person about taking the House at the Bankfoot that would take an Ac