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TNA ADM 66 98

Letter – John Turner to Peter Mulcaster – 1 Mar 1783

Farnacres 1st. March 1783 Messrs. Mulcaster Your Letters of the 17th. 22nd. & 24th. are now before us. It gives us much concern to hear that Thomas Temperley’s Wife has lost the sight of one of her Eyes; but as it is so it must be submitted to & she must be careful not to fret lest it should bring on an inflammation in the other Eye. We would therefore recommend that she be thankful for one being yet left and that she make herself as easy as possible. This you are des
TNA ADM 66 98

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Holmes – 2 Mar 1783

Farnacres 2nd March 1782 Dear Sir By the London Waggon which set out from Newcastle yesterday you will receive a Box containing 726 ½ ounces of fine Silver. We are Dear Sir Your most Hble. Servts. Walton & Turner PS Be so good <to> deliver the inclosed or send it by Porter to <my Brother Smeaton> <N.W jnr>
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Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 5 Mar 1783

Farnacres 5th. March 1783 Messrs. Mulcaster We have recd. your Letters of the 26th. Ult. and 3rd. Inst and tho’ you very possibly may not be told by any of the Companys Agents that you may go and see the working of the Ore Furnace, if you shd. you certainly may go without hearing from us further and the moment we receive any Account from Mr. Hall, if ever we do receive any, you shall hear from us. We shall be glad to be informed of every thing wch. comes to your knowledge relative t
TNA ADM 66 98

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 7 Mar 1783

Farnacres 7th. March 1783 Messrs. Mulcaster I have this moment rec’d. yours of the 6th. instant, and approve of your having wrote to John Friend along with our Letter. I have not heard any thing yet from Mr. Hall and shall not make the least application to him about the Cupola. You are desired to reacquaint our Workmen that if they go to the Cupola and impertinently thrust themselves into the Work going forward there, they must look out for work elsewhere than at Langley Mill
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Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 8 Mar 1783

Messrs. Mulcaster Farnacres 8th March 1783 Above [below] you have the remaining observations upon the Operations and we shall be glad to hear from you in answer to the whole when your convenience admits. We wish the next Operation not to be made out till every thing is as far finished for last years Ore &c as can be and all the Lead delivered & you’ll remember that the mark is to continue 82 till that time & then commence 83. You are desired to press

Letter – Isaac Hunter to John Emerson – 8 Mar 1783

Dukesf[iel]d 8th March 1783 Mr Jno Emerson Blaydon Sir I desire that youll send me as soon as you conveniently can an acco[un]t of the quantity of Lead you have rec[eive]d f’m each of the Rookhope Carriagemen – I find Mr Peart has been intimating when in Rookhope last week that Mr Smith should send a particular acco[un]t of the delivery f’m the mill to you; if it’s a fault that it’s not sent the fault is in me for he has my orders not to send such an acco[un]t. when I ne
TNA ADM 66 98

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 11 Mar 1783

Messrs. Mulcaster Farnacres 11th March 1783 We have recd. your Letter of the 9th instant, and herewith return you all the Operations since the ending of the last Accts. You may set them right at your Leisure & you need not return them til we come up to make the Pay, for we have extracted from them every thing that will be necessary for our Government til that time. There is not the least Occasion for making fresh Copies. Your Ideas wth. respect to the Cupola are perfe

Bill – John Erasmus Blackett to Castell Power Sumner & Co – 15 Mar 1783

£200 . . Newcastle Bank 15th March 1783 Twenty Days after date Pay to the order of John Erasmus Blackett Esqr. Two Hundred Pounds value received For Bell Cookson Carr Widdrington & Self To Messrs. Castell Powell Sumner & Co Jos. Saint London Endorsed to Sir John No. 1534

Letter – Isaac Hunter to John Erasmus Blackett – 16 Mar 1783

Dukesf[iel]d 16th March 83 J E Blackett Esq[ui]re Newcastle Sir I have herewith sent you a Plate of Silver as p[er] inclosed Acco[un]t the severity of the Weather prevented it’s being taken of sooner – youll also receive the Quart[e]r Acco[un]ts Pay Bill Rental & General Acco[un]ts w[hi]ch I hope will be found right - I am Sir Yo[u]r mo[st] H[um]ble s[ervan]t IH
TNA ADM 66 98

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Holmes – 18 Mar 1783

Mr. John Holmes Farnacres 18th. March 1783 Dear Sir We have this day rec’d. your Letter of the 15th. inst, and drawn upon you pay[a]ble at 40 Days for £231. 11. 5 being the Amount of 726 ½ Ounces of Silver Bullion at 6s. 4 ½ d per Ounce. Mr. Walton is much obliged to you and returns you Thanks for your <attention to use of the Instruments.> He would be glad to have them <……… is ……… …………>’til you have opportunity of Writing &
TNA ADM 66 98

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 18 Mar 1783

Messrs. Mulcaster Farnacres 18th March 1783 Your Letter of the 13th inst is now before us. We approve of what passed between Mr. Peter Mulcaster & Thos. Friend and think it may possibly bring a letter from Mr. Hall. We are very glad to hear that the Smelting at the Cupola goes on successfully. What you say with regard to Books relative to Smelting &c is very proper, and we shall certainly attend to the matter. You are right in the Determination as
TNA ADM 66 98

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 19 Mar 1783

Messrs. Mulcaster Farnacres 19th March 1783 We have just now rec’d. yours of the 17th inst together wth. Thos. Temperleys two last Weeks Coal & Cinder Accounts. We are glad to find your Work will be so soon completed, but not on acct. of the Quantity being Less this year than we would have wished it; That is a matter which we could not alter, and our wish now is that of getting on with the Carriage as soon as possible. We entirely approve of Thos. <Stokoe
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Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 31 Mar 1783

Messrs. Mulcaster Farnacres 31st March 1783 We have recd. yours of the 24th & 25th instant and, at times convenient to you, shd. be glad to hear from you as to the Cupola Smelting. You need not send the Pay Bills to Farnacres, and in case the Stone Walls are not finished even at the time of the Pay, they may be measured off, and some Money rested in your Hand ’til the Work is finished. What you have done as to Thomas Stokow is perfectly right. The Si
TNA ADM 66 98

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Holmes – 31 Mar 1783

Mr. John Holmes Farnacres 31st. March 1783 Dear Sir By the London Carrier, who set out from Newcastle on Saturday, we sent you a Box containing 436 ½ Ounces of fine Silver which we doubt not you will receive safe on Friday Sennight in the Evening. We are Dear Sir Your most HbLe Servts. Walton & Turner
TNA ADM 66 98

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 4 Apr 1783

Messrs. Mulcaster Farnacres 4th April 1783 We have rec’d your Letter of the 31st Ult. with several enclosures you mention. We doubt not you will have all ready against the Pay and we wish every thing to be included in the Pay Bill that can be & don’t wish to see it ‘till we come to the Mill. As soon as you can pray let us have an account of the Lead delivered from the Mill since last Lead Carriers Pay to the time that the whole of the Lead for last years Ore will be del
TNA ADM 66 98

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Holmes – 5 Apr 1783

Dear Sir Farnacres 5. April 1783 I desire you will be so good as deliver to Mr. Willm. Cook Lord Ravensworths Agent in London a Watch for a Young Man of mine the price to be about Six Guineas & the sooner Mr. Cook receives the Watch the better as he will have an opportunity of sending it by a very careful person. You are desired to pack up the Watch in a little Box and after that seal it up in paper & direct it to Mr. Walton Senr. at Farnacres to the care of Henry Elliso
TNA ADM 66 98

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 7 Apr 1783

Messrs. Mulcaster Farnacres 7 Apl. 1783 I have recd. your Letter of 27th Ult. with a Sketch and description of the Air Furnace and Smelting which so far as you have gone is perfectly clear & satisfactory, I am Your Humble Servant Nicholas Walton Jnr.

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Luke Noble – 7 Apr 1783

Mr Luke Noble Bretton Newcastle 7th April 1783 near Wakefield Yorkshire Sir Inclosed you will receive a Bill drawn by Bell Cookson & Co on Castell Powell & Co dated 5th instant at one Month for One Thousand Pounds which is on Account of Sir Thomas Blackett Barot; the Receipt of which you will please to acknowledge advising Sir Thomas of the same who I imagine is in London. I propose mak

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Plumb & Brown – 11 Apr 1783

Messrs Plumb & Browne Newcastle 11th April 1783 Foster Lane London Gentn I am favoured with your Letter of the 5th instant with an Account of the Last Price of Silver sent you for which I have Debited your account £348.13s.2d. I have this day drawn a Bill on you at one months date payable to the order of Messrs Bell Cookson & Co for £350 which I doubt not you will duly honour & place it to the Account of Si
TNA ADM 66 98

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 12 Apr 1783

Messrs. Mulcaster Farnacres 12 Apl. 1783 Inclosed we send you a Letter from <Anne and Joseph Bell>, in case you see no <Objection> to the granting of their Request we shd. be glad it might be complied with. We have recd. your Letters of the 6th and 9th inst. As soon as the Delivery of the Lead is finished we desire to have an Acct. of the Quantity delivered to each Carrier. You are right in your Idea as to the Agreement with John Richardson and

Letter – Luke Noble to John Erasmus Blackett – 12 Apr 1783

Sir yesterday I received yours of the 7th Instant covering a Bill for One Thousand Pounds for which you have a recet as above.   I have acquainted Sir Thos. Blackett with the same who is now at Bretton and desires his respectful Compliments to you I am                                      Sir your most Obedt. Servt. Luke Noble

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Thomas Wall – 15 Apr 1783

Mr Thomas Wall Temple Newcastle Bank 15th April 1783 London Sir Inclosed you will receive a Bill drawn by Bell Cookson & Co on Castell Powell & Co dated 11th instant at one months date for Three Hundred Pounds to make the Quarterly Payments on Sir John Trevelyans Account to 30th June next for which you will please to send me your Receipt as usual. I am etc J E B. £300 . .
TNA ADM 66 98

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 16 Apr 1783

Messrs. Mulcaster Farnacres 16th Apr. 1783 We have recd. yours of the 11th and 14th inst with Thos. Temperleys Coal & Cinder Accts. & of the Quantity of Lead delivd. from Langley Mill for Newcastle. We also recd. wth. yours of the 11th. the several Assays you mention. We are very much concerned to hear that the Disorder in Alston Moor still continues, but are glad to hear that the Children in the Neighbourhood of Langley Mill are better that when you wrote bef
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Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Holmes – 16 Apr 1783

Mr. John Holmes Farnacres 16 April 1783 Dear Sir Below you have two Receipts which I must beg the favour of you to get Mr. Everest to Sign and that you will pay him the amount being £86. 12. 3. Mr. Everest is wrote to this day desiring he will call upon you. By the Carrier who set out from Newcastle on Saturday you will receive a Box containing about 470 Ounces of Bullion & we shall not draw for the Cake you last had ‘till the Box above ment[ione]d arrives &
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Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 20 Apr 1783

Messrs. Mulcaster Farnacres 20th April 1783 We have reced. your Letter of the 16th Inst and are very glad to hear you have started the Lead Yard Wall and approve of what you propose as to the Lead which Pattinson is to have. It is desired that Bills application may wait till the time of the Pay. I am particularly glad to hear the Peats are getting in which have stood over Winter & that they are very dry. I am for Mr. Turner & Self Your very humble Servt. Nich. W
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467