Mr Thos Wall Paper Buildings Newcastle 17th July 1784
Temple London
Sir Inclosed you will receive a Bill drawn by Messrs. Bell Carr & Co on Messrs. Powell Sumner & Co for £200 at 30 days dated this day to enable you make Sir J Trevelyan’s Quarterly Payments to 30th Sept. next. Mr Blackett is at present from home & therefore you will please to advise me on your Receipt of this Bill I am etc C Peart
Mr John Beatson
Cinderhill Yorkshire
Inclosed you will receive Messrs Bell Carr & Cos Bill on Messrs Castell Powell Sumner & Co at 40d dated this day for £71.0.0 for Leather Bends sent hither for Sir Thos Blackett’s Leadmines. Mr Blackett is at present from home & therefore desire you will advise me on your Receipt of the inclosed Bill. Both Packs came safe. I am etc C Peart
Lyde Browne Esqr
Foster Lane London
I have this day sent you by John & James Jackson the London Carriers a Piece of fine Silver containing One Thousand and fifty four Ounces which I desire you will place to account with Sir Thos Blackett Bart as usual at the Markett Price, & advise me on your Receipt of it. I shall in a few Posts draw upon you for £300 I am etc J E Blackett
Sir Thos Blackett Bart Newcastle July 31st 1784
Bretton Yorkshire
Dear Sir
Inclosed you will receive a Bill drawn by Bell Carr & Co on Castell & Co dated 30th inst at a Months date for Two Thousand Pounds the Receipt of which you will please Acknowledge. I am etc J E B
£2000 Newcastle Bank 30th July 1784
To the Revd. Mr. J. Cleaver Malton Yorkshire
To the Revd. Mr. Cleaver Alstone 31st July 1784
I rec’d yours on the 8th Inst & wrote you the day following. I expected an answer ere this. Mr. Gilbert came here on the 14th Inst. the next morning by chance I met with him and had long conversation relative to the Lead mines &c with which he was well pleased, and said he would be glad to see me at any opportunity; I told him there was a probality I might be concerned with him in t
J.E. Blackett Esqr N[ew]Castle Dukesfield 2d Aug[us]t 1784
The 9th being the time that the Mining Agents are to be in Town for Subsistance Mo[ney] shall be obliged then to Trouble you for 250£ the cause of my demand being larger then usual at this Season is owing to the Wheel Wright that made the Wheels etc for the Smelt & Corn M[ill] being behind w[i]th his Journeymen & having promised to pay them once he had finish[ed] the job, their resentment at his deception we
Messrs Child & Co Bankers Newcastle Augt 4th 1784
Inclosed you will receive a Bill drawn by Bell Carr & Co on Castell & Co at One Month dated 3rd inst for One Hundred & Fifty seven Pounds Ten Shillings; being half a Years Composition Rent for the Tithe Ore of Weardale Leadmines due to My Lord Bishop of Lincoln the 14th inst from Sir Thos Blackett Bart. You will please to Ack
Lyde Browne Esqr Newcastle Augt 7th 1784
Foster Lane London
I have this day drawn a Bill on you for Three Hundred Pounds at 30d dated the 3rd inst which I have no doubt you will duly Honour on Sir Thomas Blackett’s account & am etc
J.E. Blackett Esqr N[ew]Castle Dukesfield Augt 24th 1784
The Miller at the Corn Mill here wants to sell Ale, I told him that I was sure you would not allow of it being so near the Smelt Mill I find by him that Mr Salkeld reather encourages him (who’s pub Tenant he is) and that he’s not willing to give it up without an order f[ro]m you, I therefor beg you’ll let Mr Peart acquaint my by l[ett]re of your disapprobation of it for I am sure that it will be a detrement to Si
Dr Sir
Your Cake of Silver is come safe to Sir Thos Blackett’s Office. It is weigh’d & Contains One Thousand Two Hundred & Forty one Ounces & an half which will be placed to the Credit of Dukesfield Refinery. I am etc C Peart
Mr Isaac Hunter Dukesfield Newcastle 10th Septr 1784
Lyde Browne Esqr Newcastle Septr 11th 1784
Foster Lane London
I have this day sent you by John & James Jackson the London Carriers a Piece of fine Silver containing One Thousand Two Hundred and forty one Ounces & an half which I desire you will place to Account with Sir Thomas Blackett Bart as usual at the Markett Price, advising me on your Receipt of it. I am etc
Mr Luke Noble Newcastle 17th Septr 1784
Bretton Yorkshire
Dr Sir
Inclosed you will receive Messrs Bell Carr Cookson & Cos Bill on Messrs Castell Powell Sumner & Co at 35 days dated 15th inst for Twenty seven Pounds Sixteen Shillings; being so much I received of Mr Hunter for the Waggon which Bill you will please to advise me on your Receipt of. I shall the beginning of next week send you the Cash Book
Lyde Browne Esqr Newcastle Septr 23rd 1784
Foster Lane London
I wrote to you on the 11th inst advising you of a Piece of fine Silver being sent to you to wch I refer you. I have this day drawn a Bill on you payable to the Order of Messrs Bell Carr & Co for £400 at 30 days date on Sir Thos Blackett’s Account wch I doubt not you will duly Honour. I am etc J E Blackett
£400 - -
Sir Thomas Blackett Bart Newcastle Septr 24th 1784
Bretton Yorkshire
Dear Sir
I expect that this may find you returned from your Tour of the Lakes & I hope that you & the Young Ladies have been agreeably Entertain’d. Inclosed I send you Messrs Bell Carr & Cos Bill on Castell & Co of this date at One Month for £2000 the Receipt of which you will please acknowledge. I have had some Conversation with Mr H
J.E. Blackett Esqr N[ew]Castle Dukesfield Sept 27th 1784
I have had the moulds or Pig-Pans at the several Mills tried and find that they will all make 12 Stone pieces; those at Rookhope Mill are the least & only just held the quantity: so that when Smelting Poor Ore the Pigs may be short of weight and indeed at all times the Smelters must be attentive that the Pig Pans are always kept level – We keep the Acc[oun]t etc by the Foth[e]r (ie) 16 ps to the Foth[e]r or 22 Cw
Mr Hawkins Wall Newcastle Octor. 4th 1784
Temple London
Sir Inclosed you will receive Messrs. Bell Carr & Cos Bill on Messrs. Castell Powell Sumner & Co at 20 d[ays] dated this day for Six Hundred & Twenty five Pounds being half a Years Interest of £25,000 due to Sir Edward Winnington on Mortgage of Wallington now at 5 P[er] Cent due from Sir John Trevelyan the 6th Aug[us]t last for which Remittance please to
Mr Hawkins Wall Newcastle Octor. 18th 1784
Temple London
Sir Inclosed you will receive a Bill drawn by Messrs. Bell Carr & Co on Messrs. Castell Powell & Co dated 16th instant at one Months Date for Two Hundred Pounds to enable you make the Quarterly Payments on Sir J Trevelyan’s acct. to31st Decem[be]r next for wch. you will please to send me your Receipt as usual I am etc J E B
£200 .
Mr John Bell Newcastle Octr 19th 1784
Hexham Abbey
Inclosed you have a Tickett for the Delivery of Six Pieces more Lead to Mr Parker & I am desired to acquaint you that the Price of these & the former three Pieces is £16.15.0 a Fother. I am etc C.P.
Sir Thos Blackett Bart Newcastle Novr 5th 1784
Bretton Yorkshire
Dear Sir
The large Stocks of Lead that you have at Blaydon at this Season & the small Demand that there was for it made it necessary for me to reduce the Prices to encourage a Sale so as to enable us to make the Lead Pays in due time, as well as the several other Payments. As Mr C Blackett made the former Purchase I made him an Offer of 8000 P
Mr Isaac Hunter Newcastle Novemr 17th 1784
As there is now a large Quantity of Litharge Slags at Blaydon Mr Blackett has it under Consideration whether to dispose of them at 30s a Ton, a Price offered him, or to have them wrought up at Dukesfield so you will please to let us know in what manner you manage your Slags so as to obtain the Lead contained in them. Whether you run them up in the Slag
Sir Thos Blackett Bart Newcastle Decemr 8th 1784
Bretton Yorkshire
Dear Sir
Inclosed you will receive a Bill drawn by Bell Carr & Co on Castell & Co dated 3rd inst at One Months date for Two Thousand Pounds, the receipt of wch you will please Acknowledge. Your Lead Stewards were with me the 30th inst when I paid them £2140 for Subsistance for the Workmen, the Mines were much in the same States. Since t
To the Revd. Mr. Cleaver Alstone 14th Decr. 1784
Yours I rec’d & have paid Paul Readshaw £2.2 on Acct of the Horse. When with you at Allendale Town I informed you it would be at or near Ladyday before we could possibly get into the vein in the G. Limestone at Greengill, but I am in Hopes as we are very successful, to give you earlier Intelligence. Nothing otherwise material concerning the Leadmine has transpired. I would have answered your last week had there been any probabilit
Sir Thomas Blackett Bart. Newcastle . Jany. 6th. 1785
Bretton - Yorkshire
Dear. Sir I received Mr Noble’s letter Advising me of a Roll of Brawn that you have been so kind to send, for wch. please to Accept of our best Thanks, it arrived safe & is exceeding good: Mr Wilsons Roll likewise came safe. As there was a Considerable Quantity of Lead at Blaydon I thought it advisable to make Doctor Hall an Offer of 10,000 pieces at the
J.E. Blackett Esqr N[ew]Castle Dukesfield 7th Jany 85
I find by Mr Emerson that there’s 6 p[iece]s of Dukesf[iel]d & 28 of Allanh[ea]ds Lead short rec[eive]d at Blaydon of the Deliv[er]y f[ro]m there Mills this last Y[ea]r. if the snow was of the Ground I do not doubt to make out the greatest part of it. F[ro]m the rise of the Glass theres appearance of the frost continuing so have wrote to Mr Emerson to make up the pay Bills for what he has rec[ieve]d for by the agre
Lyde Browne Esq Newcastle Jany 7th 1785
Foster Lane - London
Sir I have this day sent you by John & James Jackson the London Carriers a piece of fine Silver containing Eight Hundred & Thirty one Ounces & an half which I desire you to place to Account with Sir Thos Blackett Bart as usual at the Market Price and advise me on your Receipt of it. Inclosed is your Account which if you find right, please to Sign & return.