Messrs Child & Co Newcastle Jany 11th 1785
Bankers London
Sirs Inclosed you will receive a Bill drawn by Messrs Bell Carr & Co. on Castell & Co. dated 4th instant at 30 d[ays] date for £100 which I desire you will place to the Account of the Revd. Dr. Blackett of Plymouth acquainting him with the same and acknowledging the Receipt of the Bill to, Sirs yours etc John E Blackett
The Revd. Doctor Blackett at Plymouth Newcastle Jany 11th 1785
Dear Sir I have by this Post remitted to Messrs. Child & Co. a Bill for £100 on your account for one years Interest on Sir Thos. Blackett’s Bond to you for £2000 due 1st Decem. last, on your receiving Advice of the Receipt of the Bill, you will Please to send me your receipt for the same. I am desired by Sir Thos. Blackett to acquaint you that his Bond will be paid off the 1st June next, you will therefor
Sir Thomas Blackett Bart. Newcastle . Jany. 11th. 1785
Bretton - Yorkshire
Dear Sir Inclosed you will receive a Bill drawn by Bell Carr & Co. on Castell & Co. dated 11th inst. at a Months date for £1000 the Receipt of which you (or Mr Noble) will please to acknowledge.
I understand that an Application has been made to you by the Revd. Mr Harris, to Succeed the late Mr Birkett in the Curacy of Chappel of Warden in Weardale, in the Gift
Sir John Trevelyan Barot . Newcastle April 13th 1785
Half Moon Street Piccadilly
Dear Sir I wrote to you the 10th inst. to wch. I refer you. I am since favoured with your letter of the 8th inst. the Contents of which I immediately Communicated to Mr. Herron who inform’d me that he had, by that Post, wrote to Mr Satteney & enclosed him the Article entered into by the Duke of Portland, so am in h
Mr Thos Wall Newcastle Jany 21st 1785
Temple London
Sir Inclosed you will receive a Bill drawn by Messrs. Bell Carr & Co on Castell & Co dated this day at 30 d[ays] date for £200 to enable you make the Quarterly Payments on Sir John Trevelyan’s Account from 31st Decem[be]r last to 31st March next for which Sum you will please to send me your receipt as usual. __ I shall in a few Posts remit you a Bill for Sir Edward
Messrs Child & Co Newcastle Jany 21st 1785
Bankers London
Gentn. Inclosed you will receive a Bill drawn by Messrs Bell Carr & Co. on Castell & Co. dated this day at 30 d[ays] date for One Hundred & Fifty seven Pounds Ten Shillings Being half a Years Composition Rent for the Tithe Ore of Weardale Lead Mines, due to my Lord Bishop of Lincoln, 14th Feby next, from Sir Thos. Blackett Bart. You will please
Lyde Browne Esq Newcastle Jany 21st 1785
Foster Lane - London
Sir I wrote to you on the 7th inst. advising you of a piece of fine Silver being sent to you to which I refer you. I have this day drawn a Bill on you payable to the Order of Messrs Bell Carr & Co for £350 at 30 d[ays] date, on Sir Thos. Blackett’s Account which I doubt not you will duly Honor. I am
Sir Thomas Blackett Bart. Newcastle . Jany. 21st . 1785
Bretton - Yorkshire
Dear Sir I received your Letter of the 14th inst. Acknowledging the receipt of a Bill for £1000 & desiring another Remittance for £2000. Inclosed you have Messrs Bell Carr & Co’s Bill on Castell & Co of this date at a Month for that Sum the Receipt of which you will please to acknowledge. I observe what you say respecting the Revd. Harris his Testimonial is unex
Mr Thos Wall Newcastle Jany 30th 1785
Temple London
Sir I have your favour of the 25th ins[tan]t with your receipt for the £200 on account of the Quarterly Payments to 31st Mar[ch] next. As you do not think a Stamp necessary I am satisfied. Inclosed I send you a Bill drawn by Bell Carr & Co on Castell & Co dated 29th inst. at a Months date for £625 to pay Sir Edw[ar]d Winnington’s Interest due the 6th Feby. next the rec
Sir John Trevelyan Bart . Newcastle Jany 30th 1785
Half Moon Street Piccadilly
Dear Sir I have your favour of the 25th ins[tan]t & agreeable to your desire therewith send you Bell Carr & Co’s Bill on Castell & Co dated 29th inst. at One Month for £300. the receipt of which you will please to acknowledge. Sir Thos. Blackett’s Bonds to you are all paid off which I thought I had mention’d to
Sir Thomas Blackett Bart. Newcastle . Feby. 18th . 1785
Bretton - Yorkshire
Dear Sir Mr Christr. Blackett has lately entered into the Gunpowder Trade & apply’s to you by this Post to request the favour of you to take a Part of the Gunpowder for your Lead Mines from him, It will be of the same Quality & Price as that you have from others, & as Mr Blackett purchases your Lead for the Freemen’s & Preston, if you have no Objection, you
Sir Thomas Blackett Bart. N.Castle . Feby. 27th . 1785
Dear Sir I wrote to you the 18th inst. to wch. I refer you. I received your Card by Mrs Soulsby & have wrote to Mr Noble about the Bends that Mr Beatson sent for the Lead Mines; It is very extraordinary that Mr Beatson will not take the Orders for the Bends from me, & when he sends them write to me with an account of the Charge, that I may on their Arrival at this place, know to what Mine, o
J.E. Blackett Esqr N[ew]Castle Dukesfield 3rd March 85
Have send pr this days Carrier a Plate of Silver as p[er] inclosed Acc[oun]t the severity of the Winter I fear will oblige me to trouble you for more money when in town on the 21st of this month then usual at this season as the Ore Carriers are complaining much of their Galloways and unless they have Mo[ney] against Ladyday to get meal for them that they will not be able to do much till after the Pastures get up, w[hi]c
Lyde Browne Esq Newcastle Mar: 7th 1785
Foster Lane - London
Sir I have this day sent you by Thos Jennings the London Carrier a piece fine Silver containing One Thousand & Eighty Nine Ounces & an half which I desire you will place to Account with Sir Thos Blackett Bart as usual at the Market Price, advising me on your Receipt of it. I am etc John E. Blackett
Mr John Beatson Newcastle Mar. 7th 1785
Cinderhill Yorkshire
Sir I received your Letter & inclosed you have Messrs Bell Carr & Co’s Bill on Messrs Castell Powell & Co for Seventy three Pounds Nine Shillings& Sixpence being the <amo[un]t> of Bends & Hides sent to Sir Thos. Blackett’s Lead Mines, which Bill please to Advise me on your receipt of. I am etc John
To the Revd. Mr. Cleaver Alstone, 23d March 1785
We have got into the vein in the G. Lime at Greengill without much Difficulty on the Plan I first proposed which takes the water, and I have sunk 5 fathoms in the vein from the top of the Sun Cheek of the Limestone, where the water appears to stand, but are now cutting cross in the vein to find the North Cheek of the Limestone, which I expect to be near four fathoms lower than the Sun Cheek, the vein is very strong, what width it is I ca
Lyde Browne Esq Newcastle March 26th 1785
Foster Lane - London
Sir I have this day drawn a Bill on you payable to the Order of Messrs Bell Carr & Co at 30 days date for £450, on Sir Thos. Blackett’s Account which I doubt not you will duly Honor.
I am etc John E Blackett
Sir Thomas Blackett Bart. Newcastle . March 28th. 1785
Bretton - Yorkshire
Dear Sir I received Mr Nobles letter of the 6th inst, & have remitted Mr Beatson a Bill for the amount of his Leathers. Inclosed I send you a Bill drawn by Messrs Bell Carr & Co’s Bill on Castell & Co dated 26th inst. at a Month for £1000 the receipt of which you, or Mr Noble, will please to acknowledge. Your Lead Stewards were with me for Subsistence for the Wo
Mr Thos Wall Newcastle March 29th 1785
Temple London
Sir Inclosed I send you a Bill drawn by Messrs. Bell Carr & Co on Castell & Co dated 1st April at One Month for £200 to enable you make the Quarterly Payments on Sir John Trevelyan’s Account to 30th June next the receipt of which you will please to acknowledge. I am etc J. E. Blackett
£200 . . Newcastle Bank 1st April 17
Sir John Trevelyan Barot . Newcastle 29th March 1785
Half Moon Street Piccadilly
Dear Sir I wrote to you the 26th inst. & enclosed you Bell & Co’s Bill on Castell & Co at 3 days sight for £20 to which I refer you. Inclosed you have a letter for Mr. Thos. Wall with a Bill for £200 to enable him to pay your Quarterly Payments to 30th June next.
In the Cause which was depending in the Court of
Dukesfield 10th April 1785
I have herewith sent you the Quart[erly] Acco[un]ts, Rental, Pay Bill & General Acco[un]ts for the year 1784, all of which I hope you’ll find right.
The meeting for letting the Barrs on the South Road was fixed at the last to be on the 20th at Corbridge where I hope you’ll attend that a compound may be made at Stella Barr for
Sir Thos Blacketts Lead; but, shall likely see you at N[ew]castle before then. I was at Rookhope last Frid
The Revd. Doctor Blackett Newcastle April 30th 1785
Dear Sir I have by this Post remitted to Messrs. Child & Co. a Bill of this date at a Month for Two Thousand and Fifty pounds to discharge Sir Thos. Blackett’s Bond to you dated 1st Decem. 1777 for £2000 and Six Months interest on the same due 1st June next; you will please to lodge the Bond in the hands of Messrs Child & Co. with a proper Discharge
Messrs Child & Co Bankers London Newcastle April 30th 1785
Gentn. Inclosed you will receive a Bill of this date drawn by Messrs Bell Carr & Co. at a Months date for Two Thousand & Fifty Pounds on Account of the Revd. Dr. Blackett of Plymouth, the receipt of wch you will please to acknowledge; advising him of the same. I have desired Dr Blackett to lodge in your hands Sir Thos. Blackett’s Bond with his receipt for the Principal
Dukesfield 1st May 1785
I set out the yard & agreed with Mr James Hall to take an Acco[un]t of [struck out: ‘Sir Thos Blacketts’] Lead for this year in my return f[ro]m Newcastle and the yeard will be started w[i]th tomorrow sen[ne]t [ie. week]. I expect it will be got finished by the time that the Carriage is begun, I saw his method with the Co[mpany]s Lead & think we cannot put him on a better so shall come to Town on Saturday to describe and order the Books th
Mrs Hall Haydon Bridge Newcastle May 23rd 1785
Madam I have Mr Blackett’s directions to acquaint you that the Principal Sunm of £1700 upon Sir Thos. Blackett’s Bond & all interest due theron will be paid off on the first day of Octor. next. I am etc Cuth Peart
[In Margin:] Pd same day.