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Letter – Ralph Grey – 20 Dec 1673

Newcastle Decbr th 20th 73 Sir yours of the 9th curent came in due time I had answeerd or this but that I have been sick pray if you can remitt us the balleince of the acct betwixt the 2 of february it being a reckoning day I perseive by yours that lead falls of price there being noo incouridgeement; the trade heir is driven by the Hambrough[er]s Ostend[ers] Sweeds and others; who clear for Hambrough or Breame and gow for Amsterdam and Rotterdam and clear consederable by coals lead

Letter – Ralph Grey – 20 Dec 1673

Newcastle December th 20th 73 Sir yors of the 9th curant to hand, and according to yor order hath pd yor bills for 30£ charged of me by Mr Lewest Frosts order by letter to mr Leamonds but none indorcement I wold not scruple being yor bill; I will assure you I had never thought of dealing with any other person for a small pittence we trade in; but I found that I could by as cheape if not cheap from our nighbours who had the same parcells from yew sent - them from London; and our traide bein

Letter – Ralph Grey to Randolph Richardson – 20 Dec 1673

Newc Desmbr the 20: 73 Mr Richardson Yrs of the 9 currant came to saife hand wth the inclosed accts; for wch I thanke yew as allsoe my coussin Brigs; <..e with> 2 or 3000 pcs of lead <… yow> if thare wear anny incoradgment; but fright [freight] is great coles being soe hye wth yew; and lead by yor dealing; soe that for present must forbear I thanke yew for yor care in sending my sones lettr forward I had answered yors er this but that I am lambe of the goute; yew may ple

Letter – Ralph Grey – 20 Dec 1673

Newc Desembr the 20 1673 Sir yrs of the 9th currant came to saife hand; and according to yor ordr hath pd yor bill for 20 pounds <cha[rge]d> of me by Mr frosts ordrd by lettr to Mr Leanard but noe <Adorsment [endorsement?]>; I would not scruple being yor bill I will essure yew I had never thought of dealing wth anny other person for that small pittence we trade in but I found that I could by as cheape if not chepr from our nyeghbors who had the same parsel from yew then

Letter – Ralph Grey to William Peacock – 20 Dec 1673

Newc Desembr 20th 73 Mr Peacocke Sr yors of the 13 currant came to saife hand wheare in yew take <notce of outs..>, of 200 pcs of leed at 11£ per Fo wch if 5s cheppr then we have but as to brake the custom of the towne thought yew gave extrayordnary we shall not doe it; if you please to have 2 or 3 C pcs at 11£ per fother of 21 c wights; I have bene trubelled wth the gout this 6 weakes; soe that I cannot goe abroad to waite of M[aisters] of shipps but if yow ordr Mr Wetwange w

Letter – Ralph Grey to John Grey – 20 Dec 1673

Decmbr 20th 1673 Mr Jn Grey Sir yors per last post I have reas[eved] and heare in closed sent yew up the bills that the Maisters is oweing Mark Moore of <Hasting> twenty pounds Richard Watters fower pounds, John Watters tenn pounds John Felloewes eight pounds and John Mabb nyne pounds in all fifty one pounds wch they are oweing as per theire bills will apeare, in my last I sent yew a bill of tenn pounds upon Mr Wm Dawkes and likewise gave yew an acct that I would venter 1/16 of

Letter – Ralph Grey to William Hester – 23 Dec 1673

Desembr 23 1673 Mr Hester Sir this at present is to intreat yew to send me one last of ordinary <soope> ; the last yew sent me proved very bad; that 3 firkens is good for nothing; pray lett this be better and ½ last of the best soap; and if yew can conveniently ship them in Mr Sandersons Mr Robert Sharp or anay I am concerned in; If not I refer to yr care; the other being shipt in them will save me the fright this not fother yrs Ra Grey

Letter – Ralph Grey to Daniel Wigfall – 23 Dec 1673

Ditto 23 1673 Mr Wigfall and Mr Howard This at present is to intreat your fayvor from you as to dd the inclosed to Mr Wharton at the 3 yellow Bales in London and what charge you are at plese to Acct pray rec an acct of hym how our concerns stands in france; I being about ¼ part concerned in the butter tunnes; and I perceve we loosis it for want of looking after it; Great quantitys of lead is shypt on these forarne shipps. this not farther I am your ob Ra Grey

Letter – Ralph Grey to unknown Grey – 30 Dec 1673

Newcastel Decbr the 30 Cosen Grey I have sent you heare in clost thees bills of exchange schard uppon Mr George Potts <twere times streat sale maker for 80£ five £ the Gorge sayles 40£ and Will Alfort 41?£ paye <do> at 3 dayes sig[ht] pray you recive and get a bill of Caten Chuttonsons charge uppon Mr <Ison> in ye Custemhous or upon Mr Rogers or upon who you can yr loveng cossen Ra Grey

Letter – Ralph Grey to George Potts – 30 Dec 1673

Newcastel Decembe the 30 73 Mr Gorge Potts yor health weshed I have this post sent two bills inclosted mr John Grey one for forty 5 pounds from mr Wil Adford and fr 40£ from mr Gorge sayles mr alford is loaded ready and hath colwes willl give content: and Mr Mosses Dring is a loadeing who I shall take care one; mr George Sayles shipe is not done as yet yor ffrind Ra Grey

Letter – Ralph Grey – 30 Dec 1673

Newcastle December the 30th 73 Right Honble yors of the 4th curent for wch i thank you care in shiping the goods; I shall fowllow yor advice as to the pepper when redy I have this morning the shipt is wighed; and hath sent <dd> I am afraide much goods is embeazeld I have caryd yor bill of fity pounds to mr Cotterell; I receved a letter from Mr Hill who will pay yew his stoock over; and John Gould 20£ and mr Wallter Baynared <20£> 4 poud he is oweng upon bond; this wha

Letter – Ralph Grey to John Cawood – 30 Dec 1673

Newcastel December the 30th Mr John Cawaid Yos of the 27th curant came to saife hand; and accordinge to yor order I have shipt you in yr frind shipe of Gainsbrough 6 Firkens of glasse of fourtenns mr frances younge m[aste]r hath taken care of them and set them by them selves wth much to doe I prevailed wth mr <Arekeld> to let me have them for 9s the firken; pray remember me to mr Tomes Greane who arrived with you from Vergina; I hope he is delivered eare thise redyy to come aw

Letter – Ralph Grey to Daniel Wigfall – 3 Jan 1674

Newcastel Jan ye 3 73 Mr Wigfall Yo[urs] of ye [lost] of December wch ye mel<>d acct and bill of exchange Came to hand I have placed ye bill to yo[ur] acct Currint; y[our] bill ondossed [endorsed] of Mr Roddom is accepted and wi[ll]bep[ai]d at day; if y[ou] can get bills for ye remander pray returne ye monnys, I thanke you for yo[ur] paines in delivering my letters to Mr Wharton; I cannot prevale, wth any m[aster]s shipps to take in Lead; Coles giveing soe great a prise at Londo

Letter – Ralph Grey to William Peacock – 3 Jan 1674

Ditto 3d 1673 Mr Peacocke Yours of the 29 xnber Came to saife hand and in dew tyme; wch I had answered erre this but that I have not sene Mr Robt Wetwange I shall del[iver] him the Lead upon demand, Its of the <ryesing> hard hear thar being great hopes of pease wch god grant; my cozon Briggs hath bene sundry tymes seking hime; if yow agree with anny shipps for the fut[ure], I shall furnish thim wth as good Coles and as good Chepe as anny, We Intrete yow retorne yo[ur] monn

Letter – Ralph Grey to unknown Grey – 3 Jan 1674

Newcastle Janury ye 3d 73 Loving Cossen yo[urs] of ye 30 of Dcember with ye inclosed bill of exchange Came to safe hand; for wch and also your faver I doe render yow hartye thinks; pray ye chargs yow are out in Carth hire or other Charges pray place to my acct wch shall be payde payd with thankes My wife presents her servise to yow; and intreats yow to buy hir 1 tun of ordnarye vinicar and to send it y first shipps or any of our Twones [townes?] men yt I am concernd in w

Letter – Ralph Grey to unknown Grey – 6 Jan 1674

Newcastle Jen 6 1673 Cousson Grey This at present is to aquant yow that Mr Clarke hat pd bill of exchange I make bould to truble yow further to Intresst yow to Re<ceive?> of Mr Potts Inclosed bill for 30 <s> Cha<rge> bing Moses Dringer and on[e] bill for 6:15:6 per Mr Wm Alford, the flett are saild under convoy of Capt Wetwang. No more at present but this from your loveing Cousson Ra : Grey

Letter – Ralph Grey to William Hester – 9 Jan 1674

New[castle] Jen[y] the 9 1673 Mr Hester This at present is to Intreat yow to Shipp In Mr <Ne..> Sanderson Mr Thorpe or who you Can best for Ship I have p[ar]t of if save Fr[e]ight ; if not I refer to yow to Shipe In whom yow plisse halfe a Last of ordenary Soape 1/2 Last of Best BS Soape and 1/2 Last of BB Soape, I have not hear from yow of late, pray Lett this make amends for Last per John Bee wch we Lost 2 or 3 firkens : Lett me hear two Lynes from yow of Shiping and I

Letter – Ralph Grey to George Potts – 9 Jan 1674

New[castle] Jen[y] the 9 1673 Mr Geo Potts This apresent Is to Aquant yow that Mr Mossis Dringer and Mr Wm Alford Is Sayld and I hope will be wth yow er long; Last post I Rec.d a Letter from my Cousson Mr John Grey who writt me he was wth yow; Wth the bills of Echange Wch you would not Under Write nor Except; but did appoint hyme to Come Eight days after: you would give hyme an Answer: Wch I Wond[e]r at for all most redy moneys I pd: I could have had twelve pens per pound to have forn

Letter – Ralph Grey to Matthew Shepherd – 9 Jan 1674

New[castle] Jen[y] th 9 1673 Mr Shephard This at present is to Intreat yow to Ship me per the first Ships three <H?> of Malt three boxes of browne Candy; and loafe sug[a]r one <H?> Let them be moast Small loaffs; and I shall take Care to Order you up moneys : pray if M[aste]r Thorpe or M[aste]r Sand[er]son be not come away Ship it in Ether of them and if they have anny moneys to Spare pray Receive it other wise I shall ord[er] Mr John Martine or Others to pay it Ra

Letter – Ralph Grey to unknown Grey – 9 Jan 1674

New[castle] Jen[y] th 9 1673 Cousson Grey Yo[urs] of the 3d Curant Came to saife hand: Wherein I perceive yow Rec[eived] the bills Cha[rged] upon Mr Potts; and that yow wear wth hym and that he would not Under Write; in my Last I sent yow a bill Inclosed for 30 <s> charged by Mr Mossis Dringer and one bill for 6:15:6 p Mr Wm Alford; I doe wounder he doth doth [sic] not except the bill; being In amang all Ready moneys pd hear: wch at this tyme of the year is Scarce with Cole ow

Letter – Ralph Grey – 16 Jan 1674

Newc Jen th 16 1673 Sr Yo[urs] of the 10 Curant Came to Saife hand; Wth the Inclosed bill of Exch[ange] Came to hand wth Mr George Arey promises payment this day wch I question not We sell Lead from A 11 £ 5 s to 11 £ 10 s to Duch men: I have prevailed with my Cussen Briggs you shall have 200 or 300 piggs at 11£ per fother It being for yo[ur] owne acct; pray prevail wth some M[aste]r to taikett in hear Capt Weatwang hath taken a privattear of Eight gones [guns] and 70ty men Who

Letter – Ralph Grey – 16 Jan 1674

New Castle Jen 16th 1673 Right Honble This at present is for Cover of this Inclosed bill of Exch[ange] from Mr Charles Cotterall who by stres[s] of Wedd[er] is dreven Into Berwick; the bill is for 10 <£> But I paid but 5 <£> and I perceive he Recd noe more ; Except he Intend to Cha 5 <£> more I doe not understand hys meaning: yo[ur] fine Currant proves not good ; I hope Earr this the Mr < > hath pd the moneys ordered; this not furth[er] but that I am yo[ur

Letter – Ralph Grey to George Potts – 17 Jan 1674

Newcastel Jan 17 73 Mr George Potts Yours of the 11th Courant Came to safe hand; & assure yourselfe Mr Sales shall want noe furtherance that lies in My power I have bee[n] Lyoing tormented wth the gout that I Canot Looke after my busnes I orderred my Man to goe from Shope to Shope if any had accation for Moneys I would passt my bills I did intreat Mr Sayles the Like who sath he hath beene but Cannot procure any I have ordered my frinde haveing about five hundred pounds London to re

Letter – Ralph Grey to William Peacock – 17 Jan 1674

Newcastle Janu ye 17 73 Mr Wm Peacocke Yo[urs] of ye 13th Curant wth ye inclosed bill of exchinge fo[r] twenty pounds Came to saife hand wch he promes to pay at day; I desired him to let know if there weere any Convenency of Shiping he would let me know; that I Might get of ye haviest Leed; to save wt we can in Coustome; he tells me there is noe Sweeds and yt you will not adventure in a Ostender; they being price [?prize] to ye ffrench; I shall observe yo[ur] order in it; or wt els

Letter – Ralph Grey to Randolph Richardson – 19 Jan 1674

Newcastle Janu ye 19 73 Mr Richisson This at present is to aquaint yow yt my Cossen Briggs and I have examened yo[ur] acct and found it right and intende to Shipe som Led per ye first Shipes we Can get to take then [sic] in Coles geves Soe great a prise they wellnot be p[er]swaded to doe us ye Courtessy though we would advance ye price; we intreate yow for yo[ur] paines and trouble in selling ou[r] Leed you wold bestow five pounds in a pesce of plate and place to our acct; we have
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467