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Letter – Michael Blackett to Henry Lawes – 16 Feb 1677

Henry Lawes Ditto [Newcastle 16 February 1677] I have now a freight for you and may desire and advice is to see you here w[i]th all speede possible; I have putt off Tho[mas]: Bayliffe apurpose to give you the Employm[en]t for I thinke the freight is a very good one soe fayle nott to come over upon receipt hereof Remember mee to all freinds I am MB:

Letter – Michael Blackett to Charles Banks – 16 Feb 1677

Mes[seu]rs Cha[rles] and James Bankes Ditto [Newcastle 16 February 1677] Sirs My last to you was of the 10th present to w[hi]ch referres you Since none from you Soe the lesse to Inlarge upon this serveinge cheifly for Covert to the Inclosed I shall say noe more about the RD1200 [Rijksdaalder - Dutch, ‘national dollar’] for itt vexes mee to thinke of itt; I question nott but ere this you have found out the mistake and conveyed satisfaction unto mee; w[hi]ch lett[er]s I now dayl

Letter – Michael Blackett to Edward WIllett – 16 Feb 1677

Mr Edw[ard]: Willett Ditto [Newcastle 16 February 1677] Sir My last to you was of the 6th past To w[hi]ch referrs you Since none from you so the lesse to Inlarge upon w[ha]t you have esferted [efforted] as to the Order above I will God willinge make good; but after receipt hereof proceed noe further haveinge Sold all my Leed In this place for a yeare; wee must now see if any profitt to bee hadeither by Coales or Butter of w[hi]ch pray advise mee the price once In 14/d[ays] if any E

Letter – Michael Blackett to James Burkin – 16 Feb 1677

Mr James Burkin Ditto [Newcastle 16 February 1677] Sir I have before mee yo[u]rs of the 10th but my Customer is gone a fayre oppertunity presentinge I could nott possibly perevaile w[i]th him to stay neither for love nor money: I am affraid I shall nott procure a nother upon such reasonable termes; you may bee certaine I shall use my uttmost Endeavoures for yo[u]r most advantage: I find none of our Masters knowes any such diffrence betwixt the freight of Wine and Pap[er] as you ment

Letter – Michael Blackett to Henry Maister – 17 Feb 1677

Mr Henry Maist[e]r Newcastle feb[ruary]: the: 17th 1676/7 Sir I have before mee yo[u]rs of the 13th by John Thompson and have taken itt into consideration w[ha]t you write about him the worst is to loade him w[i]th Coales accordinge to yo[u]r Order yett provided the Ma[ste]r bee reasonable I doe not question but to procure him a freight w[hi]ch may render they Owneres pretty good advantidge upon Monday morninge the old Man is to bee w[i]th mee; of our proceedinges next Post may exp

Letter – Michael Blackett to William Blackett – 20 Feb 1677

Honored Sir Ditto [Newcastle February 20th 1676/7] I have before mee yo[u]rs of the 15th present the contents of the former part thereof have Intimated to my Cousen Greene who thankes you heartily for yo[u]r greate kindness; and sayth if ever any oppertunity fallout; wherein hee may bee able and thought worthy To serve you; you shall see how ready hee will bee To make you a retaliation In some measure Upon thursday morninge I intende God willinge for the pay

Letter – Michael Blackett to James Burkin – 20 Feb 1677

Mr James Burkin Ditto [Newcastle 20 February 1677] Sir As to the effecttinge yo[u]r order I have fully discoursed the businesse w[i]th my Customer and wee hadd agreed upon all p[ar]ticulares; but hee going to acquaint his owners w[i]th the same they would nott condisend; haveing occation for him upon theire owne account; Soe all broake off; I now think itt convenient to lett you know; that there is noe more vessells In this River unfreighted about the burthen you desire; but larger

Letter – Michael Blackett to Henry Maister – 20 Feb 1677

Mr Henry Maist[e]r Ditto [Newcastle 20 February1677] Sir I have provided John Thompson a freight To his minde and the Dutch manes [names] likewise; Charterpartie was drawinge; but I cannott tell how shee was found by confesstion to bee forraigne built w[hi]ch broake of all I tooke the Vessell to be realy yo[u]rs but I understand otherwise; as the case is noe freight to be expected here; soe shall Load herof w[i]th Coales but where they Intend for I know nott; I have ordered to dis

Letter – Michael Blackett to Humphrey Willett – 20 Feb 1677

Mes[seur]s Hum[phrey]: Willett and Compa[ny] Newcastle feb[ruary]: the: 20th 1676/7 Sirs I have before mee yo[u]rs of the 6th Instant w[hi]ch requires little answer Soe the less to Inlarge upon this serveinge cheifly to advise you that this day I have drawne upon you a bill for £6:= payable 10/d[ays] Sight to Mr John Naylor or Order vallew of Mr Thomas Naylor w[hi]ch pray lett bee complyed withall. yo[u]r Bill for £100 upon Mr John Blackett bill be pay[e]d this Weeke I am MB:

Letter – Michael Blackett to James Burkin – 23 Feb 1677

Mr James Burkin Newcastle feb[ruary]: the: 23th: 1676/7 Sir I have att last mett w[i]th a Brave vessell for yo[u]r purpose And will say that for the Ma[ste]r an honest Man you never Imployed; he is to have no Caplacken unless hee deserve itt after he has p[er]formed his voyage; hee doth nott question but you will considder him; but whether any thinge are nothinge hee is wholy left to yo[u]r discrestion; by my next you have have a Coppie of yo[u]r Charter partie; 26 Gilders p[er] T

Letter – John Curtis to James Standsfield – 23 Feb 1677

1677 Delivered by me John Courties for the Lead Mines of Wanlock Head for Account of Sr Jamees Standfeild and Mr William Blackett from 11th November till the 2nd of february 1677 £ s d Edward Lethatt 67 dayes at 14d p day 3 18 2 Thomas Snowball 43 dayes at 14d p day 2 10 2 Edmond Jock 13 days at 14d p day 0 15 2 Nicholas deblish 1 day at 14d p day 0 1 2 Lowrance fox 7 days at 14d p day

Letter – Michael Blackett to Humphrey Willett – 24 Feb 1677

Mes[seu]rs Hum[phrey] Willett and Compa[ny] Ditto [Newcastle 24 February 1677] Sirs I have before mee yo[u]rs of the 20th present I find lest Post my Man Writt you as I ordered him of the Receipt of the £100 upon my Brother Edwardes account; w[hi]ch I hereby confirme and next Post God willinge you shall have a bill In liew thereof I am affrayd itt will bee att longe sight but itt shall nott cost a farthinge advance nor will I putt to account any other charge I wish you

Letter – Michael Blackett to James Burkin – 24 Feb 1677

Mr James Burkin Ditto [Newcastle] 24 feb[ruary] [1677] Sir I advised you In my last how that I hadd agreed w[i]th an honest Ma[ste]r to goe the voyadge desired accordinge to my promisse; Inclosed sends you a Coppie of the Charter partey they Orriginall is att yo[u]r Comand the Tearmes In my Oppinion are very reasonable if you thinke fitt I will goe a ¼ part willingly In the voyadge the vessell is a new one and sett out to bee about 140 Tonn but I durst Ingadge shee will nott take

Letter – Michael Blackett to Henry Lawes – 24 Feb 1677

Hen[ry]: Law[es] Ditto [Newcastle 24 February 1676/7] I thought good to give you notice that this day beinge hollyday and allso monday next; Tuesday and Weddnesday Soe that none of these dayes the Custome house will bee open that I can gett any enterey made, for Leed or any other thinge; Soe Weddnesday att night next will be as soone as you need to bee at Newcastle; you may stay soe longe if you please; I leave itt soly to you I remayne MB:

Letter – Michael Blackett to Bartholomew Harle – 24 Feb 1677

Mr Bartholomew Harle Ditto [Newcastle 24 February 1676/7] I have before mee yo[u]rs of the 20th present for answer unto w[hi]ch may please to take notice that there is noe such Greate hast of yo[u]r payinge any money to Mr Humphrey Willett and Company as you seeme to mention nore doe I desire you should untill you certaynely knoweath owneres dividend and then shall nott question yo[u]r payinge of w[ha]t is dew to my Cousen Cirkehouse [Kirkehouse] to my Order and w[ha]t you pay

Letter – Michael Blackett to Edward Fletham – 24 Feb 1677

Edward Fleetain [Fletham] Ditto [Newcastle 24 February 1676/7] I have before mee thinee of the 22d present for answer unto w[hi]ch thou may take notice that I have Leed enough att thy service if In stead of 40 or 50 fudder thou shall have occation for 500 fudder I can furnish thee w[i]th itt upon a little warninge my lowest price is £10 p[er] fudder of 21 hundred each 100 of 112C weight and soe I have sold to severall In Towne; but because thou art a good Man and one whome I have a d

Letter – Michael Blackett to William Blackett – 24 Feb 1677

Hono[ur]ed Sir Newcastle feb[ruary]. the 24th 1676/7 My last unto you was of the 20th present To w[hi]ch Referrs you Since none from you Soe the Lesse to Enlarge upon, have onely att present to advise you occurrances att the pay; soe farr as I could learne w[hi]ch is as followeth; I will beginn w[i]th the heades; the Condition of they severall Groves theyre as Richard Writes mee are vizt Greene Gill Inddiffrent good In one of the Shaftes they rest ar

Letter – Michael Blackett to Anthony Allaire – 27 Feb 1677

Mr Antho[ny]: Allaire Newcastle feb[ruary]: the 27th 1676/7 Sir If the bearer hereof Mr Henry Lawes Comander of the Obedience of Newcastle have occ[a]tion for any money and repayre unto you; pray furnish him w[i]th w[ha]t hee demandes to the vallew of fouer hundred Crownes and w[ha]t you pay him w[i]th yo[u]r provition; bee pleased to draw itt upon mee payable att the house of Mr Peter Barr Merchant In London and yo[u]r Bill [s]hall be personally hono[u]red by him that is MB:

Letter – Michael Blackett to Humphrey Willett – 27 Feb 1677

Mr Hum[phrey] Willett Ditto [Newcastle 27 February 1677] Sir I cannott possibly meete w[i]th a bill to Content against next Post perhapes may doe itt; you may remember I have beene my selfe offten In the same condition and att this very present; I can meete w[i]th noe Good bills to send you upon my owne account as soone as itt can bee Effected itt shall bee Embraced by him that Realy is MB:

Letter – Michael Blackett to James Burkin – 27 Feb 1677

Mr James Burkin Ditto [Newcastle 27 February 1677] Sir I have none of yours to answer Soe the less to Inlarge upon this serveinge cheifely to advise you that Henry Law[e] will bee this day Loaden and Cleared; And if this winde hold; I thinke will Sayle God willinge tomorrow morninge Tide; I hope all thinges is to yo[u]r satisfaction the vessell is nott too bigg as was Expected; I doe verily believe shee will nott Stow much above 120 Tonn att Charante ~ Sir upon the

Letter – Michael Blackett to Henry Maister – 27 Feb 1677

Mr Hen[ry]: Maister Ditto [Newcastle 27 February 1677] Sir Inclosed is an Invoyce of Goodes laid aboard John Thompson; w[hi]ch after examination and findinge right; bee pleased to place the amount thereof beinge £42:16:9 to my Creditt and lett itt Stand In place of w[ha]t you are to disbursse for mee and when I know w[ha]t more the full charge of the goods desired will bee I will God willinge order itt you either to yo[u]r place or send you a bill for itt ~ Inclosed

Letter – Michael Blackett to Henry Tersmitten – 27 Feb 1677

Mr Hen[ry] TerSmitten Newcastle feb[ruary]: the: 27th: 1676/7 Sir This comes to accompany my Mr Henry Lawes Master of the Obedience of Newcastle In whome I have Loaden and Consigned unto you by Order; and upon the account and Risill of my very Good freind Mr James Burkin Merch[an]t in London Two hundred p[iece]s Smalle Leed and fifty fouer Chalder Coales Newcastle measure w[hi]ch after good arrivall bee pleased to receive and dispose thereof ~ accordinge as you shall

Letter – Michael Blackett to James Ward – 9 Mar 1677

Mr James Ward Ditto [9 March 1677] Sir I have before mee yo[u]rs of the 27th past; yo[u]r Inclosed for w[illia]m Lecke I have delivered; herew[i]th sends you his account; but for compareinge itt w[i]th my bookes as you desire, I understand nott for I neither have nor never had any part In s[ai]d vessell If you desire I should receive the money. I will doe itt w[i]th all my heard being realy MB:

Letter – Michael Blackett to James Burkin – 9 Mar 1677

Mr James Burkin Newcastle March the 9th: [16]76/7 Sir In answer to yo[u]rs of the 27th past; may please to take notice that I freighted the vessell upon yo[u]r account before any contradictore order came to hand nor can I find that ever Recc[eive]d any; onely that if in case Such a vessell as you desired could nott bee procured then to desist; but I hope the Inclosed Invoyce will satisfie you that as for the vessell noe exception can be taken haveinge in my opinion fully an

Letter – Michael Blackett to John Strother – 9 Mar 1677

Mr John Strother Ditto [Newcastle 9 March 1677] Sir I have before mee yo[u]rs of the first present but noe satisfaction as yett from Mess[eu]rs Bankes about the RD1200 [Rijksdaalder] I can nott Immagine where the mistake is; Soe shall Censure neither of you till I know the Certaynty if on Bankes side I shall deale w[i]th him well enough and if on yo[u]rs Indeed I thinke you neither will nor cann In reason but offer mee principall and Intrest I shall say noe more untill I kno
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467