Robert Wilkie Esqr. Newcastle June 4th 1785
Ladythorn near Berwick
Dear Sir I am favoured with your letter of the 3rd inst. & observe the Contents. The Price which Sir John Trevelyan expects for West Ord, exclusive of the Islands, is £5000 & for Middle & East Ord £6700. Sir John Trevelyan will be Happy to treat with you for the Purchase of these Estate but as his object for selling them at this time is to pay off
Sir Thomas Blackett Bart. Newcastle . June 13th . 1785
Bretton - Yorkshire
Dear Sir I hope this may find you well at Bretton after your journey. I think that the Warm Weather we have will be no Inducement to your staying in Town. A Month since the Lead Company sold to the three Houses in London 30,000 ps Lead at £15. 12.6 for Common & £15.17.6 for Refined; I was offered the same Price by Doctor Hall & Mr Blackett for a Considerable Quanti
Robert Wilkie Esqr. Newcastle June 21st 1785
Ladythorn near Berwick
Dear Sir I have been from home for a few days at my return I found your favour of the 16th inst. I observe that Mr. Selby & you are of Opinion that the Value w[hi]ch Sir John Trevelyan has set on the Ord Estate is too high of wch I have acquainted him & when I have his answer you shall hear from me; It was only Calculated at 28 Years Purchase on the Valu
Sir John Trevelyan Bart. Newcastle June 21st 1785
Half Moon Street Piccadilly London
Dear Sir I have your favour of the 15th inst. & observe that you think that I have set too high a Value on the Ord Estate you will see by the enclosed that Mr. Selby & Capt. Wilkie are of the same Opinion. I must therefore desire that you will inform me what Sum I must Ask them for the estates. I have not yet had any other Application about it, or the Fishe
Sir Dukes[field]
Have sent (as p[er] inclosed Acco[un]t) a Plate of Silver & the Month Acco[un]ts for the several Mills. The Mills are all cleared of their Winters Lead or old stock w[hi]ch I hope will be got to Blaydon in good time what will be sent more this Season will only be what can be smelted between this and the Carriage striking up
You’ll receive herewith the Month Acco[un]ts for the several Mills & a Plate of Silver as p[er] inclosed Acct
Lyde Browne Esq Newcastle 25th June 1785
Foster Lane London
Sir I have this day sent you by John & James Jackson the London Carriers a piece of fine Silver containing Nine Hundred & Thirty seven Ounces & which I desire you will place to account with Sir Thomas Blackett Bart as usual at the Market Price and advise me on your Receipt of it. . I am etc J. E. B.
Refinery Cr. A Piece fine Silver -
Spa June 26th 1785
Dear Sir,
I was favoured with yours yesterday, and am happy to find you & Mrs. Skelton & my little Friend are well. With respect to the Tythes at Darton they may rest till I return which I hope may be in October but am not as yet certain what may happen, but I hope for the best. I am much obliged to you for the hint respecting the Will & Deeds of the School at Darton, I have wrote to Mr. Fisher to desire he would give me the Will & Deeds respect
Robert Wilkie Esqr.
Ladythorn near Berwick
Dear Sir I wrote to you the 22nd inst to wch. I refer you , I observe by your letter that Mr. Selby is desirous of Purchasing the Ord Estates provided he could have it on reasonable Terms, but that he as well as yourself were of Opinion that Sir John Trevelyan set too high a Value on the Estates; I have made him acquainted with your Answer and he is desirous of knowing what Sum you are
Thos. Eyre Esqr. Hasset Newcastle July 1st. 1785
near Bakewell Derbyshire
Sir Being informed that you granted a Way Leave to Mr Silvertop through part of your Estate for the Coals of Stella Grand Lease Colliery, I am desired by some of the Proprietors of that Colliery to acquaint you that they will be glad to Treat with you for a Way Leave for the Coals of their respective Shares; I am concern’d for Sir Thos. Blac
Mr Luke Noble. Newcastle July 4th . 1785
Bretton - Yorkshire
Sir Inclosed I send you a Bill drawn by Messrs Bell Carr & Co of this date at a Month for One Thousand Pounds on acct. of Sir Thomas Blackett Bart, the receipt of which you will please to acknowledge acquainting Sir Thomas of the same. Pray when are we to expect Sir Thos. Blackett in this country. My best respects to him if at Bretton. I am etc John E Blackett
Mrs Laidman Newcastle July 9th 1785
Warden Near Hexham
Madam Having received some intimation that Mrs. Christ[ia]n Laidman of Darlington is Dead I trouble you to know if you can tell me certainly whether she is or not. Her Annuity of £8 has been paid to the 24th March & if she is dead since that time it will be paid to her Exec[utor]s to the day of her death, & in that Case the Bond which is in your Possession shou
Mr Laidman Newcastle July 18th 1785
Surgeon __ Morpeth
Sir I received a letter Yesterday morning from Mrs. Laidman of Bradford inclosing the late Sir Walter Blackett’s Bond to Mrs. Christian Laidman of Darlington for the payment of £8 Yearly during the term of her natural Life. I suppose from this she must be dead & therefore should be obliged to you if you can tell me exactly & with certainty the day of her De
Mr Burnett Queens Head Newcastle July 22nd 1785
Sir I am desired by Mr. Ald[erma]n Blackett of this Town to enquire of you whether Mrs. Christian Laidman of Darlington is living or Dead _ if she is Dead he desires you will inform yourself exactly the day of her Death & let him or me know it. Sir John Trevelyan allowed her an Annuity of £8 during her natural Life & if she died before the 24th March last we
dissapated? and if his Character was the [missing word] irreproachable – I don’t think him a proper [missing word] for the daughter of Sir Edward Blackett fact I am angry at him for his presumption, and [missing word] don’t <allow> him <mind> that he may really [word missing] I hope however that he will [scratched out: ‘not’] he <…> nearly related to me. You must not send my sister their letters for she will perhaps be angry at me for differing in opinion so widely
Sir Thomas Blackett Bart. Newcastle July 27th. 1785
Bretton - Yorkshire
Dear Sir I am favoured with your letter of the 22nd inst. & am Concerned to hear that you are so much Indisposed wch. prevents us of the pleasure of seeing you in the North next Month. I hope that the enjoyment of Fresh Air at Bretton, with a little Quiet Company may soon set you right; I hope that you will be with us in the Autumn or Winter, which ever may
Thos. Eyre Esqr. Hasset Newcastle July 31st. 1785
near Bakewell Derbyshire
Sir I had the favor of your letter of the 5th inst. the Contents of which I Communicated to the Parties concerned, & I shall take the most early opportunity of acquainting you with the Propositions that they have to make to you as to the way leave for their several shares of the Coals wch may be had from Stella Grand Lease Colliery.
Mr Luke Noble. Newcastle . Augt. 1st 1785
Bretton - Yorkshire
Sir Inclosed you will receive a Bill drawn by Messrs Bell Carr & Co on Castell & Co. at a Months date for One Thousand Pounds on Sir Thos. Blackett’s account, the receipt of which you will please to acknowledge, acquainting Sir Thos of the same.
I wrote to Sir Thomas the 29th inst. & desire my best Compliments to him & the Young Ladies. I am etc J. E.
Mrs Elizth. Locking Newgate Street Newcastle 5th August 1785
Madam I am desired to acquaint you that Sir Thos. Blackett intends paying you off the Principal Sum of £1000 upon his Bond & all Interest due thereon on the 22nd day of February next. I am etc CP
Mr Hawkins Wall Newcastle 16th Augt. 1785
Temple London
Sir Inclosed you will receive two Bills drawn by Bell Carr & Co on Castell & Co at one Month dated this day amounting to £825 which you will please to acknowledge your receipt of to Mr. Blackett by return of Post. The Bill for £625 is to enable you to pay Sir Edw[ar]d Winningtons half Years Interest of £25000 on Mortgage of Wallington due 6th inst.. That f
Messrs. Hemmings & Smith Wallington Augt. 16th 1785
Curzon Street May Fair
Sirs Enclosed I send you a Bill Value One Hundred Pounds which I send you on acco[un]t, and will near Balance what I owe you. Please to acknowledge the same & direct as above. I am etc John Trevelyan
£100 . Newcastle Bank Augt 19th 1785
One Month after Date Pay to the Order of
Messrs Child & Co Newcastle Augt. 19th 1785
Bankers London
Gentn. Inclosed you will receive a Bill drawn by Messrs Bell Carr & Co. on Castell & Co. at One Month dated this day for One Hundred & Fifty Seven Pounds Ten Shillings; being half a Years Composition for the Tithe Ore of Weardale Lead Mines, due to My Lord Bishop of Lincoln, the 14th inst, from Sir Thomas Blackett Bart. You will please to Ackno
Mr John Knubley Newcastle Augt 19th 1785
Gunsmith No. 11 Charing Cross
Sir I received your letter with your Charge for Six Pair of Pistols amounting to £19.11.0 for wch Sum I have enclosed you a Bill drawn by Messrs Bell Carr & Co on Messrs Castell & Co of this date at a Month the Receipt of which you will please to acknowledge by the first Post. The Pistols Arrived safe and I hope may Answer.
Sir Thomas Blackett Bart. Newcastle Augt 21st 1785
Bretton - Yorkshire
Dear Sir I hope that this may find you very well again & that Mr Noble got well home. Mr Wilson would mention to you something that has pass’d relating to the Grand Lease Colliery of which you have 1/12 share; A Mr Edington has made Application to me & some other of the Proprietors for a Lease of their shares of that Colliery as well as a way Leave th
Revd Mr Lushington Newcastle Augt 22nd. 1785
Mendish House near Cambridge
Sir Sir Thomas Blackett being desirous of Paying off the £1000 left by the late Sir William Blackett to the Vicar of Newcastle and the Church Wardens of St Andrews in Trust for the Purposes mentioned in his Will; and being Advised that it is Necessary that the Vicar & said Church Wardens should have a proper Notice given them of his Intentions, I beg lea
Sir Thomas Blackett Bart. Newcastle Augt 28th 1785
Bretton - Yorkshire
Dear Sir I wrote to you the 21st inst. to wch I refer you. Mr Stephenson of Hull (who is Concerned for the Greater part of the Lead Proprietors in Derbyshire & Yorkshire) has been at this place, & I have had a good deal of discourse with him respecting an Application to Parliament for the Purpose of Obtaining a Repeal of the late Duty on Lead wch is very