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Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Charles Staples – 19 Nov 1783

Chas Staples Esqr Newcastle Novr 19th 1783 St Mary Ax No 11 London Sir I am favoured with your several Letters of the 9th & 21st Ulto & 15 inst & I ask your Pardon for not sooner acknowledging the receipt of them but I was from home when the first arrived & having wrote to Sir Thomas Blackett to Consult him on the Business I found that he had no thoughts at present of making any Alterations in

Letter – W Smith to John Erasmus Blackett – 20 Nov 1783

John Blacket Esq Gadlis 20 Nov 1783 Sir, Your favor of 12th Sept[ember] is now before me, my being from home for some time prevented my acknowliding it sooner. I am much obliged to you for the information respecting the Prices of Lead at your Market & it will give me great pleasure to be honor'd with your Correspondence on that subject, as I think with you, it may be of benefit to both concerns. Since mine to Mr Hunter of 24th Aug[ust] last considerable quant[itie}
TNA ADM 66 98

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 24 Nov 1783

Messrs. Mulcaster Farnacres 24 Nov. 1783 We duly recd. your two Letters of the 6th. & 3 Letters of the 7th. 10th. & 15th. together with Thos. Temperley’s Colliery Accts to the 8th. inst. We shall take the first Opportunity of laying the matter as to the Smoke and School House before the Commissioners of Greenwich Hospital. The Silver came safe to hand and weighed 715 Ounces only. We are glad to see the Reducing still go on well. <We recd.> the Assays along wth. y

Letter – Luke Noble to John Erasmus Blackett – 30 Nov 1783

Sir, Sir Thomas Blackett orders me to inform you He recd your Letter of the 26th Instant & agrees with you in the plan you recommend respecting the continuing old Mary to take care of the Fires clean the office & and to have an additional Clerk instead of Wm Foster. In regard to the New Office Sir Thomas says He wou'd have you consider what Street and place will be most convenient for taking a House for the present time & then to talk to Mr. Anderson about Building a New
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Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Holmes – 1 Dec 1783

Mr. Jno. Holmes Farnacres Decembr. 1st. 1783 Dear Sir, I have received your Letter of the 27th. Ult. and before duly received your Letters of the 25th. October and 15th. Ult. the two latter inclosing Three Lottery Tickets Viz. That of the 25th October No. 44,823 Cost £14 14 6 15 November No. 4,277 Cost 14 2 6 No. 16,109 Cost 14 2 6 £42 19 6 The Ticket No. 16,109 is
TNA ADM 66 98

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 2 Dec 1783

Messrs. Mulcaster Farnacres 2nd. Decr. 1783 We have recd. your Letters of the 27 & 29 Ult. The Operation we wd. be glad to have to take in all the Ore that is expected this Season, and therefore we shall wait wth. patience til you can send us the Operation <wth. convenience>. As to the increasing of the Ore Smelters we desire that may rest til we see you here, and before you come, you must send us the full Account of all the Carriage for the year, and we will get every

Letter – Thomas Blackett – 4 Dec 1783

Sir Mr. Arthington  is Here and We want to have a little Conversation with You about Mr. Allott, so that if you will be at Home tomorrow morning, We will call upon You in our Way to Mr. West.                Yours &C                    T. Blackett Bretton/ Thursday/ Decr. 4th [added in a different hand:] 1790?

Letter – Luke Noble to John Erasmus Blackett – 5 Dec 1783

Sir I am ordered by Sir Thomas Blackett to inform you he received yours of the 29th ulto. & desires you will take the House you mention of Mr. Wilson for an office & Sir Thomas is willing to give £36 a year for it without any Lease. Sir Thomas says there will be room enough in the House for Mr. Peart Family & also for the additional Clerk to have a Bed in the House ---  you will receive a Roll of Brawn & Mr. Wilson another in a few Days of which Sir Thomas begs your a
TNA ADM 66 98

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Holmes – 13 Dec 1783

Mr. John Holmes Farnacres 13 Decer. 1783 Dear Sir, By the Carrier from Newcastle this day for London you will receive a Box containing 867 ½ Ounces of fine Silver. We are Dear Sir Yours &c W&T
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Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 19 Dec 1783

Messrs. Mulcaster Farnacres 19th Decemr. 1783 We have recd. your Letters of the 16th & 14th Inst and also the Voucher for the Ore Carriage Pay and are obliged by your correcting the errors made in the Recets. The Cash we are glad proved according to expectation right with the addition of one Shilling, given Mr. James Mulcaster. According to your account of the Reducing business we think that the Furnace Flue ought at all times to be made larger than it has been usual to make

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Plumb & Brown – 20 Dec 1783

Messrs Plumb & Browne Forster Lane London Gentn Inclosed is your Acct with Sir Thos Blackett for fine Silver sent you this Year which if you find right please to Sign & return it to; Gentn Yours etc J E Blackett NCastle 20 Decemr 1783
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Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Holmes – 27 Dec 1783

Mr. Jno. Holmes Farnacres 27 Decemr. 1783 Dear Sir, I have recd. both your favours and have this Day drawn upon you for £191. 8. 2 being the Balance of Acct. as below. The Bill is payable 40 Days after date. I am Dr. Sir Your most Hble Servt. Nich. Walton Junr. 867 1/2 Ounces of Silver at 5s. 11d. £256 12 8 Deduct Bill payable to Maule 12 Dec. £15 4 6 Do. to R Crossley Esqr 20 Do. £60 - -

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to John Trevelyan – 28 Dec 1783

Sir John Trevelyan Bart . Newcastle 28 Decemr 1783 Nettlecombe Somersetshire Dear Sir I wrote to you the 20 inst & was by the last Post favoured with your letter of the 21st inst inclosing Sir Walter Blounts letter & a Copy of your Answer to it. This is what I expected & you may remember that I mentioned it to you; The Article is to continue the Money at 4 p[er] C[ent] from Feb[ruar]y 1777 to Feb[ruar]y 1784 but doe

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to William Darwin – 29 Dec 1783

Mr. Wm. Alvey Darwin Newcastle 29 Decer 1783 Sleaford Lincolnshire Sir I am desired by Sir John Trevelyan to Acquaint you that he finds by your letter to the late Sir Walter Blackett dated 13th June 1767 as well as by the Receipt of the Cashires of the Bank, & your Declarations of Trust dated 12th June 1767 that you Purchased £2000 in the 3 P[er] Cent Consold. Annuities on the Account of the late Sir Walter Blackett . Sir John Trevelyan a

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Plumb & Brown – 29 Dec 1783

Messrs Plumb & Browne Newcastle 29th Decemr 1783 Forster Lane London Gentn I Received your Letter of the 23th instt inclosing Sir Thomas Blackett’s Account signed by you & have drawn a Bill on you for £500 at 30d in Favour of Messrs Bell Cookson & Co dated 26th instt which I doubt not will be duly honoured. On Saturday next I shall send you by the London Carrier a Piece of Fine Silver containing One Thousand &a

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Messrs Child – 30 Dec 1783

Messrs Child & Co Bankers Newcastle Decemr 30th 1783 London Sir’s Inclosed you will receive a Bill drawn by Bell Cookson & Co of this date on Castell & Co at 30 days date for £100 wch I desire that you will Place to the Account of The Revd Doctor Blackett of Plymouth acquainting him with the same & acknowledging the Receipt to Sir’s yours etc J E Blackett

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Edward Blackett – 30 Dec 1783

The Revd Doctor Blackett Newcastle Decemr 30th 1783 Plymouth Dear Sir I have by this Post remitted a Bill to Messrs Child & Co for £100 for one Years Interest of £2000 on Sir Thomas Blackett’s Bond to you due the 1st instt for wch you will Please to send me your Receipt, on your having advice from Messrs Child & Co of the Receipt of the Bill. My Daughter joins me in best Compts to you wishing you man

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Plumb & Brown – 31 Dec 1783

Messrs Plumb & Browne NCastle Decem 31st 1783 Forster Lane London Gentn Agreeable to my Letter of the 29th Ulto I send you by John & James Jackson the London Carriers a Piece of fine Silver Containing One Thousand & Twenty seven Ounces wch I desire you will place to Acct with Sir Thos Blackett Barot as usual at the Market Price Advising me on your Receipt of it. I am Gentln Yours etc John E Black

Letter – Thomas Blackett to Mark Skelton – 1 Jan 1784

Mr. Skelton I rec’d your Letter & will not think any more of the Kexbro’ Farm, You may remember that I guessed very near the Price. I hope your pretty Girl will go home safe but I thought that she was come to stay & to learn to riot with the other Girls. All well & Compts. to you. Yours &c T Blakett

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Thomas Blackett – 9 Jan 1784

Sir Thos Blackett Barot Newcastle Janry 9th 1784 Bretton Yorkshire Dr Sir I am favoured with your Letter of the 2nd inst & am glad to find that the Disposition of the Rooms in Mr Wilson’s house meet with your Approbation; I observe what you say as to the Safe Closet & on Consulting again with Mr Anderson he is of Oppinion that the Proper place for it will be in the Part that I described in the Plan by taking o

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Thomas Wall – 9 Jan 1784

Mr Thos Wall Temple Newcastle Jany 9th 1784 London Sir Inclosed you will receive a Bill drawn by Bell Carr Cookson & Co on Castell Powell & Co of this date at one Months Date for two Hundred Pounds wch. Sum is to enable you make the Quarterly Payments on Acct of Sir John Trevelyan Bart. from 31st Decem[be]r last to 31st March next for wch. you will please to send me your Receipt as usual. I wish you many happy returns
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Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 9 Jan 1784

Messrs. Mulcaster Farnacres 9th January 1784 We have recd. your Letter of the 5th. Inst and are very happy to hear of the three persons you mention having had so narrow escape from death, and that our Buildings afforded them the means of being preserved, and it likewise gives us much satisfaction to be informed of your being all safe and well after the Terrible Snow of Blowing Weather which was similar here but not so bad as you describe. Mr. Walton could not possibly have excuse
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Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 11 Jan 1784

Messrs. Mulcaster Farnacres 11th. January 1784 As you will want some Ash Wood I desire you or either of you James Watson & Mr. Thornton will go together & make an Examination where it can be most conveniently got so as to save Carriage and let the Trees wanted be taken down where they stand thickest & don’t take down more than wanted yet take enough as it will be better by being seasoned to be using it. I am

Letter – Isaac Hunter to John Erasmus Blackett – 13 Jan 1784

13th Jan[uar]y 1784 J E Blackett Esq[ui]re N[ew]Castle Sir I have just received f’m Blaydon a Pay bill for Dukesf[iel]d & Allanheads Lead Last y[ea]rs carriage by w[hi]ch it appears that it will take 437£ 11. 8 to make that Pay w[hi]ch we promised to make (provided the Lead was all in) before the 31st Dec[embe]r last. If it’s agreeable to you would make it in the first week of February (either the 3d or 5th) youll please to let Mr Peart acquaint me if the that time will s

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to John Trevelyan – 13 Jan 1784

Sir John Trevelyan Bart . Newcastle Jany 13th 1784 D[ea]r Sir I wrote to you the 28th Ulto. to wch. I refer you. I have laid the Article between the late Sir Walter Blackett & Sir Edwd. Winnington (as Trustee for Sir Arthur Blount) before Mr. Fawcett & he is of Opinion that Sir Wr. Blount may Compel you either to Pay the £25000 on the 6th of Feby. next or to Pay him 5 P[er] Cent Inter[est] from that time, but Mr. Fa
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467