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Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Thomas Blackett – 7 May 1786

Sir Thos. Blackett Bart. Newcastle May 7th. 1786 Bretton - Yorkshire Dear Sir I wrote to you the 14th Ulto. to which I refer you. Inclosed I have sent you Bell Carr & Cos. Bill on Castell & Thirty days dated the 5th inst. for One Thousand Pounds the receipt of which you will please to acknowledge. The several Pays for your Lead Mines & Mills are made amounting to £41802.7.7. The death of my Partner Mr Simpso

letter – Isaac Hunter to John Erasmus Blackett – 9 May 1786

J E Blackett Esqr N[ew]castle Dukesf[iel]d 9th May 1786 Sir Mr Salkeld died last Night shall wate your Orders as to Mr Westgarth who has taken care during his illness that the Business at the Mill & Refinery has been properly conducted – We have started the Lead Carriage f[ro]m all the Mill & hope in a little time that some of it will be got to Blaydon & am y[ou]rs etc IH

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Alexander Renton – 13 May 1786

Alexr Renton Esqr. Newcastle May 13th 1786 Hordington House near Berwick on Tweed Sir I am desired by my friend Sir John Trevelyan to Answer yours to him of the 27th Ulto setting forth the state of the Fisheries in the River Tweed owing to the many abuses Committed & that in the Present Association, the Subscription entered into is insufficient for the Purposes of enforcing the Acts for the Prevention of those abuses

Letter – Thomas Richard Beaumont to Mark Skelton – 29 May 1786

Paris May 29th 86 Dear Sir, I am so far on my Return and hope soon to have the pleasure of shaking you by the Hand, a Month will be the outside, but don’t say I am either here, or on my return so soon, my reason when I see You, I hope by that time, my affairs will be a little arranged, and that I shall not be tormented by these Genius’s, I will see you on my Return immediately, and let you know what day I shall be at home. I hope to God, I shall be better received, than I expect

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to John Stephenson – 31 May 1786

John Stevenson Esqr. Hull Newcastle May 31st 1786 Dear Sir Your favour of the 19th inst. I duly received & observe that you had wrote to your Friends, & upon receipt of their Answer you would determine as to your Purchasing of me the 100 Fodder of Lead: I yesterday made a Sale of 20,000 ps. of Lead at £16 . 2 . 6 for Common & £16 . 7 . 6 for Refin’d, one half to Lancaster & Co, the other to Freemans & Co. the f

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Thomas Blackett – 2 Jun 1786

Sir Thos. Blackett Bart. Newcastle June 2nd. 1786 Bretton - Yorkshire Dear Sir I wrote to you the 16th Ulto. to wch. I refer you. Inclosed I send you a Bill drawn by Bell Carr & Co. on Castell & Co. of this date at a Month for £1000. the receipt of which you will please to acknowledge. On the 30th Ulto. I sold 20,000 Pieces of Lead at £16.2.6 for Common & £16.7.6 for Refin’d, one half to Doctor Hall, the other to Mr

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Thomas Blackett – 2 Jun 1786

Sir Thos. Blackett Bart. Newcastle June 2nd. 1786 Bretton - Yorkshire Dear Sir Inclosed I send you a Bill drawn by Bell Carr & Co. on Castell & Co. dated the 23rd inst. at a Months date for £1000. the receipt of wch. you will please to acknowledge. I received Mr Noble’s letters of the 5th and 12th inst. with a drawing of a Machine for Grinding Bones for which I am obliged to him. I have given directions to Mr Forster &

Letter – Richard Beaumont to Mark Skelton – 10 Jun 1786

Sir I desired the favour of Mr <Beatson> to give you a small Parsell wch. I desire the favour of you to give to Mr Beaumont of Darton when he returns home and if you will direct the inclosed letter to him you will oblige Yr Obt. Hble Svt R:H: Beaumont 10. June 1786 [on verso:] Mr Skelton/ Birthwaite / near Barnsley [a second undated note from same to same might relate to the same parcel] Mr Beaumont of Whitley presents his Comps. To Mr Skelton & desires the

Letter – Westgarth Forster to Unknown – 12 Jun 1786

1786 June 12th: Viewed Fallowfield Mine We are of opinion that the effectual Method of making a sufficient trial of Fallowfield Vein in the Sills west of the old Workings which are entirely whole, will be to make the old Man Level into a Horse Level, which is now already driven 237 faths. eastward from North Tyne, which may be done at 5/- a fathom, or thereabouts, after that is done to drive the present Level forehead in the same North String, which she now stands in, and upon a true

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Edward Blackett – 12 Jun 1786

The Lead Stewards have been with me this Morning they yesterday was at Fallowfield Grove & took a View of the Old Level, they say that only 3 Fathom has been lost in the Carrying it <…> wch. they imagine was done to prevent the Tryal from getting into the Level, they recommend that it may be carried on as a Horse Level [struck out: ‘wch. will be a considerable Saving & soon Pay for that Extra <Expence>’] tho attended with some additional expence will soon Pay itself [st

Letter – Cuthbert Peart to Westgarth Forster – 23 Jun 1786

Mr W Forster Allenheads NCastle June 23rd . 1786 Sir I am desired by Mr Blackett to acquaint you that he has had another letter from Sir Thos. Clavering respecting the Workings at Harwood Shield; insisting upon the Ore being given up to him and that you discontinue the Winning of Stones there. Mr B. desires this may be done immediately so as to prevent a Law Suit wch. would be very disagreeable to Sir Thos. Blackett.

Letter – Cuthbert Peart to Isaac Hunter – 24 Jun 1786

Mr Isaac Hunter Dukesfield Newcastle 24th June 1786 Sir Mr Blackett has this day acquainted me that he has seen Mr Humble who agrees to build up the Wall at Apperley Bank Foot at his own Expence & in this Case you are to suffer his Carts to pass paying a Acknowledgement of 2s. 6d Yearly to you as an Agent of Sir Thomas Blacketts; Subject to your Approbation, or not, as you find the Roads are. We have this day received a piece of fine Silve

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Thomas Wall – 30 Jun 1786

Mr Thos Wall Temple Newcastle June 30th 1786 London Sir I am favoured with your letter of the 27th inst. & observe that you intend to decline Business. I am very sorry that want of Health should be the Cause of your coming to this resolution & I sincerely wish that you may recover & long enjoy that Blessing; I have wrote to Sir John Trevelyan on the Occasion, & send you the Account you desire. I am much obliged t

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to John Stephenson – 30 Jun 1786

John Stephenson Esq. Hull Newcastle June 30th. 1786 Dear Sir My last letter to you was the 16th inst. I have since been Solicited to sell a pretty large Parcell of Lead at the Price I mentioned to you, wch. I would not do until I had your Answer whether you are inclinable to take 100 or 150 Fdr. of Lead wch. I can engage to deliver the beginning of Augt. next. Your immediate Answer will oblige. Yours etc J. E Blacket

Marriage Settlement – Thomas Richard Beaumont to Thomas Blackett – 18 Jul 1786

This Indenture made the Eighteenth day of July in the twenty sixth year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord George the third by the Grace of God of Great Britain France and Ireland being defender of the Faith And in the Year of our Lord One thousand seven hundred and eighty six Between Thomas Richard Beaumont of Darton in the County of York Esquire of the first part Sir Thomas Blackett formerly called Sir Thomas Wentworth of Bretton Hall in the Parish of Silkston in the said County of York Barone

Letter – Robert Hodgson to John Cleaver – 26 Jul 1786

To the Revd. Mr. Cleaver Alston, 26th July 1786 The four Men employed in Driveing in the Vein in Greengill great Limeston was discontinued in March we all along had sum little Ore but not near Equeal to the Expence of proseeding so far as we continued. We have 8 men Employed in Raiseing Ore in sundry place in the Old workings at 30/- p Bing I expack we shal raise about 120 Bings of Ore this year ending at Michalemas Next. I offered your shair of the Ore to Mr. Gilbert’s

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Anthony, Francis & Thomas Wright – 8 Aug 1786

Messrs. Anthy. Frans. &T. Wright Newcastle Augt. 8th 1786 Bankers London Gent[leme]n Inclosed you will receive a Bill drawn by Messrs Bell Carr & Co on Castell & Co of this date at a Month for £625 which on Accot. of Sir John Trevelyan Bart. is to pay one half Years Interest of £25000 due the 6th inst to Sir Edward Winnington Bart. on Mortgage the receipt of which you will please to Acknowledge & when the Bill is paid sen

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Messrs Child – 18 Aug 1786

Messrs Child & Co Newcastle 18th Augst. 1786 Bankers London Gentn. Inclosed you will receive a Bill drawn by Messrs Bell Carr & Co. on Messrs. Castell & Co. at one Month dated this day for One Hundred & fifty seven Pounds ten Shillings; being half a Years Composition Rent for the Tithe Ore of Weardale Leadmines, due to My Lord Bishop of Lincoln, the 14th instant from Sir Thos. Blackett Bart.; which Bill p

Letter – Thomas Richard Beaumont to Mark Skelton – 20 Aug 1786

Bruxelles Aug 20th 86 Dear Skelton, When I was in Town I waited on Mr. Wentworth & he shewed me an Act of Parliament wherein mentioning that an Act had passed last Session for all Writings whatsoever concerning Moneys left to Charities, to be laid before the house to redress any grievances and to enquire whether they had or had not any complaints, so you see at any rate this affair if any must have come before the House, now as a State of this case must be laid, whether it will b

Letter – Cuthbert Peart to Isaac Hunter – 28 Aug 1786

Mr Isaac Hunter Dukesfield Newcastle 28th Augst. 1786 Sir We have received your Month account & also a Piece of fine Silver containing One Thousand one Hundred & sixty nine Ounces which is to the Credit of Dukesfield Refinery. I am etc CP

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Lyde Browne – 2 Sep 1786

Lyde Browne Esq Newcastle Septem 2nd. 1786 Foster Lane London Sir I have this day sent you by Thomas Jennings the London Carrier a piece fine Silver containing Eleven Hundred & Sixty Nine Ounces which I desire you will place to Account with Sir Thos. Blackett Bart as usual at the Market Price advising me on your receipt of it. I am etc J. E. Blackett

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to George Hutchinson – 9 Sep 1786

Mr Geo. Hutchinson Newcastle Sept. 9th. 1786 Stockton Sir I received your favour of the 1st inst. & observe that there has lately been some pretty large Sales of Lead at your Market, that the last Parcel sold at £17.5.- P Fodder & that you are of Opinion the Market will Advance. Since 1st June I have sold 50,000 Ps. for the London Market at £16.2.6 Common & £16.7.6 Refin’d & about 80o0 Ps. for Exportation e

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Lyde Browne – 18 Sep 1786

Lyde Browne Esqr. Newcastle 18th. Sept 1786 Foster Lane - London Sir I have this day drawn a Bill upon you for Five Hundred Pounds payable to the order of of Messrs. Bell Carr & Co. at Thirty days date, on Sir Thomas Blacketts account, which I make no doubt you will duly Honor & am etc J. E. B.

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Hawkins Wall – 19 Sep 1786

Mr Hawkins Wall Newcastle 19th Septr 1786 Temple London Sir Inclosed you will receive Messrs. Bell Carr & Co’s Bill on Messrs. Castell & Co at One Month dated this day for Two Hundred Pounds to enable you make the Quarterly Payments on Sir John Trevelyan’s Accot from 30th June to 30 inst and for which remittance please to send the usual Receipt. I am etc J. E. B. £200 . .

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Thomas Blackett – 23 Sep 1786

N.B. The above Bills for Three Thousand Pounds was paid to Sir Thomas Blackett Bart. by John Erasmus Blackett Esqr. this 23rd Septemr. 1786 J.S. £1000 . Newcastle Bank 23rd Sept. 1786 Thirty days after date pay to the Order of John Erasmus Blackett Esq One Thousand Pounds Value received
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467