Daniel Dew Esqr. Newcastle Septr. 28th. 1786
Palace Aukland
Sir I am desired by Sir Thomas Blackett to acquaint you that he is desirous of changing the life of Thomas Hepple in the Leases of Weardale Lead Mines which he holds under the Lord Bishop of Durham, provided it can be done on reasonable terms, Thomas Hepple is about 53 Years of Age and resides near Wallington, he came over here about three weeks ago & I
Daniel Dew Esqr. Newcastle Octr. 3rd. 1786
Aukland Castle
Sir I am favoured with your letter of the 1st inst. & observe that your Terms for the exchange of Thomas Hepple’s Life are one half of the Fine paid at the last renewal (Viz.) £656.5.-. This is a larger Sum n If the Lord Bishop of Durham is willing to accept of Four Hundred Guineas for the Exchange of the life Sir Thos. Blackett is ready to pay it.
J E Blackett Esqr N[ew]castle Dukesf[iel]d 11th Octobr 1786
You’ll receive herewith a Plate of Silver as p[er] inclosed Acco[un]t
I wated upon Mr Ord in my return f[ro]m N[ew]castle in regard to the Wolfcleugh Ore coming through his estate at Hunstanworth & acquainted him with what I knew (f[ro]m my own knowledge) & what I had learned from the Neighbourhood of it being a public High Way, Mr Ord said that his Agent (Mr Ramsey) told him that it was not but tha
Lyde Browne Esq Newcastle Octor. 14th. 1786
Foster Lane - London
Sir I have this day sent you by Thomas Jennings the London Carrier a Piece fine Silver containing Eleven Hundred & Fifty Nine Ounces which I desire you will place to Account with Sir Thomas Blackett Bart as usual at the Market Price Advising me on your receipt of it. I am etc J. E. Blackett
Sir Thos. Blackett Bart. Newcastle Octor. 16th. 1786
Bretton - Yorkshire
Dear Sir I am favoured with your letter of the 9th inst. & am glad to hear that you had so Agreeable a jaunt to Liverpool & found your Son well.
When Mr Staniforth returns you will hear from him on the Subject & if it should not suit him to take Mr Thomas Apprentice himself he will recommend you to some other Person & give you his best A
Mr Emerson Newhouse Dukesf[iel]d 19th Octob[e]r [17]86
Wrote this Day complaining of the Ore being badly dress[e]d etc etc
Sir Thos. Blackett Bart. Newcastle 21st Octor. 1786
Dear Sir I wrote to you on the 16th inst. to which refer you. Thomas Hepple has been over here - he is much alter’d & looks very Ill; indeed Mr Ingham strongly Recommends it to you to Exchange his Life in the Weardale Leases & that no Time should be lost in doing it. I have accordingly wrote to Mr Dew making the Bishop an offer of £538.2.6 which is spli
Daniel Dew Esqr. Newcastle 21st Octor. 1786
Auckland Castle
Sir I was favored with your Letter of the 5th instant the Contents of which I communicated to Sir Thomas Blackett who is not willing to give the Sum that you mention for the Exchange of Thomas Hepples Life but has no Objection to split the Difference & pay the Lord Bishop of Durham £538.2.6d. If this offer should meet with his Lordships Approbation on your a
Daniel Dew Esqr. Newcastle Novembr 4th 1786
Auckland Castle
Sir I was this morning favoured with your letter of the 3rd inst. by wch. I observe that the Lord Bishop is willing to Comply with the Terms wch. Sir Thos. Blackett offers and Accept of the £538.2.6 for the Exchange of the life of Thos. Hepple; I have accordingly wrote to acquaint Sir Thos. & to desire that he will immediately inform me of the Name of the Per
Sir Thomas Blackett Bart. Newcastle Novr. 4th. 1786
Bretton - Yorkshire
Dear Sir I wrote to you the 22nd Ulto. to wch. I refer you. This morning I reced a letter from Mr Dew acquainting me that the Bishop of Durham will comply with the offer that you made & accept of the £538.2.6 for the Exchange of Thos. Hepples Life in the two Leases of Weardale. I must therefore desire that you will send me the Name of the Life that you are
Mr Castle Exchequer Court Newcastle Novemr. 10th. 1786
Sir Mr Dew wou’d inform you that the Lord Bishop of Durham has Accepted of Sir Thomas Blacketts Proposals for exchanging the a Life in the Leases of Weardale Lead Mines; Edward Laycock is the life to be inserted in the room of Thomas Hepple, his Register you have inclosed as well as a Certificate of Thos. Hepple being living & in tolerable good health. I sha
Daniel Dew Esqr. Newcastle Novembr 10th 1786
Aukland Castle
Sir Your favour of the 5th inst. I received & I have by this Post wrote to Mr Castle at Durham inclosing the Register of Edward Laycock, the life that Sir Thos. Blackett desires may be inserted in the New Leases of the Weardale Mines in the room of Thomas Hepple; I likewise sent him a Certificate of Thos. Hepple being living and in tolerable good health. I sh
Daniel Dew Esqr. Newcastle Novembr 17th 1786
Aukland Castle
Sir Since I had the pleasure of seeing you I sent a Person to Thos. Hepple who makes a favourable Report him; he has for some Years been Complaining & altho’ he is in tolerable Circumstances & has an Allowance from Sir Thos. Blackett yet he almost starves himself for want of Food & Raiment & on that account he Complain’d the more to you, in hop
Lyde Browne Esq Newcastle Novemr. 25th 1786
Foster Lane - London
Sir I have this day sent you by Thos. Jennings the London Carrier a Piece fine Silver Containing Nine Hundred & Eighty Nine Ounces which I desire you will place to account with Sir Thos. Blackett Bart as usual at the Market Price Advising me on your receipt of it. I am etc J. E. Blackett
Daniel Dew Esqr. Newcastle Novembr 27th 1786
Aukland Castle
Sir I am favoured with your letters of the 18th & 25th inst. & observe that the Bishop of Durham is of Opinion that the Sum offer’d by Sir Thos. Blackett is not adequate to the Situation of the Person whose life he would exchange; I must beg leave to differ with his Lordship in this Point, knowing the Cause of Thos. Hepples Complaints to you & being
Sir Thos. Blackett Bart. Newcastle Novemr. 27th. 1786
Bretton - Yorkshire
Dear Sir I am favoured with your letters of the 20th & 23rd inst. with your Receipt for a Bill of £2000. the next Month I shall send you a Bill for the like value. I am happy to have so good an account of your health. I observe that you are entering into the Cloth Manufactory, & I wish it may answer as well as the Lead Trade; but that I doubt. I a
Daniel Dew Esqr. Axwell Park Decemr 8th 1786
Aukland Castle
Sir Altho’ I am of Opinion that the Offer which I made you for the exchange of Thos. Hepple’s life in the Lead Mines Leases was very fair etc. yet as Sir Thos. Blackett is about settling his Affairs he is desirous of the business being Concluded, & is willing to Pay the Sum you proposed, being one half of what was paid in 1783 for the putting in a New li
Daniel Dew Esqr. Newcastle Decemr. 12th . 1786
Sir I received your favour of the 10th inst. by which I observe that you decline Accepting of the Offer that I made you for the Exchange of Thos. Hepple’s life in the Lead Mine Leases.
As I differ so widely with you in Opinion as to the state of Health that Hepple is in, I Agree with you that it is needless saying anything more on the Subject. I am etc J. E.
Sir Thos. Blackett Bart. Newcastle Decemr. 12th. 1786
Bretton - Yorkshire
Dear Sir Your letter of the 6th inst, was yesterday deliver’d to me by Messrs Bryans to whom I should have been glad to render any service in my power, the Wool is at present engaged & Mr Bryans time does not permit them to go up to Hexham at present; nor to send for Mr Bell from thence, but will Corespond with him on the Business; I observe that you have c
Joseph Walker Esqr. Newcastle Decem. 12th. 1786
Rotheram Yorkshire
Dear Sir I have been from home for a few days & at my return I found your favour of the 3rd inst. I observe that Mr Fishwick has inform’d you that a mistake has arisen between him & myself respecting a late Contract for Lead; & he is likewise Apprehensive that my behaviour to him is not so frank & open as usual; As to the first Charge I
Sandoe Dec. 12th. 1786.
Dear Sir,
Mr. Wood in his Letter to you of the 7th Inst. appears to suppose there is some Error in the Acc[oun]ts of Ore got at Bruntshieldhaugh Mine for the Years 1783, 84, 85 and 1786; not having specifyed therein what he supposes may have been got between the End of 1784 & June 1785. You will, I doubt not, easily reconcile him to believe that the Omission arises from our Misfortune and not our Fault, as no Ore was got in that Period. And indeed had it been
Lyde Browne Esq Newcastle Decem. 23rd 1786
Foster Lane - London
Sir I have this day sent you by John & James Jackson the London Carriers a Piece fine Silver Containing Eleven Hundred & Sixty Eight Ounces & a half which I desire you will place to Account with Sir Thos. Blackett Bart as usual at the Market Price Advising me on your Receipt of it. I am etc J. E. Blackett
Decr. 24. 1786
Dear Sir,
Enclosed is a letter I got from Mr. Jenkins which he calls an instrument for obtaining an administration to my Mother’s Will. I have read it and can make nothing in the World of it, he first says she was a widow and lived at <Keddington>, then he mentions I am her natural & lawful Son, & in short makes use of terms I know not, which makes me at a loss how to act. I would have waited on you myself, but the badness of the day prevents me, howeve
J E Blackett Esqr N[ew]castle Dukesf[iel]d 25th Decr 1786
Inclosed you have the Acco[un]t of the Plate of sliver sent on the 21st its Weight the same as Mr Peart makes it. I am in hopes that we shall this year get the Road cleared of the Lead and that the Deliv[er]y at the Mills will agree (nearly) w[i]th the Rec[eip]t at Blaydon; the last Acco[un]t I had f[ro]m Mr Emerson there wanted 32 p[iece]s of D[ukes]f[iel]d
252 of the Rookhope, and Allanh[ea]ds all in. Mr Smith tell
Mr Hawkins Wall Newcastle Jany 19th 1787
Temple London
Sir Inclosed you will receive a Bill drawn by Sir J Eden Sir M W Ridley & Co on Messrs. Castell Powell & Co at One Month dated this day for Two Hundred Pounds, to enable you make the Quarterly Payments on Sir John Trevelyan’s Account from the 31st Decem last to 31st March next for which Remittance please to send me the usual Receipt. I am etc J. E. Blackett