Messrs. Mulcaster Farnacres 25 Feb. 1785
We have recd. your Letter of the 21st. Inst. and exceedingly approve of the last Alteration. It will make every thing much more convenient, and will certainly cost less Money than in the other way that had before been tho[ugh]t of. As to what relates to the Bingsteads, Peat House, Office and Smelters Room, that may be settled any time, but at present we think it will be the best way to alter the Cottage so as to have an Office below, and
Messrs. James, Peter & John Mulcaster Farnacres 25 Feb. 1785
I have recd. your Letter of the 21st. Inst, the Contents of which are very agreeable to me. I certainly wish well to you all, and shall be happy on every occasion, to show you that you are deserving of Encouragement, never doubting to see a Continuation of that attention to the Works under your care which has ever since the beginning of it to this time been so very agreeable to me. I am perfectly satisfied that Mr. Tu
Messrs. Mulcaster Farnacres 27 Feb. 1785
We have recd. your Letters of the 23rd. & 26th. inst. As to Ann Brown’s Behaviour, we are not at all surprised at it. We are perfectly satisfied, and know clearly that the whole Family wd. have been upon the Parish, or on the Border, if Langley Mill had not been established. Mrs. Brown is certainly very much mistaken in her Ideas concerning this Business, relative to a new Mill, but we have no wish at all to compel her, and desire sh
Sir Thomas Blackett Bart. N.Castle . Feby. 27th . 1785
Dear Sir I wrote to you the 18th inst. to wch. I refer you. I received your Card by Mrs Soulsby & have wrote to Mr Noble about the Bends that Mr Beatson sent for the Lead Mines; It is very extraordinary that Mr Beatson will not take the Orders for the Bends from me, & when he sends them write to me with an account of the Charge, that I may on their Arrival at this place, know to what Mine, o
J.E. Blackett Esqr N[ew]Castle Dukesfield 3rd March 85
Have send pr this days Carrier a Plate of Silver as p[er] inclosed Acc[oun]t the severity of the Winter I fear will oblige me to trouble you for more money when in town on the 21st of this month then usual at this season as the Ore Carriers are complaining much of their Galloways and unless they have Mo[ney] against Ladyday to get meal for them that they will not be able to do much till after the Pastures get up, w[hi]c
Messrs. Mulcaster Farnacres 4 March 1785
Since writing ours of the 27th. Ult. yours of the 22nd. & 23 Ult. & your two of the 1st. Inst. and one of the 2nd. Inst. have all come to hand, as also the Operation for February. We are obliged to you for what you mention concerning the Workmen & Prices of the Blagill Company for Smelting &c and as Mr. Walton is soon to be with you, we must defer saying anything on that subject.
We observe what you say as to the Ry
Mr. John Holmes Farnacres 5th. March 1785
Dear Sir
We have this day recd. your Letter of the 2nd. Inst & have drawn upon you pay[a]ble 40 days after Date for £257. 3s. 11d being the amount of 919 ½ Ounces of fine Silver at 5s/7d and 10s short drawn for the last Cake. Surely Silver can scarce be lower. We believe you will be right in what you say concerning the cause of the low price of Silver and shall be happy finding that it is so. Our concerns are small indeed compare
Lyde Browne Esq Newcastle Mar: 7th 1785
Foster Lane - London
Sir I have this day sent you by Thos Jennings the London Carrier a piece fine Silver containing One Thousand & Eighty Nine Ounces & an half which I desire you will place to Account with Sir Thos Blackett Bart as usual at the Market Price, advising me on your Receipt of it. I am etc John E. Blackett
Mr John Beatson Newcastle Mar. 7th 1785
Cinderhill Yorkshire
Sir I received your Letter & inclosed you have Messrs Bell Carr & Co’s Bill on Messrs Castell Powell & Co for Seventy three Pounds Nine Shillings& Sixpence being the <amo[un]t> of Bends & Hides sent to Sir Thos. Blackett’s Lead Mines, which Bill please to Advise me on your receipt of. I am etc John
Messrs. Mulcaster Farnacres 11th. March 1785
We have recd. your Letter of the 7th. inst and doubt not the having a new Mill at Langley will have all the effects you mention & we have particularly stated to the Commissioners and Governor of Greenwich Hospital our expectations of the advantages exclusive of Rent. We have written to Mr. Wm. Jobling concerning the Hearth at the Low Mill. Matt. Temperleys Accounts for the last two Weeks are come to hand. The snow is finely [sic]
To the Revd. Mr. Cleaver Alstone, 23d March 1785
We have got into the vein in the G. Lime at Greengill without much Difficulty on the Plan I first proposed which takes the water, and I have sunk 5 fathoms in the vein from the top of the Sun Cheek of the Limestone, where the water appears to stand, but are now cutting cross in the vein to find the North Cheek of the Limestone, which I expect to be near four fathoms lower than the Sun Cheek, the vein is very strong, what width it is I ca
Mr. John Holmes Farnacres 25 March 1785
Dear Sir
We have recd. your Letter of the 14th. inst and have since seen our Friend, Mr. Wm. Jobling, who is very desirous to deal with you, and will send you from 2 to 3 Thousand Ounces of Silver annually from the time of his beginning to refine. The conditions to be the same as you take our Silver upon, and he agrees to drawing at 40 Days Date. If at any time you shd. wish to have a larger Quantity, Mr. Jobling will be glad to furnish y
Lyde Browne Esq Newcastle March 26th 1785
Foster Lane - London
Sir I have this day drawn a Bill on you payable to the Order of Messrs Bell Carr & Co at 30 days date for £450, on Sir Thos. Blackett’s Account which I doubt not you will duly Honor.
I am etc John E Blackett
Messrs. Mulcaster Farnacres 27th. March 1785
We are all again covered with Snow. Surely this winter will never end.
Mr. Thornton brings you a Plan of yr. little Farm at Sillywray which we have wrote about to Greenwich Hospital and have fixed the Rent at £9. 10. per Ann. & Five per Cent to be pd. for fencing. I have marked upon the Plan where I think it will be proper for you to have a Road into Calf Close and have told Mr. Thornton what is to be done. The part drawn
Sir Thomas Blackett Bart. Newcastle . March 28th. 1785
Bretton - Yorkshire
Dear Sir I received Mr Nobles letter of the 6th inst, & have remitted Mr Beatson a Bill for the amount of his Leathers. Inclosed I send you a Bill drawn by Messrs Bell Carr & Co’s Bill on Castell & Co dated 26th inst. at a Month for £1000 the receipt of which you, or Mr Noble, will please to acknowledge. Your Lead Stewards were with me for Subsistence for the Wo
Mr Thos Wall Newcastle March 29th 1785
Temple London
Sir Inclosed I send you a Bill drawn by Messrs. Bell Carr & Co on Castell & Co dated 1st April at One Month for £200 to enable you make the Quarterly Payments on Sir John Trevelyan’s Account to 30th June next the receipt of which you will please to acknowledge. I am etc J. E. Blackett
£200 . . Newcastle Bank 1st April 17
Sir John Trevelyan Barot . Newcastle 29th March 1785
Half Moon Street Piccadilly
Dear Sir I wrote to you the 26th inst. & enclosed you Bell & Co’s Bill on Castell & Co at 3 days sight for £20 to which I refer you. Inclosed you have a letter for Mr. Thos. Wall with a Bill for £200 to enable him to pay your Quarterly Payments to 30th June next.
In the Cause which was depending in the Court of
Farnacres 29 March 1785
Directions to Thomas Wood
He is to go to Langley Lead Mill on Thursday Morning. When there, he is to consider with Messrs. Mulcaster what Iron of different sorts, Cast Iron for the Stamp Mill and its Gudgeons, and Brasses for the Stamp Mill will be wanted, and to make Moulds for such things as the sizes can be ascertained for.
To consider with Messrs. Mulcaster of the Situation of the Stamp Mill, and as it is intended that the Water Wheel is to be wor
Messrs. Mulcaster Farnacres 30th. March 1785
We have recd. your Letter of the 28th. Inst with the Operation for the present Month by which we see that the Ore now at the Mill is within Half a Bing of what has been Smelted in this Month. We wish to have our Smelting finished as soon as possible and therefore you are desired to proceed with the work with all expedition consistent with the good of the undertaking.
Thomas Wood sets out for the Mill tomorrow and after you hav
Messrs. Mulcaster Farnacres 31st. March 1785
I think it will be right to have the Bellows for Refining and the new Smelting Bellows exactly of the same dimensions as those we have in the Refinery and the High Mill and I desire Mr. James will make a side View drawing of each sort shewing the form and length of the pipe as in his little drawing which reads the wrong way when turned wth. the Low Mill Northw[ar]d and the sooner the better as I will order them the moment the direction
Mr. John Holmes Farnacres 5 April 1785
Dear Sir,
We have recd. your Letter concerning the Silver we propose drawing for next Week. We are sorry to find that this Trade is so very bad at present, and think it is probable it will continue so for some time. Mr. Walton will examine the prices for some time back from the present, and will then determine what the Price for the last Silver shall be per Ounce, and he doubts not in such way as will be agreeable to Mr. Holmes. We are
Messrs. Mulcaster Farnacres 8 April 1785
We have recd. your Letters of the 30th. March and 1st. & 5th. instant.
Having understood some time ago that everything concerning the Fencing at Sillywray, and the manner of doing the work had been fixed, we are rather surprised at your mentioning our giving full orders to Mr. Thornton abt. this matter the last time he was here but one. We now desire that the Fencing at Sillywray, & what is needful as to making a Road for y
Mr. John Holmes Farnacres 9th. April 1785
Dear Sir
We have this day drawn upon you pay[a]ble 60 Days after Date for £280. 19. 3 being the amount of 1014 Ounces of fine Silver at 5 /6 ½ d per Ounce.
You will oblige us by enquiring whether Mr. Maylin of the Minories continues the Bellows Trade and if he does pray ask him in what time after he hears from us he can furnish us with Two Pair of Refining Bellows and Two Pair of Large Smelting Bellows. We are
Dear Sir
Messrs. Mulcaster Gateshead 9th. April 1785
Mr. Wm. Jobling is now here and solicits the having the Use of the Ore Hearth at the Low Mill. I have given him leave on condition that he make a reasonable allowance for the use of the Hearth & give up on One Month’s Notice in case the intended alteration and additions shd. be put an End to by Greenwich Hospital. I am
Yr. Hble Servt.
Nich Walton Junr
PS. Mr. Jobling may begin when ever you think he may be per
Messrs. Mulcaster Farnacres 10 April 1785
My time has been so much taken up that I have never had an Opportunity of fully considering in what manner the best to make a Reservoir so as to be connected with the present Dam; however what you have pointed out convinces me that it will be proper to stop that Work for the present ’til I can have an Opportunity of being again upon the Spot; and I am also of opinion it will be proper to let alone the making the Dam for converting the C