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Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Luke Noble – 9 Oct 1787

Mr Luke Noble Bretton Newcastle Octo. 9th. 1787 Yorkshire Sir I received your letter of the 2nd inst. & am glad to hear that Sir Thos. Blackett got safe and well to Bretton. Inclosed I send you a Bill drawn by Eden Ridley & Co. on Castell & Co. dated 8th inst. at a Month for £2000 the receipt of which you will please to Acknowledge; next week I shall send you another Bill for £1000 when I sha

letter – Isaac Hunter to John Erasmus Blackett – 18 Oct 1787

J E Blackett Esqr N[ew]castle Dukesf[iel]d 18th Octobr 1787 Sir One Ton or 20 cwt of Test Bottoms produced 5cwt 1 qtr 00lb of Lead at the Slag Hearth w[i]th Black Slags as a flux, the expence of Fuel & Lab[ou]r for the above 12s/4d. There will be better then a Hundred Ton of Test Bottoms at the Mill & if you sell them would advise to make the Person take them as weighed here w[hi]ch will prevent any difference as to wast by the way & difficulty in getting them sent to

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Augustus Browne – 20 Oct 1787

Augustus Browne Esqr. Newcastle 20th Octo. 1787 Foster Lane - London Sir On the 17th inst. I sent you by John & James Jackson the London Carriers a Piece fine Silver containing Eleven Hundred & Eighty Six Ounces which I desire that you will place to Acct. with Sir Thomas Blackett Bart at the Market Price advising me on your receipt of it. I am etc J. E. B.

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Thomas Blackett – 21 Oct 1787

Sir Thos. Blackett Bart. Newcastle Octo. 21st 1787 Bretton - Yorkshire D[ea]r Sir Inclosed I send you a Bill drawn by Eden Ridley & Co. on Castell & Co. dated 15th inst. at a Month for £1000 the Receipt of which you will please to acknowledge the other remittance which you mention shall be made you in the Course of the Year. The Price of Lead continues at £19.15. & £20 the quantity of refin’d Lead sold is not yet

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to George Brooks – 23 Oct 1787

Newcastle Octr. 23rd 1787 Dear Sir Inclosed I send you a Bill drawn by Eden Ridley & Co. on Castell & Co. dated 22nd inst. at 20 Days date for £212..10..0 which I desire that your Banking House will place to the Account of the Lord Bishop of Durham being the Composition for the Weardale Lot Ore due from Sir Thomas Blackett for three Months <date> the 27th Augt. last not being used to make these payments Quarterly occasioned its escaping my Memory. My Son Mr

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to George Brooks – 23 Oct 1787

Geo. Brooks Esqr. Newcastle Octo. 23rd. 1787 Under Cover to Richd. Master Esqr. MP. Banker Chancery Lane. London Sir Inclosed I send you a Bill drawn by Eden Ridley & Co. on Castell & Co. dated 22nd at 20 days date for £212.10. which I desire that your Banking House will place to the Acct. of the Lord Bp. of Durham being the Composition for Weardale Lot Ore due from Sir Thomas Blackett Bart. for three Months

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Hawkins Wall – 29 Oct 1787

Mr Hawkins Wall Newcastle 29th Octor 1787 Temple London Sir Inclosed you will receive a Bill drawn by Eden Ridley & Co on Castell & Co at One Month dated this day for Two Hundred Pounds to enable you make the Quarterly Payments on Sir John Trevelyan’s Acco[un]t from 30th Septem last to 30th Decem. next for which Remittance please to send me your receipt as usual. I am etc J. E. B. £200 .

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Augustus Browne – 21 Nov 1787

Augustus Browne Esqr. Newcastle 21st Nov. 1787 Foster Lane - London Sir I have this day sent you by Jno. & Jas. Jackson the London Carriers a Piece fine Silver containing Eleven Hundred & Eighty Four Ounces which I desire that you will place to Acct. with Sir Thos. Blackett Bart as usual at the Market Price Advis[in]g me on your receipt of it. As it’s a very fine Piece I expect that you will give me the best Price.

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to George Brooks – 21 Nov 1787

Geo. Brooks Esqr. Newcastle under Cover to Richd. Master Esqr. MP. Banker Chancery Lane. London Dear Sir Your favour of the 29th Ulto. I received I now enclose you a Bill drawn by Eden Ridley & Co. on Castell & Co. dated 21st. inst. at one Month for £212.10. being for three Months Composition for Weardale Lot Ore due to the Lord Bishop of Durham from Sir Thomas Blackett on the 28th inst. the receipt of which you will

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to George Brooks – 22 Nov 1787

Dear Sir Your favour of the 29th ulto. I received & am much obliged to you for being so kind to speak to the Bishop of Durham respecting Mr. Stead’s request to his Lordship. I now enclose you a Bill drawn by Eden Ridley & Co. on Castell & Co. dated 21st inst. at one Month for £212..10..0 being for three months Composition for Weardale Lot Ore due to the Lord Bishop of Durham from Sir Thomas Blackett on the 28th inst. the receipt of wch. You will please to acknowle

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Luke Noble – 22 Nov 1787

Mr Luke Noble. Newcastle Nov. 22nd. 1787 Bretton - Yorkshire Sir I send you enclosed a Bill drawn by Eden Ridley & Co. on Castell & Co. dated 21st inst. at one Month for £2000 on Account of Sir Thomas. Blackett Bart. the receipt of which you will please to acknowledge. I am etc John E. Blackett £2000 . Newcastle Bank 21st. Nov 1787

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Messrs Gosling – 22 Nov 1787

Messrs Gosling Newcastle 22nd Novem. 1787 Fleet Street London Gentn. Inclosed I send you a Bill drawn by Eden Ridley & Co. on Castell & Co. dated 21st. inst. at one Month for £112.10. for three Months Composition for Weardale Tithe Ore due from Sir Thomas Blackett Bart. on the 19th inst. to the Revd. Henry Hardinge, the receipt of which you will please to acknowledge & when the Bill is paid Mr Hardinge must send m

letter – Isaac Hunter to John Erasmus Blackett – 28 Nov 1787

Dukesf[iel]d: 28th Nov'r 1787 Sir The quantity of Test Bottoms at this Mill could not be wought up here (with the present convinience) in less time then half an year w[hi]ch would increase the Gray Slags much as they must be wrought at the Slag H[ear]th. I have below made a calculation what Qant[ity] it will take of them according to the Tryal before made w[i]th the exp[en]ces charging the Test Bottoms at 4£ per Ton that you may judge f'm the price of Lead & the likelyne

letter – Isaac Hunter to John Erasmus Blackett – 6 Dec 1787

J E Blackett Esqr 6th Dec'r 1787 Have made an Assay of 1lb of the Test Bottom Lead that we made a Trial of as to the quantity of Lead the contained in the Ton and find by the Assay that that Lead will yeild in Silver 11 oz to the Foth.r; the Assay I have inclosed that you may try it in your scales as being more accurate then mine. On the other side have given you a calculation (supposing that Sir Thos. can have for the Test

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Augustus Browne – 6 Dec 1787

Augustus Browne Esqr. Newcastle Decem. 6th. 1787 Foster Lane - London Sir I have this drawn a Bill on you Payable to the Order of Eden Ridley & Co. at 30 days date for Five Hundred Pounds on Sir Thomas Blackett’s Acct. which I doubt not you you will duly honor. About the latter end of this Month I shall draw upon you for £635.1.4 being the Balance of your Account. when I shall send you a Piece fine Silver. I am e

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Luke Noble – 8 Jan 1788

Mr Luke Noble Bretton Yorkshire NCastle 8 Jany 1788 Sir Inclosed you will receive a Bill drawn by Eden, Ridley & Co on Castell & Co at one Month dated this day for Two Thousand pounds on Acct of Sir Thos Blackett Bart __ You will please Acknowledge the Rec[eip]t of the Bill & acquaint Sir Thos with the same __ The Bill that I sent you on 21st Octor last for £3000 you only sent an Acct of the Number of the Bill, but not the Amo

Letter – Joshua Straker to Augustus Browne – 9 Jan 1788

Augus[tu]s Browne Esqr. Newcastle 9th. Jany 1788 Foster Lane - London Sir I have this day sent you by John & James Jackson the London Carriers a Piece fine Silver containing One Thousand & Forty Eight Ounces which I desire you will place to Account with Sir Thomas Blackett Bart as usual at the Market Price. Mr Blackett being from home desired me to send you the above Silver, and on your Receipt of it to Advise him of t

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to John Stephenson – 24 Jan 1788

Messrs. <N edw.> J Stephenson & Fearnley Hull Newcastle 24th. Jany. 1788 Sir’s, I received your letter of the 17th Instant and observe the Contents. I have no Lead at present to dispose of, nor shall I have any for some time, besides, I am under Engagement to several Gentlemen of this Place who buy for the London Market, that wou’d gladly take more than I shall have to dispose of for a considerable time. I am Sir’s

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Augustus Browne – 24 Jan 1788

Augus[tu]s Browne Esqr. Newcastle 24th. Jany. 1788 Foster Lane - London Sir I received your letter of the 10th inst. advising me on your Receipt of the last Piece of Silver I sent you. I have this day drawn a Bill on you at Twenty days date payable to the Order of Messrs. Eden Ridley & Co. for £635.1s.4d being the Balance of your Account with Sir Thomas Blackett Bart. to the 31 Decem. last, and which I doubt not you wil

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Henry Hardinge – 24 Jan 1788

The Revd. Mr Hardinge Newcastle Jany. 24th. 1788 Stanhope Durham Sir, At my return from Yorkshire yesterday evening I found your favor of the 7 inst. I observe what you say respecting Mr Harris who I am sorry to hear does not meet with the approbation of the Inhabitants of the Chapelry, I have not the least acquaintance with Mr Harris, nor I believe that Sir Thomas Blackett ever saw him; on the last Vacancy he was very strongly recomm

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Henry Hardinge – 30 Jan 1788

The Revd. Mr Hardinge Newcastle 30th. Jany. 1788 Stanhope, Durham Sir Since I saw you I have made further inquiry as to the Moral Character of Mr Harris, & likewise as to his qualifications as a Clergyman, the result of which is much to his Advantage, & I am the more satisfied of his being unexceptionable in both respects that no reasonable can be made against him, & that the Clamour & opposition that has been raise

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Thomas Blackett – 31 Jan 1788

Sir Thos. Blackett Bart. Newcastle 31st. Jany. 1788 Bretton - Yorkshire D[ea]r Sir When I got home I found letters from Mr Emerson your Agent in Weardale, & from Mr Harris the Clergyman who was recommended to you by myself & your Lead Mine Agents, to succeed the late Mr Rotheram as Curate of the Chapel, which Chapel was built at the Principal Expence of the late Sir Walter Blackett, the Election of the Curate is in the Freeho

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to George Pearson – 9 Feb 1788

George Pearson Esqr. Newcastle Feby. 9th. 1788 Phenix Hexham Sir I received your letter of the 6th inst. & observe that the Bishop of Durham has appointed you Receiver General of his Rents in the place of the late Mr Johnson. I have his Lordships directions to remit the Compo[sitio]n for the Lot Ore to his bankers Messrs. Master Brooks & Co. which I have done Quarterly & shall continue to do untill I hear from his Lo

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Messrs Walker – 12 Feb 1788

Messrs. Saml. Walker & Co. Newcastle Feby. 12th. 1788 Rotheram - Yorkshire Gentn. Inclosed I send you a Bill drawn by Eden Ridley & Co. on Castell & Co. for 56.4.6 the amount of your Charge for the Cylanders etc sent to Mr Isaac Hunter at Dukesfield on Acct. of Sir Thomas Blackett Bart. the receipt of which be pleased to acknowledge.

Letter – Robert Hodgson to Benjamin Hutton – 13 Feb 1788

Mr. Ben Hutton / No. 2 Angel Court / Friday Street Yours I rec’d and have spoke to young Mr. Hutchinson who says he will endeavour to get your Accts settled with his father as soon as he possibly can, which he says shall be sent to you. Should you not receive them in time Mr. Jno. Hutchinson lives at the Loaning near Alstone Cumberland. We have been in Expectation of Mr. Gilbert’s coming here all this month, in order to make his Leadmine pays so soon as he arrives we shall
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467