Dukesfield 10th April 1785
I have herewith sent you the Quart[erly] Acco[un]ts, Rental, Pay Bill & General Acco[un]ts for the year 1784, all of which I hope you’ll find right.
The meeting for letting the Barrs on the South Road was fixed at the last to be on the 20th at Corbridge where I hope you’ll attend that a compound may be made at Stella Barr for
Sir Thos Blacketts Lead; but, shall likely see you at N[ew]castle before then. I was at Rookhope last Frid
Messrs. Mulcaster Farnacres 12 April 1785
I have recd. your Letter of the 11th. inst with the Copy of mine as to Mr. Jobling & Co. beginning the use of the Hearth at the Low Mill, and approve of what you have done therein.
The Sketches which Mr. Walton gave Mr. Jobling were merely with a View to put you upon thinking, and neither of them will answer; but as we are to be at Langley Mill on the 22nd. inst we shd. be glad that you wd., one of you, come down & see Mr.
Messrs. Mulcaster Farnacres 15 April 1785
We have recd. your Letter of the 14th. inst, but nothing from John <Bewcastle>.
Our Engagements are now so thick upon us that we are very happy you did not come down agreeable to our interest.
As to the Pay and other Matters, they will be best settled when we are at the Mill, but we think it will be necessary to make Agreements for the Leadings as soon as possible; however as Mr. Thornton’s Time will be much taken
The Revd. Doctor Blackett Newcastle April 30th 1785
Dear Sir I have by this Post remitted to Messrs. Child & Co. a Bill of this date at a Month for Two Thousand and Fifty pounds to discharge Sir Thos. Blackett’s Bond to you dated 1st Decem. 1777 for £2000 and Six Months interest on the same due 1st June next; you will please to lodge the Bond in the hands of Messrs Child & Co. with a proper Discharge
Messrs Child & Co Bankers London Newcastle April 30th 1785
Gentn. Inclosed you will receive a Bill of this date drawn by Messrs Bell Carr & Co. at a Months date for Two Thousand & Fifty Pounds on Account of the Revd. Dr. Blackett of Plymouth, the receipt of wch you will please to acknowledge; advising him of the same. I have desired Dr Blackett to lodge in your hands Sir Thos. Blackett’s Bond with his receipt for the Principal
Dukesfield 1st May 1785
I set out the yard & agreed with Mr James Hall to take an Acco[un]t of [struck out: ‘Sir Thos Blacketts’] Lead for this year in my return f[ro]m Newcastle and the yeard will be started w[i]th tomorrow sen[ne]t [ie. week]. I expect it will be got finished by the time that the Carriage is begun, I saw his method with the Co[mpany]s Lead & think we cannot put him on a better so shall come to Town on Saturday to describe and order the Books th
Mr. John Holmes Farnacres 15 May 1785
Dear Sir,
We yesterday recd. your Letter of the 11th. inst, and have drawn upon you for the Silver last sent which was 873 Ounces, and having been exceedingly hurried we neglected apprizing you of having sent it. The Bill is pay[a]ble 40 Days after Date, and is for £247. 7. _ being the Amount of 873 Oz. of Silver Bullion at 5s./8d. We are glad to see that the price of Silver is getting up, and that there is a prospect to its continuing to
Mr. John Holmes Farnacres 16 May 1785
Dear Sir,
The Carrier who sets out from Newcastle on Saturday next will bring you 552 ½ Ounces of Silver Bullion being the Sweepings of our Shop for last years Ore. We are
Dear Sir
Yours &c W&T
Mr John White Farnacres 17 May 1785
Having been from home for some time past, we now take the first Opportunity of writing to you in answer to your letter of the 5th. Inst.
The Nose of the Pipe of the Smelting Bellows is to be 1 ¾ Inch Diam[ete]r in the clear, and to be circular.
As you can secure the Pipes from slipping into the Bellows without the Assistance of the Collar, we give up the Collar, and shall depend upon your alteration in the constructing o
Messrs. Mulcaster Farnacres 20 May 1785
Your Letters of the 14th, & 18th. inst are now before us.
The Silver from the Slag Lead weighed 333 1/2 oz
and the Silver from the rich Litharge Slags &c 219
552 1/2 oz
We cannot help thinking Mr. Jobling’s Behaviour as well as that of Lowes to be very extraordinary, but shall rest that matter ’til we come to the Mill.
We have recd. the Coal & Cinde
Mrs Hall Haydon Bridge Newcastle May 23rd 1785
Madam I have Mr Blackett’s directions to acquaint you that the Principal Sunm of £1700 upon Sir Thos. Blackett’s Bond & all interest due theron will be paid off on the first day of Octor. next. I am etc Cuth Peart
[In Margin:] Pd same day.
Messrs. Mulcaster Farnacres 24 May 1785
We have just now recd. your Letter of the 22nd. Inst.
We wish you at all times to be attentive to the Interest of Greenwich Hospital, and have very great satisfaction in finding that you are so. You are perfectly right in what you say as to John Richardson & also as to Thos. Wood. The former we blame very much & have wrote to him this Day such a Letter as we hope will have some Effect with him. With regard to Thos. Wood, we
Messrs. Mulcaster Farnacres 29 May 1785
We have rec’d your Letter of the 27th inst with the Pay Bills, Notes, Operation Paper & Account of Lead delivered ending the 14th. Inst.
Thos. Wood is now here, and is quite satisfied that we may make the Wheels 20 inches broad in the Rim, 20 inches on a side being quite sufficient. If ever there shd. be some stop at the Low Wheel in frosty Weather, the Advantage of having the Wheel 20 Inches rather than a less breadth will do
Mr. John Holmes Farnacres 4th. June 1785
Dear Sir,
We have this day rec’d your Letter of the 1st. Inst but shall not draw for the Silver yet as we must beg the favour of you to Pay for the Bellows which we lately ordered from Mr. White and which we expect will be shipped sometime about the beginning of July about which time you will hear further from us. We shall be obliged by your ordering 200 Casks of Bone Ashes to be sent us by Richd. Probert of Hoxton Bone House the same
Robert Wilkie Esqr. Newcastle June 4th 1785
Ladythorn near Berwick
Dear Sir I am favoured with your letter of the 3rd inst. & observe the Contents. The Price which Sir John Trevelyan expects for West Ord, exclusive of the Islands, is £5000 & for Middle & East Ord £6700. Sir John Trevelyan will be Happy to treat with you for the Purchase of these Estate but as his object for selling them at this time is to pay off
Sir Thomas Blackett Bart. Newcastle . June 13th . 1785
Bretton - Yorkshire
Dear Sir I hope this may find you well at Bretton after your journey. I think that the Warm Weather we have will be no Inducement to your staying in Town. A Month since the Lead Company sold to the three Houses in London 30,000 ps Lead at £15. 12.6 for Common & £15.17.6 for Refined; I was offered the same Price by Doctor Hall & Mr Blackett for a Considerable Quanti
Messrs. Mulcaster
From the above [below] it wd. seem that the above 7 pieces were not part of the 15 that John Bell pd. us for, if so and Mr. Thornton, James Johnson or John Bell has still to pay for them then we shall be right in having only recd. of Wm. Bell for 3 pieces. You’ll observe that Mr. Thorntons request is dated the 10th of August so that the Lead must have been delivered at Hexham thereabouts by James Johnson but the 15 pieces are set down in the Operation ending 30th.
The Peggy Thomas Middlemas Master Red Lion & Bell Wharfs
The Pearl John Morris Do.
The Sweep Edwd. Hutchinson Do.
The Michael Josh. Smith Do.
The Spring Greenwell Do.
The Felicity Richd Colthirst Do. Three Crane Wharf
The Dorothy Parkinson Do.
The Newcastle Wood Do.
The Tyne Ralph Halton Do.
The London Hall Do.
The Thames John Petrie Do.
Mr. Thomas White Farnacre
Messsrs. Mulcaster Farnacres 18 June 1785
We are sorry to find on examining the Lead Carriers Accounts that Wm. Bell was actually 10 pieces short instead of 3, and ought to have paid for 10. The Mistake arose by James Johnson being allowed 7 pieces as sold by him at Hexham to Jno. Bell, being part of 15 which John Bell paid us for when we settled with him for laying the Pipe at Lightbirks. Now it appears from the Operation ending the 30th. October that the whole 15 pieces are ther
Messrs. Mulcaster Farnacres 19th. June 1785
We have recd. your two Letters of the 17th. and one of the 18th. inst, and have already given what will be an answer to yours concerning the Bone Ashes for the Blagill Comp.y
We are very glad Messrs. Mulcaster & Wood had so good an Opportunity of seeing the Works at Acton Mill; are much obliged by your Attention and Particulars you have given us which you may depend upon it shall be attended to.
The following is an a
Robert Wilkie Esqr. Newcastle June 21st 1785
Ladythorn near Berwick
Dear Sir I have been from home for a few days at my return I found your favour of the 16th inst. I observe that Mr. Selby & you are of Opinion that the Value w[hi]ch Sir John Trevelyan has set on the Ord Estate is too high of wch I have acquainted him & when I have his answer you shall hear from me; It was only Calculated at 28 Years Purchase on the Valu
Sir John Trevelyan Bart. Newcastle June 21st 1785
Half Moon Street Piccadilly London
Dear Sir I have your favour of the 15th inst. & observe that you think that I have set too high a Value on the Ord Estate you will see by the enclosed that Mr. Selby & Capt. Wilkie are of the same Opinion. I must therefore desire that you will inform me what Sum I must Ask them for the estates. I have not yet had any other Application about it, or the Fishe
12 Bars 2 ½ Inches broad by ½ Inch thick
6 Do. - 2 Inches broad for Bolt Plates <&> Bolted Iron
6 Bars Flat the most slender sort.
12 Bars 1 ½ Inches Square
12 Bars ¾ In. Square
Mr Marshall is desired to be careful in picking the above and it is desired also that the whole may be sent on Monday by James Johnson directed to Messrs. Mulcaster at Langley Mill. wth. a Bill of Parcels and another Bill of Parcels to Messrs. Walton & Turner. The Charge to be made to the
Mr. John Holmes Farnacres 24th. June 1785
Dear Sir,
I desire you’ll be so good as to pay Richard Roberts for the inclosed and take his Recet. which you may keep till you have got the Bellows makers Recet. also & about this you will hear further from me. I am
Dear Sir Your most Hble Servt.
Nich. Walton Junr.
PS. I have reced. Bro[the]r Smeatons Letter by which I am much obliged and have given directions agreeable thereto.
The Company from whom
Sir Dukes[field]
Have sent (as p[er] inclosed Acco[un]t) a Plate of Silver & the Month Acco[un]ts for the several Mills. The Mills are all cleared of their Winters Lead or old stock w[hi]ch I hope will be got to Blaydon in good time what will be sent more this Season will only be what can be smelted between this and the Carriage striking up
You’ll receive herewith the Month Acco[un]ts for the several Mills & a Plate of Silver as p[er] inclosed Acct