Mess[eur]s Char[les]: & James Bankes Newcastle March the: 9th: 1676/7
My last to you was of the 16th of February To w[hi]ch referes you Since none from you soe the lesse to Inlarge upon; I will God willing write you att large this morningenp[er] Post. In the meane time meeting w[i]th the conveniencey; of the bearer hereof Mr George Johnson makes bold to trouble you w[i]th the Inclosed w[hi]ch I desire you to gett Enrolled the first Court day. And to dispatch itt un
Mes[seu]rs Hump[hrey]: Willett and Compa[ny] Ditto [9 March 1677]
I writ you att lardge the morneing, for little more to Inlarge upon, onely to advise you, that to pleasure a friend have drawn fifty pounds more upon you, payable 10/d[ays] Sight. To Mr James Vasey or order valew of mr Gaven Driston, w[hi]ch pray little accepted when presented and p[ai]d: when due shall god willing reimburse you shortly In the mean time remaines
Mes[seu]rs Hump[hrey] Willett Ditto [9 March 1677]
I have before mee yo[u]rs of the first present; the box w[i]th the Plate desired have Rec[eive]d and given yo[u]r account Creditt £10:18:= And I heartily thank you for yo[u]r Care and paynes take therein Inclosed is a bill for £183:5:9 of w[hi]ch pray procure the needful I have placed to account £3:=:= for the freightinge of a vessell for him about 130 Tonn att 26 Gilders p[er] Tonn; w[hi]ch I thinke reasonable yett I sh
Mr Henry Maister March the: 9th 1676/7
I have before mee yo[u]rs of the 2d present Thereby takes notice you have placed to my Creditt the £42:16s:9d w[hi]ch is well I long now to heare of the Shippinge of the Goods I desired pray moreover send mee a Tonn of 2 to 2¼ Inch Square if to be procured: I heare Iron is bought w[i]th you, and that by Stockton men for £12:5:= I hope you can buy as cheape as any Soe leaves itt wholy to you above ½ a dozen Studdies I will nott have S
Mes[seu]rs Hum[phrey]: Willett and Compa[ny] Newcastle March the: 10th: 1676/7
Since my last of the 9th present have Rec[eive]d yo[u]rs of the 6th ditto In the first place pray take notice that I have this day vallewed a bill upon you for £100: payable 6/d[ays] Sight to Mr James Walkden or Order vallew of M[esseu]rs Ellinono: [Ellison?] & Walkden w[hi]ch pray lett bee complyed w[i]thall and as soone as I can meete w[i]th billes for to reimbursse you; you shall have
Mes[seu]rs Hum[phrey]: Willett and Compa[ny] Newcastle March: 13: 1676/7
Inclosed is a bill for £100: it would be well if you could Procure the whole soe when presented, if the same be willingly accepted, there need not aword more but if any such thing be presented as not soe much dew to the Drawear, let him accept it for wt he pleases, and upon your advice of what hath <Past>, noe more then the needfull shall be Placed to your Debit, shortly I am In hopes remitt you mo
Mess[eu]rs Charles and James Bankes Ditto [Newcastle 16 March 1677]
My last to you was of the 9th present to w[hi]ch referres you Since none from you soe the lesse to Inlarge upon this serveinge cheifly to advise you that the weather has beene soe Exceedinge badd this nine or tenn dayes here that noe man was able to abide without dooeres; to measure yo[u]r Planke; but by my next may expect more; if the Weather prove Seasonable you may be certaine itt shall bee measured and d
Mr James Burkin Newcastle March the: 16th 1676/7
I have before mee yo[u]rs of the 11th present doe very much wonder how myne of the 24th past should come To miscarry. tis the first London Letter that ever I had awantinge In all my life I have made all the Enquiries I could; and cannott finde; but that itt was safely sent forward from hence I doe assure you I writt you a letter of that date and thereby sent you a Coppie of the Charter Partey; but seeinge itt never came to hand
Mr Matthew Lambe Ditto [Newcastle 17 March 1677]
I have Rec[eive]d yours of the 15th present & have well observed the Contents thereof; and returnes you my hearty thankes for your Care in that Concerne, for answer to the first and last part of yo[u]r letter; that night I have writt to my friend att London to send mee with all speed possible a Brass Peck sealed w[i]th the Exchequor seale; and for the second part I am glad that they Cockerton men (whose names by the next I
M[esseu]rs Hum[phrey] Willets Newcastle March the 17th 1676/7
Since the sealing of myne to you this day In w[hi]ch you have the needfull I have been earnestly desired by a friend to give you the trouble; that is to desire you to cause any one that you can trust to procure him a Brass Peck Conteyning two Gallons Winchester measure; exactly according to the Exchequor Standard and sealed w[i]th the seale of the same & send it to mee by the first Conveniencey of shippin
Mr Jno Strother Newcastle march the 17th 1676/7
I have before mee yours of the 13th, In answer thereunto shall not trouble you with many unnecessary expressions, In short I am satisfied t'is M[esseu]rs Bankes mistake about the RD1200:=:= [Rijksdaalder] from whence have Rec[eive]d full satisfaction, both as to principall and Interest, soe noe more as to that particular Though mr John Eden writt you not last time according to his promise too me, yet he sweares he wil
Mr James Burkin Ditto [Newcastle 17 March 1677]
Since myne of the 16th present have Rec[eive]d yo[u]rs of the 13 ditto thereby takes noptice w[ha]t you are pleased to say in referringe to the £3:=:= w[hi]ch I placed to account for freightinge the Vessell tenn times more shall nott make any diffrance on my side betwixt you and mee Soe I wholy leave itt to yo[u]r selfe whether you will give mee any thinge or nothinge yo[u]r Result shall bee to my full satisfaction and to this p
Mes[seu]rs Hump[hrey]: Willett Newcastle March the: 17: 1676/7
Haveinge none of yo[u]rs will cause brevity; this serves onely for Covert
To the Inclosed five billes for £300:= : Stg
as followeth the Single bill for £ 49: 1: 1
the first of the other fouer upon Abra[ham]: Wessell for £ 51: 5:11
the 2d [second] and 3d [third] upon Jno Gold for £173: 4:07
the last upon Francis Rainsford for
Mr John Wells Ditto [Newcastle 20 March 1677]
I have before mee yo[u]rs of the 19th present by Cuthbert Fowler for answer unto w[hi]ch Lead is nowhere att £10:=:= p[er] fother greate Lead here is none but if small will service yo[u]r turne I Can buy you w[ha]t quantity you please att the Markett price I am
Mess[eu]rs Hump[hrey]: Willett and Compa[ny] Ditto [Newcastle 20 March 1677]
I have before mee yo[u]rs of the 15th present for answer lett Mr James Burkin pay you what hee pleases w[ha]t ever hee doth itt shall content mee ~
Pray remitt upon my account Gill[d]ers: 500 To Mr Nicholas Verlane Merchant In Amsterdam; herein I desire you will nott fayle I hope my bill for £300 Came safe to hand I am
Mr Nicholas Verlane Newcastle March the: 20th: 1676/7
I <frone> [found?] Solomon Crosby a Ma[ste]r Repayre unto you for the loane of any money bee pleased to lett him have upon my account to the vallew of 500 Guilders and I will take care to remitt the same unto you againe from London ~
I have nott writt you this long time; but have discharded all yo[u]r billes and ballanced all accounts; w[ha]t is above written lett bee observed I have this day Ordered Me
Brother Edward Ditto [Newcastle 20 March 1677]
I have before mee yo[u]r kind letter of the 12th: present accordinge to yo[u]r desire I have spoake to my Brother Davison who I finde very ready to take In his money as soone as itt cann In Civility bee p[ro]vided hee tells mee you owe him realy £124:15:= w[i]th ½ a years Intrest for the same dew 16 June next; w[hi]ch hee hath a minde to bee pay[e]d him In Newcastle soe if you resolve to clear that debt as I would have you to doe i
Mr James Ward Newcastle March the: 20th 1676/7
I have before mee yo[u]rs of the 15th present and according to yo[u]r desire have Received of W[illia]m Lecke upon yo[u]r account £27:1S:3d w[hi]ch is ready att yo[u]r disposall; draw itt upon mee when you please and yo[u]r bill shall be honno[ur]ed for I can nott remitt it you without advance If S[i]r William will pay itt you and take itt here upon the least word from you itt shall bee pay[ed] to his Order but In the meane time
Madame Newcastle March the 20th: 1676/7
I have before mee yo[u]rs of the 6th present by Thomas Browne who is safely arrived In this River And According to yo[u]r dersire shall furnish him w[i]th £84 to buy his loadinge of Coales w[i]thall and att any other time whensoever either yo[u]r or yo[u]r Husband shall have any Commands to lay upon any In this place none shall bee more ambitious of them; nor more ready to observe and Effect them then
Edw[ar]d Fleetham Ditto [Newcastle 23 March 1677]
Lovinge Friend thine of the 20th present from Durham I have before mee the contentes whereof well observed butt this Post cannott answer thy expectation: because as yett I have nott pay[e]d the Keell hyre and Severall other Small charges w[hi]ch must be placed In thy account but assure thy selfe that w[i]th all expedition possible them shall have itt and soe I remayne
Mess[eu]rs Hump[hrey]: Willett and Compa[ny] Newcastle March the: 23th 1676/7
I have before mee yo[u]rs of the 17th present w[hi]ch requires but little answer Soe the lesse to Inlarge upon: this serveinge cheifly to advise you That this day I have vallewed upon you a bill for five pounds payable att Sight To Mr John Lucas or Order vallew of Mr Thomas Jefferson w[hi]ch pray let bee complyed w[i]th all I am in hast
M[esseu]rs Hump[hrey]: Willett and Compa[ny] Newcastle March the 24th 1676/7
I have none of yours to answer, soe the less to Inlarge upon, this being Chiefly to advise you that this day I have drawne upon you a bjll for £150:0:= payable 11/d[ays] Sight to mr Jno Doncon [Duncon] or order valew of himselfe w[hi]ch pray lett be Comply[e]d w[i]thall; I alsoe desire that if you meet w[i]th mr James Ward upon the Exchange if you will please to demand of him a bill of Sale for t
Messrs Charles and James Bankes Ditto
My last to you was of the 16th present to w[hi]ch Referrs you, Since have delivered your Planck, and as monies comes In, I desire your order, how you please I should dispose pf the same ~
noe hopes of any Customers for your Timber att 14d a foot ~
This is my advice, Pray S[i]rs take it In good part ~
I am now w[i]th yours of the 27th present, with bills for £300:=:= w[hi]ch have first forward to procure the needf
Hono[u]red Sir Newcastle March the 24th 1676/7
For business and Townes news I Referr you to my Brother W[illia]ms writing you every post, att p[re]sent none I know worth the noting, Soe have onely hereby to give you an acc[oun]t: of occurrences att the pay, soe farr as I could Learn afrom whence I am this day Comd
the whole pay together as followeth £ 39 :12:=
the heades pay £186:18:0½ p[ai]d Rich[har]d £192: =: =
Mr James Ward Ditto [Newcastle 24 March 1677]
In my last of the 20th p[re]sent I advised you of the Rec[e]ipt of £27:1:3 upon your acco[un]t of W[illiam] Leacke; w[hi]ch is ready att your disposal Se pray upon Receipt hereof deliver every bill of sale To Mr Hump[hrey]: Willett and you will oblige