Messrs. Mulcaster Farnacres 28 Nov. 1785
We have a letter from Mr. Menham in which he says that the Rollers were sent off last Friday, so that we hope they are now with you, as also the Iron which we ordered in consequence of your Letter, but we much doubt that whether the Rollers will be found to answer or not, as we fear the hollow part of them will not be found to be cylindrical; indeed we believe neither Mr. Menham nor Mr. Wood have been to blame concerning the delay, unless
Messrs. Mulcaster Farnacres 28 Nov. 1785
We this Afternoon recd. your Letters of the 23rd. & 27 Inst both under the same Cover, and are very much surprised by the friendly Intimation you have given respecting James Watson and Wm. Wilson the Carrier. We cannot help thinking that Watson has behaved extremely ill in never mentioning the matter before. It is impossible for us to enter into it further than to say we will never employ Wilson again unless he clears up this matter, a
My Lord
I have the Honor of transmitting to your Lordship a Copy of the Memorial of the Proprietors and Persons interested in Leadmines & the Lead Trade in the Counties of Northumberland, Durham, and in those parts of the County of Cumberland adjoining thereto; and I am desired by the said Meeting to Request your Lordship will favour them with your Support in order to obtain a Repeal of the late Duty on Lead exported.
I have the Honor to be with great Respect,
Mr. John Holmes Farnacres 3 Decem[be]r 1785
Dear Sir,
This day we have rec’d. your Letter of the 30th. Ult and have drawn upon you for £309. 12. 1 pay’ble 40 Days after date being for the amount of 1097 Ounces of fine Silver at 5s. 7 ½d and £1. 1. 6 Value in Acct. on paying Rich. Probert in August last. We are very happy to hear Mr. Smeaton is in good health and join in Compliments to himself & Family and we are
Dear Sir Your most Humble Servts.
Walton &
Lyde Browne Esq Newcastle Decem. 5th 1785
Foster Lane - London
Sir I received your letter of the 30th Ult. & observed that you have allowed only 5s . 7¼d p Oz for the last Piece of fine Silver sent; I really expected 5 . 7½ & some of my Neighbours got that Price in London & drew a Bill for the Amount at a Months date, the Gentlemen that I alluded to in my former letter, who had got a better Price than you allowed me,
Sir Thomas Blackett Bart. Newcastle Decem. 6th. 1785
Bretton - Yorkshire
Dear Sir My last letter to you of the 2nd inst. was in Form, this will be more Acceptable as it contains a Bill of this date for £3000. drawn by Bell Carr & Co. on Castell & Co. the receipt of which you will please to acknowledge. The Meeting respecting the late Duty on Lead was very small owing in some Measure to the badness of the day wch. prevented
To the Revd. Mr. Cleaver Alstone, 10th Decr. 1785
I am informed Mr. Gilbert is come to Stanhope in Weardale to make a pay & is expected here the ensuing week upon the like Business. There will be a Loss at Greengill but how much I cannot state till I reccon with Mr. Gilbert. I shall advance your share of the payment and in return would wish to know who I am to draw on for the Balance. As soon as the payment is over I shall send you a Copy thereof. We have done nothing in Greengill
Nice Decr. 11th 85
Dear Sir,
I was favoured with yours last Night and have taken the earliest opportunity in answering it. I have signed the Bond in presence of my Friend that is travelling with me and my Servant. I am not certain whether I may want any Money on my return but will inform you before February, as we think of being in England in June. I so I hope I shall have no occasion for any. I will thank [you] to wait on any person who has the Management [of] poor Bayldon’s Affa
Messrs. Mulcaster Farnacres 12th. Decem[be]r 1785
On the other half of this Sheet you have the Sizes of several Hoops of Iron which we have at Throckley Engine to dispose of and you are desired to consider & let us know whether any of them will suit for you at the Mill or Matthew Temperley for the Colliery. Also let us know whether a Maul 8 pounds weight wd. be of any use. The Iron is as good as new.
We wish to hear from you with a Valuation of the Hearth Stone &
Messrs. Mulcaster Farnacres 20th. December 1785.
We have this Evening recd. your Letters of the 16th. & !9th. Inst and are struck with astonishment by the Account you give as to the Stamp Mill. We shall send for Thomas Wood and send him immediately to the Mill and will not pay him a Six Pence more ‘till he sets everything right and probably never employ him again.
Matt. Temperley’s Accounts <T….d pays> with Recets. from the Mill Wrights to the amount of £
Messrs. Mulcaster Farnacres 20th Decem[be]r 1785
We only rec’d. your Letter of the 15th. Inst yesterday Morning and instead of it being left at Arthur Robsons it was left at Mr. <Bargetts> at Gateshead where of all places we wish the least to have our Letters left, indeed we believe the Letter did not come by the South side Post.
The Vouchers for this Lead Ore carriage are right and we return you the letter given for the amount thereof to be destroyed. You rece
Messrs. Mulcaster Farnacres 24 Decr. 1785
We have recd. your Letters of the 21st & 22nd Inst. and are obliged by the Intimation you gave concern[in]g the Death of poor Thornton. We observe that 21 Bolls. of Rye have been forwarded to Nent Force Level which we shall take Care to pay for. We are sorry that Thos. Wood has come, we are afraid, too soon, but we cannot help that now. Mr. Walton perfectly understands the Sketch which you have sent, and did before from Mr. James Mul
Sir Thos. Blackett Bart. Bretton Newcastle Decem. 24th. 1785
near Wakefield Yorkshire
Dear Sir Since you parted with your Premises in this Town the Churchwardens of Saint Andrews Parish have been under a Necessity of providing a Temporary School for the Charity Boys as well as a House for the Master. The Corporation have lately given them a House which has been repaired and fitted up for those Purposes; the Expense of which amounts
Mr. John Holmes Farnacres 25th. Decemr. 1785
Dear Sir,
I recd. your Letter of the 13th. Inst in course and am much obliged by the account you give as to Mr. Everest but I did not mean that you shd. either have given <yourself> so much trouble abt. this matter or have acquainted him with the Contents of our Letter, but merely to have let us know what you had heard lately as to his health which we are happy to find is better than we had apprehended it.
Yesterday you
Dukesf[iel]d 28th Dec'r 1785
Tom Fairlamb Tenant to S'r Thos B[lacket]t Bt of a Small Estate at East Dukesf[iel]d died the other day his children are all married (except his Youngest Daug[hter] & she about 40) and able to provide for themselves, as its not turning out a Family would like to take it; as I have been obliged to buy Hay in the Spring for these several years parst; it being in my Rental have my doubts that co
Messrs. Mulcaster Farnacres 30 Decr. 1785
We have recd. your Letters of the 25t. & 26th. Inst, and under the Circumstances respecting the Wheel for the Stamp Mill, think that it will be proper, when the Weather will admit of it, to have a Temporary kind of Casing to extend upwards from the Level of the Centre of the Wheel to a little above the Bottom of the Trough where the Water is delivered, which will prevent the Wind acting upon the Water so as to blow it sideways, and al
Lyde Browne Esq Newcastle Decem. 31st 1785
Foster Lane - London
Sir I have this day sent you by John & James Jackson the London Carriers a Piece of fine Silver containing Nine Hundred & fifty Nine Ounces which I desire you will place to Account with Sir Thos Blackett Bart as usual at the Market Price advising me on your Receipt of it.
I am etc J. E. Blackett
959 Ounces at p Oz
Messrs. Mulcaster Farnacres 1 Janry. 1786
Last year you made a payment to Mr. Liddell the dissenting Minister at Hexham which Mr. Walton Senr. desired you to make, and I was requested by him to repay you the Money which I hope I did, but I cannot recollect how that, and therefore you will be so good as let me know & acquaint me as to the Sum for I don’t now recollect that.
We are like to have some difficulty concerning Maggees Lands, and possibly it may be necessar
Mr Thos Wall Newcastle Jany 3rd 1786
Temple London
Sir Inclosed you will receive a Bill drawn by Messrs. Bell Carr & Co on Messrs. Castell & Co at One Month dated this day for Two Hundred Pounds to enable you make the Quarterly Payments on Sir John Trevelyan’s Account from 31st Decem[be]r last to 31st March next for which Remittance Please to send me your Receipt as usual. I am etc John E. Blackett
Sir Thos. Blackett Bart. Newcastle 8th. Jany. 1786 [sic]
Bretton - Yorkshire
Dear Sir Inclosed I send you a Bill drawn by Eden Ridley & Co. on Castell & Co. dated the 5rd inst. at One Month for £2000 the receipt of which be pleased to acknowledge; you will observe there are two new Partners in the Bank Sir M. W. Ridley comes into it in the room of Mr Ralph Carr who retires Sir J Eden in the room of the late Mr Bell until
Messrs Child & Co Newcastle Jany. 10th 1786
Bankers London
Gentn. Inclosed you will receive a Bill drawn by Messrs Bell Carr & Co. on Messrs. Castell & Co. at One Month dated this day for One Hundred & Fifty Seven Pounds Ten Shillings; being half a Years Composition Rent for the Tithe Ore of Weardale Lead Mines due to My Lord Bishop of Lincoln the 14th Feby. next from Sir Thos. Blackett Bart. Please to
Mr Luke Noble Newcastle Jany 10th 1786
Bretton Yorkshire
Sir Inclosed you will receive a Bill drawn by Messrs Bell Carr & Co. on Castell & Co. at one Month dated this day for £1000 on Acct. of Sir Thos. Blackett Bart. the receipt of which you will please to acknow[led]ge. I wrote to Sir Thos. Blackett the 24th Ulto. which letter I hope that he has received and shall be very glad to hear that he is perfectly recovered.
Mr Thos Wall Newcastle Jany 10th 1786
Temple London
Sir Inclosed you will receive a Bill drawn by Messrs. Bell Carr & Co on Messrs. Castell & Co at One Month dated this day for Six Hundred & Twenty five Pounds to pay Sir Edward Winnington’s half Year’s Interest on Mortgage of Wallington due the 6th Feby. next. Please to acknowledge the receipt of this Bill & when Paid send me the usual receipt. I am etc J.
Messrs. Mulcaster Farnacres 10 Janry. 1786
We have recd. your Letters of the 3rd, 4th, & 10th. Inst, and are sorry to see the produce from the Reducing Furnace to be so very bad, the Loss being within nearly a Quarter part of one full Tenth, & we observe that tho’ the Cake of Silver is 1087 ½ Ounces, it does not come up to the Assay by 63 ½ Ounces. We have already acknowledged the Recet. of your Letter with the Operation.
We are sorry to hear that John’s Son
East hand Carriage Pay fix’d to be made 24th instant