Mr. John Holmes Farnacres 13th. Janry. 1786
Dear Sir,
By tomorrow’s Waggon you will receive a Box containing 1088 Ounces of fine Silver. We are
Dear Sir Your &c
Messrs. Mulcaster Farnacres 18 Janry. 1786
We have recd. your Letter of the 16th. Inst, & shall write to Mr. Bedlington the first Opportunity about the Coals.
The Silver, which weighed ½ an Ounce more than you reckoned it, came safe to hand, and went off for London on Saturday last.
The pieces of coloured Lead also came safe, and were delivered to Lady Liddell on Monday last.
We will take the first Opportunity of settling the Rents for the Langley Mil
Messrs. Mulcaster Farnacres 21 Janry. 1786
We have considered the matter as to the Rentals for the Ground at Langley Mill, and have fixed them as follows.
p. Annum
Mr. Peter Mulcaster’s Farm £7 10 —
Mr. James Mulcaster’s Farm 4 — -
Matthew Temperleys Farm 4 15 —
Wm. Wilson’s Farm 5 15 —
John Elliots Farm 5 — -
John Forster’s Farm
Geo: Robinson’s Farm
Messrs. Mulcaster Farnacres 22nd. Janry. 1786
We have this moment received your Letter of the 20th. Inst with the Recet. for Tofts Sale Notes amounting to £37 - - and if the People don’t come to you only let us know; don’t seek for them. Before Mr. Peter Mulcaster comes here we desire there may be a full consideration between Matt. Temperley & you about the Sillywray Farm and Dewey Syke both which we intend for you and him and we desire you’ll settle it amongst yoursel
John Stephenson Esqr. Hull Newcastle Jany. 22nd. 1786
Dear Sir I am favoured with your letters of the 6th & 10th inst. wch. I should have Answered sooner, had I not been Confined to my bed for some days with a Rheumatick Complaint, wch. will not yet permit me to leave the House. I am much obliged to you for the Information wch. you give me respecting the Machine wch. is made use of for the Purpose of Clearing your Dock of Mu
Sir Thos. Blackett Bart. Newcastle Jany. 23rd 1786
Bretton - Yorkshire
Dear Sir I received Mr Noble’s letter & am very sorry to hear that you have been so poorly Indisposed, I have been Confined to the House these ten days, & to my bed for some days, with a violent Rheumatick Complaint in my back, I am still very lame.
The late Floods have done a great deal of damage at Allenheads, the River by Changing the Course
Lyde Browne Esq Newcastle Jany 23rd 1786
Foster Lane - London
Sir Inclosed is your Account with Sir Thos Blackett Bart which if you find right please to Sign & return.
I shall in a few days draw upon you for Five Hundred Pounds & am etc J. E. Blackett
To the Revd. Mr. Cleaver Alstone, 25th Jany. 1786
Inclosed you’ll have a Copy of the Greengill paybill which I purposed sending some time since, but was prevented by Expectation of getting the old acct settled with Mr. Hutchinson, which is not yet done, alltho’ I have applied to him several times.
Amt of Ore raised at Greengill as pr paybill 198
Delivered to Sale 161 2
Messrs. Mulcaster Farnacres 29 Janry. 1786
You are desired to acquaint every one of the Lead Carriers that it is expected they from time to time keep their Lead under Cover, and in places of Safety ’til they either deliver it at Dukes Hall or Newcastle because we see clearly that the stealing of Lead is a growing Evil & that it requires the Attention of every one of us to prevent the bad Consequences arising from the pilfering of it. We shall be happy to hear Mr. Peter Mul
Lyde Browne Esq Newcastle 30th Jany 1786
Foster Lane - London
Sir I have this day drawn a Bill on you Payable to the Order of Messrs Bell Carr & Co. at 30 days dated this day for £500 on Sir Thomas Blacketts Account which I doubt not you will duly honour. I am etc J. E. Blackett
Mr. John Holmes Farnacres 31 Janry. 1786
Dear Sir,
We have recd. your Letter of the 23rd. Instant, and have this Day drawn upon you payable 40 Days after Date for £306. 6. 4 being Balance of Acct. as below. We are
Your Hble Servts.
Walton & Turner
Due from Mr. John Holmes for 1088 Ounces
of Fine Silver at 5s/8d per Oz. £308 5 4
Deduct Cash recd. of Mr. Jno. Widdrington of
Newcastle on Mr. Holmes Acct. 1 19
Messrs. Mulcaster Farnacres 3rd. Feb: 1786
We recd. your Letter of the 30 Ult. by Wm. Armstrong Junr. and are glad to learn that Mr. Peter got well home, & that he has done the needful as to the hand Bills concerning the Lead which was stolen.
We have, as far as we can, agreed with Wm. Armstrong Junr. for Dewey Syke for one Year.
It gives us much Concern to hear of Matthew Temperley’s Indisposition, but hope from the Acct. you give of him, that he will soon g
Messrs. Mulcaster Farnacres 5 Feb. 1786
We have recd. your Letter of the 3rd. Inst with the several papers therein mentioned, and shall, as soon as we have time, attend to the Observations you have furnished us with respecting the Operations. We are very sorry to hear that Matt. Temperley still continues poorly, and shall be very glad to hear in your next that he gets better.
We very much approve of what you have done as to the Lead Carriers, & shall write to John Ram
Mr. John Holmes Farnacres 5 Febry. 1786
Dear Sir,
By the Diligence wch. sets out from Newcastle and will arrive in London on Wednesday Evening I send you a Parcel which you’ll be so good as take care of till it is called for by Mr. Maule or sent for by him. I am
Dear Sir Your obliged Hble Servt.
Nich. Walton Junr.
PS. The Carriage is pd. to London.
Messrs. Mulcaster Farnacres 12th Febry. 1786
We have recd. your Letter of the 8th. Inst and also the Assay therein ment[ione]d. We observe the loss of Lead in last Operation is nearly an Eleventh part and that the Silver comes within 18oz. 7dwt. 9grn. 6[/10] of the Assays. The Silver weighed exactly 894 ½ Ounces. It gives us much pleasure to hear Matt. Temperley is getting better & we shall be happy to be informed that Johns Son continues well of his complaint. On Friday we
Messrs. Mulcaster Farnacres 20th. July 1786
We have recd. your Letter of the 18th. Instant & are glad to hear that you have got the Stamp Mill to work. As to the error you mention it is certainly an inexcusable one but may be remedied in the manner you mention. We approve of what you propose as to Forster. We shall in future direct our Letters to the care of Wm. Coats as you desire and did before receiving yours intend to do so. You will direct as usual to Messrs Walton &
A Copy of a Latter sent Mr. Edwd Cleaver Alston 25th Feby 1786
I received a Latter from a Mr. Ben. Hutton requesting me to state to you the Account between Mr. Cleaver [and] Mr. Hutchinson. I this day spoke to Mr. H who informs me that Mr. Cleaver has all the Accomps requisite to settle such matter can inform you on seeing him.
I have not been able to pocure any further Intelligence and how the affair stands between them is quite a Mystery.
To you Hbl Sart
Messrs. Mulcaster Farnacres 27 Feb. 1786
We have recd. your Letters of the 21st. 23rd. & 25th. Inst, and approve of what you have done concerning the Stamp Mill, but are sorry you have had so much Trouble about it. We have now very bad Weather and suppose all to be frozen up with you or at least as much as to prevent the Stamp Mill going.
We think what you propose as to the Refining of the Lough Vein Bouse Ore Lead all together is very proper, but you are desired to p
Messrs. Mulcaster Farnacres 28 Febry. 1786
We have recd. your Letter of the 27th. wth. the Operation for this Month and Matt. Temperleys two last Weeks Coal Accts. and thank you for the information you have given us as to the Lead Ore got at Haydon Bridge for which Mr. Thos. Elliot has got a licence to Try further. We are
Your Humble Servants
Walton & Turner
PS. You shd. <see and> get One fifth & we wish to have an Assay made of it.
Mr. John Holmes Farnacres 4th. March 1786
Dear Sir,
I have recd. your Letter of the 23rd. Inst and have this day drawn upon you for £253. 7. 8 being the Amount of 895 Ounces of fine Silver at 5s/8d after deducting four shillings for repairing my Watch which now goes very well. The Bill payable 40 Days after Date. I am for Partner & Self
Dear Sir Your most Hble Servt.
Nich. Walton Junr.
£253. 7. 8 Farnacres 4th. March 1786
Forty Days after
Messrs. Mulcaster Farnacres 5 March 1786
We have this Evening recd. your two Letters of the 2nd. & 4th. Inst, both of which were left at Arthur Robsons by the South side post of this Day. We observe what you say respecting the Lead Ore that has been found near Haydon Bridge. Whatever the Value of the Ore may be that has been found by the Davisons, we desire you will purchase it at what you think it is worth, and make them allow One penny only as an Acknowledgement, and take t
Copy of Mr. Ismay’s Letter, one of the Partners in Throckley Colliery, to Mr. Walton Junr.
Dear Sir,
I am very sorry any Misunderstanding shd. have happened abt. the Coals for your Mill which you may depend shall be immediately set right to your entire satisfaction. I am &c
Thos. Ismay March 6th. 1786
Messrs. Mulcaster Farnacres March 6. 1786
Above you have a Copy of Mr. Thos. Ismay’s Letter in consequence of one which I wrote him yesterday,
Messrs. Mulcaster,
I inclose you General Instructions for the practice of recovering persons who appear suddenly to die from various Accidents and Causes to be made use of in case of any Accidents happening near where you may be. I am
Yr. Hble Servt.
N. W. Junr.
Farnacres 7 March 1786
J E Blackett Esqr N[ew]castle Dukesf[iel]d 7th March 1786
I hope you received safe by the Fridays Carrier a Plate of Silver as p[er] inclosed Acco[un]t; from the calculations that I can now make do suppose that it will take 8 thousand pounds to make the Smelt Mills & Dukesfield Refinery’s Pay for 1785 and I expect to finish the Reckonings etc so as to be able to send you the Acco[un]ts Pay-Bill & Rental against the 20th inst – We have this day smelted all the Ore
Messrs. Mulcaster Farnacres 10th. March 1786
We have recd. your Letter of the 6th. Instant with the Assay of Silver from the Haydon Bridge Lead and hope the Quantity of Ore and Quality of it will make up for the Deficiency of Silver. It certainly appears that there is a Vein, but tho’ we hope, we fear the Prospect is not good. We shall be glad to hear from you from time to time concerning this Business.
The Frost has been very severe indeed, but this Day it is quite fre