Mr William Chapman Engineer Newcastle March 16th 1790
Naas Ireland
Sir I yesterday received your letter of the 9th ins[tan]t the Contents of which surprises me not a little _ I believe that I may have rece[ive]d a letter from you the beginning of Feby when I was in Yorkshire w[hi]ch I did not think necessary to answer at that time not having the most distant Idea of ever being concerned in Lead or copper Mines, even in this Country
Mr Geo: Hutchinson Stockton Newcastle 16th March 1790
Sir Mr Blackett is informed that 4 or 5000 p[iece]s Lead have been Sold at your Market & will be much obliged by your letting him Know by return of Post what Price such Lead was sold at, & the state of your Market at present _ Lead is now selling here at £16-10 & 17 per Fo[dde]r. I am etc J.S
Messrs Farrers & Atkinson Newcastle March 16th 1790
Chancery Lane London
Sirs I received your letter of the 13th inst enclosing a Notice to be delivered to Mrs Swinburn, I have inserted a date (<..rz>) the 22d inst & have enclosed it with the Copy of your letter to Sir John Trevelyan’s Steward, Mr Winship desiring him to go to Hexham on the 22d inst & deliver the Notice to her acquainting her with what you me
Augustus Browne Esqr Newcastle 17th March 1790
Foster Lane London
Sir I have this day sent you by John & James Jackson the London Carriers a Piece fine Silver Containing Twelve Hundred & Eighty Ounces which I desire that you will place to Accot with Sir Thomas Blackett Bart as usual at the Market price and advise me on your Receipt of it
I received your letter advising me of the Weight & Price o
London March 20th 90
Dear Skelton,
I called yesterday on Mr. George, and found him at home, he said he had heard from you, and that the Answer would be sent immediately. I make no doubt as he is an Agent for you of his Abilities, but his conversation and his reception are very much against him. I talked to him about Sir J. Scot being retained on my part, he agreed with me, that he had great weight with the chancellor, but yet did not seem to wish to have him. If you can recommend any
Messrs Wheeldon, Webster & Wheeldon Newcastle 25th Mar 1790
Gentn Mr Blackett desires me to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 22d ins[tan]t & to inform you that the Price of Litharge is £17 per Ton exclusive of the expence of Shipping etc w[hi]ch is always paid by the buyer, if you wish to buy the Q[uanti]ty you mention Mr B will Ship it for you to Hull or Gainsbro’
Messrs Farrers & Atkinson Newcastle March 26th 1790
Chancery Lane London
Gentn I rece[iv]ed your letter of the 22d inst & observe the Contents The purchase of Longwitton Estate was made by the late Sir Walter Blackett & £13900 of the Money was paid before his death; as to there having been any alteration made in the Deeds after his death I cannot give you any possitive information of but I shall send you by the Lon
Messrs Farrers & Atkinson Newcastle 29th March 1790
Chancery Lane London
Gentn I wrote to you the 26th inst to wch I beg leave to refer you & I now send you inclosed the Key of the Box of Writings of Sir John Trevelyan’s Estate at Longwitton, which I shall send you on Wednesday next the 31st inst by the London Carrier & which I hope you will receive safe & am etc J.E.B
Bennett’s Hotel Albermarle Street
London – April 3rd 90.
Dear Skelton,
I am very happy to find you all keep well, I have had a very bad looseness for this last week which has kept me at home, but am now getting better. I am glad you have seen Mr. Wood, he I dare say would be very much inclined to Sir John Scott, he is said here to have more weight with the Chancellor than anyone, [missing: her] Ladyship, I am afraid may have retained <hi>m, or
Bennett’s Hotel
Albermarle Street
April 4th. 90
Dear Skelton,
I am just favoured with yours, and with respect to the Exchange with Mr. Cooke, as it is for his Benefit more than mine he should be at the expense. I did not understand from Walker it would be attended with any expense more than the making of the fence and setting it straight – I don’t wish to be at any expense about the exchange it had better remain as it is, as the piec
Thos Richard Beaumont Esqr Newcastle 10th April 1790
Dear Sir Since I wrote to you on Monday the run on the four Banks was so very great that they were under a Necessity of stopping Payment Yesterday Morning a Meeting of the Gentlemn Merchts & Tradesmen was immediately held for the purpose of taking this very serious Matter into Considera[tio]n, a Committee was appointed which had a Conference with the Proprietors of the four Banks
Augus[tu]s Browne Esqr Newcastle 13th April 1790
Foster Lane London
Sir As I am now about making Sir Thos Blacketts Lead Mine Pays I have drawn a Bill on you for the balance of your accot with him, being £1462-18-8, the Bill is made payable to Messrs Eden Ridley & Co at 30 days dated this day, and which I doubt not that you will duly honor - In the course of this month I shall send you a Piece of Silver &a
The Revd. Mr. Cleaver Alstone 14th April 1790
Inclosed youll have Greengill Leadmine Paybill for 1789 which was settled 22d July last wherein there is a gain due to you of £2 18s 8½d the statement whereof should have been sent sooner but expected to have given you better Intelligence of the Mine. We had only one Partnership of men who were raising ore at £13 13s p Ton in Lead since Michaelmas to the Pay, when we offered them £13, which was refused, so at present all is total
No. 39 Lower Brooke Street
Grosvenor Square
April 15th 90 –
Dear Skelton,
I have been with Mr. George this Morning, and have heard the Answer, which he will send you to Night. You must know whether Parker saw you taking down the particulars you sent me to Scarbro’, as I should think a good deal depends on that, you should be certain as to the out payments of 6. 0d extra – Jackson & Tweedale should be very exact as to their depositions, as you will see t
Mr Richd Noble Newcastle 20th Apr: 1790
Bretton Yorkshire
Sir Inclosed you will receive a Bill drawn by Eden, Ridley & Co on Castell & Co at 30 days dated this day for £2000 on Sir Thomas Blackett’s Accot as Sir Thos is from home I have made it payable to you -
Please to advise me on your Receipt of the same I am etc J.E.B
No. 39 Lower Brooke
April 20th 90
Dear Skelton,
I think it should be certified in the Answer, what passed between Parker, you & myself at Halifax, when he says, I shall have an Allowance made me for the Tythe, at present it does not occur to me it is mentioned. I waited on Ld. Sheffield today with an Intent to have asked him, if he can remember the estate being advertised when he sold it, and in what paper, he I know will give me any information in his power, unfortuna
Augustus Browne Esqr Newcastle 3rd May 1790
Foster Lane London
Sir By Mr Blackett’s Order I sent you on Wednesday last the 28th Ult[im]o by Jno & [James] Jackson the London Carriers a Piece fine Silver Containing Thirteen Hundred & fifteen Ounces & a half which I desire that you will place to Account with Sir Thos Blackett Bart as usual at the Markett Price and advise Mr B upon your Receipt of
Messrs Wheeldon, Webster & Wheeldon Newcastle 4th May 1790
Gentn On the 28th Ult[im]o I shipped for you on board the W[illia]m & Ann of Gainsbro’ Capt Johnson, 16 Casks of Litharge Containing 5 Tons according to your Order, the Contrary Winds prevented it being sent you sooner on the other side you have an Invoice of the Litharge & Charges exclusive of the Freight, which is agreed for w[i]th the Capt 8s per Fodder. Mr Blacket
May 7th 90
Dear Skelton,
Sir Thomas got yours this Morning and has executed it, and has desired me to send it you, he is very well only he does not like writing – I have not heard anything from the Mexbro’s, I have seen them at parties in the Evenings, we speak & that is all. We are all in famous spirits and are not certain when we shall return – the Baronet is very good indeed to us, he pays every individual thing and is in perfect good humour – he & the Ladies join
Richard Master Esqr & Co NC 12 May 1790
Gentlemen Inclos’d you will receive a Bill drawn by Eden Ridley & Co on Castell & Co at One Month dated this Day for £212-10; being Three Months Composition Rent for the Lot Ore of Weardale Lead Mines due from Sir Thos Blackett Bart to the Lord Bishop of Durham, the 11th ins[tan]t _ Please to acknowledge the Rec[eip]t of the Bill & send me the usual Receipt.
Messrs Gosling NC May 12th 1790
Fleet Street London
Gentlemn Inclosed you will receive a Bill drawn by Eden Ridley on Castell & Co at One Month dated this day for £112-10- ; being Three Months Composition Rent for the Tithe Ore of Weardale Lead Mines due the 19th ins[tan]t from Sir Thos Blackett Bart to the Revd Mr Hardinge, as Rector of Stanhope _ Please to Advise me on your Receiving the Bill &li
Dear Skelton,
We leave London on Wednesday Morning next, but where we are going we are not as yet entirely determined only this I know, it will not be into Yorkshire, Sir T. goes with us, as soon as we get fixed, you shall hear from me, I have heard it said her Ladyship has offered Grove to a Gentleman – Sir T. & the Ladies desire their Complimts. –
I am yours most sincerely
Tho Rd Bt.
Monday 4 o Clock
We are going to dine at Ld. Dudley’s.
I told John Brown to get some M
£2000 Newcastle Bank 22nd May 1790
One Month after Date pay to the Order of John E. Blackett Esqr
Two Thousand Pounds Value Recieved
For Sir J Eden Sir M W Ridley Cookson Widdrington & Co
To Messrs Castell Powell Sumner & Co Jas Wilkinson
No 16857 London
Farnacres 24 May 1790
Mr Dickinson
Herewith you will receive an Abstract of Estimate of Expence of making a Turnpike Road from Burtry Ford near Cowshill to the Town of Alston and from Alston Bridge through Raise Wanwood and Howgillrigg Tenements and Whitley Ground to the old Road in the Manor of Whitley which you will observe after adding the Expence of obtaining the Act <Erecting> Turnpike <Barr> And Contingencies amounts to the Sum of £2538.15.9.
When on
Bretton Thursday Noon
Dear Skelton,
I had intended setting off this Morning, but Sir Thomas would not let me, however if the Afternoon is fine I shall make another attemp[t]. I have spoke to him about the Money. Mr. Bosville has engaged 2000£, he is going to make a purchase himself with another 1000£, but if he has not the Money, he will speak about it at Newcastle, his Rent day is in three weeks, that there will be no doubt of it. When you see Noble speak to him about it. Sir T. t