Robt Twiss Esqr Newcastle 18th Nov 1790
Sir Inclosed I send you a Bill of Lading of 600 P[iece]s Lead which are consigned to you by Order of Messrs Isaac & Jno Wilkinson of Chesterfield & which I hope will come safe, shall likewise send you 600 pieces more by their Order in the Prince of Orange Captn Fothergill which will be ready to Sail in the course of a Week & shall se
Augustus Browne Esqr London Newcastle 22nd Nov 1790
Sir I have this day drawn a bill on you Payable to the Order of Eden Ridley & Co at Thirty days dated this day for £1000 on Sir Thos Blackett’s Acct which I doubt not you will duly honor.
On Wednesday next I shall send you by the London Carr[ier]s a Piece fine Silver containing 979 Ounces which I desire you will place to Account with Sir Thos Blackett Bart as usual at the Markett price & advise m
Messrs Wheeldon Webster & Wheeldon Derby Newcastle 27th Nov 1790
Gentlemn As you have not sent me a Bill for the five Tons of Litharge which I sold you in April last, I desire that you may remit me a Bill at a short Date for the Amount of the same w[hi]ch with the charges of Shipping is £85-8-6 _ I am now selling Litharge at £17-10 per Ton & I have charged you only £17 being a ready Money Price I am etc J.E.B
Messrs Isaac & John Wilkinson Newcastle 3rd Decem 1790
Gentn The New Vessel which I informed you would sail from this Port to Rotterdam about this time is now ready to take in her loading, but the Owner informs me that she will not sail untill the new Year comes in as she would have to pay double Lastage were she to go to Holland before that time _ We shall ship you 600 p[iece]s Lead as you desire, w[i]t
Messrs Gosling Bankers Newcastle 4th Decem 1790
Fleet Street London
Gentln Inclosed you will recieve a bill drawn by Eden Ridley & Co on Castell & Co at One Month dated this day for £112-10- ; being One Quart[e]rs Compos[itio]n Rent for the Tithe Ore of Weardale Lead Mines due to the 19th Novr last to The Revd Heny Hardinge as Rector of Stanhope from Sir Thomas Blackett Bart _ Please to advise me on your Rec
Richd Masters Esqr & Co Newcastle 4th Decr 1790
Bankers London
Gentn Inclos’d you will recieve a bill drawn by Eden Ridley & Co on Castell & Co at One Month dated this day for £212-10-; to pay one Quarters Compo[sitio]n Rent for the Lot Ore of Weardale Lead Mines due to the Bishop of Durham from Sir Thos Blackett Bart the 11th Novr last.__ Please to advise on your Rec[eip]t of the bill and send me your usual Reciept.
Messrs Farrers & Atkinson Newcastle 8th Dec 1790
Lincoln Inns Fields
Gentlemen I am favoured with your Letter on 3d Inst & find your Account of Mrs Peats Inter[es]t to be perfectly right, for which I inclose you Eden Ridley & Co on Castell & Co at One Month dated this day for £177-15-1 which is in full to the 1st inst. Please to advise me on your Reciept of the Bill & send me a
N.B. This Bill sent to Sir Thos Blackett by Mr Bell
£2000 Newcastle Bank 15th Decemr 1790
One Month after date pay to the Order of John
Erasmus Blackett Esqr Two Thousand Pounds Value Recieved
For Sir J Eden Sir M W Ridley Cookson Widdrington & Co
To Messrs Castell Powell Sumner & Co
Messrs Isaac & John Wilkinson Newcastle 18th Dec 1790
Gentlemn I wrote to you on 3rd ins[tan]t to which I beg leave to refer you, since w[hi]ch Mr Blackett is favoured with yours of 4th ins[tan]t _ The New Ship that I mentioned to you is now taking in her loading for Rotterdam & will sail in the course of next Week if the Wind should answer, I shall ship you 600 P[iece]s on board her &
Messrs Isaac & John Wilkinson Newcastle 18th Dec 1790
Gentn I am favoured with your letter of the 18th Ins[tan]t inclosing three Bills value Three Thousand Six Hundred Pounds which shall be placed to your Credit. J Straker wrote to you on the 18th Ins[tan]t, respecting the shipping your 600 P[iece]s more Lead, to which I beg leave to refer you _ The Quantity of Lead at this Markett is very small & I
Robert Twiss Esqr Newcastle 25th Decem 1790
Sir By desire of Messrs Wilkinsons of Chesterfield I have shipped you 600 P[iece]s more Lead in the Prince of Orange Capt Forthergill which will sail from here the first fair Wind _ I shall write to you by the Capt & inclose you a Bill of Lading I am etc J.S
Messrs Isaac & John Wilkinson Chesterfield Newcastle 25th Decem 1790
Gentn Mr Blackett wrote to you the 21st ins[tan]t to which I beg leave to refer you, since which I have shipped you 600 P[iece]s more Lead in the Prince of Orange Capt Fothergill the weight of both parcels you have on the other side
I have the pleasure to inform you that the Sarah arrived safe at Rotterdam I am etc J.S
600 P[iece]s Lead per Sarah q[uanti]ty 896-3-21
600 P[
Mr Richard Noble Newcastle 5th Jany 1791
Bretton Yorkshire
Dear Sir Inclosed you will receive a Bill drawn by Eden, Ridley & Co on Castell & Co at One Month dated this day for £2000 on Sir Thos Blackett’s Account
Please to acknowledge the Receipt of the Bill & acquaint Sir Thomas with the same
Augustus Browne Esqr Newcastle 8th Jany 1791
Forster Lane London
Sir On the 5 in[stan]t I sent you by John & James Jackson the London Carriers a Piece fine Silver Containing 1372 Ounces & a half which I desire that you will place to Account with Sir Thomas Blackett Bart as usual at the Markett price & advise me on your Reciept of it
Dear Sir,
Not having had the pleasure of finding you at home the other morning when I called upon Mrs. Wentworth, I can not deffer [sic] any longer to return you personally my most sincere thanks for your kindness and friendship in allowing my son John to go with you to Nova Scotia – I owe this to your friendship to William, and I hope John will make himself worthy of it by his behaviour and by paying the strictest attention to you. –
The obligation I think myself under I can
Sir Thos Blackett Bart Newcastle 14th Jany 1791
Bretton Yorkshire
D[ea]r Sir On Monday last your Agents Mr Bell, Emerson, Forster & Dickinson were with me & we had a great deal of conversation respecting the Partn[er]s[hi]p Lead Mines, the next morning I was with Mr Cooper, Warner & Masterman the Gentn of the Lead Co who came down before on the same business, they were greatly surprised to find that you ha
Mr John Bell Abbey Hexham Newcastle 19th Jany 1791
Dear Sir I received your Lre [Letter] with the Inclosures undermention’d & I send you inclosed my Rec[eip]t for £100 & a Scotch Note to Ballance _ I observe what is the Opinion of the Lead Stewards respecting the not drawing of the Dues for the Lot No 4 in which case I think that it will be advisable for Sir Thos to accept of a certain Rent or at the Rate of a certain Sum P
Messs Isaac & John Wilkinson Chesterfield Newcastle 24th Jany 1791
Gentn Mr Blackett was duly favo[ur]ed with your lre [letter] of the 21st ins[tan]t & is much obliged for the information you give him in respect of your Lead Markets _ There is little or no Lead at this Market but what Sir Thomas Blackett has & that is but a small Quantity, we have been selling small parcels at £17 & 16.15 per F[odde]r. Mr B was latterly applie
The Governor & Company NCastle 29th Jany 1791
for Smelting down Lead, London St Martins Lane London
Gentlemn I was favoured with a Letter from Messrs Cooper & Warner from Doncaster & I have since been informed by Sir Thos Blackett that he has agreed with those Gentlemen to sell his Moiety of Lot 4 of the Partnership Mines in Weardale to your Company for £315 you paying a proportion of the Moor Masters Rent &
Richard Masters Esqr & Co Newcastle 11th Feby 1791
Bankers London
Gentlemn Inclosed you will recieve a Bill drawn by Eden Ridley & Co on Castell & Co at One Month dated this day for £212-10s to pay One Quarters Composition Rent for the Lot Ore of Weardale Lead Mines, due this day to the Lord Bishop of Durham to [from] Sir Thos Blackett Bart.__ Please to advise me on your Reciept of the Bill & send me th
Messrs Gosling Newcastle 11th Feby 1791
Bankers Fleet Street London
Gentlemn Inclosed you will receive a bill drawn by Eden W Ridley & Co on Castell & Co at One Month dated this day for £112-10- being One Quarters Composition Rent for the Tithe Ore of Weardale Lead Mines due the 19th ins[tan]t to The Rev Mr Hardinge From Sir Thos Blackett Bart _ Please to advise me on your Rec[eip]t of the Bill w[i]th a R
Messrs Farrers & Atkinson Newcastle 11th Feby 1791
Lincoln Inns Fields
Gentn Inclosed you will recieve a Bill drawn by Eden Ridley & Co on Castell & Co at One Month dated this day for £500 to pay half a Year Inter[es]t of £25000 at 4 per C[en]t on Mortgage of Wallington Estate due to Mr Erskine 13th inst Please to advise me of your Rec[eip]t of the Bill & send me a Reciept for t
Messrs Js & Charles Bradley Hull Newcastle 14th Feby 1791
Gentlemn I am favoured with your Lre [Letter] of the 12th ins[tan]t & observe that you have Shipt in the Newcastle Abr[aham] Ward Master two Bundles of Wire directed for me from Mr Jno <Cockshells>.
The Stocks of Lead at this Markett are very small, & I have lately sold WB Refined Lead to the White Lead Works at this place at £18 per F[odd
Augustus Browne Esqr Newcastle 16th Feby 1791
Forster Lane London
Sir I have this day sent you by John & Jas Jackson the London Carriers a Piece fine Silver containing Twelve Hundred & Seventy four Ounces which I desire that you will place to Account with Sir Thomas Blackett Bart as usual at the Market price & advise me on your Reciept of it
I have drawn a Bill on you Payable to the Order of Eden Ridley
Mr Richd Noble Bretton Newcastle 8th Mar 1791
near Wakefield Yorkshire
Sir Inclosed you will receive a bill drawn by Eden, Ridley & Co on Castell & Co at One Month dated this day for £2000 on Sir Thos Blackett’s Accot the Rec[eip]t of which you will please to acknowledge.
I desire that you will acquaint Sir Thos that the 300 Guin[ea]s which the Lead Co is to pay for his Moiety of Lot 4 in the P[art]nersh