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TNA ADM 66 98

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 12 Jan 1787

Messrs. Mulcaster 12 January 1787 We have this Moment recd. your Letter of the 10th. Inst. and very much approve of what you have done respecting the Pig of Lead at Corbridge, but we shd. be particularly glad to know what Evidence can be met with to prove Abram. Fawcetts having found a Pig of Lead and that it is in his Custody, because if Fawcett will not deliver the pig of Lead, we think it wd. be right to have a Search Warrant, and if then found in his Custody, to charge him wt
TNA ADM 66 98

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 13 Jan 1787

Messrs. Mulcaster Farnacres 13th. January 1787 Above [below] you have an Account shewing the Quantity of Lead still undelivered at Newcastle, which we are sorry to see is more than we expected it would have been. As soon as possible after all is come in and we can settle an Acct. you may depend upon our giving you leave again to begin the Delivery from the Mill. We are Your Humble Servts. Walton & Turner An Account shewing the Quantity of Lead delivere

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Hawkins Wall – 19 Jan 1787

Mr Hawkins Wall Newcastle Jany 19th 1787 Temple London Sir Inclosed you will receive a Bill drawn by Sir J Eden Sir M W Ridley & Co on Messrs. Castell Powell & Co at One Month dated this day for Two Hundred Pounds, to enable you make the Quarterly Payments on Sir John Trevelyan’s Account from the 31st Decem last to 31st March next for which Remittance please to send me the usual Receipt. I am etc J. E. Blackett

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Lyde & Augustus Browne – 20 Jan 1787

Messrs Lyde & Augustus Browne Newcastle Jany 20th. 1787 Foster Lane - London Gentn. I have this day drawn a Bill on you Payable to the Order of Sir J. Eden Sir M. W. Ridley & Co. at 20 days dated this day for £600 on Sir Thos Blackett’s Account which I doubt not you will duly Honor. I am etc J. E. Blackett

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Thomas Blackett – 21 Jan 1787

Sir Thos. Blackett Bart. Newcastle Jany. 21st. 1787 Bretton - Yorkshire Dear Sir I received both Mr Noble’s letters & shall continue the Pention to the Widow of the late Mr Allgood agreeable to your directions. The Bishop of Durham is dead & as soon as it is known who is to succeed him I shall immediately make Application to him or his Agent for a Renewal of the Agreement between you & him for the Lot Ore on the same t

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Bishop of Durham – 29 Jan 1787

The Right Revd. Newcastle Jany. 29th. 1787 The Lord Bishop of Durham London My Lord Not being inform’d whom Your Lordship has appointed to transact the Business relating to the See of Durham, I take the liberty of writing to you on the Subject. My Relation Sir Thomas Blackett for whom I act desires me to make Your Lordship an Offer of £350 to be paid Yearly in lieu of the Lot Ore of the Lead Mines in Weardale, held by Lea

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Wheeldon & Webster – 12 Feb 1787

Messrs. Wheeldon Webster & Wheeldon Newcastle Feby. 12th. 1787 Derby Gentn. I am favoured with your letter of the 8th inst. enquiring the Price of Litharge ready Money, the present Price is £17.10.. P Ton but it is expected that it will advance, I have lately Sold near 500 Casks at that Price each Cask contains about 6 cwts. I am etc J. E. Blackett

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Anthony, Francis & Thomas Wright – 16 Feb 1787

Messrs. Anthy. Frans. &Thos Wright Newcastle Feby. 16th 1787 Bankers London Gent[leme]n Inclosed you will receive a Bill drawn by Sir J Eden, Sir M W Ridley & Co on Castell & Co at One Month dated this day for Six Hundred & Twenty five Pounds to pay Sir Edward Winnington’s half Years Interest of £25000 due from Sir John Trevelyan Bart. the 6th inst the receipt of which you will please to acknowledge & when the

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Messrs Child – 17 Feb 1787

Messrs Child & Co Newcastle Feby. 17th 1787 Bankers London Gentn. Inclosed you will receive a Bill drawn by Sir J. Eden Sir M. W. Ridley & Co. on Castell & Co. at One Month date this day for One Hundred & fifty Seven Pounds Ten Shillings; being half a Years Composition Rent for the Tythe Ore of Weardale Lead Mines, due, the 14th inst. from Sir Thos. Blackett Bart. to My Lord Bishop of Lincoln as Rector

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to de Bray de Valfresne – 25 Feb 1787

Mr De Bray de Valfresne Newcastle Feby. 25th. 1787 at Mr Edwd. Marshs Norwich Sir I am favoured with your letter of the 21st inst. from Leads with one from my Friend Mr Horatio Cattanis and agreeable to your desire I send you the present price of W B Lead with the Duty & Charges of Shipping & likewise Copy of an Invoice of Coals Shipt from hence for France in either or both; of which Articles, you may depend on being served by me o

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Henry Hardinge – 26 Feb 1787

The Revd. Mr Hardinge Newcastle Feby. 26th. 1787 Ightham near Seven Oaks Kent Sir Being informed that you are now Rector of Stanhope, give me Leave to Address you on the part of Sir Thos. Blackett Bt. who is Lessee under the Bishop of Durham for Sundry Lead Mines in Weardale, & has by an Agreement entered into with the late Rectors of Stanhope paid Three Hundred Guineas P An. as a Composition for the Tithe Ore Wrought in those Mines,

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Brown & Whear – 8 Mar 1787

Messrs. Brown Whear & Co. Newcastle March 8th. 1787 Sheffield Gentn. I am favoured with your letter of the 6th inst. enquiring the Price of Sir Thomas Blackett’s Lead, & the quantity that I wou’d engage to deliver at Hull. At present, I have no Lead on hand, have 8000 Ps. yet to deliver, & it will be July or August before I have a quantity down, so as to enter into any engagement. The present Prices is £17

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Joseph Wilkinson – 9 Mar 1787

Joseph Wilkinson Esqr. Newcastle March 9th. 1787 Hull Sir I am favoured with your letter of the 7th inst. & note the Contents. I have not any Lead in hand, have about 8000 Ps. to deliver of the Quantity that I sold last Year, & it will be July before I have a quantity down so as to enable me to make a Sale; on wch. account I cannot at present supply you with any Lead, the present Price is is £17.10. P Fodr. for Refi

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Luke Noble – 13 Mar 1787

Mr Luke Noble Newcastle Mar. 13th. 1787 Bretton - Yorkshire Sir Inclosed you have a Bill drawn by Messrs Eden, Ridley & Co. on Castell & Co. of this date at one Month for £2000. on account of Sir Thos. Blackett Bart. the receipt of wch. be pleased to acknowledge directed to me at Ripon where I am called by the illness of my Mother & shall be there on Thursday. I received Sir Thos. Blackett’s letter of the 11th inst

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Lyde & Augustus Browne – 13 Mar 1787

Messrs Lyde & Augs. Browne Newcastle March 13th. 1787 Foster Lane - London Gentn. I have this day drawn a Bill on you at Thirty days Payable to the Order of Messrs Eden Ridley & Co. for Four Hundred Pounds on Sir Thos Blackett’s Account which I doubt not you will duly Honor. I am etc J. E. B.

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to George Brooks – 14 Mar 1787

Geo. Brooks Esqr. Newcastle Mar. 14th. 1787 Under Cover to Richd. Master Esqr. MP. - Banker Chancery Lane. London Sir I had the Honor of writing to the Lord Bp. of Durham the end of Jany. respecting the Lot Ore of the Lead Mines in Weardale held by Sir Thomas Blackett Bart. by Lease under the See of Durham. I fear that there was an Impropriety in my Application at that time, on which Account I now take the Liberty of Address

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Joseph Wilkinson – 21 Mar 1787

Joseph Wilkinson Esqr. Newcastle March 21st.. 1787 Hull Sir Your favour of the 14th inst I received & note the Contents. Sometime before your Application to me I had Offer made for the first quantity of Lead that I have to dispose of which I declined Accepting of, at the same time I continued to Supply Walker’s Fishwick & Co’s White & Red Lead Works with small quantities from time to time at the Market Price

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to George Brooks – 21 Mar 1787

Geo. Brooks Esqr. under Cover Newcastle March 21st. 1787 to Richd. Master Esqr. Banker MP. - Chancery Lane. London [partly obscured by red tape and wax seal:] A Sir I am favoured with your letter of the 19th inst & observe that you had laid my letter, to you, before the Bishop of Durham & that his Lordship waived the Offer made him of the Old Composition because he thinks it insufficient, but is ready to receive Prop

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Thomas Blackett – 21 Mar 1787

Sir Thomas Blackett Bart. Newcastle March 21st. 1787 Bretton - Yorkshire Dr Sir I am favoured with your letter of the 11th & Mr Noble’s letter of 16th inst. the latter inclosing his receipt for £2000. My Brother Harry found my Mother better on wch. account I postponed my journey, but his letters since have not been so favourable & I expect that I shall be obliged to go over sometime in the next week but my stay will be sh

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Edward Rogers – 2 Apr 1787

Edward Rogers Esqr. Liverpool Newcastle April. 2nd. 1787 Sir I am favoured with your letter of the 21st Ulto. by Mr Hood inquiring the Price of Lead, the Charges of Shipping etc. The Newcastle Fodder is 21 cwt. of 112 lb or 2352 lb. Litharge is sold by the Ton of 20 Cwt. At present we have little or no Lead at Market & the Price of Common Lead is £18.5. P Fodder Refin’d £18.10. Litharge £19. . P Ton, we do not deliver it on B

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Thomas Blackett – 6 Apr 1787

Sir Thos. Blackett Bart. Newcastle April 6th. 1787 Bretton - Yorkshire Dear Sir I received your letter of the 25th Ulto. & am glad that you approve of what I wrote to Mr. Brooks, I have not had an Answer to my letter & I imagine that they do not intend to give me any, but I would strongly recommend that you keep on good Terms with the Bp. if possible as I am satisfied that it will be for your Interest to do so, & in case

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Wheeldon & Webster – 6 Apr 1787

Messrs. Wheeldon Webster & Wheeldon Newcastle April 6th. 1787 Derby Gentn. I am this day favoured with your letter of the 3rd inst. desiring me to Ship you three Tons of Litharge in a Vessel for Gainsborough at £17.10. P Ton, that Article is now Advanced to £19. P Ton on which Account I shall postpone sending you the Litharge ‘till I hear further from you. I am etc J. E. B.

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to George Brooks – 15 Apr 1787

Geo. Brooks Esqr . under Cover Newcastle April. 15th. 1787 to Richd. Master Esqr. Banker MP. Chancery Lane. - London Sir I wrote to you the 21st Ulto. to wch. I refer you. The separating the Lot Ore & Tithe Ore of the Weardale Lead Mines, being attended with considerable delay I am empowered by Sir Thos. Blackett to make the Lord Bp. of Durham an Offer of £500 P Year as a Composition for his Lot Ore, the present high Price

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Henry Hardinge – 15 Apr 1787

The Revd. Mr Hardinge Newcastle 15th. April 1787 Ightham near Seven Oaks Kent Sir I am favoured with your letter of the 8th inst. & observe that you are informed that the Sum offer’d by Sir Thos. Blackett as a Composition for the Tithe Ore of Weardale Lead Mines will admit of an advance; The separating the Tithe Ore being attended with delay, & the Price of Lead at present being high, induces Sir Thos. Blackett to make you an Of

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Lyde & Augustus Browne – 18 Apr 1787

Messrs Lyde & Augs. Browne Newcastle 18th. April 1787 Foster Lane - London Gentn. I have this day sent you by Thos. Jennings the London Carrier a Piece fine Silver containing Eleven Hundred & Fifty Six Ounces & a half which I desire you will place to Account with Sir Thos Blackett Bart as usual at the Market Price Advising me on your Receipt of it. I am etc J. E. B.
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467