mr Henry maisters Ditto [Newcastle 24 March 1677]
I have before mee yours of the 30th p[re]sent, I wonder noe sweeds Iron In your place of the Size of my purpose pray seek about againe for itt would doe mee a singular kindness, butt I must have noe English Iron, of that bigness, mr Peckett and mr Mitcalfe sends now and then parcells of Extrordinary good Iron to this place, Sweeds of the best sort, and affords itt for £13:= delivered upon our key [quay] ~
I Long
Mes[seur]s Humphrey Willett and Compa[ny] Ditto [Newcastle 30 March 1677]
I have before mee yo[u]rs of the 24th present the contentes whereof I have observed and for yo[u]r care about the Pecke returnes you my kinde thankes; the cheife of my desires is that itt bee Substantiall and Exactly Winchester Measure and whether itt bee Sealed att all or not I doe nott very much care
Inclosed you have a bill for £84:8:4 of w[hi]ch when dew I pray p[ro]cure the needfull I
Mr Jno: Strother Newcastle March the: 30th: 1677
I have before mee yo[u]rs of the 24th present; the contents have well observed; I can nott affoard to give you any such price as you mention for Plates and Sockes for considderinge the freight I could nott sell them soe here, I have them bought att Hull for 14S 6d well Strucke yea a purpose for mee; of w[hi]ch I have had a tryall and proves to content; and w[hi]ch I thinke will sell as well as others; Soe noe need of Giveinge M
Mr Geo[rge]: Turfrey Newcastle March the 30th 1677
Accordinge to yo[u]r Ladyes Order have furnished Thomas Browne w[i]th £84:=:= as p[er] his Inclosed Receipt; for w[hi]ch sumed w[i]th 8S 4d for my Commission after the Rate of ½ p[er]o/oo [percent] makeinge in all £84:8S:4d have this day vallewed my Bill upon you payable 10/d[ays] after date to Mes[seu]rs Hump[hrey]: Willett and Compa[ny] or Order; yo[u]r Complyance w[i]th w[hi]ch I doe nott question In the least and if a
Mr: Henry Maister Newcastle March the: 30th 1677
I have before mee both yo[u]rs of the 21th and 23d present the former by Thomas Wilson and the latter by Post w[hi]ch God willinge I shall now answer att large; the Goodes send I have Rec[eive]d and the Cost and Charges there of beinge £66:15:4d have placed to yo[u]r Creditt I desire to know how you please to have w[ha]t is dew unto you disposed of and yo[u]r Order shall bee observed; <.her> wanted a barr of the fine In
Mr Giles Brigdman: Newcastle Aprill the 3d: 1677
For want of Occation I have nott writt you this long time; but now my desire is; that you will please to lett mee know by your first conveniencey if you doe continue In yo[u]r Old way of Trade; but In case you doe nott; I desire you will doe mee the kindnesse to Recom[m]end mee to an honest car[e]full Man that will doe my businesse faithfully In yo[u]r place And who t'is lett them bee pleased to advise mee the Price of Rye an
Mr Henry Maister Newcastle Aprill the: 3d: 1677
My last to you was of the 30th past to w[hi]ch referres you Since none from you Soe the less to Inlarge upon this beinge cheifly to desire you (that if itt bee to bee had) that you will send mee by the first oppertunity of of Shippinge; there or fower [thre or four] Tonn more of the very same Small; Squar[e] Iron; that you sent mee last pray if possible lett this bee Effected; and when I know the charge of the whole; I will send
M[esseu]rs Hump[hrey] Willett and Compa[ny] Ditto [Newcastle 3 April 1677]
I have before mee yo[u]rs of the 29th past the contents whereof I have observed and takes notice of w[ha]t you say concerninge Iron (vizt) Pigg hoges for Plow shares &c: [etc] and findes them too deare for me In this place
I further also advise you that I have this day vallewed upon you the followinge bills vizt
one for £100 payable 6/d[ays] Sight to Mr Stephen Jackson
or Order vallew
April the 3: 77
Mr Richardson
Yours: the 29th of March with the Inclosed came safe to hand, I thanke your for your trouble my son & I puts you to, I am Glad Mr Blanks hath payd William the Sixty pounds I see his bill and shall honour it with due payment now I will returne moneys into your hand for the foreine bill which is payable two monthes after you Accept it, here Inclosed I send you a Letter to Mr Richard Tye who promis’d mee to pay £40 or £50 for mee at London hee sayled
NewC Aprill the 3rd 1677
Alderman Webb
Yours recd & have accepted your bill of £50 which shall be paid when due, yours of the 20th of Febr with your acct which I have examined you write of a parcell xber the 25th (1674) £13 16s 06d whereof whereof we have noe such parcelle in our book, which pray advise me of with the particulars & by whom sent, & another parcell of may the 5 (1675) you write it at £33: 03: 08, in our book but 27:13:06 as to the rist of the acct I finde
Mes[s]rs: Hum[phrey]: Willett and Compa[ny] Ditto [Newcastle 6 April 1677]
I have before mee yo[u]rs of the 27th past In conformity to w[hi]ch for the 500 Gilld[er]s: remitted Mr Verlane have Creditted yo[u]r Account £45:9s.1d I longe to heare of the Shippinge of the Pecke I desired t'is for my owne use; Soe lett itt bee exactly winchester Measure and a Substantiall one you will oblidge
M[ess]rs Charles and James Bankes Newcastle Aprll the: 6th: 1677
My last to you was of the 24th past To w[hi]ch refers you Since have Rec[eive]d yo[u]rs of the 23d past thereby takes notice of the Receipt of mine of the 9th of March p[er] Post as Also of one of the same date p[er] George Johnson; w[i]th an Indenture w[hi]ch you will gett Enrolled and Returne mee p[er] first Shipp for the dowinge whereof I returne you my hearty thankes ~
I have beene Speakinge to so
Edward Fleatham Newcastle Aprill the: 6th: 1677
My last to thee was from Durham; of the 23d past by w[hi]ch I gave thee a p[ar]ticular account of the Severall goodes Shipped by thy Order aboord the Francis of Stockton George Burdon Ma[ste]r w[hi]ch I question nott but the s[ai]d acc[oun]t came safe to thy handes and proves to thy satisfaction soe that I hope itt will putt thee In minde of w[ha]t I am In disbursse upon thy account and that if thou will remitt mee the same as soone as
Mr Giles Bridgman Ditto [Newcastle 6 April 1677]
My last to you was of the 3d present and in case of misscarriage as alsoe to second the contents of the same I desire that by yo[u]r first conveniencey that you will please to signifie to mee; whether or noe you continnue In yo[u]r wanted way of Trade the w[hi]ch if you doe nott please to Recomend mee to some carefull and honest Person that I may confide In for the effecting of my businesse in yo[u]r place when occation serves
Mr Henry Maister Newcastle Aprill the 6th: 1677
My last to you was of the 3d present And to second my Order therein to you for the sendinge mee of 3 or 4 Tonn more of the very same small Squar[e] Iron that you last sent mee; I now also desire once more that itt may be done w[i]th all Speede possible and send p[er] first conveniencey of Shipping
I pray take care that itt doe nott In the least Exceed one Inch Squar[e] but as much small as you please or can p[ro]cu
Mr James Ward Newcastle Aprill the 6th: 1677
Yo[u]rs of the 29th past I have before mee for answer you may bee certaine In respect of the favoures received from yo[u]r Good Family I shall bee very ready as you shall alwayes finde mee to doe you any service that lyes in my power and that w[i]th as little charge as any other In this place And whereas yo[u]r concernes hitherto hath beene Inconsiderable as you are pleased to tearme itt I now say you are welcome and soe may charge t
Mr James Burkin 6th Ditto [ Newcastle 6 April 1677]
I have before mee yo[u]rs of the 27th past the Contents have well observed for answer unto w[hi]ch: may please to take notice I am very ready and willing to submitt unto w[ha]t you say but as to the: £3:=:= and my Expense formerly mentioned but I am sorrey you should have reason to call any of my Charges placed to account unreasonable I will say nothinge of w[ha]t you payd for yo[u]r Goods but I am certaine nott one In Newca
Mes[s]rs Hum[prey]: Willett and Compa[ny] Ditto [Newcastle 7 April 1677]
I have before mee yo[u]rs of the 3d present the contents whereof have observed the £37: you mention that you have Rec[eive]d from Bartho[lomew]: Harle I have allready payd here ~
I hope ere this my lette[er]s of Advice is come to yo[u]r handes dated the 24th past for the paym[en]t of £150: to the Scottish Gent[le]man Mr John Duncon by name this beinge the needfull att present I remayne
Mr Henry Maister Newcastle Aprill the: 7th: 1677
My last to you was of the 6th present To w[hi]ch referrs you; Since have Rec[eive]d yo[u]rs of the 3d ditto the ballance of Accounts betwixt us being £24:= you may Order mee to pay when you please noe more discourse of Coulters for now I p[er]ceive they came nott from yo[u]r place ~
In my two former I have given you full Ord[er]s for the buyinge mee three or 4 Tonn; of the very same small Squ[are] Iron you last se
Ditto [Newcastle 10 April 1677]
Writt Mess[eu]rs: Willett and sent them a bill for 100 payable 16/d[ays] Sight the Sole contents of that lett[e]r p[er] my Ma[ste]r his Order
p[er] P[hillipp]:L[eece]:
Hono[ur]ed Sir Ditto [Newcastle April 10 1677]
Inclosed is a lett[e]r from the Goaler; w[hi]ch pray help if possible I Can assure you; Soe many such bargaines hath made him very poore w[ha]t hither to hath beene omitted In my account of Occurrances of yo[u]r Leed mines att my monethly returne from thence shall God willinge for the future bee done accordinge to yo[u]r minde all the Charge that was att Mr Blan[e]yes Buriall; Indeed S[i]r Rob[er]t Shaftow did pay but tis verily
Mr W[illia]m Creagh Newcastle Aprill the: 10th: 1677
I have before mee yo[u]rs of the 5th present Thereby takes notice of yo[u]r greate desire to Cleare the unlucky businesse betwixt you and mee as you are pleased to call itt; I am sure I have good reason to tearme it soe; but that is all one I have as greate a desire as you can have that an end thereby may be made; you may remember that by the last account I gave you; you were Indebted unto mee the sume of
ditto the 10th
Mr Randolph: Richardson,
Sr my last of the 3rd Instant I hope you have recd & that Mr Tye is arrived before this who I hope will pay you £40 or £50 here is also Mr Harteby Mr Henry Milburns order will pay you £50 you will find him at Billingsgate I hope he will be with you shortly, pray when the bill comes due doe not fail to pay it I had a bill the last year that was returnd, which when drawn again was much advanced; pray write me the price of small lead & Co
Ditto [Newcastle 13 April 1677]
And also writt to my Ma[ste]r att Billingham etc. ~
Me[sseu]rs Humphrey Willett and Company Newcastle Aprill the: 13th: 1677
writt to In my Ma[ster] his absence and sent them a bill for £100: And advised of £60: drawne by my selfe accordinge to my Ma[ste]r his Order; payable 15/d[ays] after Sight to John <Paien> or Order vallew of Richard Lines etc.
p[er] P[hillipp]:L[eece]