The Revd. Mr. Cleaver Alston, 16th Feby 1788
Inclosed I sent you Greengill Lead Mine paybills for 1786 & 1787 paid the 8th Augt. Last likewise your Acct. Currt. which states the Balance in your favour to £30.6.6 but since the Pay I have advanced to the Workmen £14.10.
Why I delay sending you the paybills immediately, after the Pay was not haveing received pay for 18 Bings of Ore sold in 1787 but not then delivered, yet now is and paid for last month. Christma
Augustus Browne Esqr. Newcastle 19th March 1788
Foster Lane - London
Sir Mr Blackett being from home, I have this day sent you by Mrs Jennings the London Carrier a piece fine Silver containing Eleven Hundred & Three Ounces, which I desire you will place to acct with Sir Thos Blackett Bart. as usual at the Markett Price & advise Mr Blackett on your Receipt of it.
for whom I am your’s etc J. Straker
Sir Thomas Blackett Bart. Newcastle April 1st. 1788
Bretton - Wakefield
Dear Sir I got home the last week but I am apprehensive that I shall be under a necessity of going up to Town again on the same business in which Case I must be there the 12th April this will prevent me going to make the Several Lead Pays & has obliged me to make them a fortnight sooner than I intended. The Lead Stewards are to be down here the 6th inst. rec
Augustus Browne Esqr. Newcastle 2nd. April 1788
Foster Lane - London
Sir As I am now making Sir Thos. Blackett’s Lead Mine Pays I have drawn a Bill on you Payable to the Order of Messrs. Eden Ridley & Co. of this date at 30 days for Six Hundred & Thirteen Pounds Eighteen Shillings & Sixpence being the Balance of your Acct. with Sir Thos. Blackett Bart which I doubt not you will duly Honor. I am Sir Yr’s et
The Revd. Mr Hardinge Stanhope Newcastle May 12th. 1788
Sir As the half Years Composition for the Tithe Ore of Weardale Lead Mines paid to you by Sir Thos. Blackett Bart. will become due on the 19th Ult. Mr Blackett desires me to acquaint that the Money will be paid here at Sir Thos. Blackett Office on your sending a Receipt for the same. I am Sir your’s J. Straker
Sir Thos. Blackett Bart. Bretton Newcastle 3 June 1788
Dear Sir I was favoured with your Letter of the 23rd Ult. & observed that as soon as your Company left you that you proposed coming North, so I hope we shall soon have the pleasure of seeing you. I am obliged to you for returning my Letters & it was not of any consequence y[ou]r opening that from my Daughter. Inclosed I send you a bill drawn by Eden Ridley & Co. on Castel
To Richd. Master Esqr. & Co. Banker Chancery Lane. NCastle 3 June 1788
Gentlemen Inclosed you will receive a Bill drawn by Sir J. Eden Sir MW. Ridley & Co. on Castell & Co. at one Month dated the 2d. inst. for Two Hundred & Twelve Pounds ten Shillings . being for three Months Composition Rent for the Lott Ore of Weardale Lead Mines due, at Pentecost last, to the Lord Bishop of Durham from Sir Thos. Blackett Bart. You will please to a
Augustus Browne Esqr. Newcastle 11th June 1788
Foster Lane - London
Sir I have this Day sent you by Mrs Eliz. Jennings the London Carrier a piece fine Silver Containing Eleven Hundred & fifty four Ounces & which I desire that you will place to Acct with Sir Thos Blackett Bart as usual at the Markett Price advising me on your Receipt of it.
I am Sirs Your’s etc J. E. Blackett
Sir Thomas Blackett Bart. Newcastle 6th. Augt. 1788
Bretton - Yorkshire
Dear Sir Inclosed I send you a Bill drawn by Eden Ridley & Co. on Castell & Co. dated 5th inst. at a Month for Two Thousand Pounds, the receipt of which you will please Acknowledge. Your Lead Stewards were with me Yesterday for Subsistence for the Workmen; The Mines continue much in the same state Wolfcleugh not quite so good but Forster is hopes that h
Richd. Master Esqr. & Co. NewC: 11 Augt. 1788
Gentlemen Inclosed you will receive a Bill drawn by Sir J. Eden Sir MW. Ridley & Co. on Castell & Co. at one Month dated the 9th. inst. for Two Hundred & twelve Pounds Ten Shillings being three Months Composition Rent for the Lott Ore of Weardale Lead Mines due, this day, by Lord B[isho]p of Durham f[ro]m Sir Thos. Blackett Bart. Please to acknowledge the Rec[eip]t. o
Messrs. Anthy. Frans. &Thos Wright Newcastle 26th Augt. 1788
Bankers London
Gentlemen Inclosed you will receive a Bill drawn by Eden, Ridley & Co on Castell & Co at One Month dated this Day for Five Hundred & Sixty two Pounds Ten Shillings to pay half a Years Intert of £25000 at at 4½ P[er] C[en]t due, the 6th inst from Sir Jno. Trevelyan Bart. to Sir Edwd. Winnington Bart. Please to acknowledge the Receipt of t
To Augustus Browne Esqr. NCastle 27th. Augt. 1788
Foster Lane - London
Sir I have this day sent you by Jno. & James Jackson the London Carriers a Piece fine Silver containing 1409½ Ounces which I desire you will place to Acct. with Sir Thos. Blackett Bart at the Market Price, the last piece I sent you I could have had a Farthing an Ounce more, at this place than you allowed me. I am etc J. E. B.
P.S. On Monday next 1s
Mr Forster Allanh[ea]ds Dukesf[iel]d 1st Sept'r 1788
D'r S'r
On examining the Ore that came last Set Day f'm Allanheads to this Mill I find it not in the least better dressed than what came before which has been so frequently complained of, and particularly that f'm the East end You must take some method to have it better dressed before sent to the Mills, and I wish you would Order the poorer sort to be sent to Allanh[ea]ds Smelt
To Sir Thos. Blackett Bart. Bretton NC 8th Sept. 1788
Dear Sir Inclosed you receive two Bills as above amounting to £2000 the Rect. of wch. please to acknowledge. Mr Noble would inform you that I met your Lead Stewards at Hexham the 21st. Ult. that my Brothers, Major Scott, Mr C. Blackett Jo. Forster, Hardbottle, & the Tulips dined with us at the Bull & they were all very well pleased. Westg. Forster
Mr Hawkins Wall Paper Buildings NCastle 8th Septr. 1788
Temple London
Sir I rec[eiv]ed your Favor of the 4th inst. & inclosed you will receive a bill drawn by Messrs. Eden, Ridley & Co at One Month dated this day for £400 to enable you make the usual payments on Sir Jno. Trevelyan’s Acct. for which you will please to send me your rec[eip]t as usual. I am etc J. E. B.
P.S. please to send me your Acct. of payments to the 30th inst.
To Messrs Watts George & Co. NewCa. 16th. Octor. 1788
Gentlemen Your favour of the 10th inst. directed to Sir Thos. Blackett came to my Hands by the last post & I observe the Contents; the last parcel of Lead I sold for the Lond[o]n Markett was at £23 p For. I can now sell you any quantity not exceeding 1500 For. at £22 for the Refin’d £21.15.0 for Common, & in Case you take a quantity I may go so
To Mr Luke Noble Bretton. NewC. 21st. Octr. 1788
near Wakefield
Sir I wrote to Sir Thos. Blackett the 19th inst. & I now inclose you on his Acct. a Bill drawn by Messrs Eden Ridley & Co. on Messrs. Castell & Co. of this date at a Month, for 3000£, the Receipt of which please to acknowledge. I am with best Compl[limen]ts to Sir Thomas Blackett the Ladies & Mr Beaumont & am etc J. E. B
To Augustus Brown Esqr. NCastle 6th Novem 1788
Forster Lane - London
Sir By Mr Blackett’s directions I have this Day sent you by Mrs Eliz. Jennings the London Carrier a piece fine Silver containing 1530 Ounces, which I desire you will place to Acct with Sir Thos Blackett Bt. as usual advising Mr Blackett on the Rec[eip[t of it. The price here at present is 5s/8¾d P Oz which price Mr Blackett expects you will allow him, he has
Richd. Master Esqr. & Co. Bankers Newcastle 7th. Nov. 1788
Chancery Lane London
Gentlemen Inclosed you will receive a Bill drawn by Sir J. Eden Sir MW. Ridley & Co. at One Month dated this day for £212.10.; being Three Months Composition Rent for the Lot Ore of Weardale Lead Mines due 11th inst. from Sir Thos. Blackett Bart. to the Lord Bishop of Durham You will please acknowledge the Rec[eip]t of this Bill & send me the usual Receipt.