July 28. 1792
John E. Blackett Esqr.
I have recd. a letter from Mr. Nichos. Wescomb of Longford Grove near Maldon, Essex, in which he requests that I do wait on you with his Compts. and inform you, That in right of his Wife Lucy, the Grand Daughter & Heir of Eliz: Marshall (The second Sister of Sir Willm. Blackett, & one of the Coheirs of the said Sir Willm. Blackett, He claims one undivided Third Part of the Estate, of which under his Will, Sir Walter &
Newcastle 30th July 1792
I this day received your letter of the 27th inst. with a Copy of the late Sir Thomas Blacketts Will; I observe the opinion of Mr. Frearnes on the Divisees & Limitations of the Real Estates & I congratulate you on the same, as it certainly must Relieve you from Great Anxiety. Inclosed you have a Copy of a letter that I received this morning from Mr. Lawson a Person of Character& pretty good Fortune who I believe is employed by Mr. Westcomb
John Lawson Esqr Longhirst near Morpeth Newcastle 31st July 1792
Sir I yesterday rec[eiv]ed your letter of the 28th inst & observe the Contents The late Sir Thos Blackett by Passing a Fine & Suffering a Recovery was enabled to dispose of the several Estates that were formerly the Property of Sir Wm Blackett; this being the Case any further information from me respecting this Matter will be quite unnecessary, of which you will please to inform Mr Wescombe with my
For many consultations during the Months of Feby. March April May & June with Sir Thos. Blackett at Bretton & at Mr. Skeltons concern[in]g the Altering of his Will & taking Instructions in Writing for that purpose & draw[in]g heads th[ere]of & attend[in]g at Bretton many Times reading them to him & mak[in]g Alterations accord[in]g to his directions & afterwards preparing the Will & duplications (as Sir Thos. required the strictest Secrecy) Mr. S writing
Mr Skelton Esqr Birthwait Hall Newcastle 2d Augt 1792
near Wakefield Yorkshire
Sir I wrote to you on the 31st ult to which I refer you. I have not heard anything further respecting the Claim of Mr Wescomb, but Yesterday evening returning from Durham I met Mr Lawson going there, probably to take Counsil’s Opinion on the Case, but I am satisfied that they cannot make anything of it, having no doubt that the late Mr Wi
Birthwait Hall Augst. 3rd 1792
I am favoured with yours including the Copy of Letter from Mr Lawson. It is a little extraordinary to me that Mr Wescomb sho[ul]d not know his Rights better before he made a formal Claim as it appears from an Abstract of the Title to the Est[ate]s of the late Sir Wm Blackett that they were limited by his Will to divers Persons in Tail Male - consequently Sir Thos. Blackett hav[in]g levied Fines & suffered recoveries which I doubt not were regularl
Messrs Farrers & Atkinson Newcastle 3d Augt 1792
Lincoln Inns Fields London
Gentlemn Inclosed you will recieve a Bill drawn by Sir M W Ridley & Co on Castell & Co at Forty Days dated this Day for £500 to Pay half a Years Interest of £25000 at 4 per Cent due the 13th inst to Mr Erskine from Sir John Trevelyan Bart
Please to advise me on your Reciept of the same I am Yours etc J.E.B
Thos Hankey Esqr & Co Newcastle 3d Augt 1792
Bankers London
Gentlemen Inclosed you will recieve a Bill drawn by Sir M W Ridley & Co on Castell & Co at Forty Days dated this day for £250 on Account of John Trevelyan Esqr _ You will please to advise me on your Rec[eip]t of the Bill and acquaint him with the same I am etc
No. 26 Old Burlington Strt
Aug 6th 92 –
Dear Sir,
I am favoured with yours, and we have signed both the deputations, and enclosed them; I have the pleasure to say that Mrs. Beaumont performed her journey very well, & I have got a very comfortable house, and everything as I could wish - In a letter from Mr. Skelton this Morning, he informs me of Mr. Westcomb’s claim, I should imagine he [can] not make good his pretensions, I have given [missing: possibly ‘instructio
Mr Skelton Esqr Birthwait Newcastle 7th Augt 1792
near Wakefield Yorkshire
Sir On looking over the Deeds belonging to the late Sir T Blackett I find Indentures of Fines & Exemplification of Recovery of Estates in the County of Durham, but none for the Estates in the County of Northumb[erlan]d, I have likewise Titles of Lease & Release etc of the Estates in the Counties of North[umberlan]d & Durham the
I am exceedingly oblig’d to you for the ring you have sent me, which I shall wear as well in token of the regard I entertain’d for Sir Thomas Blackett on account of the general benevolence of his character, as in memory of our relationship, the continuance of which with his Representatives, I trust, you will permit the family of Wentworth to lay claim to _
Lady Fitzwilliam begs you to present her compts to Mrs Beaumont, to which I desire to add mine: it will make us happy
Sir Hexham Abbey 15th. Augt. 1792
Yesterday I wrote to Mr Johnson of Stamfordham requesting him to let me know when he would be next at Hexham that I might give you Information in order to your acquainting Mr. Watson to meet Mr. Johnson respecting the Pipes to be fixed in the Water Closets at the Abbey and as soon as I receive Mr. Johnson's Answer I will let you know by a Messenger as there is no depending upon your get
J. E. Blackett Esqr Newcastle Dukesfield 18th Aug't 1792
The inclosed copy of the Resolutions will inform you of the result of the Wolsingham meeting, those that attended thought it very reasonable that there should be a clause in the Act to prevent any side Barrs being placed to the prejudice of the Ore & Lead Carriage & that the places for the Tole-Bars should be marked upon the plan by the Committee for the approbation of the Next Meeting. Mr. Dodd the Lead
Sir Hexham Abbey 29th. Aug 1792
On Monday morning we had here the greatest Summer Flood there has been for some years past. the River was quite out of its Banks and the Water ran down the Haughs near the Boat - Several of Mr Beaumont's Tenants have suffered - The Water was among Ralfsh Little and Robert Bell's Potatoes and <Midford> the Millers' Family were obliged to be carried from the H
Dukesfield 29th August 1792
Isaac would acquaint you that the flood on Sunday night took away 1/3 of the Dam here, the water was in the new mill and among the Waste Work &c but the damage done there trifling; the waters were so high that I could not see the other Mills till yesterday, the Dam at Allenheads Mill much injured and the races all wrecked up; Rookhope Dam quite swep’t away and races wrecked. I order’d men to be set on to clear the Races at the Mills and once the wa
1777 to 1791 incl[ose]d: Allenheads Land Accounts &c
Mr Foster recommends to have a Kay [quay] for Gunpowder (to be got from London) at Blaydon &dd [delivered] by Mr Mulcaster to the Miners – thinks it wo[ul]d save 15s p[er] Barrel
The candles we got from <straker & [co]> are bad.
Pringles not proper to be Carriers - the Carriage ought to be Let
Hunter & the Mill Cl[er]ks also Carriers
Mr. Straker Newcastle Dukesf[iel]d 12th Sept'r 1792
Last night I rec'd a Lre from Mr Skelton saying that ‘Mr Straker desires to have the Vouchers for your accounts’, I beg you'll let me know by the return of the Post what Vouchers they are you want. Inclosed you have the Account of the Silver which I hope you would receive safe yesterday. I am
Sir Yo'r H[um]ble Serv[an]t
Augustus Browne Esqr
Forster Lane London
Sir I have this day drawn a bill on you payable to the Order of Messrs Ridley Cookson & Co at Thirty Days date for £600 on Account of Thomas Richard Beaumont Esqr Ex[ecut]or of Sir Thos Blackett Bart and which I doubt not you will duly honor _ In the course of a Week or ten days I shall send you a piece fine Silver and am etc J.E.B
Mr. Straker Newcastle Dukesf[iel]d 16th Sept'r 1792
I have inclosed you an Inventory & Valuation of the Utensils at the Several Mills &c and also Mr Westgarth attestation, that the Sums charged in my last Rental for Repairs were in the Pay Bill for 1791, & also for the Allowance for Land Tax &c - whether, this may please Mr Skelton or not, I cannot say, it's all the vouchers that I can at this time give, though, I have not a doubt, but the People that has
Mr Dickinson Farnacres 18 Septem[be]r 1792
We have rec[eive]d yours of the 12th and are very much pleased with your having been so particular about the Ore Carriers Galloways & the usage as to Carrying Ore, and inclosed therewith, Duke Forrests Letter ab[ou]t the Impounding of the Brownley Hill Co. Ore Carriers; the further Queries given you relative to this busyness when we saw you at Langley Mills the Strata in Nent
Force Level for the last 10 fathoms; and the length of
Messrs Simond & Hankey NewC 21st Septr 1792
Merchants London
Gentlemn Inclosed you will recieve a Bill drawn Ridley Cookson & Co on Castell & Co at Forty Days dated this day for £300 being half a Years Interest of £12000 at 5 per Cent due the 15th inst to John Trevelyan Esqr.
Please to advise me on your Reciept of the Bill & acquaint him of the same
Mr Walton presents his Compliments to Mr Bates and begs leave to express his hopes that he will see him at the Meeting at Haydon Bridge on the 6th of next month upon the business relative to the Division of Grindon & Langley South Common and Thorngrafton Common and he flatters himself that Sir Edward Blacketts determination in favor of the whole will be had before that time. Mr Bates will observe that the Meeting is advertised in all the Newcastle Papers. Mr Walton thinks that Sir Edward oug
Farnacres 24th Septem[be]r 1792
Dear Brother
You will see by an advertisement in the Newcastle Papers that there is to be a Meeting at Haydon Bridge on the 6th of October to take into consideration the several Proposals made on the part of the Commissioners and Governors of Greenwich Hospital for the Division Allotment and Inclosure of Grindon & Langley South Common and Thorngrafton Common. As this is a Business of much consequence to the Hospital I think it would be well if
Augustus Browne Esqr Newcastle 25th Sept 1792
Forster Lane London
Sir Mr Blackett being from Home I this day send you by Jackson & Jennings the London Carriers a piece fine Silver Containing 1453 Ounces which I desire that you will place to Account with Thos Richd Beaumont Esqr at the Markett price & advise Mr Blackett on your Reciept of it, for whom I am etc J.S
Mr Blackett Dukesfield 29th Sept 1792
Att the meeting yesterday the Commitee & Surveyor produced a Plan & estimate of the intended Road pointing out the improvements to be made & the Expence of each which amounted on the whole to £6500 & 0d, its to go by Marley Hill, with a Branch to pont Burn . A Subscription was opened & £4000 subscribed (as on the other side) another meeting was fix'd on the 25th Octob'r at Wolsingham at which the Commitee are