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Letter – Isaac Hunter to John Erasmus Blackett – 29 Sep 1792

Dukesfield 29th Septr1792 Sir, At the meeting yesterday the Committee and Surveyor produced a Plan and estimate of the intended road pointing out the improvements to be made and the expense of each, w[hi]ch amounted to the whole £6500 s d; it’s to go by Marley Mill / wth a branch to Pont Burn. Subscription was opened & £4000 subcribed [sic] (as on the other side): another meeting was fix’d on the 15th Octobr at Wolsingham at which the Committee are to acquaint the meeting wit

Letter – Thomas Richard Beaumont to Mark Skelton – 1 Oct 1792

Oct 1st 1792 Dear Skelton, I am very happy to find that everything respecting the Canal is so well settled, as I think we shall now be able to get everything that will make the people about us easy and happy - Mrs. Beaumont & myself are very much pleased with the purchase, and be assured we are truly sensible that every attention on your part will be for our Interest – you will think us sanguine in our wishes, but as poor Mr. Cotton’s estate must go, we must beg of you to get us tha

letter – Isaac Hunter – 1 Oct 1792

D'r Sir Dukesfield 1st Octob'r 1792 In looking over your March & June Quart'ly Acct's was surprised to find 200 1/2 Days charged to Adamson's Lad which is 44 1/2 Days more (including 26 Sundays) then theirs days between the 1st Jan'y & 30th June. Your Man Simon Dodd is charged 333. Days in the above Quart'rs. You'll please to explain the above charges, & I desire for the future the

letter – Isaac Hunter to Emerson – 1 Oct 1792

Mr Emerson Bladon Dukesfield 1st Octob'r 1792 I did not expect to have found so much Lead at the Bankfoot as I did last Thursday, as we had so great a No. of Carts ingaged for the Low, or East stage; Mr Hall was not at Home, that I could get no Acc't f'm him, but was told that you would not let them bring Lead in but upon set Days; I beg for the future that the Carriagemen that's taken on to Carry Lead f'm Apperly yard t

letter – Isaac Hunter to John Erasmus Blackett – 2 Oct 1792

J.E. Blackett Esqr N. Castle Dukesfield 2d Octob'r 1792 Last Saturday we finished the Temporary Dam & got the Water down the Old Race, but the Flood on Sunday night has swept the whole of the New work and part of the Old quite away and teared up the Sand and Gravel Bed above the Old Dam for 20 or 30 yds to a great depth so that the Expence will be dubble now to make a Dam to secure the Gravel Bed & the Temporary Dam to the new Race. The Water was so high Yesterday tha

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Richard Master – 2 Oct 1792

Richard Master Esqr & Co Newcastle 2d Octor 1792 Bankers London Gentlemn Inclosed you will recieve a Bill drawn by Ridley Cookson & Co on Castell & Co at One Month dated this day for £231-5 being a Quarters Composition Rent for the Lot Ore of Weardale Lead Mines, due 26th Augt last to the Lord Bishop of Durham from Thos Richd Beaumont Esqr Ex[ecut]or of Sir Thos Blackett Bart deceased __ Please to advise me on

Letter – Joshua Straker to Mark Skelton – 4 Oct 1792

1792 Octor 4th Sent Mr Skelton (by the Leeds Diligence) Copies of the Quarters Accounts for the Lead Mines & Smelt Mills ending the 31st March last J.S

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Mark Skelton – 4 Oct 1792

Mr Skelton Esqr Birthwait Hall Newcastle 4th Octor 1792 near Wakefield Yorkshire D[ea]r Sir I wrote to you on the 29th Ult to which I refer you. Inclosed you have Copies of two Letters that I rec[eiv]ed from Mr J Hunter the former respecting the Road that is proposed to be made from this Place to Wolsingham & Stanhope & from thence to Alstone with the amount of the estimate for making the same & a list of

Letter – Frederick James Wentworth to William Tweedale – 5 Oct 1792

To Mr Tweedale Sir I am Scarborough without money and you are at Bretton perhaps, you will send me some money, by what conveyance you think most proper either to Scarborough – where I shall stay till Sunday – and then shall go to York and stay there a day or two, and then shall come to Bretton. If you have any thing particular to say you may send me a letter directed to <Ringroses> at York. I am very <well> again &c from Frederic James Wentworth October 5th 17

Admon Papers – Evan Emerson – 5 Oct 1792

Know all Men by these presents that we Joseph Dickinson of Dufton in the County of Westmoreland Gentleman, William Richardson of the City of Durham Yeoman and Robert Wood of the same City yeoman are held and firmly bound unto the Honourable and Right Reverend Father in God SHUTE by Divine Providence Lord Bishop of Durham, and to the Right Worshipful George Harris, Doctor of Laws, Vicar General and Official Principal, lawfully appointed in the Penal Sum of Nine pounds of Good and lawful money of

Letter – Mark Skelton to John Erasmus Blackett – 6 Oct 1792

Dear Sir Your Favors of the 29th. Ult. & 4th. Inst with the Acc[ount] were rec[eive]d. & I have wrote to Mr. Beaumont but as he cannot ans[we]r in Time before the next meeting of the subscribers to the intended Turnp[ike] I sho[ul]d think, for the reasons given by you & Mr. Hunter, that Mr. B must Subscribe such sum as may Command attention & give weight to the agents proposals respecting any Clauses to be inserted in the Bill, & in the Business of the Road at future

Letter – Thomas Richard Beaumont to Mark Skelton – 14 Oct 1792

Octr. 14th 1792 – Dear Skelton, Yesterday we were very agreeably surprised by the arrival of Wentworth, he came in the Mail, and was very sober & well, he dined with us & in the Evening we went together to the play, he has a room with us and seems very happy, he talks of staying until Tuesday Evening & then returning by the Mail to Liverpool, & so home. Mr. Wilson was with me & I signed the Deed. The Reports here <are> not all together so well about polit

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Mark Skelton – 15 Oct 1792

Mr Skelton Esqr Birthwait Hall Newcastle 15th Octor 1792 Wakefield Yorkshire Sir Your favour of the 6th inst I duly received & note the Contents. I have desired that, Mr Emerson & Mr Hunter would attend the next meeting of the Subscribers to the proposed Turnpike Road and provided they (the Subscribers) agreed to the insertion of the Clauses that I mentioned to you in my last letter, to Subscribe the Sum of

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Thomas Richard Beaumont – 16 Oct 1792

Thomas R Beaumont NewC[astl]e 16th Octor 1792 No 26 Old Burlington Street London D[ea]r Sir I wrote to you the 7th inst to which I refer you. Inclosed I send you a Bill drawn by Ridley Cookson & Co on Castell & Co at 40 days date for £5000 the reciept of which please to acknowledge. I wrote to Mr Skelton Yesterday on Business respecting the proposed Turnpike Road from this Place to Stanhope & Alstone.

letter – Isaac Hunter to John Erasmus Blackett – 17 Oct 1792

J. E Blackett Esqr Dukesfield 17th Octob'r 1792 Sir, I subscribed at the Meeting for Mr Beaumont conditionally, that a draught of the Bill be laid before Mr Hopper Williams for his opinion of the Clauses as to the Ore Carriage &c, and in case he disapproved of them Mr Beaumont's subscription to be void for the Subscribers (from the increase of the Subscriptions as youll see below) were very shy as to the proposed Clauses, & maid several objections; on consulti

Letter – Thomas Richard Beaumont to Mark Skelton – 18 Oct 1792

Octr. 18th 1792 – Dear Skelton, I was this Morning favoured with yours – and with respect to the Navigation I should certainly wish it to come to Haigh Bridge and that should certainly be kept in view – I am glad you subscribed 800£ -, we entirely leave the subscription to the other to yourself, as you know we wish to put our Money out in the Most advantageous manner for our Family, that if you think both our subscribing will be for the best, we undoubtedly would do it, at an

Letter – Thomas Richard Beaumont to Mark Skelton – 19 Oct 1792

Octr. 19th 1792 Dear Skelton, I have been considering all Night about the purchase of Barugh Estate, and should really like much to have it, as if the Navigation goes on I think it will pay very well, and tho’ at present we have not the Cash by us, we know we have it coming in, and we must pray for a good Lead Trade – and what we shall want at Kexbro’ will not come to so much more, and Haigh very likely will not be sold immediately – but should the whole be sold at once, the

Letter – Thomas Richard Beaumont to Mark Skelton – 25 Oct 1792

Octr. 25th 1792 Dear Skelton, We must certainly do our utmost endeavours to have the Navigation up to Haigh Bridge, they should most certainly let the Subscribers have a power of extending their subscriptions in the Calder, as they must not let them have too much power, the more get in the Calder the better – by the junction they will gain a great superiority – on all occasions of this Nature they all offer very fair, till they have got their own terms – but we must do the bes

Letter – James Cockshutt to Thomas Richard Beaumont – 27 Oct 1792

Huthwaite 27th Octr. 1792 Dear Sir, I wrote a hurried Letter to you yesterday thinking the Communication I had with Mr. Cooke was of some moment for you to know as soon as possible. I have no doubt of his Veracity & am persuaded that if you do not think the Estate worth your acceptance @ 27000£ it will be sold to Mr. Hebdin for his Client at Leeds – the Coal of which there is more than 120 Acres becomes of an increased Value in consequence of the apparent near approach o

Letter – John Bell to John Erasmus Blackett – 28 Oct 1792

Hexham Abbey 28 October 1792 Sir, As Mr Beaumont intended conferring a Favor on me I return him thanks but I perceive by the Proposition made me I am to execute the Business of these offices for the Emoluments of two and in case such Emoluments do not make up £80 a year I am to be subject to an Acco.t to shew the precise Sum the offices of Bailiff and Clerk of the Court make that that sum may be made up to me. I remember well your asking me what Mr Heron made of his offi

Letters – Thomas Emerson to John Erasmus Blackett – 29 Oct 1792

Newhouse Oct 29th 1792 Sir, I make no doubt but, Mr. Isaac Hunter wd let you know that he and I attended the meeting at Wolsingham, and how matters were settled there in regard to the intended road from Lobleyhill to Aldstone we were told by the Gentlemen present at the last meeting that they had no intention of fixing any gates so as to injure the lead mines in this country, but some of them said as the road would be better it would be no way unreasonable for Mr Beaumont to pay

Letter – George Beaumont to Thomas Richard Beaumont – 1 Nov 1792

Leeds 1st November 1792 Dear Sir Your Letter to Capn: Anninson I deliver’d into the Hands of Mrs. Forster of the Angel Inn, & she promis’d to give it to him herself, so that I make no doubt of his getting it, as much as if I had presented it myself which time would not permit me to do , being then in great haste to get home. Since my return to this place, a Gentn: who is an Inhabitant, & who has some small concern in a Lead Mine in Craven, has been speaking

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Simond & Hankey – 3 Nov 1792

Messrs Symond & Hankey Newcastle 3d Novemr 1792 Merch[ant]s London Gentn Inclosed you will receive a Bill drawn Sir M W Ridley & Co on Castell & Co at One Month dated this day for Two Hundred & Fifty Pounds; being One Quarters Rent charge due to John Trevelyan Esqr the 1st Inst Please to Advise me on your Receipt of the Bill & acquaint Mr Trevelyan of the same

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Thomas Richard Beaumont – 3 Nov 1792

Thos R Beaumont Esqr Newcastle 3d Novr 1792 No 26 Old Burlington Street London D[ea]r Sir I am favoured with your letter of the 31st Ulto & observe that Mr Skelton has made a considerable purchase for you that £10,000 is to be paid soon & £19800 at Candlemas next. Agreeable to your desire I have inclosed sent you a Bill on London for £6000, the Reciept of which you will please to Acknowledge & I sincerely giv

Letter – Thomas Richard Beaumont to Mark Skelton – 4 Nov 1792

Novr. 4th 1792 Dear Skelton, I had a letter this morning from Mr. <Hebden> which I enclose you, and also one from Geo. Beaumont, and shall write to them both: as to the latter I could not make him any Grant of the Wastes, for if it will pay them so amply, it will also pay us in like manner, so that I wrote to Blackett about them, & enquired if they did Make use of those Wastes – Geo. Bacchus came up this Morn[in]g & says Wentworth was at Bretton, but going to <Net
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467