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Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Luke Noble – 14 Nov 1788

To Mr Luke Noble Bretton. Newcastle. 14th. Novem. 1788 near Wakefield Yorkshire Sir Inclosed you will receive a Bill drawn by Sir J. Eden Sir MW Ridley & Co. on Castell & Co. at One Month dated the 12th inst. for £3000 on Account of Sir Thomas. Blackett Bart. You will please to advise me on the Receipt of the Bill and acquaint Sir Thomas of the same.

Will – Thomas Blackett – 1 Dec 1788

[Labelled on outside in a contemporary hand:] 1st Dec 1788 / Sir Thos Blacketts Will This is the last Will and Testament of me Sir Thomas Blackett of Bretton Hall in the County of York (lately called Sir Thomas Wentworth) Baronet. I Give and Devise my Capital Mansion House park and Gardens at Bretton aforesaid and also all and every other of my Manors Messuages Farms Lands Tenements Tythes and Hereditments whatsoever both Freehold Copyhold Customary and Leasehold in the said County of

Letter – Thomas Clavering to John Erasmus Blackett – 5 Dec 1788

Copy of a Letter from Sir Thos Clavering Barot Axwell Park to John Erass Blackett Esqr 5 Decr 1788 Dear Sir I have endeavoured to calculate the Sums you gave me Yesterday as the Price Sir Thomas Blackett asks for the Content & Parkhead Farms to find out the advance Rent set upon each Farm which I apprehend to be £16 a Year upon the former more than the Under Tenant pays & I don’t know how much upon the latter and the Sum asked exceeds

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Thomas Blackett – 17 Dec 1788

To Sir Thos. Blackett Bart. Newcastle 17th. Decem. 1788 Bretton Yorkshire Dear Sir I imagine this will find you at Bretton & I hope in good Health. Inclosed I send you a Bill drawn by Eden Ridley & Co. on Castell & Co. dated the 16th inst. at a Month for £2000 the Rec[eip]t of which please to acknowledge. Your Lead Stewards were down for subsistance for your Workmen the 25th Ult. when there was little or no alteration in

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Augustus Browne – 31 Dec 1788

Augustus Browne Esqr. NCastle 31st Decem 1788 Foster Lane - London Sir I have this day sent you by John & James Jackson the London Carriers a piece fine Silver containing 1371 Ounces which I desire you will place to Acct with Sir Thomas Blackett Bart as usual at the Markett Price & advise me on your Rect of it. I have this day drawn a Bill on you payable to the Order of Eden Ridley & Co at 30 Days date for £500 on Sir

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Anthony, Francis & Thomas Wright – 29 Jan 1789

Messrs. Anthy. Frans. &Thos Wright NCastle 29th Jany 1789 Bankers London Gentlemen Inclosed you will receive a Bill drawn by Sir J Eden, Sir M W Ridley & Co on Castell & Co at One Month dated the 27th inst. for Five Hundred & Sixty two Pounds Ten Shillings; to pay ½ a Years Inter[es]t of £25000 at 4½ P[er] C[en]t due 6th Feby next from Sir Jno. Trevelyan to Sir Edwd Winnington. Please to advise me on your Rec[eip]

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Richard Master – 4 Feb 1789

Richard Masters & Co Bankers NCastle 4th Feby 1789 Chancery Lane London Gentlemen Inclos’d you will receive a Bill drawn by Eden Ridley & Co on Castell & Co at one Month dated this day for £212-10-; being one Quarter Composition Rent for the Lot Ore of Weardale Lead Mines, due f[ro]m Sir Thos Blackett Bart to the Bishop of Durham the 11th Feby last __ Please to advise me on yo[u]r Rec[eip]t of the Bill &

Letter – Robert Hodgson to John Cleaver – 4 Feb 1789

The Revd. Mr. Cleaver Alston, 4th Feby 1789 Sir, Inclosed you’ll have a Copy of Greengill pay bill and a Statement of the Acct for the last year by which it appears there is a loss. I first made an offer to Mr. Gilbert of your Share of the Ore, which he refused & then made application to sundry other Purchasers who likewise rejected it; being Ore of a very poor Quality, and Lead have lowered a little in value. I then under necessity of made interest to get it sme

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Mr Robinson – 7 Feb 1789

Mr Robinson Agent to Thos Eyre Esq NCastle 7th Feby 1789 Hassop near Bakewell Derbyshire Sir I observe by your Lre [Letter] to the Lessees of Winlaton Colliery that you have acquainted Mr Eyre of the notice they have given to quit the Colliery in Feby 1790 I have likewise acquainted Sir Thos Blackett of the same who is willing to concur with Mr Eyre in making such abatement as may be thought necessary __ I am of Opinion that a Viewer should be employed in behalf of th

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Augustus Browne – 11 Feb 1789

Augustus Browne Esq Foster Lane NCastle 11th Feby 1789 London Sir I have this day sent you by John & James Jackson the London Carriers a piece of fine Silver containing 1239 Ounces w[hi]ch I desire you will place to Acct with Sir Thos Blackett Bart as usual at the Markett price, advising me on your Reciept of it I am etc J E Blackett

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Luke Noble – 6 Mar 1789

Mr Luke Noble Bretton Yorkshire NCastle Mar 1789 Sir Inclos’d you will receive a Bill drawn by Sir J Eden, Ridley & Co on Castell & Co for £3000 on Acct of Sir Thos Blackett the Rec[eip]t of which please to acknowledge __ I have not made any sale of Lead except to Messrs Walkers’ & Cos White Lead Works the last sale for the London Markett was at £21. 10 the Fother the price since has dropt considerably & Messrs Lancaster’s will loose £1. 0s. 0d as they say

Letter – Ralph Heron to Mr Herriot – 10 Mar 1789

Mr Herriot Attor[ney] at Law Alnwick . NCastle 10th Mar. 1789 D[ea]r Sir Robt. Readhead of Lee in the parish of Rothbury Gent Wm Readhead of Headland Lee in the parish of Allenton Gent. Gabrl. Readhead of Lee af[oresai]d Gent. & Robt Readhead of Headland Lee af[oresai]d Gent. by their Bond dated the 6th Dec. 1771 became jointly & severally Bound to Sir W[alte]r Blackett Bt. in £400 -- conditioned for Robt Readhead of the Lee & Wm.

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to John Beatson – 18 Mar 1789

Mr Jno Beatson Cinderhill NCastle 18 March 1789 Yorkshire Sir Inclos’d you will receive a Bill drawn by Sir J Eden Sir M W Ridley & Co on Castell & Co at one Month dated this Day for £40-13-7 being in full of your Bill for Leather sent to Dukesfield Mills __ You will please advise me on your Reciept of the same. When you send any more Leather to Sir Thos Blackett’s Mines or Mills,

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Augustus Browne – 25 Mar 1789

Augus[tu]s Browne Esq Newcastle 25th March 1789 Foster Lane London Sir I have this day sent you by John & Jas Jackson the London Carriers a Piece fine Silver Containing Fourteen Hundred & Eighty five Ounces which I desire you will place to account with Sir Thomas Blackett Bart as usual at the Market price, advising me on your receipt of it

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Thomas Blackett – 25 Mar 1789

To Sir Thos Blackett Bart Bretton NCastle 25th Mar 1789 near Wakefield Yorkshire Dear Sir Your Lead Agents were with me the Last Week for subsistance for the Workmen, they gave me rather an unfavourable report of the state of your Lead Mines, the workings lately have failed, & at present it appears that there will not near the qty of Ore rais’d this Y[ea]r that has been the two or three last Y[ea]rs, howeve

Letter – Thomas Richard Beaumont to Mark Skelton – 27 Mar 1789

Hatfield March 27. 89 Dear Skelton, I was favoured with your letter just now & have spoke to Sir Thomas Blackett, & he as well as myself shall be very happy in giving you our Vote. With respect to my own Affairs I shall most certainly give you the preference & will bring you over tomorrow my last Abstracts as the Rent day is on Thursday, if it should not be convenient to you my sleeping at your house, I beg you will make no kind of ceremony as Bretton is so near, I shall

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Augustus Browne – 7 Apr 1789

Augustus Browne Esq NewC 7th April 1789 Foster Lane London Sir I have drawn a Bill on you payable to the Order of Sir J Eden, Sir M W Ridley & Co at Thirty days dated the 6th ins[tan]t for £1000 on Sir Thos Blackett’s Acct, & w[hi]ch I doubt not you will duly Honor __ In the course of next M[onth] I shall draw upon you for the Balance of your Acct of w[hi]ch I shall advise you

Letter – Thomas Richard Beaumont to Mark Skelton – 23 Apr 1789

Mr. Beaumont presents his Complimts to Mr. Skelton & will be much obliged to him to attend the Meeting and please to write me word the Result, direct to me at Mr. Wrigglesworth’s South Lincolnshire. Darton Thursday Morng.

Letter – Thomas Richard Beaumont to Mark Skelton – 24 Apr 1789

Mr. Beaumont will be obliged to Mr. Skelton if he will look out for all the writings belonging to the Lincolnshire Estate & he will call upon him in a day or two – Friday Morning – [Note in Skelton’s hand:] I delivered these Writings to Mr. Beaumont in Janry. 1789 M Skelton

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Luke Noble – 24 Apr 1789

Mr Luke Noble Bretton near Wakefield Yorkshire Newcastle 24th April 1789 Sir Inclosed you will receive a Bill drawn by Messrs Eden, Ridley & Co on Castell & Co at One Month dated this day for £2000 on accot of Sir Thomas. Blackett Bart you will please to Acknowledge the Receipt of the Bill & acquaint Sir Thos of the same I am etc J.E.B £2000 Newcastle Bank 24th April 1789 One M

Letter – Thomas Richard Beaumont to Mark Skelton – 25 Apr 1789

Saturday – Dear Skelton, Enclosed I send you Baildon’s Bill, and will thank you to remit Mr. Curtis Apothecary of Oxford, your draft on London for £10.10.0 – I am afraid I shall [not be] able to call upon you before I return from Lincolnshire, as we leave this, on Monday, & I am going from home to day – I am Dear Skelton Yours sincerely Tho Rd Bt.

Letter – Thomas Richard Beaumont to Mark Skelton – 27 Apr 1789

April 27th 1789 Dear Skelton, We returned last Night from a trip to Louth; on our return here from Bretton I found a letter from Mr. Wrigglesworth mentioning if it was convenient he would be glad to see me at his House, to consult about my Affairs in that part, and we were all at a loose end, & set off immediately, and passed a very agreeable week, I think the estate will be sold very well. He desired me to ask you this question (Is Mr. Beaumont’s settlement made previous to hi

Inventory – John Chatt – 13 May 1789

An Inventory and Valuation of the several Goods and Chattles belonging to the late John Chatt of Peacock House in Hexhamshire in the Parish of Hexham at the time of his death and taken by us whose names are hereunto Subscribed as Appraisers of the same this 13 Day of May 1789 2 Cows valued at 8 0 0 2 Cows and a Calf 8 0 0 3 Mares 22 0 0 8 Galloways 24 0 0 3 Foals 6 0 0 Husbandry Gear 5

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Richard Master – 2 Jun 1789

Richd Master Esq & Co NCastle 2nd June 1789 Bankers London Gentlemen Inclos’d you will receive a Bill drawn by Sir J Eden Sir MW Ridley & Co on Castell & Co at One Month dated this day for £212-10-; being for one Quarters Composition Rent for the Lot Ore of Weardale Lead Mines due from Sir Thos Blackett Bart to the Lord B[isho]p of Durham the 11th May last __ Please to advise me on the Reciept o

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Luke Noble – 2 Jun 1789

Mr Luke Noble Bretton Yorkshire NCastle 2nd June 1789 Sir Inclos’d you will recieve a bill drawn by Eden Ridley & Co on Castell & Co of this date at a Month for £3000 on Acct of Sir Thos Blackett Bart the rec[eip]t of which please to acknowledge __ I desire my best Comp[limen]ts to Sir Thos Blackett & am Your’s etc J.E.B £3000
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467