Hawkins Wall Esq. Newcastle 8th Novem. 1789
Paper Buildings Temple
Sir I rec[eiv]ed your favour of the 29th ult. & now inclose you a bill drawn by Eden Ridley & Co on Castell & Co dated the 6th inst. at a Month for £100 on Acct. of the quarterly payments on on Sir Jno. Trevelyan’s Acct. the Receipt of which please to acknowledge and acquaint me at the same time if it makes good the several paym[en]ts to the time state
Mr James Norton Newcastle 20 Novr 1789
Sir Mr Blackett desires me to acquaint you that he has Shiped, according to your Order 100 p[iece]s Lead on board the Neptune of Yarmouth Capt I Lamb the Ship is now cleared & ready to Sail & inclosed you have a Bill of parcels of the Lead I am etc I.S
Count de Reden, Black Bull Hexham Dukesf[iel]d 20th Nov'r 1789
The two Test Bottoms weighed 29 stone 11 lb. Inclosed you a Plan of the Refinery with explanations which I hope you will be able to make out but if theres anything in the Plan or of the Works here that I can inform you of shall with pleasure do it, on your acquainting me with it - the specimens of Slags &c that you left here I sent to Newcastle (in a Box w[i]th the few Spars that Kilty gave you) last Monda
Augustus Browne Esq Newcastle 25th Novem 1789
Sir I have this day sent you by Jno & James Jackson the London Carriers a piece fine Silver Containing 1353 1/2 Ounces which I desire that you will place to Account with Sir Thomas Blackett Bart as usual at the Markett price advising me on your Reciept of it I am etc J.E.B
Dear Sir
I am arrived from london too late to profit by the introduction to Count Renne, with which you honour'd me, however, I was happy to find that my brothers had paid him every possible Attention, not only on account of his own personal Merits, but because he came here under the patronage of Mr Blackett, which to our family will ever be deemed a sufficient claim to every token of Respect.
I have also to thank you for giving me an opportunity of subscribing a mite towards the R
Sir Thomas Blackett Bart Newcastle 12th Decemr 1789
Bretton Yorkshire
Dear Sir I received your favor of the 20th ulto & have accordingly subscribed for you Twenty Guineas to be applied towards the relief of the distressed Families of the unfortunate Seamen who perished in the late Storm for which the Charity is much obliged to you the Subscriptions we expect will Amount to £2000. I have been disappointed of seeing Mr Bl
Messrs Isaac & John Wilkinson Newcastle 12th Decem 1789
Gentn I beg leave to acquaint you that a short time ago I had an offer from two of the London Houses for all the Lead that I had to dispose of at this time, the Price £16 per Fodder, but the time of Payment so long that I could not by any means accept of their Offer __ Since which I have sold to Messrs F & P 20000 p[iece]s one half ref[ine]d the other C
Augus[tu]s Browne Esq Newcastle 15th Decem 1789
Foster Lane London
Sir I have this day drawn a Bill on you Payable to the Order of Messrs Eden Ridley & Co at 30 days dated this day for £970-7-11 being the Balance of your Account with Sir Thomas Blackett Bartt & which I doubt not you will duly honor __ In the course of this month I shall send you a piece of Silver & are etc
Mr John Beatson Cinderhill NewC 17th Dec 1789
Sir I received your Letter the 10th ins[tan]t & observe that you have sent a pack of Hides to Mr Forster at Allenheads for the Use of Sir Thos Blackett Bt Lead Mines there, & Inclos’d I send you a Bill drawn by Eden Ridley & Co on Castell & Co at One Month the dated this day for £35-11-6 being the Amount of your Bill for the same __ Please to advise me on your R
Mr Luke Noble Bretton Yorkshire Newcastle 18th Decem 1789
Sir I am favored with your letter of the 15th ins[tan]t informing me that Sir Thos Blackett had sent Mr Wilson & myself each a Roll of Brawn, for which we are much obliged to him it is not yet arrived but we expect that it may come this day __ Inclosed I send you a Bill drawn by Eden Ridley & Co on Castell & Co at one Month dated this day for £2500 on Sir Thomas Blacketts Account, the Reciept of which you will P
Mr James Norton Newcastle 19 Dec 1789
Sir I wrote to you the 20th Ulto inclosing you an Acct of the Lead that we have sent you, since which I have paid 10s-10d for Waterage & Sufferance which must necessarily be added to the Amount of the Lead, which you have below __ Mr Blackett desires me to acquaint you that he recie[ve]d your Letter of the 1st ins[tan]t & as to the payment he says if you remit
Augustus Browne Esq Newcastle 28th Decem 1789
at Foster lane London
Sir I am favoured with your letter of the 22nd ins[tan]t &am sorry to find that I had made a mistake in drawing a Bill on you the 15th ins[tan]t, and have now according to your desire drawn another which will be sent to Castell & Co by their friends here , who will give direction for the other to be returned to me __ On Wednesday next I shall s
Sir Thos Blackett Bart Newcastle 2nd Jany 1790 (sic)
Bretton Yorkshire
Dear Sir Your letter of the 24th Ult[im]o was delivered to me by Mr Bell & I had some conversation with him & Mr Forster on the subject of your letter After the conversation that you have had with them & what I have wrote to you on this matter it is needless for me to say any thing more on the subject.
I observe that you are desirou
Richard Master & Co Bankers London NCastle 13th Jany 1790
Gentln Inclos’d you will recieve a Bill drawn by Eden Ridley & Co on Castell & Co at 14 days dated this day for £212-10-; being one Quarter of a Years Composition Rent for the Lott Ore of Weardale Lead Mines, due 11th Nov. last to the Lord Bishop of Durham from Sir Thos Blackett Bart.__ Please to advise me on the Rec[eip]t of the Bill & send me the usual Rec[eip]t.
Messs Isaac & John Wilkinson Newcastle 18th Jany 1790
Gentn Mr Blackett received your favour of the 7th instant and is much obliged to you for the information you have given him respecting a Meeting of the Proprietors of Mines with you _ Mr B has since his last Sale (of which you were acquainted) Advanced the Price of Ref[ine]d Lead to £17 per Fo[dde]r but will have little or none to sell still lat
Ld. Macdonalds
Great George Street
Sunday Morng 24th 90
Dear Skelton,
We arrived here on the 7th after a very pleasant Journey, and are all better for the change of air. Dr. Warren has prescribed for Diana, and says he hopes soon to set her up quite stout, Sophy is quite delighted, she has been to the Opera, play house, and [missing: Pan?]theon, and today is going into the Park to see the World there – the B[aronet? - missing] is alwa
1790 Feby 25th Shipped on Board the Newcastle for Hull, Abraham Ward Master, Seven Casks Lead Fume for Sir Thomas Blackett Bart J Straker
Sir John Trevelyan Bart Half Moon Street Newcastle 8th February 1790
Piccadilly London
Dear Sir I am favoured with your Lres [Letters] on the 1st & 4th Inst the former inclosing Mr Brasiers letter to you, & Copy of your Ans[we]r which I return you; Mr Brasier’s lre [letter] was just what I expected, & your Ans[er]r to it, is I think a very proper one I have no doubt of Lady Blounts consenting to continue the Mortgage at 4 per C[en]t rathe
Thomas Wright Esqr & Co Bankers NewC 8th Feby 1790
Gentlemn Inclos’d you will receive a Bill drawn by Eden Ridley & Co on Castell & Co at one Month dated this day for £562-10-- to pay half a Years Interest of £25000 at 41/2 per Cent due the 6th inst from Sir John Trevelyan to Sir Edwd Winnington _ Please to acknowledge the Reciept of the Bill & send me the usual Rec[eip]t.
Augustus Browne Esqr Newcastle 10th Feby 1790
Foster Lane London
Sir I have this day sent you by Thos Jennings the London Carrier a Piece of fine Silver Containing 1422 Ounces which I desire you will place to Acct with Sir Thos Blackett Bart as usual at the Markett price and advise me on your Reciept of it I am etc J.E.B
Richd Master Esq & Co Newcastle 26th Feby 1790
Bankers London
Gentln Inclosed you will receive a Bill drawn by Eden Ridley & Co on Castell & Co at One Month dated this day for Two Hundred & Twelve Pounds Ten Shillings being One Quarters Composition Rent for the Lot Ore of Weardale Lead Mines, due from Sir Thos Blackett Bart to the Lord Bishop of Durham 11th ins[tan]t.
Please to acknowledge the Rec
Messrs Goslings Newcastle 26th Feby 1790
Fleet Street London
Gentn By desire of the Revd Mr Harding I enclose you a Bill drawn by Sir J Eden Sir M W Ridley & Co on Castell & Co at One Month dated this day for One Hundred & Twelve Pounds Ten Shillings which you’ll place to his Credit acquainting him with the same & advising me on your Receipt of the Bill
The Revd Mr Hardinge Newcastle 26th Feby 1790
Bradbourn Place
Sevenoaks Kent
Sir I received your letter of the 22d ins[tan]t & agreeable to your Request I have by this Post remitted to Messrs Gosling a Bill for £112-10 being for One Quarters Composition for your Tithe Ore of Weardale Lead Mines due from Sir Thomas Blackett Bart the 19th ins[tan]t for w[hi]ch please to send me your Receipt as usual _ As it will
Mr Richd Noble Newcastle 26th Feby 1790
Bretton Yorkshire
Sir Inclosed you will receive a Bill drawn by Eden, Ridley & Co on Castell & Co at One Month dated this day for £2000 the Receipt of which be pleased to acknowledge
As the Plate of Silver is to be sent to London it must be packed in a Box & directed for Augustus Browne Esqr Foster Lane London, the carriage must be paid & a receipt t
Augustus Browne Esqr Newcastle 10th March 1790
Foster Lane London
Sir I have this day sent you by John & Jas Jackson the London Carriers a Piece fine Silver Containing One Thousand & Forty One Ounces which I desire that you will place to Accot with Sir Thomas Blackett Bart as usual at the Market price and advise me on your Reciept of it _ Sir Thomas will send you a Piece of Silver which he has had some