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Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Augustus Browne – 26 Dec 1792

Augustus Browne Esqr Newcastle 26th Decem 1792 Forster Lane London Sir Yesterday I sent you by Jackson & Jennings the London Carriers a piece of fine Silver Containing 1450 1/2 Ounces which I desire that you will place to Account with Thomas Richd Beaumont Esqr at the Markett price & advise me on your Reciept of it I am etc J.E.B

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Thomas Richard Beaumont – 5 Jan 1793

Thos R Beaumont Esqr NCastle 5th Jany 1793 Bretton near Wakefield Yorkshire Dear Sir Inclosed you will receive four Bills as under Amounting to £6900 the Receipt of which you will be pleased to Acknowledge _ I imagine that you have Received a letter from Mr John Widdrington of this place & I understand that himself & Co decline the transacting your business in the Banking way for the future, in the manner that

Letter – E. Walker to Mark Skelton – 6 Jan 1793

Sir, Inclosed are the two Papers which I return. Sir Thomas Blackett gave me both a Mortgage & a Bond for the security of my Money (£14,500.-) They are dated Nov: 7. 1781: And if you please to look into the Register Office at Wakefield, I believe you will find an account of the Premises. Sir, Your humble Servant E. Walker Kirk. Ello Jan: 6. 1793 [on verso:] Mr Skelton Attorney at Law/ Birthwait Hall/ Barnsley

Letter – Thomas Richard Beaumont to John Erasmus Blackett – 10 Jan 1793

Bretton Jany. 10th 93 Dear Sir In a letter from Mr. Widdrington he says, “We have fully considered the Business and finding that to continue it in the way it has been carried on of late would on the whole be very disadvantageous to us we have come to the final determination to decline it for the future.” As I do not know what sums of money have been lodged in their Hands from time to time, nor how long it has been continued, nor what they mean by referring to the manner the Bus

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Thomas Richard Beaumont – 13 Jan 1793

The following Letter sent by Mr Alderman Blackett to be forwarded to Colonel & Mrs Beaumont. Bretton 8th November 1808 MM T R Beaumont Esq Newcastle January 13th 1793 Dear Sir I am favored with your Letter of the 10th instant and observe the contents. It never has been the custom during the possession of the Lead Mines by the late Sir Walter Blackett and Sir Thomas Blackett for a running Account to be kept with the Bank but as the Bills on London at 60 days wer

Letter – Benjamin Gott to John Skelton – 17 Jan 1793

Mr Skelton Leeds Jany 17. 93 Sir, I am engaged to pay for an estate 2000£ in Cash <&> 4000£ in Bill at sigt or a Banke Note to which I must beg the favour of you to conform – the other 4000£ in any way most agreeable to you. With respect to the Pews in Thornhill Church I was informed they did not belong to the Estate in Flockton that Thornhill Church had been <new pav’d> <Mr. R> was at the <.....> of these which induced me to dispose

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Messrs Gosling – 18 Jan 1793

Messrs Gosling Bankers Fleet Street London Newcastle 18th Jany 1793 Gentlemn Inclosed you will recieve a bill drawn by Ridley Cookson & Co on Castell & Co at 30 days dated this day for £225- -; being One Quarters Composition Rent for the Tithe Ore of Weardale Lead Mines due the 11th inst to The Revd Mr Hardinge from Thomas Richd Beaumont Esqr Ex[ecut]or of Sir Thos Blackett Bt deceased. Please to advise me on your Reciept of the bill and acquaint Mr Hardinge wi

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Thomas Richard Beaumont – 22 Jan 1793

Thos R Beaumont Esqr Newcastle 22nd Jany 1793 Bretton Yorkshire Dr Sir This Morning I rec[eiv]ed a letter from Mr Widdrington acquainting me that the Bank, after having fully considered the Matter, do not see any reason to alter their Opinion & therefore beg leave to decline the business on the terms proposed & they have wrote to you to that purpose _ Please to acquaint me whether you would have any application to

Letter – Anthony Watts to Mark Skelton – 25 Jan 1793

Dr. Sir/ Hatton Garden 25th Jany 1793 The Parcel containing the <Re..> to Mr. Lee was sent on the 21st Inst. from hence, which I hope you have Reced. If not, I trouble you herewith to inform you the same was sent as above directed to be left at Mrs. Ropers Barnsley as usually done, Mrs. Bosvill’s Ansr. Is not yet come in but I hourly expect it, And will send the Interrogatories and Comm[issio]n as soon as possible. I Remain Dr. Sir Your very hble Servt. Anth J Watts [o

Letter – John Bell to Thomas Richard Beaumont – 27 Jan 1793

Sir Hexham Abbey 27th Janury 1793 With this I send you my Cash Accot for the Half Year ending 31st of Decem. last and also a Copy of that for the Current half Year as far as the Same is advanced I have mentioned to one of the Gentlemen who wrote you respecting the Riding of the Boundary your Intention of being in the North sometime before that Business can be proceeded with considering the Situation of the C

Letter – Joshua Straker to Arthur Mowbray – 31 Jan 1793

Arthur Mowbray Esqr Sherburn near Durham Newcastle 31st Jany 1793 Sir I wrote to you some time ago in Answer to your letter of the 2nd Instant and I have expected to have heard from you for some time past respecting the Renewal of the Lease of Redburn, and as Mr Blackett is desirous of having this business settled you’ll please to inform him the terms for a Renewal of that Lease I am etc J.S

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Simond & Hankey – 5 Feb 1793

Messrs Symond & Hankey NewC 5th Feby 1793 Merchants London Gentlemn Inclos’d you will recieve a Bill drawn by Ridley Cookson & Co on Castell & Co at 20 days dated this day for £250 being One Quarters Rent Charge due to John Trevelyan Esqr the 1st Inst. Please to advise me on your Receipt of the Bill & inform him of the same.

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Farrers & Atkinson – 5 Feb 1793

Messrs Farrers & Atkinson NewC 5th Feby 1793 Lincolns Inn Field London Gentlemn Inclosed you will receive a Bill drawn by Ridley Cookson & Co on Castell & Co at 30 days dated this day for £500 to pay half a Years Interest of £25000 at 4 per Cent due to Mr Erskine 13th inst from Sir John Trevelyan Bart. Please to advise me on your Reciept of the Bill.

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Tristram Everest – 11 Feb 1793

Mr Tristram Everest Haydon Bridge 11th Febr[uar]y 1793 Sir Yesterday I wrote you from hence and sent you at the same time a Copy of the Lobley Hill and Alston Etc Road Bill with several proposed alterations and additions thereto. <Tobiorce> I have omitted the naming in my letter the following particulars Pages 14 and 20 respecting Eight Trustees instead of Seven with the exception and the alteration relative to the erection of Toll Houses etc and Page 74 as to drawing pie

Letter – Ransom, Morland & Co to John Erasmus Blackett – 13 Feb 1793

London 13th Feby. 1793 Sir We have received the pleasure of your letter of the 10th & observe the sums you have ordered to be paid into our hands on account of Thos. Richd. Beaumont Esqr. of the receipt of which we shall have the pleasure to acquaint him. We conceive it would be better that those sums already in London should be paid to our house than into the bank of Messrs. Surtees Burdon & Co. at Newcastle. We beg you to accept our best Compliments & have the honor to

Letter – Thomas Richard Beaumont to John Erasmus Blackett – 13 Feb 1793

Bretton 13th Feby. 93 Dear Sir, I was favoured with yours, and shall be glad to have a State of the Account when you have made the transfer – I don’t perfectly understand what is meant by your having wrote for 10,000£ more to be paid into my Bankers hands, as I understood that all or most of the Balance of the Lead Account which you gave to me, would be wanted for the Approaching Pays. Mrs Beaumont unites with me in Compts. I am Dear Sir Your much oblig. hum. Servant

letter – Isaac Hunter to James Hall – 18 Feb 1793

To Jam.s Hall Dukesfield 18th Feb'y 1793 Sir I'm to acquaint you that the Salary for taking an Acco't of the Lead that comes to the Yard at Bankfoot, belonging to Thos. Rich'd Beaumont Esqr will be continued to you no longer then to last Christmas. I'm Sir, Y'r Hble Servt I H

Deposition – Diana Bosville – 21 Feb 1793

In Chancery The Answer of Diana Bosville as one of the Defts to the Bill of Complaint of Thomas Richard Beaumont Esqr. and Diana his Wife Complainants This Deft. saving and reserving to herself now and at all times hereafter all and all manner of benefit and advantages that may be had or taken by way of exception otherwise to the many Errors uncertainties and Imperfections in the said Complts said Bill contained for Answer thereunto or unto as much thereof as She is advised is material

Letter – Joshua Straker to Arthur Mowbray – 26 Feb 1793

Arthur Mowbray Esqr Sherburn near Durham Newcastle 26th Feby 1793 Sir Mr Blackett desires me to inform to inform you that he will give you 8 Years Rent for a Renewal of the Lease of Redburn, according to the present Rent which is £40 per Ann[um] & which is not capable of being Let for more at this time, as the smoke of Rookhope Mill has corroded & quite eaten off the Swarth on a part of it. Formerly the fine was for one Years Rent for putting in a Life & 4 Years Rent for 2 L

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Tristram Everest – 28 Feb 1793

Mr Tristram Everest Farnacres 28 February 1793 Dear Sir I yesterday attended a Meeting at Lanchester when it appeared perfectly clear to be the intention of most of the Gentlemen present to fix side Gates in every part of Alston Moor where the Lead Ore Carriers could be taken in and upon my strenuously adhering to the sentiments expressed to you in full the Gent[leme]n came to a resolution not to carry the Road further than to Burtry Ford and most of those present signed it. A

Letter – Anthony Watts to Mark Skelton – 28 Feb 1793

Dear Sir/ No. <82> Hatton Garden 28th Feby. 1793 In the <case> of Sr. Thos. Blacketts Will I have been waiting with great uneasiness for the Moment which is now come, that is to inform you of Mrs. Bosvilles Answer being Signed and Returned to me, I make no doubt, the long Absence you have experienced will lead you to suspect, my proper attention to this Bus[ines]s but believe me I have used my utmost endeavours to push the Business on – The Young Bosvilles I am persuade

Letter – Joshua Straker to Arthur Mowbray – 1 Mar 1793

Arthur Mowbray Esqr Sherburn near Durham Newcastle 1st March 1793 Sir I was yesterday favour with your letter, the contents of which I communicated to Mr Blackett, who is still of opinion that the Fine you fix is very high, but as you seem determined not to make any abatement, he must be under the necessity of complying with your demand, tho’ from the Account we have of Mr Robson’s relations here, we cannot think so bad a Life as you apprehend him to be The New Lives to be put in

Letter – Thomas Richard Beaumont to John Erasmus Blackett – 4 Mar 1793

Bretton March 4th 93 Dear Sir, As some particular Business in Parliament calls me to London this Week it will not be in my power to come to Newcastle next Monday as I intended, and if Mr. Skelton should not be with you then, which is at present uncertain, I shall be glad to have yours and the individual opinions in writing of Mr. Bell and the several Lead Agents how far the proposed Inclosure will affect my Interests in every point of View both for and against me, and particularly as

Letter – James Milner to Mark Skelton – 7 Mar 1793

Dr Sir/ As it may be some time before you and Mr. Beaumont return from Town, Hope you will determine and inform me before you set off to allow me some Timber along with the 100£ for the intended improvemts. at the Manor House, as its now time to prepare the materials. Also inform me when I may look over the Falls of Wood ___ I am Dr Sir Most sincerely Yours Jams. Milner Flockton 7th Mar. 1793

Letter – John Bell to John E Blackett – 10 Mar 1793

Sir Hexham Abbey 10th March 1793 I had a Letter from Mr Beaumont the 23rd of last Month saying he would be in Newcastle this Month when the Stewards came down for their Money and desiring me to give him a Meeting there but for what Purpose he was silent By the Copy of his Letter to you inclosed one by Mr Straker he seems to want the Opinion of his Agents how far his Interest will be affected by the proposed Inc
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467