£2000 Newcastle Bank 22nd May 1790
One Month after Date pay to the Order of John E. Blackett Esqr
Two Thousand Pounds Value Recieved
For Sir J Eden Sir M W Ridley Cookson Widdrington & Co
To Messrs Castell Powell Sumner & Co Jas Wilkinson
No 16857 London
Farnacres 24 May 1790
Mr Dickinson
Herewith you will receive an Abstract of Estimate of Expence of making a Turnpike Road from Burtry Ford near Cowshill to the Town of Alston and from Alston Bridge through Raise Wanwood and Howgillrigg Tenements and Whitley Ground to the old Road in the Manor of Whitley which you will observe after adding the Expence of obtaining the Act <Erecting> Turnpike <Barr> And Contingencies amounts to the Sum of £2538.15.9.
When on
Bretton Thursday Noon
Dear Skelton,
I had intended setting off this Morning, but Sir Thomas would not let me, however if the Afternoon is fine I shall make another attemp[t]. I have spoke to him about the Money. Mr. Bosville has engaged 2000£, he is going to make a purchase himself with another 1000£, but if he has not the Money, he will speak about it at Newcastle, his Rent day is in three weeks, that there will be no doubt of it. When you see Noble speak to him about it. Sir T. t
Skelton, Sir Tho. and I have changed our Minds & instead of your meeting us at my House tomorrow Morning, Sir Tho. will be with you at half past ten with Respect to the Deeds you wish to see, I shall be at home this Evening and wish you to come to me tomorrow Morning early –
Yours sincerely
Tho Rd Bt.
Monday Morn -
Messrs Farrers & Atkinson NewC 8 June 1790
Chancery Lane London
Sirs I wrote you on the 5th inst to which I refer you.
The Acct that you sent me of the Remittances made by me to Mr Wall agrees with my Acct & inclosed I send you a Copy of the last Account rec[eiv]ed from him, since which you will observe he has rec[eiv]ed £500 on Sir Jno Trevelyan’s Acct.
I now send you Eden Ridley & Cos Bill on Castell &
Worthing July 10th 90
Dear Skelton,
Mrs. Beaumont is writing to Mrs. Wilson and in her Frank, I enclose this. We are going to day for a week or ten days to see the Isle of [Wight -missing], as soon as you get Lady Mexbro <.....> Replication, you will get the necessary <business> forward, and if you have any occasion for me, only write to me at Tulloh’s and I shall get the Letter on my Return, as we are to go to Tunbridge Wells immediately afterwards; which is within th
Worthing – July 10th 1790
Dear Skelton,
In a letter from Mr. George I find a Replication has been made that I would have you proceed immediately, and as I am so near London I can come up at any time, and in the course of a fortnight shall be within thirty miles, so that when Mr. George writes me I will come up immediately, & the day I leave this will write to him & give him my address – You may write to me at Mr. Tulloh’s No. 5 Nassau Street Soho – a
Messrs Farrers & Atkinson NewC 13 July 1790
Chancery Lane London
Gentlen I am favoured with your Lre [letter] of the 19th inst & observe the Contents. The Interest on Lady Blounts Mortgage has been paid up to the 6th Feb last; there will be due to her Ladyship on the 13th Augt next (the day the principal is to be Paid) for Six Months & seven days Interest £584-1-9 for which Sum I have inclosed you Eden Ridley &am
To Messrs Lockwood & Parkinson NewC: 13th July 1790
Merchants No 291 Borough
Sirs By Sir Thos. Blackett’s direction I inclose you Eden Ridley & Cos Bill on Castell & Co of this Date at a Month for £6000 on his Acct the Rec[eip]t of which you will pleased to acknowledge
When you let me know what further Sum is to be Paid to you on Sir Thos. Blackett’s Acct I w
Augustus Browne Esqr Newcastle 21st July 1790
Foster Lane London
Sir I have this day sent you by Jno & Jas Jackson the London Carriers a Piece fine Silver Containing 1385Ounces which I desire that you will place to Acct with Sir Thos Blackett Bart as usual at the Markett Price and advise me on your Rec[eip]t of it. I am etc J.E.B
Mr Richard Noble Bretton Newcastle Augt 7th 1790
near Wakefield Yorkshire
Sir Inclosed you will recieve a Bill drawn by Eden, Ridley & Co on Castell & Co at One Month dated this day for £2000 on Sir Thos Blackett’s Acct, the Reciept of which you will please to acknowledge & acquaint Sir Thos with the same I am etc J.E.B
Richd Masters Esqr & Co Newcastle 9th Augt 1790
Bankers London
Gentlemn Inclosed you will receive a Bill drawn by Eden Ridley & Co on Castell & Co at one Month dated this day for £212-10-; being Three Months Composition Rent for the Lot Ore in Weardale Lead Mines due from Sir Thos Blackett Bart to the Lord Bishop of Durham the 11th ins[tan]t.__ Please to acknowledge the Reciept of the Bill &
Messrs Goslings Fleet Street London Newcastle 9th Augt 1790
Gentn Inclosed you will recieve a Bill drawn by Eden Ridley & Co on Castell & Co at One Month dated this day for £112-10- ; being Three Months Composition Rent of Weardale Lead Mines due the 19th ins[tan]t from Sir Thos Blackett Bart to The Revd Mr Hardinge as Rector of Stanhope. Please to advise me on your recieving the Bill & likewise send me the usual Receipt for the same.
Post Office Tunbridge Wells
Augst. 10th 1790
Dear Skelton,
I was favoured with yours on my Arrival in Town, where I went for advice for Diana, the Physician wished to see her, she is much as she was, but we are told these Waters are of infinite Service to people in her Way – I have taken a house here for one Month, from the 8th inst. and are determined to give these Waters a fair trial – If you should think it will be necessary for my going up to Town, respecting Lady
Augustus Browne Esqr Newcastle 6th Septr 1790
Foster Lane London
Sir On Wednesday last I sent you by John & James Jackson the London Carriers a piece fine Silver Containing 1331Ounces which I desire you will place to Acct with Sir Thos Blackett Bart as usual at the Markett price & advise me on your Reciept of it. I am etc J.E.B
N.B. I shall send you by the Carrier tomorrow another
Messrs Isaac & John Wilkinson Newcastle 10th Septr 1790
Gentlemn Mr Blackett was duly favoured with your Letter of the 7th ins[tan]t & desires me to inform you that he has not sold any more Lead for the London Markett since I wrote you on 26th Ult[im]o but has made an Offer of 10,000 or 12000 Pieces, at the Prices he had before sold at, & has not the least doubt but the Offer will be accepte
Henry Hoare Esqr & Co Newcastle 10 Sept 1790
Bankers Fleet Street London
Gentlemn I am desired by Sir Jno Trevelyan to remit you the inclos’d Bill, for £500 drawn by Eden Ridley & Co on Castell & Co at One Month dated this day _ You will please to advise me on your Reciept of the Bill & acquaint Sir John with the same
I am et
Messrs Isaac & John Wilkinson Newcastle 18th Septemr 1790
To Sir Thomas Blackett Bart Dr
For 3000 P[iece]s Refin[e]d Lead q[uantit]y 4487Cwt < q> 7lb at £17 per F[odde]r per 21 per Cwt 3632-7-8
Gentlemn Mr Blackett was duly favour’d with your Letter of the 13th ins[tan]t informing him that you accept of 3000 p[iece]s of Lead at £17 per Fo[dde]r & above you have the Invoice for the same w
Messrs Farrers & Atkinson Newcastle 25 Sept 1790
Chancery Lane London
Gentlemn I was from Home Yesterday which prevented me Answering your favor of the 22d inst. I observe what you say respecting the paym[en]t of the £5000 due on Mrs Swinburne’s Mortgage £3000 of which was to be paid to her Order & £2000 to the Ex[ecut]ors of the late Benj[am]in Gibson; I understood from you that the matter respecting that transac
1790 Octor 15th The above Bill was sent to Sir Thomas Blackett this day by J.E.Blackett Esqr J.S
£2000 Newcastle Bank 15th Octor 1790
One Month after Date pay to the Order of John Erasmus
Blackett Esqr Two Thousand Pounds Value Received
For Sir J Eden Sir M W Rid
This is the last Will and Testament of me Sir Thomas Blackett of Bretton Hall in the County of York ( formerly called Sir Thomas Wentworth) Baronet.
I Give and Devise my Capital Mansion House park and Gardens at Bretton aforesaid and also all and every other of my Manors Messuages Farms Lands Tenements Tythes and Hereditments whatsoever both Freehold Copyhold Customary and Leasehold in the said County of York and also all that my Regality Manor or Lordship of Hexham in the County of Northu
Mr Emm Bishop Auckland Newcastle 14th Octor 1790
Sir In Novem. 1786 I was in treaty with Mr Dew for the exchange of Thomas Hepples life in the Lease of Weardale Lead Mines granted by the Lord Bishop of Durham to Sir Thomas Blackett _ Thomas Hepple was at that time 53Years of Age & the Sum offer’d was £538-2-6 which Mr Dew had agreed to accept of, but being informed that Thos Hepple was in a bad state of health the agreement
Sir Thos Blackett Bart Newcastle 15th Octor 1790
Bretton Yorkshire
Dear Sir I wrote to you the 7th ins[tan]t to w[hi]ch I refer you _ I now inclose you Eden Ridley & Cos Bill on Castell & Co of this date at a Month for £2000. The Receipt of w[hi]ch please to acknow[led]ge _ next month I shall make you a further remittance
You may remember that in 1786 we were in treaty with the late B[isho]p of Durham for the ex
Willm Emm Esqr Newcastle 23rd Octor 1790
Auckland Castle
D[ea]r Sir I am favoured with your letter of the 21st ins[an]t & observe that you are of opinion that the Lord Bishop of Durham will not accept of the terms that I offer’d for the exchange of a life in the Lease of Weardale Lead Mines to Sir Thos Blackett but will expect [£]74 in addition to the old terms _ I really do not see any good reason for that advance but to shew you that I will not b
Messrs Isaac & John Wilkinson Newcastle 29th Octor 1790
Gentlemn Mr Blackett received your Letter the 21st ins[tan]t desiring us to Ship 600 Pieces of Lead on board the new Vessel that I mentioned to you in my last letter; that Ship is not yet ready & I find that it will be three Weeks longer before she can sail, but another Vessel (equally good) is now loading here for Rotterdam (The Sara