Mr Richd Noble Bretton Newcastle 13th Sept 1791
near Wakefield Yorkshire
Sir Inclosed you will recieve a Bill drawn by Eden Ridley & Co on Castell & Co at Forty days dated this day for £2000 on Sir Thos Blackett’s Accot, the Reciept of which please to acknowledge. I am etc J.E.B
P.S. The Bankers in this place have come to an Agreement not to draw Bi
Mr Walton Junr’s Comp[limen]ts to Mr Ruddock, and has recd his favor of the 15th Inst accompanying the Minutes of the Meeting in Allendale Town on Thursday the 11th of last month, but no Minutes made since tho[ugh] Mr Ruddock says he sent the Resolutions formed at the first meeting & since. Mr Walton thinks it will be too much to divide 1/3d of the whole of the Commons, and it requires great consideration what part sh[oul]d be divided. It is presumed that all the Incroachments that have be
John Ibbetson Esq.r
Farnacres 28th September 1791
Notices having been given of our intention to apply to Parliament for an Act for the Division of Allendale & Hexhamshire Commons, upon which the Hospitals Tenants have Common Right for Estates in Hexhamshire the rental of which amounts to £701. 17. 6 per ann., we have tho[ugh]t. proper to take the sentiments of the Tenants upon this business, and find that they are in general for a Division. — We thought it the more necess
Messrs Goslings Bankers Newcastle 30th Sept 1791
Fleet Street London
Gentlemn Inclosed you will recieve a Bill drawn by Eden Ridley & Co on Castell & Co at One Month dated this day for £112-10, being one Quarters Composition Rent for the Tithe Ore of Weardale Lead Mines due the 19th Augt last to The Revd Heny Hardinge From Sir Thomas Blackett Bart _ Please to advise me on your Reciept of the Bill and send me
Mr Richd Noble Newcastle 8th Octor 1791
Bretton Yorkshire
Sir Inclosed you will recieve a Bill drawn by Eden Ridley & Co on Castell & Co at 40 days dated this day for £2000 on Sir Thomas Blackett’s Account
Please to acknowledge the receipt of the Bill & acquaint Sir Thos with the same
Naples Octr. 18th 1791
Dear Skelton,
I was in hopes of having had the pleasure of hearing from you before this time, as we are very glad to know what stirrings there are in our own Country, for letters are so long coming that it is an age before we can get an Answer. I am afraid you will think it very early my beginning to talk of money when I drew so lately, but in the month of February I shall be obliged to trouble you to remit me some to my Friend Hammersley, I have wrote to Rich
Mr Richd Noble Bretton Newcastle 19th Octor 1791
near Wakefield Yorkshire
Sir According to Sir Thos Blackett’s Order I have Shipp’d, on Board the Goldthorpe Capt Brown for Hull, One Hundred & Twelve Pieces Refin’d Lead which I hope will come safe, the Weight & Price you have below I am etc J.E.B
Q[uan]ty Cwt q lb
112 P[iece]s Refin’d Lead q 168 - -
Mr John Beatson Cinderhill NewC: 21st Octor 1791
near Wakefield Yorkshire
Sir I received your Letter of the 7 ins[tan]t informing me that you had sent two Packs of Bends for the use of Sir Thos Blackett’s Lead mines amounting to £78- 15-10, & inclosed I send a Bill for that amount, drawn by Eden Ridley & Co on Castell & Co at 40 days dated this day _ Please to advise me on your Reciept of the same
Messrs Gosling Bankers NewC 15th Nov 1791
Fleet Street London
Gentlemn Inclosed you will recieve a Bill drawn by Eden Ridley & Co on Castell & Co at Forty days dated this day for £112-10, being One Quarters Composition for the Tithe Ore of Weardale Lead Mines due 19th ins[tan]t from Sir Thos Blackett Bart to The Revd Henry Hardinge. As Mr Blackett is from home you will please to advise me on your Rec[eip
Willm Emm Esqr NewC. 15th Nov 1791
Auckland Castle
Sir Inclosed you will recieve a Bill drawn by Eden Ridley & Co on Castell & Co at forty Days dated this day for £231-5, being One Quarter of a Years Composition for the Lot Ore of Weardale Lead Mines due 26th ins[tan]t to the Lord Bishop of Durham from Sir Thos Blackett Bart _ As Mr Blackett is from Home you will please to advise me on your
Messrs Farrers & Atkinson Newcastle 15th Nov 1791
Lincoln Inns Fields
Gentlemen Inclosed you will recieve a Bill drawn by Eden Ridley & Co on Castell & Co at Forty days dated this for £440; £240 of wch is to pay half a Years Interest of £12000 at 4 per Cent due to Mrs Pill from Sir Jno Trevelyan Bart the 1st Decem next the remaining £200 is to enable you to pay Sir John Trevelyan’s
Farnacres, 18th. Novem. 1791
Jn Ibbetson Esq.
Herewith you receive the Moor Masters Reports of Mines worked and unworked in the Manor of Alston Moor for Nine Months ending at Midsummer last and also an Account of all the Lead Ore raised at the sundry Lead Mines in the Manor of Alston Moor from Mich[aelmas] 1789 to Michs. 1790 with the Duty thereof all which you are desired to lay before the Board.
On the 28th Septemr. last we acquainted you with an intention of
Mr Nicholas Ruddock Farnacres 19th Novemr [1]791
Atty at Law Hexham
Mr Nicholas Ruddock
Dear Sir
I have recd your favor inclosing Copies of Messrs Bates and Fryer’s Letter in answer to yours to them and of Mr Richardson’s Letter relative to the Division of the Hexhamshire and Allendale Commons. I do not think the Letter of the former <cod> be expected to obtain contain more or even so much as they have said but it shews eviden
Auguss Browne Esqr NCastle 21st Novr 1791
Forster Lane London
Sir I have this day sent you by Jacksons & Jennings the London Carriers a Piece fine Silver containing Sixteen Hundred & Eleven Ounces which I desire that you will place to Account with Sir Thos Blackett Bart as usual at the Market Price & advise me on your Receipt of it. I am for J E Blackett Esqr yours etc J.S
Mr Nicholas Ruddock Farnacres 25th Novemr 1791
Attorney at Law Hexham
Mr Nicholas Ruddock
Dear Sir
I have the Pleasure to inform you that the Commissrs and Governors of Greenwich Hospital at a Genl Court held the 17th Inst resolved to join in the intended Application to Parliament for an Act to divide the Allendale and Hexhamshire Commons provided the Terms upon which such Division may be proposed to be carried into Execution shall be f
Mr Ruddock Newcastle 26th Novr 1791
Attorney at Law Hexham
I have just had the Pleasure of seeing Mr Walton who informs me that he has received a Letter from the Commissioners and Governors of Greenwich Hospital and I think it likely he would meet the agents of Sr Thomas Blackett Bart upon the Ground to set out the Boundary between the Regality of Hexham and the Barony of Langley as claimed by the
Dear Sir
I send you the Inclosed for your Perusal, and after having considered the Contents very deliberately, am clearly of Opinion that there is not any thing required on the part of Greenwich Hospital that can give Offence to Sir Thos Blackett or his Agents, in that if granted would amount to a Condescension. All that Mr Walton wants, according to his Letter of 19th Ultima, is a direct Intimation from Authority (i.e. from yourself, not thro’ me etc) that Sir Thos Blackett will consent t
J. E. Blackett Esqr Newcastle
Dr Sir
The Bearer Thomas Bowman Bellow-maker to Sir Thomas Blackett's works, has a Large & Small family, who has been off Work for sum time by a bad Hand. & Mr Ord who has been imployed says he must loss a Fingure & told him yesterday that he wished he would go to the Infirmary to have it taken off as his Eyes fail him - thinking that his not coming till next Thursday might be too late, have mad[e] free to send him of a taki
Mr Nics Ruddock Hexham Hexham Abbey 4th Decemr 1791
I have read over both Mr Walton’s Letters and that of Mr Fryer of as carefully and attentively as I can and assure Mr Ruddock that it is not [struck out: through any apprehension the fear] through Fear of condescending to Mr Walton nor is it that I crave Sir Thomas Blacketts Intimation of being willing to divide the Ground in Dispute with the Greenwich Hospital to come through me only but it is th
The Governor & Co for Smelting down Lead Newcastle 12th Decem 1791
St Martins Lane London
Gentlemn I am desired by Mr Blackett to send you the Demise of the Lead Mines that you purchased of Sir Thos Blackett, & to inform you that he has drawn a Bill on you, of this date, payable to the Order of Thos Coutts Esqr & Co at Ten days after sight for £315 being the amount of the purchase Money _ Please to advise Mr Blackett on your Reciep
Van Heythuyson Esqr Newcastle 12th Decr 1791
Bedford Row London
Sir I am desired by Mr Blackett to inform you that Sir Thos Blackett has consented to grant you a Lease for Twenty one Years of <Warnishaw> lead mine, subject to the usual Clauses in Lead Mine Leases, & what Erections you make upon the Premises to be left standing at the expiration of the Lease, Sir Thos Blackett’s Agent & Mr Milburn,
Naples Decr. 27th 1791
Dear Skelton,
I am favoured with yours this Morning and am happy to find you are all well. It gives me great satisfaction to say that Diana has received every advantage from this climate we could wish, she has now been above two Months without any relapse of her Complaints, and begins to look very healthy – we think of leaving this place for Rome, if the weather will permit, in about a week, we shall remain there about Six Weeks, and then proceed on our Retu
Augutus Browne Esqr Newcastle 31st Decemr 1791
Forster Lane London
Sir I have this day sent you by the London Carriers a Piece fine Silver containing 1138 Oz w[hi]ch I desire that you will place to Account with Sir Thos Blackett Bart as usual at the Markett Price & advise me on your Receipt of it _ I shall draw a Bill on you on the 3d Jan[uar]y for £1000 at 30 days w[hi]ch I doubt not you will duly honor I
Mr Richd Noble Newcastle 31st Decemr 1791
Bretton Yorkshire
D[ea]r Sir Inclosed you will receive a Bill drawn by Eden Ridley & Co on Castell & Co at One Month dated this day for £2000 on Sir T. Bs Account for which you will please to send a Receipt as usual I am etc J.S
Queries to be answered
What is the Wages of a Miner who directs the Shaft and superintends a few Workmen?
If this is meant to be a principal Agent £100 PerAn:
Is it more eligible to pay so much PerCent on the Produce or regular Wages? – and what PerCent?
There are no mines in Northumberland Cumberland or Durham wrought this Way
Is it esteemed a rich Mine that Produces from its washed State 13cwt.1Q.7lb in a Ton and Two Pennyweights of fine Silver in a Hundredweight whi