Dear Sir,
I wish you both a happy & Merry new year and many of them and I heartily congratulate you for having the respectable benefit and honor of the Province of N. Scotia and wish you long to enjoy them, if a better does not offer, and as for your being obliged to return to N.S. I hope that voyage may be delay’d some time, that I may have the pleasure of returning your kind visit and serving you in London this year, but it has been generally known in England & other countrys
Dates of Proposal An Acc[oun]t of Proposals for Lead Mines
Nov 6th Fairhill Flow Edge. Jno Bradwell & Thos Shaw. Sh[oul]d not
this be entered in the working list and taken out of the
unworked list.
Same Dt John Waltons Proposal for discovery of Veins. Query if this
was not given up by the Brownley Hill Company. It is so
marked in our Proposal Book. It was given up and a new
Proposal made 5 Febr[uar]y 1791
Messrs Wheeldon Webster & Wheeldon Newcastle 2rd Feby 1792
Gentlemen I have Shipped for you on board the N[ew]Castle 16 Casks Lith[arge] Marked & Numbered & Directed as you desired the W[eigh]t of which you have below I am etc J.S
16 Casks Lith[arge] q[uantit]y 100 @ 20<..> per Ton 101- 5-
Wherry hire & Sufferance 8-6
Hexham Abbey, 3rd February. 1792
It being intended to apply to Parliament this Session for an Act to divide apart and stint the Residue of the Wastes within Hexhamshire and Allendale and there being an old Dispute between the Commrs. and Governors of Greenwich Hospital as Owners of the Barony of Langley and the Lords of the Regality of Hexham respecting a Tract of Land extending from near the White Crag contiguous to Allen Water to the Fence between Stublick and Elringt
Farnacres 4th February 1792
John Ibbetson Esq.
We take the first opportunity of sending you the inclosed Letter from Sir Thomas Blacketts Principal Agent at Hexham proposing on the part of Sir Thomas that for the sake of Peace and ending all Disputes the Ground which has been long in controversy between the Owners of the Barony of Langley and the Owners of the Regality of Hexham shall be equally divided between the respective Owners of the s[ai]d Barony and Regality and
Farnacres 4th Febry 1792
Mr Sample
John Nevin to whom I understand the Chatts wish to assign their lease of Peacock House is now with me as also William Chatt one of the Hospital’s lessees. I find that it is intended that the two survivors of lessees Thomas and Wm Chatt and Widow Chatt shall join us in making an assignment to John Nevin which is proper enough and particularly so as the Widow Administered to the Effects of her husband John Chatt. I can see a point respecting t
Farnacres 8th Febry 1792
Mr Sample
On looking into Hannah Ridleys agre[ment] I think she is liable to pay the Rent clear of all deductions as there is not a word said not even about Land Tax. It will certainly be quite right not to sell for ready Money at Erringtons Sales and three Months Credit will do very well. As I understand the Chatts mean to let Peacock House Farm to John Nevin. The[y] say that since the £11 you accounted for when you last settled they have p[ai]d you Â
Dear Sir
The House of Commons has appointed the 2d of March as the last Day for receiving petitions for private Bills, I shall be at Newcastle in the Course of next Week and will prepare and send you or William the petition to get signed, no specific Number of Names is required, nor proof of Signature, but we will take as many of the most respectable Common Righters as we can conveniently procure - when signed I shall forward it to Mr Grey or Sir Wm Middleton to present, when we have thus got
Farnacres 10th Febry 1792
Mr Sample
I have rec[eive]d yours of this day and think it to be impossible for us to allow J Nevin having Peacock house Farm unless he will join the Chatts in a Security to us for payment of the Arrear up to the 22nd November last upon or before the 1st day of May or at the next Recet at Haydon Bridge rather & therefore the time of payment sh[oul]d be not later than the 25th April and Nevin sh[oul]d give another security himself for the half year
Rome Feby. 10th 1792
Dear Skelton,
I this morning received a letter from Hammersley with Bills enclosed for 600£. I wish you would let us know what the Baronet said about my letter to him, as you talked about three hundred he was to send me, whether he intends this as a present. I shall write to him in a few days and thank him for it – I am anxious to know how you go on at Grove; I took the advice of a Physician at Naples respecting Mrs. B. & he advises our going to <Bagne
Messrs Farrers & Atkinson Newcastle 11th Feby 1792
Lincoln Inns Fields London
Gentn Inclosed you will receive a bill drawn by Ridley Cookson & Co on Castell & Co at 40 days dated this day for Five Hundred Pounds to enable you to pay Mr Erskine’s half Years Interest of £25000 at 4 per Cent due from Sir John Trevelyan Bart the 13th Inst. Mr Blackett being from home you will please to Advise me on your Receipt of t
Proclamation to the owners of lands in the township of Catton parish of Allendale and County of Northumberland, known by the name of west town field, East town field, hall croft, half Acres and Catton Pasture
After a serious Consideration it is the Oppinion of us now consentable with the able’st advice that great advantages would arise to the propriators of the said fields to have them divided and put as a Clause in the act of parliament together with the Common lands in the district of hexh
Dear Sir
I arrived Yesterday in the Mail Coach, and as I made no Halt on the Road I was consequently up two Nights - you may believe that I am much fatigued - I have drawn the Petition and have sent it to Mr Wilson for his Approbation and you may depend upon having it in due time for the Meeting, I will lose no time in preparing the Consent Bill, but before it goes to Mr Wilson I must go through it with you and Mr Ruddock for which purpose I will either take a Ride to Hexham or be glad to see
Dear Sir
I fear there may be some Difficulty to get the Act passed in a single Act for the Division of two Commons, but as they are in the same Manor and as upon the Face of the Bill it will appear that the Right of Common is in throughout both I hope to surmount the Difficulty, but Catton Townfields is entirely unconnected with the other Division as much as if the Lands lay in a different Manor and by inserting powers to divide them there must be a Certainty of having to pay double Fees - n
Richard Master Esqr & Co NewC[astle] 21st Feby 1792
Bankers London
Gentln Inclosed you will recieve a Bill drawn by Sir MW Ridley & Co on Castell & Co at Forty Days dated this day for £231-5 being One Quarters Composition Rent for the Lot Ore of Weardale Lead Mines, due from Sir Thos Blackett to the Lord Bishop of Durham 26th inst Please to advise me on your Reciept of the Bill w[i]th a Rec[eip]t for the same.
Messrs Gosling Bankers Newcastle 21st Feby 1792
Fleet Street London
Gentln Inclosed you will recieve a Bill drawn by Sir MW Ridley & Co on Castell & Co at Forty days dated this day for £112-10; being One Quarters Composition for the Tithe Ore of Weardale Lead Mines due from Sir Thos Blackett to The Revd Henry Hardinge the 19th inst __ Please to advise me on your Reciept of the Bill and acquaint Mr Hardinge with th
Mr Willm Tweedale Bretton Newcastle 21st Feby 1792
near Wakefield Yorkshire
Dear Sir I was favoured with your Letter of the 17th inst and Yesterday the Book came safe to hand which I shall get forward as fast as other Business will permit me.
Inclosed I send you a Bill for £36-1-3 to pay Mr E Dickinson for a pack of Bends he sent to Allenheads Lead Mines, & as I do not know the Places name where Mr E Dickinson lives I ma
Dear Sir
I wish the Petition had been permitted to remain as at first ingrossed in general terms, but that is now over,
You have favoured me with the Amount of Mr Straceys Bill to wit £302.19s.10d in Henshaw and Melkridge Business, which has induced me to look at Mr White in Acomb Divn which I find to be £229.16s.10d the Difference is £73.3s.- I paid all the Printers Bills etc, which I suppose in the former was discharged by the Commrs - but no Inference can be drawn in either Case as
Farnacres 24th February 1792
Dear Sir
I duly rec[eive]d your letter of the 18th Inst which surprised me not a little as I clearly understood at our meeting at Mr Herons that the two Commissioners to be chosen by the Lord of the Manor and the Commissioners And Governors of Greenwich Hospital were to chuse a third Commissioner but I now see that Ground is abandoned, and what astonishes me still more I find that the Petition as properly (in my opinion) drawn has been altered and m
I will be much obliged to you for informing me, whether or not, any thing was mentioned in the Bill for the Division of our Common, relating to the Corn tithes, belonging the Curacy of Allendale. I have lost my own Mare lately, and have not yet got another, by wch means I was detained from attending at the Black Bull on Tuesday last.
I will be much obliged to you, besides payment, if you’l get me the Money due for the Corf Rods which were sent to the Corver last Summer if you think
Dear Sir
I have made such Progress in the Division Bill, that I shall be ready for you on Friday, but I fear such Objections will be made to the including Catton Town fields that it must be given up, however so far as my Labour extended it is over. there should be a Certainty before we meet as to the third Commer. I have made it agreeable to what we thought the best way , that is, the two to name a third, but it may be altered if I knew how - I have <minuted> nothing as to Mr Jos Carr
Dr Sir
I have wrote one Letter to you this Morning and must trouble you with a Second to enquire who is to make the Survey and whether the payment for it is necessary to be invested in the Bill, I have a Copy of a paper signed by Mr Bates & Mr Fryer containing Propositions in which the Survey <JP> first plan is 2d per Acre - plans to annex to the Award 30 Gs - and then follows - Survey of the inclosed Lands if necessary for the purpose of valuing, 4d per Acre - this seems loose - th
Jno Bell of Hexham Abbey stands seised of a parcel of Land called Bankhead Riggs in Hexham Townfields and sevl Houses and Parcels of Land at Nether Coaten Hill in Allendale and a House and Parcel of Land called Fallside House in Allendale all Copyhold held of the Manor of Hexham in Trust for Sir Thos Blackett Barts
Isaac Hunter of Dukesfield stands seised of or interested in a parcel of Land on Dotland Common and a Tenement called Nether Staples Copyhold held of the Manor of Hexham
£500 Newcastle Bank 2d March 1792
Forty days after Date pay to the Order of John Erasmus Blackett Esqr
Five Hundred Pounds Value Recieved
For Sir M W Ridley Bart Cookson Widdrington Bell & Co
To Messrs Castell Powell Sumner & Co Thos Gibson
No 20928 London
Mr John Bell Farnacres 3d March 1792
Soon after I received your Letter of the 3d Ult: I wrote to the Commissioners and Governors of Greenwich Hospital relative to the Proposition of Sir Thomas Blackett to divide the Land in dispute between Langley Barony and the Regality of Hexham of which I before gave you an intimation. I now have the satisfaction to acquaint you that the Commissioners and Governors of the Hospital being actuated by the same motives as Sir Thomas Blacket