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Letter – Michael Blackett to Humphrey Willett – 20 Apr 1677

Me[sseu]rs Hump[hrey]: Willett and Company 20th ditto [April 1677] Sirs I have severall of yo[u]rs To answer; w[hi]ch I must deferr till the next Post (by reason of my present Occations) Soe this onely serves to advise you that this day I have drawne upon you a bill for £10:= payable 4/d[ays] after Sight to Mr Edward Lashells or Order vallew of Mr Mat[t]hew Lamb w[hi]ch pray lett be complyd w[i]thall I am MB: the brasse Peck is comd but have not yett seene it MB:

Letter – Michael Blackett to William Blackett – 21 Apr 1677

Hono[ure]d Sir Ditto [Newcastle 21 April 1677] I p[er]cive my Brother William writs you this Post to Borrowb Bridge soe I thought itt my duty to doe the same though have noe more to Inlarge upon then to give you an account of occurances att the Pay the whole Pay together as followeth £485:14: 1/2 Payd Rich[hard]: Mowberey towards the heads pay £201:00:00 Payd

Letter – Michael Blackett to William Benson – 21 Apr 1677

Mr W[illia]m Benson Newcastle Aprill the: 21th: 1677 Sir I understand by a lett[e]r from Mr John Strother that hee bought a p[ar]cell of Anchor Palmes of you upon my account for the ammount thereof beinge £34:6s:6d as p[er] yo[u]r note; Inclosed sends a bill paym[en]t of w[hi]ch you neede nott question when dew ~ Mr John Rumney had allsoe a p[ar]cell w[hi]ch was likewise upon my account the amount of w[hi]ch shall either pay to him or you as you please for t�

Letter – Michael Blackett to Humphrey Willett – 21 Apr 1677

Me[sseu]rs Hump[hrey]: Willett and Compa[ny] Ditto [Newcastle 21 April 1677] Sirs I have before mee yo[u]rs of the 12th: 14th: and 17th present all w[hi]ch I now shall God willinge answer att large In the first place take notice I have this day vallewed upon you £15:=:= payable 6/d[ays] Sight To Mr John Naylor or Order vallew of Mr Thomas Naylor w[hi]ch pray lett be complyed w[i]thall the 2 former requ[i]ers little more answer then that I have Rec[eive]d the Brass Pecke

Letter – Michael Blackett to Henry Maister – 21 Apr 1677

Mr Henry Maister Ditto [Newcastle 21 April 1677] Sir I have before mee yours of the 7: 10th: and 13th: past all which I shall now god willing answer at large according to your Ord[er] In the first did d[elivere]d the Inclosed to Jno [John] Thompson In your second have the acc[oun]t of 4 Tonns small square Iron the amounte there of beinge £52:10:6: have placed to your Creditt, w[hi]ch with what more is dew unto you am ready to pay you either here or att

Letter – Michael Blackett to Edward Fletham – 21 Apr 1677

Edw[ar]d Fleatham Newcastle Aprill the: 21th 1677 I thought to have seene thee att yarme last weeke otherwise would sooner have Answered thyne of the 29th past and 11th present but a sudden businesse callinge mee home prevented mee of my designe there is noe mistake In the price of the 57 p[iec]es Leed for I agreed w[i]th G:B: for £:10:= and hee knowes I gave itt in his chayce whether to leave itt or take itt for soe much I pay[e]d my self; I Rec[eive]d of W[illia]m Hester £2

Letter – Michael Blackett to Thomas Western – 21 Apr 1677

Mr Thomas Westerne Newcastle Aprill the: 21th 1677 Sir I have before mee yo[u]r acceptable lines of the 10th present The contents have well observed I doe confesse I am very much obliged unto you for yo[u]r kindnesse therein Expressed and if ever itt lie in my power to serve you in this place; you shall see itt by deedes; what greate ambition I have to make you a Retaliation In some measure ~ for short broades from 52: to 54 Inches longe and from 9 to 12 Inch broad w[

Letter – Michael Blackett to Nicholas Verlaen – 21 Apr 1677

Mr Nicholas Verlane 21 ditto [April 1677] Sir My last to you was of the 20th of March To w[hi]ch Referres you Since have Received yo[u]rs of the 16th present; by w[hi]ch takes notice you have payed accordinge to my Order unto Solomon Crosby 500 Gild[e]rs w[hi]ch is well have booked the same accordingly and I am well pleased you pay[e]d him noe more; for had noe Ord[e]rs to remitt him any more; I am glad Mess[eu]rs Willettes Bill is accepted; noe question butt itt will bee lik

Letter – Margaret Grey to William Webb – 21 Apr 1677

Ditto 21st 1677 To Alderman Webb to send per First opportunity 2 Bar[rels] Ra:solis & one Hodgs[head] Sugar about 44s percent & to aquaint him that I have sent him a kitt of Salmon in the Tryall of Ipswish Mr Benjamen Keyley Master From Margt Grey

Letter – Margaret Grey to Randolph Richardson – 21 Apr 1677

ditto To Mr Randolph Richardson To Call upon Mr Robt Perry Master of the Gee: of London. for to pay him £50 if Mr Harte Faild beca[u]se he lay sick here & that I have sent him a kitt of salmon in Tryall of Ipswich Mr Benjamen Keyley Master this from Margt Grey

Letter – Michael Blackett to Joshua Pannell – 24 Apr 1677

Mr Jos[hua]: Pannell Newcastle April the: 24th: 1677 Sir I have before mee yo[u]rs of the 30th past w[i]th an account of occuranceyes w[i]th you w[hi]ch pray continue to give mee one In 14/d[ays] and when I finde any Incurragement you shall want neither Leed; Coales Grindstones; not butter; but at present I finde none ~ pray send mee p[er] first conveniencey of Shippinge a Rundlett of good honest Renish; and a nother of Renish wormwood as also a Land Shipp Screene of

Letter – Michael Blackett to Charles Banks – 24 Apr 1677

Mess[eur]s Cha[rles]: and Jam[es]: Bankes Newcastle Aprill the: 24th 1677 Sirs My last to you was of the 6th present to w[hi]ch referres you Since have Rec[eive]d yo[u]rs of the 10th present; w[he]n I writt you last I did Realy thinke to have writt you againe within 3 or 4/d[ays] after but those holly dayes by past did prevent mee; w[he]n my Customers were nott to be Spoaken w[i]thall; but now I have had a large discourse w[i]th them about yo[u]r Timber and have also taken t

Letter – Michael Blackett to Humphrey WIllett – 24 Apr 1677

Mess[eur]s: Hum[phrey]: Willett and Compa[ny] Ditto [Newcastle 24 April 1677] Sirs I have none of yo[u]rs to answer Soe the less to Inlarge upon this serveinge cheifely to advise you that this day I have vallewed upon you the followinge billes vizt one for £34:10:6 payable 10/d[ays] after Sight to Mr W[illia]m Benson or Order vallew of Mr John Rumney one other for £45: payable 30/d[ays] after Sight to Mr W[illia]m Towerson or Order vallew of Mr John Rowell

Letter – Michael Blackett to James Ward – 27 Apr 1677

Mr James Ward Newcastle Aprill 27th: 1677 Sir I have before mee yo[u]rs of the 21th: present accordinge to yo[u]r Order have pay[e]d Sir W[illia]m £27:= W[illia]m Leck[e] desires you will please to Cause that pap[er] to be sought for; w[hi]ch you say you have, acknowledginge you Interessed In his vessell I am MB:

Letter – Michael Blackett to Giles Bridgman – 27 Apr 1677

Mr Giles Bridgman Ditto [Newcastle 27 April 1677] Sir I understand by yo[u]rs of the 9th that all sortes of Grayne is att present a litle scarce w[i]th you In respect of the price thereof; I can have here under the rates you mention; Pray Sir once In 14/d[ays] give mee a line or two for I am a little concerned In the Corne Trade I am MB:

Letter – Michael Blackett to Humphrey WIllett – 28 Apr 1677

Mes[seur]s Humphrey Willett and Company 28 ditto [April 1677] Sirs I have before mee yo[u]rs of the 24th present w[hi]ch requires little answer onely the Brass Peck proves to content as I have formerly advised you ~ I have this day vallewed upon you a bill for £150 payable 20/d[ays] after Sight to Henry Ashurst Esq[uire] or Order vallew of Mr George Murton w[hi]ch pray lett be complyed w[i]thall. I am affrayd the next Post I shall bee forced to draw upon you £100= or

Letter – Michael Blackett to Edward Fletham – 1 May 1677

Newcastle 1 p[ri]mo May 1677 Writt this day to Edw[ar]d Fleatham merchant In Yarme etc.

Letter – Michael Blackett to Henry Maister – 1 May 1677

Mr Henry Maister Ditto [Newcastle 1 May 1677] Sir I have before mee yo[u]rs of the 24th past; when please God the Iron by John Hargrave arrives I shall advise you how itt proves; but as yett I heare noe newes of him I find my selfe Indebted unto you £156:15:3d for w[hi]ch Sumed Inclosed you have a bill; w[hi]ch I hope will bee to content for all t'is att longe Sight; next time will doe better if you desire itt; advise p[er] first if any thicke Square bee to

Letter – Michael Blackett to George Turfrey – 1 May 1677

Mr Ge[orge] Turffrey Ditto [Newcastle 1 May 1677] Sir I thanke yo[u]r Lady for punctuall complyance w[i]th my bill; did expect such good care in the Effertinge the same as was promised ~ Thomas Browne this day hath given mee a bill upon you for £34: w[hi]ch hee desires you will pay when p[re]sented; beinge payable att sight Commission 8s 4d and charges above 20s In all £1:8:4d w[hi]ch I hope you will likewise pay to my Freind Hump[hrey]: Willett I remayne for the f

Letter – Michael Blackett to Humphrey Willett – 4 May 1677

Mess[eur]s Hump[hrey]: Willett and Compa[ny] Newcastle: May the: 4th 1677 Sirs I have before mee yo[u]rs of the 26th past. In the first place pray take notice I have this day vallewed upon you £156:15:3d payable 20/d[ays] Sight to Mr Henry Maister or Order vallew within my selfe w[hi]ch pray lett bee complyed w[i]th all if Turfrey will nott pay my bill of of 84:8:4d pray demande of him if hee will pay the Inclosed bill till further Order I have pretty well secured my mo

Letter – Michael Blackett to Joshua Pannell – 4 May 1677

4 Ditto [Newcastle 4 May 1677] Mr Josuah Pannell his last of the 24th past seconded this day

Letter – Michael Blackett to Charles Banks – 4 May 1677

M[esseu]rs Cha[rles]: and James Bankes theire last of the 24 past seconded this day.

Letter – Michael Blackett to William Benson – 4 May 1677

Mr W[illia]m: Benson Newcastle May the: 4th 1677 Sir I have before mee yo[u]r kinde letter of the 26th past for w[hi]ch I heartily thanke you but yo[u]r price is soe very high; that I cannot affoard to give itt the Iron is pretty seizeable and to tell you the reale truth I take itt very well; In respect where of I will give you a good price for itt (as is my opinion) Soe if itt bee hadd for £12:10:= d[elivere]d here may send itt by whom you please pray take into consideratio

Letter – Michael Blackett to James Burkin – 4 May 1677

Mr James Burkin Ditto [Newcastle 4 May 1677] Sir I pray doe mee the kindness when you write to yo[u]r Freind att Amsterdam to whom Henry Law[es] is consigned to desire him to acquaint s[ai]d H[enry]: L[owes]: when Please God hee arrives that there is a letter for him from mee att Mr Nicholas Verlanes Merchant there In doeinge where of you will very much oblige MB:

Letter – Michael Blackett to Henry Maister – 4 May 1677

Mr Henry Maister Newcastle May the 4th 1677 Sir I have before mee yo[u]rs of the 24th and 27th past the former by John Hargrave and the latter by Post the 350 Ends of Iron I have Re[ceive]d and now I must tell you that noe Iron was nigh soe good as the first p[ar]cell; this last parcell is the worst of all nott soe good as the other by 10s in the Tonn I did expect it should bee better Scarce a barr under Inch in the whole parcell; but noe reamedy but patience onely I will have noe
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467