Leeds 23rd February 1794
Dear Sir
Mrs Lee & all the Family here are so much distressed by an Event that took place yesterday, that I cannot without great Desolation inform you the particulars, what I allude to is the Elopement of Miss Wentworth with a Mr. Stackpool, an Affair that we had not the smallest Idea of, for Miss Wentworths acquaintance with him, has only been about a months standing, & their having seen each other as far as we can learn, is very seldom Indeed. I
Farnacres 25th Febr[uar]y 1794
Dear Sir
Being called upon to Pay the Sum of £600 & Interest on acc[oun]t of the Money advanced for obtaining the Act for Hexhamshire & Allendale Division by the Tyne Bank on the Note of Mr John Bell Mr Nicholas Ruddock myself and others I am desirous to know when the Pays of Mr Beaumont are to be as immediately afterwards the Commiss[ione]rs for the above division intend to make a Rate for discharge of that Note and towards payment of a
Newcastle 24th Feb[ruar]y 1794
Nich[ola]s Walton Junr Esqr & Co
We hold your Note on demand for £600 on acc[oun]t Allendale Common dated 13 March 1792 as we are now calling in all our Securities, we must request that you will discharge it on or before the 12th March next. We are respectfully
Baker Hedley & Co
Farnacres 25th Feb[rua]ry 1794
Messrs Bell & Ruddock
Having rec[eive]d a Letter from Bake
Messrs Bell & Ruddock Farnacres 26th Febry 1794
I have been w[i]th Mr Heron who recommended Our note being carried over to Acc[oun]t of the new Tyne Bank. I afterw[ar]ds waited upon Mr Ormston and after conversing with him some time I found that the new Bank w[oul]d not take our Note because they had determined not to accept of Notes payble on demand. The matter being thus circumstanced & I having no wish to press the new Bank to take the Note, the only thi
M Skelton Esqr Newcastle 1st Mar 1794
Birthwaite Hall Wakefield Yorkshire
Dear Sir I am favour’d with your letter of the 26 Ulto and observe the Contents _ The 10 Tons of Lead and 4 Casks of Fume shall be sent by the first Vessel for Hull with the usual directions
The forms of the Rentals were deliver’d to the sev[era]l Agents, I have not yet rec[eiv]ed their Rentals, but they shall be wrote to ab
Mr Ruddock Farnacres 4th March 1794
Dear Sir
I have been favoured with both your Letters and am particularly obliged by your last.
Not having it in my power to wait upon Mr Heron I wrote to him to the following effect yesterday and had a verbal message that he entirely concurred with my sentiments.
I have rec[eiv]ed from Mr Ruddock a Copy of a Letter from Joseph Watson, to him, relative to a very extraordinary application in my opinion, from Wi
Being very desirous to know whether Mr Clavering and Lord Crewes Trustees or either of them have commenced any Action or Actions in the Court of Kings Bench and when I beg you will as soon as you can with convenience make the necessary enquiry and that youll let me know as soon afterwards as possible. We had a very extraordinary Proposition made on the part of Mr Clavering. After declaring the vast unwillingness to put the Proprietors to any expence on acc[oun]t of Riddlehamhope & Hallywell
Opinion of Sir John Mitford Sol: Genl.: -
The Rent charge is given to Mr Cockshutt & his Heir, upon trust for Louisa Wentworth until she shall Marry <under> & with the restriction mentioned in the Will, or for her Life, in case therefore she had not Married during her life, she would have been entitled during her life. If she had Married under the restriction mentioned in the Will; vizt. after having attained 21, or before that Age with the consent of Mr. Blackett & Mr.
Portman Square March 10th
Dear Sir
I enclose you Copies of the Opinions of the Solicitor General & Mr Mansfield, I have sent the same to Mr Cockshutt for him and Mr Beaumont (who is in Yorkshire) to consult upon, these Opinions agree with the Opinion given by the Attorney General to Mr Lee, some time since, Mr Wilson of Bartlets Buildings who stated the plain facts of the Elopement &c her hav[in]g been made a Ward of the Court of Chancery strongly recommended my giving general
Portman Square March 21st
Dear Sir,
I have defer’d answering your Letter till I should receive a Copy of Mr. Lloyds Opinion from Mr. Cockshutts Solicitor (Mr. Owen) which I have this Morng. done. Mr. Cockshutt is certainly right to Act on safe grounds, & as appears by the enclosed Opinion of Mr. Lloyd it was highly necessary he should inform himself of the consequences &c &c for it would have been extremely unpleasant for him to be censured & punished by
Portman Square. March 21st 1794
Dear Sir,
I enclose you Mr. Lloyds Opinion which was taken by Mr Cockshutt, who was employed by him when Mrs Stacpoole was made a Ward of Chancery, it was certainly advisable to know on what grounds he could act with safety, & discharge his Trust properly; Mr & Mrs Stacpoole have been twice <asked> in St George’s Church (& as they informed me) they don’t intend to be Married till she is Age, which he says will set the oth
Mr Smith Rookhope Dukesfield 22d Mar 1794
Wrote him this day that nothing was to be got to or don at the Mill with out my knowledge and that when he wanted any thing for the Mill or thing to be don to make the application in writing for the future.
Newcastle 24th March 1794
I am this day favoured with your letter and am glad to hear that you have received benefit from the country Air etc. I shall take care to have the Bills ready for payment about the time you mention and shall write to London respecting your Newspaper.
I saw Mr Hewitson To-day at 'change who tells me that he has Bought 2000 ps Lead of Mr Hopper for Lancaster & Co. half Refin'd & half Common at £15 p Fo[the]r and that Mr
Auguss Browne Esqr Newcastle 27th Mar 1794
Foster Lane London
Sir In Mr J Blackett’s absence I have this day sent you by Jackson & Potts the London Carriers a Piece fine Silver containing Fourteen Hundred & Fifty Eight Ounces, which I desire you will place to Accot with Thos R Beaumont Esqr as usual at the Market Price & advise Mr J B on your Reciept of it I am etc J.S
Mr Rd Noble Newcastle 27th Mar 1794
Bretton Yorkshire
Dear Sir According to Mr Skeltons Order I have Shipped in The Swan Capt Dewar for Hull Ten Tons of Refin’d Lead (being One Hundred & thirty three Pieces) & Four Casks Lead Fume which I hope will come safe to hand. I am etc J.S
Colonel Beaumont Newcastle 4th April 1794
Wakefield Yorkshire
Dear Sir Your Favor of the 31st Ulto was forwarded to me at Morpeth where I have been staying with my Daughter Collingwood for a few days.
The next Week we shall pay the Tradesmens Bills for the Mines, Subsistence for the Workmen, the Candle Bills and the Compositions which altogether may amount to about £10,000; about 8000£ of which will be
Wakef.d April 6th 1794
Dear Sir,
I purpose doing myself the pleasure of being at Newcastle on Tuesday to beat up for Light Dragoons. I will be much obliged to you to make it known in the Town, that when I do come the men may be on the look out. I have sent you some hand Bills & will thank you to let them be put up, one at Turner’s and the others where you think best
I am Dear Sir, your most Ob.d Servant
Tho Rd Beaumont
Mr Isaac Hunter Dukesfield Newcastle 19th April 1794
Sir I am sorry to find that so large a quantity of Mr Beaumont’s Lead still remains on the Road by which he is a considerable Sufferer not only by loosing the Sale of it at a Time when it bore a much better price than at present, but the loss by the pigs cut, as well as a quantity stolen is very great indeed, & it is lately become so great an Evil that it is highly necessary th
Portman Square. April 29th
Dear Sir
Your Ward Mrs Stacpoole was Married at Battersea Church last Thursday, I was infinitely surprised when I was informed of it, as Mr Stacpoole told me a short time since that he should set the Guardians, Trustees & Chancellor at defiance for he would not Marry in England until Mrs Stacpoole was of age & he knew the Scotland marriage was not legal, I am ignorant of the reasons for this change; they were <asked> twice in St. George
M Skelton Esqr Newcastle 29th April 1794
Birthwaite Hall near Wakefield Yorkshire
Dear Sir I am favoured with your Letter & observe that Messrs Ransom & Co are desirous of knowing the time that the several Pays are to be made for the Lead Mines & Mills, and likewise the Sum that will be wanted in Cash & Notes to make the same; The Sum that will be required will be £65550 of which abou
Messrs Ransom Morland & Hammersly Newcastle 30th April 1794
Bankers London
Gentn Mr Blackett is this day favoured with your letter of the 28th Inst & observes the Contents _ He desires me to inform you that Mr Skelton had wrote to him a few days ago desiring to know the Amo[un]t etc of Coll Beaumonts Pays the ensuing Month & he has wrote to Mr Skelton fully on this Business, of which you will no doubt be informed by him _ The su
Messrs Ransom Morland & Hammersly Newcastle 2d May 1794
Bankers London
Gentlemen You Lre [Letter] of the 28th Ulo was Answd by Mr Jos Straker on the 30th Ulto to which I refer you. Mrs Beaumont informs me you are desirous of having such Bills sent up to you as I may have in my possession tho they may be of a distant date, You may depend on having Bills for £2500 due 15th July £2500 due 15th Augt £5000 due 27th Augt £8000 due
Thos Richd Beaumont Esqr Newcastle 5th May 1794
Bretton near Wakefield
Dr Sir I am favour’d with your Lre [Letter] of the 3d inst and observe the Contents. Annex’d you have a Copy of my Lre [Letter] to Messrs Ransom & Co by wch you will see what we may expect to receive for Lead sold, I have since sold Mr Christr Blackett for his friends in London 4000 p[iece]s Lead
Augustus Browne Esqr Newcastle 7th May 1794
Foster Lane London
Sir As Mr Beaumont is going to make a large Pay I have drawn upon you for the Bal[ance] due to him by a Bill at Twenty days payable to the Order of Messrs Surtees Burdon & Co for £397-18-3 wch I doubt not you will duly honor.
In the course of this Month I shall send you a Piece of Silver & Remain Yours etc J.E.B
Colonel Beaumont Newcastle 19th May 94
Bretton Wakefield Yorkshire
Dear Sir Your Lead Stewards have been with me this Morning & I have paid them £65145 to make the several Pays for the Mines & Mills and for Subsistence for the Workmen; I have rec[eiv]ed of Messrs Surtees Burdon & Co £60000 of which £18000 was Cash. I have paid into the said Bank on your Acct w[i]th Messrs Ransom More