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Letter – Thomas Richard Beaumont to Mark Skelton – 3 Mar 1792

Terni March 3d. 1792 Dear Skelton, I wrote to you from Rome desiring you would let me hear from you at Nice, since that I have received your answer to the question I had asked you. I was sorry to have so bad accounts of the Baronet, it has given Diana a good deal of uneasiness, and I have the pleasure to tell you we have determined upon coming directly straight home, we are now on our way, tho’ she is by no means well, yet the anxiety about her Father was we to remain any longer ab

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to William Tweedale – 9 Mar 1792

Mr William Tweedale Newcastle 9th March 1792 Bretton Yorkshire Sir Inclosed you will recieve a Bill drawn by Sir M W Ridley Cookson & Co on Castell & Co at 40 days dated this day for £2000 on Sir Thos Blackett’s Account the Reciept of which you will please to Acknowledge I am etc J.E.B £2000

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to O & I Farrer – 10 Mar 1792

Messrs O & I Farrer Newcastle 10th March 1792 Lincoln Inns Fields London Gentn I was favoured with your letter of the 7th inst & according to your desire I inclose you a bill drawn by Sir M W Ridley Cookson & Co on Castell & Co at 20 days dated this day for £138-8- for 3 Mo[nth]s & 14 days Interest of Mrs Pitt’s Mortgages to the 15th Inst. Please to advise me on your Reci[e]pt of the Bill

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Thomas Blackett – 11 Mar 1792

Sir Thos Blackett Bart Newcastle 11th March 1792 Bretton Yorkshire D[ea]r Sir I wrote to you from Musselburgh the 22rd Ulto & am apprehensive that my letter has miscarried, as I have not heard from you I hope that this will find you & the New married couple perfectly well & that you have had a good account of Mr & Mrs Beaumont On the 9th Inst I sent to Mr Tweedale a Bill on London for £2000 on A

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Augustus Browne – 13 Mar 1792

Augustus Browne Esqr Newcastle 13th March 1792 Forster Lane London Sir I have this day sent you by Jackson & Jennings the London Carriers a Piece fine Silver containing 1453 Ounces which I desire you will place to Account with Sir Thos Blackett Bart as usual and advise me on your Reciept of it. I hope that you will allow me the best price as I have been very much pressed to supply a House in London with a

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Ibbetson – 18 Mar 1792

John Ibbetson Esq Farnacres 18th March, 1792 Sir On Tuesday last I attended a Meeting of the Proprietors of Estates having Common Rights on Hexhamshire and Allendale Common for the purpose of reading over the Bill intended to be presented this Session of Parliament for dividing and inclosing part of the said Common and Stinting the remainder. The Meeting was at Hexham and consisted of near upon one Hundred Persons and the busyness got thro’ with great unanimity. Upwards of Nin

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Ibbetson – 19 Mar 1792

John Ibbetson Esq Farnacres 19th March 1792 Sir Herewith you receive Heads of Bill for dividing and inclosing certain parts of the Commons Moors or Tracts of Waste Land called Hexhamshire and Allendale Common in the Regality or Manor of Hexham which you are desired to lay before the Board. I have taken the first opportunity of sending them not having had it in my power to inform you of the precise intended Terms till I got a Copy of the Bill and that was not till Friday night. I

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Tristram Everest – 19 Mar 1792

Mr. Everest Farnacres 19th March 1792 Dear Sir By the Mail Coach which sets out from Newcastle this morning I send you a copy of the Bill intended to be presented to Parliament this Session for Dividing parts of Hexhamshire and Allendale Commons and Stinting the remainder. It is directed to the care of Mr Holmes 156 Strand and I must beg you will call for it. I hope you will find it tollerably accurate and that with the additions in pencil which are also noted in the margin w

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Ralph Heron – 23 Mar 1792

Farnacres 23d March 1792 Dear Sir I thank you for your last favor of yesterday and am glad to see that no doubt is entertained respecting the obtaining a sufficient number of Names to come up to three Quarters of the amount of the whole of the Rentals in Hexhamshire and Allendale. I have thought it necessary to send you a Letter to Mr Ibbetson as well as Mr Everest. I have acquainted Mr I with the object of your journey and that you will hope to have his assistance in procur

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Tristram Everest – 23 Mar 1792

Farnacres 23d March 1792 Mr Tristram Everest Dear Sir As I understand something is going forw[ar]d in the House of Commons concerning the Repair of the Roads in the County of Berwick in Scotland I wish you to take the first opportunity of waiting upon Mr Ibbetson relative to this Busyness. Mr Heron will I hope be able to set out for London to morrow or the next Day and will I doubt not take the first opportunity of seeing or sending to you. If you sh[oul]d be in Town he wi

Letter – Joshua Straker to William Tweedale – 23 Mar 1792

Mr W Tweedale Bretton Yorkshire Newcastle 23d March 1792 D[ea]r Sir Inclosed you will recieve a Bill drawn by Ridley & Co on Castell & Co for £2000 on Sir Thos Blackett’s Accot the Reciept of which you will please to acknowledge I am etc Jaso Straker £2000 Newcastle

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Ibbetson – 24 Mar 1792

John Ibbetson Esq. Farnacres 24th March 1792 Sir On the 28th September last we gave the Board reason to think that parts of the Hexhamshire and Allendale Common would be sold for defraying Expences of obtaining an Act carrying the Division into execution and it was so at first intended but upon a careful examination of the improveable parts of the Common it was the opinion of the Persons who made the examination that no part could be sold without causing inconvenience to the Pro

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Ibbetson – 6 Apr 1792

I understand Mr Bell who accompanied Mr Heron to London is returned with the consent Bill it being I am told necessary that every resident & Proprietor of an Estate having right of Common upon Hexhamshire & Allendale Common sh[oul]d be waited upon and the answers of such as refuse to sign to be taken down in writing. I am very glad the Bill in general meets with your approbation. A great deal of attention was paid to the forming of Heads for the Bill in which I bestowed not a litt

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Rowland Burdon – 9 Apr 1792

Farnacres 9th Aprill 1792 Sir As there is a Bill now before the House of Commons for the Dividing and Inclosing parts and Stinting the remainder of Hexhamshire and Allendale Common I take the liberty of intimating to you that it will very probably be well taken by Sir Thomas Blackett that you sh[oul]d interest yourself in favor of the Bill and in getting it thro’ the House with every dispatch. The Quantity of Ground the object of Division & Stinting is estimated at 60

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Tristram Everest – 9 Apr 1792

Mr Tristram Everest Farnacres 9th April 1792 Dear Sir Saturdays Post brought me the favor of your Letter of the 5th Inst. and I am glad anything has been got done in favor of Lime and Limestones in the Berwickshire Road Act. I think the opposers of the Bill have acted very foolishly however I hope the Tolls as now intended will not hurt the Lime Trade and I think the demand for Coals will continue as at present or nearly so. The Meeting at the British Coffee House seemed to pr

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to William Tweedale – 11 Apr 1792

Mr Wm Tweedale Bretton Newcastle 11th April 1792 near Wakefield Yorkshire Sir Inclosed you will recieve a Bill drawn by Sir M W Ridley & Co on Castell & Co at Forty Days dated this day for £2000 on Sir Thos Blackett’s Account the Reciept of which you will please to acknowledge I am etc J.E.B £2000

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Henry Hoare – 23 Apr 1792

Henry Hoare Esqr & Co NewC 23th April 1792 Bankers London Gentlemn Inclosed you will recieve a Bill drawn by Ridley Cookson & Co on Castell & Co at Forty days dated 21st inst for £250 on Account of John Trevelyan Esqr _ Please to advise me on your Rec[eip]t of the Bill & acquaint him with the same I am etc J.E.B

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Farrers & Atkinson – 23 Apr 1792

Messrs Farrers & Atkinson Newcastle 23d April 1792 Lincoln Inns Fields London Gentlemn Inclosed you will receive a Bill drawn by Ridley Cookson & Co on Castell & Co at Forty days dated 21st inst for £200 to pay Sir John Trevelyan’s Annuitants You’ll please to advise me on your Reciept of the same I am etc J.E.B £200 Newcastle Bank 2

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to William Tweedale – 2 May 1792

Mr William Tweedale Bretton Newcastle 2nd May 1792 Yorkshire Sir Inclosed you will recieve a Bill drawn by Ridley Cookson & Co on Castell & Co at 40 days dated this day for Two Thousand Pounds on Sir Thos Blackett’s Account, the Reciept of which you will please to Acknowledge I am etc J.E.B £2000

Letter – Thomas Richard Beaumont to Mark Skelton – 18 May 1792

Dear Skelton, I spoke to my Friend Miss W. respecting Miss Bedford’s being a Witness and she has no objections whatever. Sir Tho. asked me if I knew whether you had finished that Codicil for him and I told him you had. I hope everything will be ready – I will call on you tomorrow Evening on my return from <them> - I am yours sincerely Tho Rd Bt Enclosed is a letter from Mr.Feald respecting the Charities, I sent him an Answer I shall be at Barnsley on Monday Morning when I sh

Letter – Thomas Richard Beaumont to Mark Skelton – 26 May 1792

My Dear Skelton, I called upon you yesterday to enquire how you go on with my Business, as a particular Gentleman is anxious about it’s being settled immediately, either tomorrow or next day. I will call on you, but if you have any good news of its being finished let me know. We are going from home about the latter end of the Week, that we are desirous on our Return to have the matter concluded – Yours sincerely Tho Rd Beaumont Saturday Eveng.

Will – Thomas Blackett – 29 May 1792

This is the last Will and Testament of me Sir Thomas Blackett (formerly called Sir Thomas Wentworth) of Bretton hall in the Parish of Silkston in the County of York Baronet I do give and devise all that my Manor or Lordship of Gunnerton in the County of Northumberland And also all and every of my Messuages Farms Lands Tenements Tythes and Hereditaments with their and every of their appurtenances situate lying being or arising within the Towns Townships Precincts or Territories of Ryal Ingo Kears

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Bell – 7 Jun 1792

Mr John Bell Farnacres 7th June 1792 Sir As in all probability the Hexhamshire and Allendale Division Act will soon receive the Royal Assent I beg leave to mention to you that it appears to me a likely thing that we shall have difficulties in ascertaining what are Incroachments such as are to be comprehended within the Division and as all such as are to be comprehended must be rode in when the Boundary of the Common is perambulated, at least such of them as touch upon the Bo

Letter – Nicholas Walton – 9 Jun 1792

Farnacres near Gateshead 9th June 1792 Dear Sir, The Lease of Greengill Lead Mine to Ld Carlisle & you having been forfeited in consequence of that Mine not being worked we intend to let it of which we give you this notice and are with best wishes to yourself and Family Dear Sir

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Messrs Gosling – 9 Jun 1792

Messrs Goslings Bankers Fleet Street London Newcastle 9th June 1792 Gentlemen Inclosed you will recieve a bill drawn by Sir MW Ridley & Co on Castell & Co at Thirty days dated this day for £112-10s; being One Quarters Composition Rent for the Tithe Ore of Weardale Lead Mines due 19th May last to The Revd Mr Hardinge from Sir Thos Blackett Bart __ Please to advise me on your Rec[eip]t of the Bill and acquaint Mr Hardinge with the same
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467