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Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Richard Master – 9 Jun 1792

Richd Master Esqr & Co NewC[astle] 9 June 1792 Bankers London Gentlemen Inclosed you will recieve a bill drawn by Sir MW Ridley B[ar]t & Co on Castell & Co at Thirty days dated this day for £231-5 being One Quarter of a Years Composition Rent for the Lot Ore of Weardale Lead Mines, due 26 May last to the Lord Bishop of Durham from Sir Thos Blackett B[ar]t __ Please to advise me on your Reciept of t

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Richard Master – 9 Jun 1792

Richard Master Esqr & Co NewC[astle] 9 June 1792 Bankers London Gentlemn Inclosed you will recieve a Bill drawn by Messrs Surtees Burdon & Co on Messrs Smith Payne & Smiths at Forty days dated this day for £462-10 being half a Years Composition for the Lott Ore of Weardale Lead Mines, due 26 inst to the Lord B[is]hop of Durham from Thos R Beaumont Esqr Please to advise me on your Receipt of the

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Farrers & Atkinson – 9 Jun 1792

Messrs Farrers & Atkinson Newcastle 9th June 1792 Lincoln Inns Fields London Gentn Inclosed you will receive a Bill drawn by Ridley & Co on Castell & Co at One Month dated this day for £100 the Receipt of which you’ll please to acknowledge With respect to the two Bills you mention in your last being kept as a separate Account is what I have not been accustomed to, as the Remittances made by me on Sir John Trev

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Bell – 12 Jun 1792

Farnacres 12th June 1792 Mr John Bell Sir I was duly favoured with your letter of the 10th and have considered the matter respecting the riding in the Encroachments and think with you that it will be the best way to have a consultation with Mr Heron as soon as possible after he returns from London & I will meet you and him any time you shall fix. As the Long Ditch from Kilhope Cross to Hardrig Currock is cleaned out I think it is the best time possible for fi

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Bell – 13 Jun 1792

Mr John Bell Farnacres 13th June 1792 Sir Having sent early this Morning to Mr Fryer I hear he is now in Hexhamshire and therefore it is probable you may see him before I do, and if you sh[oul]d I desire you will fix with him meeting us to examine the Long Ditch and putting in the Posts on Thursday and Friday the 28th & 29th Inst to begin at Hardrig Currock on the 28th at Nine oClock in the Morning. I intend being at Langley Mill on the 26th in the Evening and to go to Lo

Letter – Nicholas Walton – 13 Jun 1792

Mr Walton intends being at Lowbyer on Wednesday the 27th Inst against Dinner and proposes going upon the examination of the Long Ditch the day following and driving stakes at Each Angle thereof which if the weather sh[oul]d not prove good will take more than one day. He will not have time to do any thing with Mr Hodgson while at Alston but would be glad to see him and Mr Donkin any Day next week except Monday. He never attends the Races at Newcastle or very rarely. Mr Dickinson is desired to exa

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Dickinson – 19 Jun 1792

Mr Dickinson Farnacres 19th June 1792 We have rec[eive]d your Letter of the 16th w[i]th the Rec[eip]t of Ore raised last year inclosed, and are glad to have so agreable an amount relative to Browngill Sun Vein Small Cleugh Cross Vein and Nattrass North Vein and to hear that you are likely to let the next Ten Fathoms of Nent Force Level for less money p[er] Fathom than we have paid for some time past. By James Johnson you will receive this Week 85 Posts Six feet long

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Bell – 19 Jun 1792

Mr John Bell Farnacres 19th June 1792 Sir Though I have not yet heard from Mr Fryer I take it for granted that he will be with us upon the 28th Inst and also the 29th if necessary and I have upon that idea written to Mr John Dickinson of Lowbyer and have desired him to have everything ready for proceeding with the Business and to consult with Mr Dickinson of LoveLadyShield I have no doubt the Stakes and two Mallets were sent by James Johnsons Waggon from Newcastle yesterday

Report – John Bell – 1 Jul 1792

Begins at the Braidpool & from thence South West up the Long Moss to a Well near the Moospike Hill from thence to the Moospike Hill to Eanshaw Haff then Southward by Eanshaw Cleugh Head from thence rather south East down a Green swang to Charlton Hole so down the Syke in the south Side of Caldcoat Rigg that Divides Spittle  Shield Fell from East Greenridge Fell from thence Eastward down the Syke on the Southside of Caldcoat Rigg - to the North side of Spittell Shield Inclosed Lands and the

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Dickinson – 2 Jul 1792

Farnacres 2d July 1792 Mr Dickinson We have rec[ieve]d your Letters of the 23rd 27th & 30th Ult & desire youll give Thomas and Caleb Kidd leave to try for the Veins w[hi]ch they have named to you, on the usual conditions and paying one fifth Duty to Greenwich Hospital for one Moiety of the Ore they raise. The Tenants of Tynehead & Mark Close Houses must repair them but particularly those of Mark Close which were built quite in good condition since or a little befor

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Mr Sample – 7 Jul 1792

Farnacres 7th July 1792 Mr Sample You are desired to get the matter between John Hutchinson and Rich[ar]d Errington settled as ment[ione]d in your Letter of the 24th of last Month which is that Rich[ar]d Errington & John Hutchinson shall join in a Note for all the Money due to the 12th May last amounting to £35.9.3 to be p[ai]d at next Dukesfield Pay and that Rich[ar]d Errington shall enter to the Farm of Netherholmes for the remainder of the Term as Tenant from 12 May 179

Letter – Joshua Straker to William Tweedale – 7 Jul 1792

Mr Willm Tweedale Newcastle 7th July 1792 Bretton Yorkshire D[ea]r Sir Inclosed I send you a Bill drawn by Ridley Cookson & Co on Castell & Co at One Month dated this day for Two Thousand Pounds on Sir Thomas Blackett’s Account, the Reciept of which you’ll please to acknowledge _ I was very sorry to hear, by Mr Hunter, that Sir Thomas was in a poor state of health, but I hope to have an Account of his being b

Letter – Thomas Richard Beaumont to Mark Skelton – 7 Jul 1792

Dear Skelton, Don’t fail to come & dine here today for Sir Thomas is really very ill, much worse than he was the other day – I am [go]ing to ride to Wakefield, you might as well [co]me soon, and then you may talk to him, he knows poor Prince is dead, but he has said nothing to us about it – I told him you had said you would come over & he said he should be glad to see you – Yours sincerely Tho Rd Bt Saturday Morng -

Letter – Thomas Richard Beaumont to Mark Skelton – 9 Jul 1792

Dear Skelton, Sir Thomas is much the same, the Doctor has been here all Night, I shall get him to be here as much as he can, when you come from Sheffield, come over & see him. Yours sincerely Tho Rd Bt Monday morn.g Sir T. has had a tolerable Night, but the Fever still continues -

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Bell – 9 Jul 1792

Mr John Bell Farnacres 9th July 1792 Dear Sir Above you have Copies of the Accots settled with Mr Fryer Beside the Charge of £2.2.- for Plans; and I inclose you Sir Thomas Blacketts Accots for fixing Stakes in the Boundaries joining Alston Moor and Langley from which you will observe I shall want £7.2.4 of Sir Thomas & that may be settled when you give us the pleasure of your Company here & when you come I desire i

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Augustus Browne – 10 Jul 1792

Augus[tu]s Browne Esqr Newcastle 10th July 1792 Forster Lane London Sir I have this day sent you by Jackson & Jennings the London Carriers a Piece fine Silver Containing 1230 1/2 Ounces which I desire you will place to Account with Sir Thos Blackett Bart as usual at the Market Price & Advise Mr Blackett on your Reciept of it for whom I am Yours etc

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Mr Sample – 11 Jul 1792

Farnacres 11 July 1792 Mr Sample You must acquaint the Farbridges that if Administration is not immediately taken out we will without further troubling ourselves about enquiries give them Notice to Quit Rawgreen East Farm and if Administration is taken out let us know to whom etc a Lease shall be immediately prepared. We are Your humble Servants Walton & Turner

Letter – Mark Skelton to John Erasmus Blackett – 16 Jul 1792

Birthwait Wakef[iel]d July 16 1792 Sir Mr Bosville’s arrived at Bretton yesterday afternoon & the will was read, Mr Beaumont has Bretton, Hexham & the Lead Mines &c, Mr Bosville Gunnerton etc, I will write to you fully in a few Days & get a Copy of the Will made out. I am Sir yr. very Obt. Servt. M. Skelton Mr Blackett

Letter – Mark Skelton to John Erasmus Blackett – 16 Jul 1792

Sir Herewith I send you an Extract from Sir Thos. Blackett’s Will so far as relates to the Real Estates & Mines etc by which you will know how to act for the present in conducting the Mines. The Lead got, Stock & Bal[an]ce of the Acct., up to the time of his death sh[oul]d be separated, & an inventory taken of the Implements of working etc vested in Trust in Mr Cockshutt for better securing the Payment of the Annuities. I rem[ai]n Sir yr. very Obt. Servt. M. Skelton P

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Henry Hardinge – 20 Jul 1792

The Revd Mr Hardinge Newcastle 20th July 1792 Rector of Stanhope Durham Sir On the Death of Sir Thos Blackett on the 10th inst immediate directions was given to Mr Thos Emerson the Agent for the Weardale Lead Mines to seperate the Lead Ore which may have been wrought from that time. Thomas R Beaumont Esqr who married the eldest Daughter of the late Sir Thos Blackett is the Person to whom the Property in Weardale is bequeathed

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to William Tweedale – 21 Jul 1792

Mr William Tweedale Bretton Newcastle 21st July 1792 near Wakefield Yorkshire Sir Inclosed you will recieve a Bill drawn by Ridley Cookson & Co on Castell & Co at Forty Days dated this day for £4000 on Account of Thomas R Beaumont Esqr Executor to Sir Thos Blackett Bart _ Please to advise me on your Reciept of the same

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Mark Skelton – 21 Jul 1792

John Skelton Esqr Birthwait Newcastle 21st July 1792 near Barnsley Yorkshire Sir I am favoured with your letters of the 16th inst the latter inclosing an extract from the late Sir Thos Blackett’s Will so far as relates to the real Estate and the Lead Mines etc. I have accordingly given the necessary directions to the several Lead Stewards; as Mr Beaumont is Executor and Residuatory Legatee & in conseq

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Mark Skelton – 23 Jul 1792

John Skelton Esqr Birthwait Newcastle 23d July 1792 near Wakefield Yorkshire Sir I wrote you the 21st inst to which I refer you. On examining the Abstract that you sent me I observe that Gunnerton & the several Estates bequeathed to Willm Bosville Esqr are described to be in the County of Durham, whereas they all are in the County of Northumberland I imagine that this mistake will not be attended with

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Mark Skelton – 23 Jul 1792

[For content see transcript of copy letter of same date, source ref NRO 672/E/1E/5]

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Mr Sample – 23 Jul 1792

Farnacres 23d July 1792 Mr Sample I have read Robert Browns Article which my father has this Day executed. What the Bells can mean I know not but it is plain to me they are bad fellows and we must do as well as we can with them without a Lease. I have also rec[eive]d Robert Farbridges Administration & will give directions for a Lease being prepared but you must endeavour to get some Cash from him as there were Forty Pounds Seven Shillings due 22d Novem[be]r last yet unp[ai
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467