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Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Thomas Richard Beaumont – 3 Nov 1792

Thos R Beaumont Esqr Newcastle 3d Novr 1792 No 26 Old Burlington Street London D[ea]r Sir I am favoured with your letter of the 31st Ulto & observe that Mr Skelton has made a considerable purchase for you that £10,000 is to be paid soon & £19800 at Candlemas next. Agreeable to your desire I have inclosed sent you a Bill on London for £6000, the Reciept of which you will please to Acknowledge & I sincerely giv

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Simond & Hankey – 3 Nov 1792

Messrs Symond & Hankey Newcastle 3d Novemr 1792 Merch[ant]s London Gentn Inclosed you will receive a Bill drawn Sir M W Ridley & Co on Castell & Co at One Month dated this day for Two Hundred & Fifty Pounds; being One Quarters Rent charge due to John Trevelyan Esqr the 1st Inst Please to Advise me on your Receipt of the Bill & acquaint Mr Trevelyan of the same

Letter – Thomas Richard Beaumont to Mark Skelton – 4 Nov 1792

Novr. 4th 1792 Dear Skelton, I had a letter this morning from Mr. <Hebden> which I enclose you, and also one from Geo. Beaumont, and shall write to them both: as to the latter I could not make him any Grant of the Wastes, for if it will pay them so amply, it will also pay us in like manner, so that I wrote to Blackett about them, & enquired if they did Make use of those Wastes – Geo. Bacchus came up this Morn[in]g & says Wentworth was at Bretton, but going to <Net

Letter – Joshua Straker to Farrers & Atkinson – 5 Nov 1792

Messrs Farrers & Atkinson Newcastle 5th Novr 1792 Lincoln Inns Fields London Gentn Mr Blackett was favoured with your letter of the 1st Inst & desires me to send you the enclosed Bill on Mr Josh Adams at 60 days dated the 17th Octor for Two Hundred Pounds to enable you to pay Sir John Trevelyans Annuitants _ please to acknowledge the Receipt of the Bill & I am J.S £200

Letter – Gray & Thorpe to Mark Skelton – 5 Nov 1792

York 5th Nov. 1792 Sir We have been for some Years in receipt if the rents of Mr Marsh’s estate at Barugh, but he never intimated to us any intention to dispose of it, which we think he would have done (rather than to any other person) had he been inclined to sell. We are, Sir Your very hble Servts. Gray & Thorpe

Letter – Thomas Richard Beaumont to Mark Skelton – 6 Nov 1792

Nov. 6th 1792 Dear Skelton, I have the pleasure to tell you that Diana and the Child are going on as well as can be expected, it sucks famously and will soon begin to talk. Enclosed I send you a letter from Mr. Blackett – the 26 Inst. 4000£ is due, & this in a Month dated 3 inst. Diana & the Boy unite in their Compts. I am Dear Skelton Yours most sincerely Tho. Rd. Beaumont.

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Mark Skelton – 8 Nov 1792

Mr Skelton Esqr Newcastle Novr 8th 1792 Birthwait Hall Wakefield Yorkshire Dear Sir Your favour of the 3d inst I duly received & observe the Contents. I am happy to hear Mrs Beaumont was safely delivered of a Son, & that she & the Child were in a hopeful Way. It is a very pleasing event to the Family & I congratulate you on the Occasion. In consequence of your former Lette

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Thomas Richard Beaumont – 11 Nov 1792

Thomas Richd Beaumont Esqr New[castle] 11th Novemr 1792 No 26 Old Burlington Street London Dear Sir Your favour of the 6th inst I duly received, & I am happy to hear that Mrs Beaumont & her little One are doing well; I hope that they may continue so; I wrote to acquaint Mr Bell of the events & I was told Yesterday that the Bells were ringing merrily on the occasion. I last Post wrote Mr Skelton a long Letter on business wh

Letter – Thomas Richard Beaumont to Mark Skelton – 11 Nov 1792

Novr. 11th 1792 Dear Skelton, I am favoured with yours, and shall be very glad to purchase any part of Haigh, as it is so very contiguous to Bretton I think it should not be missed by any means – I have not got the list of Moneys out, but any that you think most proper, will be exactly the same to us – I am sorry Wentworth goes on still in the same way, I am greatly afraid there is no hopes of amendment. Yesterday I sent down an advertisement sent me from Lincolnshire about a B

letter – Isaac Hunter to John Erasmus Blackett – 12 Nov 1792

J. E Blackett Esqr Dukesfield 12th Nov'r 1792 You may be assured that no opportunity shall be lostd in getting all the Lead to Markett that I possibly can though fear with all the exertions that the quantity will be small, these few fine days has made all very busy to get the seed into the Ground and till that's don not a Carriagemen can be got at any price, but hope if this Weather continue that we shall be able to send a little more from this Mill;

letter – Isaac Hunter to Westgarth Forster – 13 Nov 1792

To Mr Forster Allanheads Dukesfield 13th Nov'r 1792 Dear Sir Finding the Roads so bad to Rookhope yesterday & not starting so soon as I purposed durst not take Allanheads in my way as I promised you; the Shire carriers have quite given over coming to the Mill so that theres no chance of their bringing in the Ton Tail Ore to this Mill this backend, & if it had not been for the reasons that you gave, would not have let it gone to Rookhope which you ma

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Richard Master – 13 Nov 1792

Richd Master Esqr & Co Newcastle 13th Nov 1792 Bankers London Gentlemen Inclosed you will recieve a Bill drawn by Surtees Burdon & Co on Messrs Glyn Mills and Mitton at 30 days dated this day for £462-10 being for half a Years Composition for the Lot Ore of Weardale Lead Mines, due 26 inst to The Lord Bishop of Durham from Thos Richd Beaumont Esqr Please to advise me on your Rec[eip]t of the same

letter – Isaac Hunter to Thomas Smith – 14 Nov 1792

To Mr Thos. Smith Dukesfield 14th Nov 1792 [annotated in a different hand, ‘Rookhope Mill’] Dear Sir I forgot to tell you when at your Mill to hasten the Lead that upon the Roads; I find by a Letter that I had last Night that theirs 5434 p[iece]s of 11 sto Lead & 8408 p[iece]s of 8 sto. [lead]. Youll observe the orders as to the Coals, & take every precaution to prevent any waste or pilfery of them and also what I said in regard to the day Lab[oure]rs. After Chris

Letter – Shepley Watson – 14 Nov 1792

Wakefield Intended INCLOSURE THE FREEHOLDERS, COPYHOLDERS, AND ALL OTHER PERSONS IN ANY-WISE INTERESTED in the dividing and inclosing of the Common-Fields, and Waste-Lands, within the several Townships or Graveships of Wakefield, Stanley, Wrenthorpe, Alverthorpe, and Thornes, in the Parish of WAKEFIELD, in the County of York, are requested to meet at the MOOT-HALL, in WAKEFIELD, on Monday the 26th of November Instant, at twelve o’Clock at Noon, to consider and determine on several Ma

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Richard Master – 27 Nov 1792

Richard Master Esqr & Co NewC[astle] 27th Novr 1792 Bankers London Gentlemn Inclosed you will recieve a Bill drawn by Ridley Cookson & Co on Castell & Co at One Month dated this day for £231-5s being One Quarters Composition for the Lott Ore of Weardale Lead Mines, due this day to the Lord Bishop of Durham from Thos Richard Beaumont.Esqr Please to Advise me on your Receipt of the same. I am et

Letter – Westgarth Forster to Thomas Richard Beaumont – 28 Nov 1792

Novr. 28th 1792 Sir, I received your letter in regard to the workmens paying to the Clergyman at Allenheads every workman at Allenheads & Coalcleugh pays 5sh shilling Each man & Labouring Boys 3sh shillings Each & there is some Hundreds of the men that lives 15 or 20 Miles from the Chapple & comes & works their work for the week & goes back to their own Homes every week so they have no benefit from the Chapple in the least & such as lives about the place t

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Mark Skelton – 29 Nov 1792

Mr Skelton Esqr Newcastle 29th Novr 1792 Birthwait Hall near Wakefield Yorkshire D[ea]r Sir Your favour of the 15th inst I recieved, the late very alarming Disturbance amongst the Seamen of this Port prevented me answering it so soon as I otherwise would have done, Matters have been accommodated between them & the Ship Owners & peace is restored for the present but how long we may rema

Letter – Messrs Walker & Co to Thomas Richard Beaumont – 4 Dec 1792

To Thomas Beaumont Esq. Sir Having good reason to suspect the impartiality of Mr Blackett in the distribution of the WB Lead, we beg leave to trouble you with a few remarks for your consideration, which we hope will convince you we do not deserve the treatment we have met with from Mr B., either as your Agent or as a private individual. In the course of 7 Years we have taken WB Lead to the Amount of about £170,000. If we had been put upon a footing with other buyers we w

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Nicholas Ruddock – 5 Dec 1792

Farnacres 5th Decem[be]r 1792 Dear Sir I have taken the first opportunity of considering the intended application of the Hexhamshire & Allendale Proprietors to the Lord of the Manor. I think it w[oul]d be impossible or nearly so, and certainly be attended with great expence & hazard if practicable to perambulate the Boundaries at this Time of Year; and therefore I w[oul]d not ask Mr Beaumont to give any directions for that being done immediately as I think the Month of

Letter – Joshua Straker to Farrers & Atkinson – 6 Dec 1792

Messrs Farrers & Atkinson Newcastle 6th Decr 1792 Lincoln Inns Fields London Gentlemen Mr Blackett was favoured with your Letter of the 29th ult in Ans[we]r to which he desires me to inform you that he cannot find any Counterpart or Copy of a Deed of Gift to Blackett Midford, & is of opinion that a Bond has been given by the late Sir W Blackett to him for £200. Inclosed you have a Bill on Messrs

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Mr Deness – 8 Dec 1792

<Sd> Deness Esqr sent under cover Newcastle 8th Decemr 1792 to the Right Honble The Earl of Pomfret Easton Towester Northamptonshire Sir I am favoured with your letter of the 3d Inst & observe the Contents _ I perfectly agree with you that it would be for the interest of the principal Lead Proprietors that a Communication should be Kept up amongst them for the purpose of supporting the price of Lead, it has been my endeavour to ac

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to John Beatson – 14 Dec 1792

Mr John Beatson NewC[astle] 14th Decr 1792 Cinderhill near Wakefield Yorkshire Sir Inclosed you will recieve a Bill drawn by Sir MW Ridley Cookson & Co at Forty days dated this day for £43-17 being in full for a pack of Bends sent to Mr Beaumont Lead Mines at Allenheads. Please to Advise me on your Receipt of the same. I am etc J.E.B £43-17

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Thomas Richard Beaumont – 15 Dec 1792

Thomas Richd Beaumont Esqr Newcastle 15th Decr 1792 Bretton near Wakefield Yorkshire Dear Sir I lately received a Letter from Messrs Walkers & Co of Rotherham inclosing a Paper Containing a Number of Charges against me, which they inform me was a Copy of that sent to you. I must confess that I was very much surprised at the Contents of it, & that it has given me some uneasiness being Conscious of not having gi

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Messrs Walker – 15 Dec 1792

Messrs Walkers & Co Newcastle 15th Decr 1792 Rotherham Yorkshire Gentlemn Your Letter of the 4th inst with a Copy of yours to Mr Beaumont Containing a variety of Charges against me of Partiality in the disposal of the WB Lead came safely to hand, & I hope I have fully Answered them to the Satisfaction of Mr Beaumont to whom I refer you. I must Confess that I was not a little Surprized at the

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Thomas Richard Beaumont – 18 Dec 1792

Thos Richd Beaumont Esqr NewC[astle] 18th Decr 1792 Bretton near Wakefield Yorkshire D[ea]r Sir I wrote to you on the 15th inst to which I refer you, & I now inclose you a Bill drawn by Ridley Cookson & Co on Castell & Co at 40 days dated this day for £3000 & another Bill drawn by Walkers Fishwick & Co on Walkers Maltby & Co at 2 Months dated the 6th inst for £2000 making together £5000 the
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467