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Letter – Thomas Richard Beaumont to John Erasmus Blackett – 4 Mar 1793

Bretton March 4th 93 Dear Sir, As some particular Business in Parliament calls me to London this Week it will not be in my power to come to Newcastle next Monday as I intended, and if Mr. Skelton should not be with you then, which is at present uncertain, I shall be glad to have yours and the individual opinions in writing of Mr. Bell and the several Lead Agents how far the proposed Inclosure will affect my Interests in every point of View both for and against me, and particularly as

Letter – James Milner to Mark Skelton – 7 Mar 1793

Dr Sir/ As it may be some time before you and Mr. Beaumont return from Town, Hope you will determine and inform me before you set off to allow me some Timber along with the 100£ for the intended improvemts. at the Manor House, as its now time to prepare the materials. Also inform me when I may look over the Falls of Wood ___ I am Dr Sir Most sincerely Yours Jams. Milner Flockton 7th Mar. 1793

Letter – John Bell to John E Blackett – 10 Mar 1793

Sir Hexham Abbey 10th March 1793 I had a Letter from Mr Beaumont the 23rd of last Month saying he would be in Newcastle this Month when the Stewards came down for their Money and desiring me to give him a Meeting there but for what Purpose he was silent By the Copy of his Letter to you inclosed one by Mr Straker he seems to want the Opinion of his Agents how far his Interest will be affected by the proposed Inc

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Thomas Richard Beaumont – 12 Mar 1793

Thomas Richd Beaumont Esqr Newcastle 12th March 1793 Messrs Ransom Moreland & Co Bankers Pall Mall London Dear Sir I had the favour of your Letter of the 4th inst which I postponed Answering untill I had seen your Lead Agents, & had some Conversation with them on the Subject of your Letter, which I have this day had respecting a division of a part of your Lordship which is about to take place, I desired they would give t

Letter – Thomas Richard Beaumont to John Erasmus Blackett – 14 Mar 1793

Bretton Feby. 14th 93 Dear Sir, Since I last wrote to you I have appointed Messrs. Ransom Morland & Hammersley to be my Bankers in town, & on whose account you will please to transfer my Northumberland Cash in their Names to the Bank of Messrs. Burdon & Surtees, who are advised thereof – I will thank you to inform me what time in the Month of March the Agents come for their subsistence pay, as I intend myself the pleasure of <seeing> you then – I am very hap

Letter – Joseph Dickinson to Thomas Richard Beaumont – 15 Mar 1793

Coalcleugh March 15th 1793 Sir In my opinion a Division of the Commons in Hexhamshire and the Allandales, as it is only to be in part, can never injure the carriage of Ore and Lead from the Leadmines, as that part to be enclosed will be very improveable and enable the Carriers to keep a greater Stock of Galloways in a very few years, the remaining part by making it a Stinted Common, will give every Farmer a proportionable Share, so that a poor man that has not a sufficient quant

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Peters – 17 Mar 1793

Mr Wm Peters Farnacres 17th March 1793 Dear Sir I am this Day favoured with your letter of the 15th Instant. Tomorrow I have no doubt Mr Fryer will be with you unless some accident sh[oul]d prevent that. I think Sir Edwd Blackett has acted very strongly. Every attention has be paid to him and neither he or any one for him has ever given an answer to anything for or against and tho’ he has acknowledged the rec[eip]t of your Letter and the Bills it appears that we cannot say

letter – Isaac Hunter to John Erasmus Blackett – 21 Mar 1793

Jno E. Blackett Esqr Newcastle Dukesfield 21st March 1793 I was sorry to find by Isaac that you had been soo poorly since we were in town but hope you have got better. The Lease for Apperley Lane was executed on the 13: June 1793 [1773?] for 21 Yrs by Mr Surtees of Ackworth so there will be 2 Yrs to go of the Lease as it would not commence till Mayday 1773. I was told the other day that the Com[missione]rs of the South Road at their last meeting resolved to fix a Pay-Gate upon the

Letter – Mark Skelton to John Erasmus Blackett – 21 Mar 1793

London March 21 1793 Dear Sir Mr Beaumont being particularly engaged desires me to ansr. your Favor of the 12th Inst. which he recd. only yesterday. His Bankers have advised of the rect. of the Sums you mention but he observes that there is not by 13 or 14,000£ sufficient to make the next Lead pay withal which he understood was to be made the latter end of next Month & the last Bills sent are not due till May. He desires you will inform him by return of post when the rem[ainde]r o

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Thomas Richard Beaumont – 24 Mar 1793

Tho R Beaumont Esqr Newcastle 24th March 1793 at Messrs Ransom Moreland & Co Bankers London Dr Sir I was by the last Post favoured with Mr Skelton’s letter of the 21st inst & observe the Contents I was under a necessity of giving longer Credit to Mr Hall & Mr C Blackett for the 30000 p[iece]s Lead sold to them the 4th Augt last, by the Agreement One half was to be paid on the 1st March by Bills at 2 Mo[nth]s date

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Augustus Browne – 26 Mar 1793

Augustus Browne Esqr Newcastle 26th March 1793 Forster Lane London Sir I have this day sent you by Jackson & Jennings the London Carriers a Piece fine Silver containing 1237 1/2 Ounces, which I desire you will place to Account with Thos Rd Beaumont Esqr as usual at the Markett Price & advise me on your Reciept of it I am etc J.E.B

Letter – Westgarth Forster to Thomas Richard Beaumont – 26 Mar 1793

Allenheads March 26th 1793 Sir I understand by Mr Alderman Blackett that you would like to have the Oppinion of your Agents how far the Division might effect you in the Allendales & Hexhamshire as Lord of the Manor in regard to your working your Leadmines & also the Carriage of the Ore from the Mines to the Mills. I have lookd as much as I can into the Matter & I cannot find in my Opinion that it will effect you in the least in working the Lead mines & also the Carriag

Letter – Nicholas Walton – 27 Mar 1793

Provided always and be it further enacted that nothing in this Act contained shall extend or be construed to extend to authorise or empower the said Trustees or any of them to do any Act Matter or Thing which shall or may damage any Lead Mines or whereby the winning or working thereof may be prevented or interrupted or to take any Ore or Mineral which shall proceed or which shall or may have arisen or proceeded from the same or to do any Damage to such Buildings Engines Erections or Watercourses

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Tristram Everest – 27 Mar 1793

Mr Everest Farnacres 27th March 1793 Dear Sir I have this day rec[eive]d your agreeable information respecting the Lobleyhill Road, and am much obliged by your attention to my wishes. I do not think, if you find a proper opportunity, that it w[oul]d be amiss to acquaint Mr Skelton of the Clause or Proviso relative to the produce etc from the Mines having been inserted at my instance and of the Clause respecting double Toll having been extended to all Articles instead of being

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Farrers & Atkinson – 29 Mar 1793

Messrs Farrers & Atkinson Newcastle 29th March 1793 Lincolns Inn Field London Gentlemn I am favoured with your Lre [Letter] of the 25th inst. Inclosed you will recieve Messrs Ridley & Cos Bill on Castell & Co at 30 days date for £200 being on Account of the quarterly payments on Sir Jno Trevelyan’s Acct, the Reciept of which please to acknowledge.

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Simond & Hankey – 29 Mar 1793

Messrs Simond & Hankey’s Newcastle 29th Mar 1793 London Gentlemn Inclosed I send you my draft on Thos Coutts Esqr & Co at 30 days date for £300 being for one half Years Interest of £12000 due from Sir Jno Trevelyan Bt to his son Jno Trevelyan Esqr the rec[eip]t of which you will please to acknowledge, acquainting Mr Trevelyan with the same. I am etc J.E.B £300

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Mark Skelton – 30 Mar 1793

M Skelton Esqr Newcastle 30th Mar 1793 At Mrs Wilsons No 3 Castle Street Holburn London Dr Sir I was favoured with your letter with a Copy of Fenwicks observations on the proposed Turnpike Road in wch I cannot agree with him being of opinion that this Road even carried 3 Miles further west to Burtreeford will not be of that benefit to Mr Bs concerns in Weardale wch Mr Fenwick Represents but as Mr Emerson must be a

Letter – Joshua Straker to Thomas Fenwick – 4 Apr 1793

Mr Thos Fenwick Hamsterley Newcastle 4th April 93 Sir As the Lobly hill Road is not to be carried to Aldston as first intended Mr Bt is of Opinion that it will be of little or no advantage to his concerns in Weardale on wch Acct I am desired to inform you that he will withdraw £200 of his Subscrip[tio]n & with which you will please to acquaint the Commiss[ione]rs I am etc J.S

Letter – Diana Beaumont to John Erasmus Blackett – 5 Apr 1793

John E Blackett Esq, Charlotte Square, Newcastle upon Tyne Bretton, April 5th 1793 Dear Sir I am sorry to trouble you so soon on the same Subject & before I could possibly have received an answer to my last, but I am apprehensive if measures are not speedily taken it will be too late, as my Sister Miss Louisa Wentworth is determined to marry Mr James Lee as soon as she can, therefore too much expedition cannot be used to place her under the Chancellors care, (if you judge that step a

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Thomas Richard Beaumont – 8 Apr 1793

Thos Richd Beaumont Esqr Newcastle 8th April 1793 at Messrs Ransom Moreland & Co’s Bankers London Dear Sir In consequence of the Bank of Messrs Forster & Co of this place having stopt payment this Morning there has been a Meeting of the Gentlemen of this place & Neighborhood & the Merchants & Traders, when they came to the Resolutions that I now inclose you, which is hoped may be the means of preventi

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Thomas Richard Beaumont – 17 Apr 1793

Newcastle 17th April 1793 Dear Sir I am this day favoured with your letter of the 15th inst. & observe the Contents. I communicated a part of your letter to the Committee, as well as to the Bankers, who think themselves highly obliged to you for the kind & handsome manner in which you express yourself for the restoring the Credit & Confidence in the Country: I perfectly agree with you that postponing the Lead Pay for a Month will be very unpleasant, but I fear that it can n

Will – John Hunter – 17 Apr 1793

Prerogative Ent Ad[m]on[ition] (limited) of Isaac Hunter late of Dukesfield P. Hexham co. Northd. Know all Men by these presents that we John Hunter of Hexham in the County of Northumberland Gentleman Nicholas Ruddock of the same place Gentleman and Charles Dalston Purvis of the Town and County of Newcastle upon Tyne Gentleman do stand and are firmly bou[n]den and obliged unto the Right Worshipful Peter Johnson Master of Arts Commissary and Keeper General of the Exchequer and Pr

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Thomas Richard Beaumont – 18 Apr 1793

Newcastle 18th April 1793 Thurs eveng 5 o Clock Dear Sir Since my letter to you of the 17th inst. I have had several Conversations with Mr. John Surtees with respect to the Lead Pay, he now says that he has not the least doubt that was the Pay postponed for a fortnight viz. to the 14, 15 & 16th of May that their Bank could furnish their Notes to the amount of £20,000 or £25000 .. – which with £12000.. – or £14,000 – in Cash & some Bank of England Notes t

Letter – William Armstrong to Thomas Richard Beaumont – 18 Apr 1793

18th April 93 Dear Sir, A friend of improvement and a well wisher of your Lordships desirous of Observing, a matter of Importance and hopes if your honour gives Attention the information will be found to be very advantageous as your works is so large and extensive………… I have been a workman for you, your Ancestors and different other masters in working and Manufacturing that Valuable Metal called Lead Ore, and by my own experience and seeing the different performances of other

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Thomas Richard Beaumont – 20 Apr 1793

Thos R Beaumont Esqr Newcastle 20th April 1793 Reddish’s Hotel St James’s London Dr Sir I wrote to you the 18th inst by Express, this morning I have had a good deal of Conversation with Mr Burdon & Mr Surtees respecting the Lead Pay, they are now in great hopes that they will have it in their Power to accomodate you with a sufficient Sum in Notes, which with the Cash you may send or bring down may be fully suffici
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467