June 18th 93
Dear Skelton,
I wrote to you this day and enclosed the papers you sent executed. In conversation with Mr. Blackett, I find he only offered to sale 15,000 Pieces, and only sold to Kit Black 5000 Pieces – I cannot get any explanation about accounts from him or Straker, You had better write yourself without mentioning my Name, as wishing to know how the Accounts stand, and as he well knows you are empowered by us to act, you can explain what you w
BRETTON HALL, June 20, 1793
On Saturday Night or Sunday Morning last,
In the Grounds of
Was Broken, and a great Quantity of TENCH
And TROUT taken thereout.
WHOEVER will give such Information of the
Offender or Offenders, as may lead to his or
Their legal Conviction, shall, receive a Reward of
By applying to the STEWARD at BRETTON HALL,
Divers Trespasses having l
After an attentive perusal of a Copy of the Will of Sr William Blackett dated 14th August 1728 I am clearly of opinion that the late Sr Thomas Blackett as the first Son of Lady Wentworth took an estate-tail in the property devised and settled by that will and that he was enabled when in possession to barr all the subsequent estates limited by the will by means of a Common Recovery as to the fee simple estates, and by a fine or other competent conveyance as to the Estates held by Leases for lives
Farnacres 20th June 1793
Dear Sir
I wrote to you yesterday in great hurry, as I co[ul]d barely have time to save the Post. As we are to wait upon Mr Beaumont, I sh[oul]d be glad you w[oul]d inform yourself, whether we are to be at liberty to make any, and what, use of such information as Mr Bell has been so obliging as give, respecting the riding of the Boundaries of Hexhamshire and Allendale Common. We certainly ought to be very delicate, in any, & every, thing which may
June 23. 93
Dear Skelton,
Enclosed I send you Mr. Williamson’s opinion which he sent me on Friday last. I got yours last Night with the opinion of Mr. Phipps, if you wish me to shew it to Mr. Williamson; I shall see Mr. Blackett tomorrow and will ask him about the deeds. Mr. Marshall and Lady Wentworth were the <only> two Sisters of Sir Wm. Blackett that had any children – Mrs. Westcomb is the daughter of the Son of Mr. Marshall who was expressly left
Dear Sir/
No. <82> Hatton Garden 24th June 93
I this morning reced yours and will send the <De: Po[sition]:> by tomorrow’s Post if possible – it being a Seal Day in the Court of Chancery but the notice is short –
You may have Mr. Milner examined in Town If you please but if he is so examined there must be another set of Interr[ogator]y’s Ingrossed for the Country Witnesses, but which may be done or in fact the Wit[nesse]s may be examined in as many place
Mr Dickinson Farnacres 28th June 1793
Yours of the 22nd I rec[eive]d on Monday last and am glad the damage at Nattrass we got settled but sh[oul]d have been also glad to know how much they were settled at for each Company and what is proposed to be paid for the Ground which has been destroyed and the quantity of Ground destroyed and how much it might be worth <pr Ann pr Acre> to be let to a Tenant before it was damaged. The matter as to the Cattle has just proved as I exp
Many thanks for your kind Enquiries after my little Boy, he is perfectly well & improves daily, I hope you will soon see him. I am very anxious for your coming into the North & beg you will delay as little as you possibly can, for I think you are much wanted, you will never get the proper Accounts unless you do come, Mr. Beaumont is delicate on the Subject but you must waive that delicacy & ask plainly for them. – I have recd. a very handsome Letter from Mr. Cockshutt, I am
June 30th 1793
Dear Skelton,
I have not sent you the copy of the Will, but will keep it until I have the pleasure of giving it to you myself, we stay here till the 8th of next Month, and then proceed to Hexham, we shall be very happy either to see you here or there, whichever is most convenient to yourself. I don’t myself think we shall hear any more from Sir John or at least I hope not. The Agents come down to N: Castle on Monday for subsistence money, but
Hexham Abbey
July 11th 1793
Dear Skelton,
With respect to the paying the £300 to Elizabeth Laycock, I am certain she can give no security for the Money <per> that of her sisters but Mr.& Mrs. Lee have let her enter into Partnership at York upon the strength of her being able to take her Sisters money and everything is drawn up and signed, & Mrs. Lee wrote to us about the Money. If she takes her own £100 we must let her have £200 & she pay the
Sir –
If you think Mr. Stephenson is likely to suit, I should imagine it would be necessary to give Mr. <Hodshon> & the Schoolmaster Notice immediately that they are to give up this Duty at Xmas next, we should expect Mr. Stephenson w[oul]d read Prayers & Preach in the Morn[in]g. & in the Afternoon read Prayers only, & when you give the notices be so good as Say we wish to have Duty done twice a Day w[hic]h is the reason we make the change, we shall allow 40£ <per
Mr Forster Allanheads Dukesfield July 12th 1793
Dear Sir
This Morning I saw som Ore that was brought from Allanheads Mine yesterday to this Mill amounting by the day book to 54 Horse as badley dressed as that I gave you an Acco't the 7th of last Mounth, that I had maid a Trial of & that 1/3 was refuse; so have ordered Mr Westgarth to charge the Mill with only 44 Horse instead of 54 w[hi]ch I am sure is not so much as ought to be deducted from its quali
Messrs Gosling Newcastle July 12th 1793
Bankers London
Gentn Inclosed you will receive a Bill drawn by Surtees Burdon & Co on Smith Payne & Smiths at 40 days dated this day for £450, being half a Years Composition for the Tithe Ore of Weardale Lead Mines due 11th inst from Thos R Beaumont Esqr to the Revd Mr Hardinge
Please to Advise me on your Receipt of the Bill & acquaint Mr H
M Skelton Esqr Birthwait Hall Newcastle 12th July 1793
near Wakefield Yorkshire
Sir Your favor I rec[eiv]ed & I observe what you say respecting the Accots, they were made out to the time of Sir Thos Blackett’s Death, sho[ul]d they not convey to you the satisfaction that you wish for, on you acquainting what is required, we will Endeavour to give you the necessary information. At the time that the Calcula
I am confined upstairs and unable to stir out, when I dare venture abroad is hard to say
I have sent a precept herewith - the places which appeared at the last Count 6th July 1785 for the Book is before me
Leaseholders in Blanchland Cottagers in D[itt]o
in Birkside in D[itt]o
in Baybridge in D[itt]o
I have this evening read your Letter - you will easily recollect that Wednesday the 31st July or Thursday the 1st Augt. were the precise days fixed and settled for riding the Boundaries and Engagements made by the Trustees accordingly.
The precept for holding the Courts is usually directed to the principal Bailiff (at Bamburgh to Mr.Dinning and Geo: Hall or Edwd Todd Summonses the Tenants) Edward Blenk can easily tell the Tenants of the different places mentioned in my last L
Birthwait Hall July 17th 1793
Dear Sir
I am favoured with yours of the 12th & apprehend that the account which you intend to send will answer our present purpose. The Language of the letter inclosed in yours is that of Trade in General I believe, & we must submit to the effect – I understand Silver is lower now than the price Mr Beaumonts was sold for & in respect to Lead you are the best judge whether it will be right to sell to Messrs Walker upon the credit they wish fo
Farnacres 19th July 1793
Mr Dickinson
We have rec[eiv]ed yours of the 29th Ulto and the 10th and 13th Inst and hope every thing goes on well with the Lead Ore Carriage without obstruction.
You may give leave to Thos Martindale and James Stephenson to make some trial of Fairhill
Flow Edge Vein on usual conditions.
If Matt[he]w Blacklocks application had been to try for or have a Lease of Nentsberry Pasture Cross Vein, the Boundary ought to have extended Sout
Hexham Abbey July 24th 1793
Dear Sir,
I enclose you a Letter Mr. Beaumont recd. the Day before Yesterday from Tweedale, & which I answered in strong terms; the part respecting the Altering of the Back Staircase we do not clearly comprehend. I have told him we must not have any alterations made without our being first Acquainted with the intended plan; when we left Bretton we particularly order[e]d the bottom of the Back Stairs to be closed up & Boarded; by his descript
Mr Henry Addison Farnacres 25th July 1793
On the 10th of next Month a Meeting is intended at Lowbyer to take into consideration the making of the Roads Turnpike from Burtryford to Alston, from Alston to Mere Burn, and from Alston to Burnstones, by authority of Parliament and to enter into a Subscription for carrying the above Propositions into effect we are desirous to have you to attend at Lowbyer as it is probable you will be requested to take care as to the application
Jno Ibbetson Esqr Farnacres 27th July 1793
We have the pleasure to acquaint you that the riding or perambulating of the Boundaries of Grindon & Langley South Commons and Thorngrafton Common was very agreeably gone through and that we do not expect the least litigation concerning the same.
The Board will observe by the inclosed News Paper that the First Meeting of the Commissioners for the Division of three Commons is to be held at Haydon Bridge on the 15th of next Month a
Dear Skelton,
Enclosed I send you a letter from Mr. Blackett, & I wrote him for ans[we]r that from the Statement of the Land, and the opinions that had been given on the Subject it appeared to me that the Ground &c should be purchased. I also required he would let me know what mon[e]y would be wanted. I wrote to Mr. Stephenson & he will shew You my letter when should the Leases be signed whether they are for a Year or otherwise. We are all well here –
Yours sincerely T.R.B.
Dear Sir
No. 82 Hatton Garden 29th. July 93
Beaumont Esq. v Bosville <...>
Herewith I send you the Interrogatories and also a Commission to Examine the Witnesses herein –
I should have sent them sooner but could not get the Commission Resealed until Saturday and which I this Day received from my Cl[er]k in Court – The Comm[issio]n issued some time back when you wrote for it but not <.....> it there, could not send it with[out]t resealing – You’ll be
Mr Dickinson Farnacres 29th July 1793
I have rec[eive]d your Letter of the 27th and will bring you £20 when I come to Lowbyer.
From what follows you will see it to be impossible for me to stay much in Alston Moor, in August.
Wednesday 7th Attend Mr Beaumonts beginning to Ride his Boundary and
get to Lowbyer in the Evening
8 Attend Mr Beaumonts Bounder Riding from Kilhope Cross
to Hardrigend Currock & Attend Mr Beaum
Augustus Browne Esqr Newcastle 6th Augt 1793
Foster Lane London
Sir I have this day sent you by Jackson’s & Jennings the London Carriers a piece fine Silver Containing 1193 1/2 Ounces, which I desire you will place to Account with Thos R Beaumont Esqr as usual at the Markett Price & advise me on your Rec[eip]t of it I am etc J.E.B