7 Augt 1793
Discharge given by Arthur Mowbray to the Lord of the Manor of Hexham &c as to the Riding in of the Herbage of the Commons of Hathery Burn Westfield Nook & Wester Meadows
<pres.t> Edw: Blenk
95 Feb 7 2nd copy sent to Mr. Adams
1793 Augt 7th
Arthur Mowbray as Agent to and on behalf of Lord Crewe's Trustees attended the Perambulation of the Boundaries of the Commons, Moors or Tracts of Waste Lands, within the Regality or Manor of Hexham, the same hav
John Ibbetson Esq Farnacres 20th August 1793
I recd the Boards Minutes which shall be attended to. I should have sooner acknowledged the rect of them had I not been eversince engaged, on acct of the Hexhamshire and Allendale & Grindon, Thorngrafton and Langley Divisions.
The Boundaries of Hexhamshire and Allendale Common were rode or perambulated, upon the 7th & 8th Inst, and the first Meeting of the Commissioners for the Division thereof, is to be at Hexham on Monday
If the efficacy of good wishes express’d with sincerity & attested by a bumper, does not fail, you must be quite well by this time my dear Mrs Beaumont, & indeed I have the satisfaction of thinking they are of some avail, as a Letter from Miss Lambert received this moment informs me (as being the best news she could send me) that you have been to call on her since your confinement, tho’ she adds what I am sorry to hear that Wednesday next is fix’d for your departure from Hexham. Ma
Mr Everest Farnacres 28th Augt 1793
Dear Sir
I have rec[eive]d your favor of the 23d Inst and as upon inquiry I find that Sir William Middleton is expected in the Country in a little Time you had best send me the Bond and I will take care to get it executed and properly attested, and will after that is done return it to you. I am
Dear Sir Your most h[um]ble Serv[an]t
Nich Walton Junr
PS All the Hospitals Tenants in Hexhamshire (nothing having been s
M Skelton Esqr Newcastle 30th Augt 1793
Birthwaite Hall near Wakefield Yorkshire
Sir I have this day sent in Petersgill’s Waggon, the Deeds Papers & Writings belonging to Mrs Beaumont & I hope they will arrive safe at Wakefield on the 5th or 6th Septem.
The Schedule is in the Box Marked B. I send a Copy of the Cash Account by Mr Beaumont who sets out Tomorrow Morning for Bretton
Messrs Wheeldon Webster & Wheeldon Derby Newcastle 3d Sept. 1793
Gentlemen I have this day drawn a Bill on you at Twenty days payable to the Order of Messrs Isaac & John Wilkinson for £101-13-6, being you Account for Litharge got of the late Sir Thos Blackett Bart. As this Account has stood more than double the Credit I usually give I hope you will pay due honor to the Bill. I am etc J.E.B
Messrs Isaac & Jno Wilkinson Chesterfield NewC. 4 Sept. 1793
Sirs I have received your favor of the 15th Ult. which I postponed Answering in hopes of having it in my power to give you a more favourable Acct of the State of this Markett for Lead; we have not had any demand and the London Houses unite in their Endeavours to beat down the price, & notwithstanding the Assertions that they have no demand, I am satisfied their Stocks are very small, and that t
Chesterfield 4th Septr. 1793
We took the liberty to write to you about six weeks ago, to request the State of the Lead Market at Newcastle, but presume you was at that Time from Home, as we have not been favoured with an Answer.
We beg leave to transmit you the Resolutions pass’d at our half yearly Meeting at Matlock the 2d Instant & which shews there is no selling with us at present, it would give us pleasure to hear from you & remain respectfully
Sir Yr
Thos Richd Beaumont Esqr Newcastle 7th Septr 1793
Bretton near Wakefield Yorkshire
Dear Sir I am favoured with your Letter of the 5th inst and am glad to find you got well home. The Venison arrived safe & in good Order, for which Mrs Beaumont & you will please to accept my best thanks. I observe what you say respecting the poor Sufferers at Redburn and I shall desire Mr Hunter to give them the Sums agreea
I am favoured with your Letter, & will attend you at the Strafford Arms on Thursday next at the Hour you mention.
I am Sir Your Obedt. Servt.
Wm: Brooke
9th Sept. 1793
I shall be at home on Thursday next & will attend you when sent to by you or perhaps you will do me the favour of a call on your arrival, but at any rate I will be ready – do you think our joint names had not better be at the Navigation advertisement as John Waterhouse said in London –
Yours obediently
<Jno.> Carr
Wakefd. 10th Septr 93
To the Commissioners for dividing and allotting and inclosing Grindon Common
Sir Edward Blackett Bart and Mr John Craig being desirous of exchanging with the Commissioners and Governors of Greenwich Hospital five several parcels of Ground lying in the Chapelry of Haydon and boundered as follows that is to say One of the said parcels of Ground boundered by Lands belonging to the said Hospital called the Folly on the East Lands called High Close on the West and South Lands called East Field o
Depositions of Witnesses produced sworn and examined the [left blank] day of Sept. in the 33rd Year of the Reign of his Majesty King Geoe. the third and in the Year of our Lord 1793 at the House of Cooke known by the Sign of the <Strafford> Arms in Wakefd. In the Co. of York by Virtue of a Commission issued out of his Majesties High Court in Chancery to Wm Brooke, John Lee, David Calvard and John Carr Gents.
directed for the examination of Witnesses in a Cause there depending between
Thos Richd Beaumont Esqr Newcastle 22d Septr 1793
Bretton near Wakefield Yorkshire
Dear Sir In consequence of a Notice I rec[eiv]ed on Wednesday evening of a Meeting the day following of the Creditors of Walter Hall & Co resident in Newcastle (after having consulted with Mr Williamson) I attended the Meeting with Mr Heron when the inclosed statement was laid before the Meeting and a Committee was appointed to ex
Thomas Richd Beaumont Esqr Newcastle 25th Septr 1793
Dear Sir I wrote to you the 22d inst to which I refer you. I have by this days post Mr Skelton’s letter of the 23d inst after having consulted with Mr Williamson & Mr Heron I shall answer it and your directions shall be followed respecting the Rentals to be made out by the several Stewards. I have been applied to by Mr Fishwick (a partner with the Walkers) for the
Dr Sir
I have left my Claim with Mr Milburn who will arrive on Monday next to deliver it at Hexham. But if by any unforeseen accident he shod Not be there in time I must request the favor of you to get another prepared for me by some one as may <Agree> to prevent my losing the benefit of my Common I am Dr Sir
Your very obligid hble Servt
<Elsmere> 26 Septr 93
Saturday –
Dear Skelton,
I received yours, I am happy in saying we think ourselves much better for this place, and shall leave this tomorrow, and be at home on Monday Evening – Enclosed are some letters from N: Castle, which you will please to answer immediately. There is one also from Bell, he seems to think Soulsby had no right to take his corn away, he should have seen about that, I saw the corn measured in the Sessions room upstairs but gave no orders abou
Mr Walton junr desires Mr Ruddock will be so obliging as take into consideration whether it may not be necessary to make some objections to certain Claims which have been made respecting the Hexhamshire and Allendale Division and whether it w[oul]d not be proper to have the Gentlemen whose names were set down as Persons fit to be a Committee to give their attendance on Monday; and indeed as many of the Proprietors as can make it convenient ought to give their attendance at the Meeting the 30th I
M Skelton Esqr Newcastle 29th Septr 1793
Birthwaite Hall near Wakefield Yorkshire
Dr Sir I am favoured with your letter of the 23d inst and observe the Contents. I wrote to Mr Beaumont the 22nd & 25 inst to which I refer you. I send you inclosed a Copy of the Account of the late John Hall in Answer to your query as to the Account _ Mr Heron will procure a Copy of the Will of the late Dr Hall. I
M Skelton Esqr Newcastle Octor 4th 1793
Birthwaite near Wakefield Yorkshire
Dr Sir I wrote to you the 29th Ulto to wch I refer you _ The enclosed will inform you what progress has been respecting the Affairs of Walter Hall & Co I<t> appeared at the Meeting that a Majority of the Creditors were of Opinion that a Statute of Bankruptcy was the most Advisable Measure for the settling this which is
Farnacres 4 Octr 1793
Dear Sir
I have rec[eive]d your letter & card of this day and agree with you that it will be right to date the Notices on the Days & <affixing> them on the Sessions Houses. The Estimate for making the Road need not be made by a Surveyor of the Road. The order says ‘there shall be annexed to the Petition an Estimate of the proposed Expence of the Undertaking, signed by the Person or Persons making the same’ and I think you – being the P
Mr Ruddock Farnacres 7th Oct[obe]r 1793
Dear Sir
I have rece[ive]d your letter of yesterday inclosing the Application to the owners of the Tithes in Hexhamshire which I shall send to Mr Caton this Morning. The Allendale Proprietors are certainly infatuated & I have some fears that several in Hexhamshire are no better.
I see with concern that there is great Prospect of Experience of Litigation relative to some of the Claims that have been made for the Hexh
I attended a meeting at Allendale town on friday which I supposed you had advertised. Not seeing you there, I inclose a paper containing the names of such people, as wish to commute the Corn tithe in the two Grieveships of Allendale town & Catton, belonging the perpetual Curacy of Allendale. Since both the Patron & Ordinary must be satisfied, as well as myself, I solely rest the proposal with you, to take the fate of such similar ones as may be offered to Mr Beaumont, on his own
London 8th. Octo 1793
We are this day favoured with your letter of the 5th. Inst. And in reply We can only express our earnest desire on every occasion to meet Mr Beaumont’s wishes; and we hope that in the present instance nothing will deprive us of that Satisfaction: We could not however in such times of difficulty in all money matters (more particularly that of calling in old Loans) speak positively to a period so distant, but in the mean time we shall have the pleasure to deci
M Skelton Esqr Newcastle 11th Octor 1793
Birthwaite Hall near Wakefield Yorkshire
Dear Sir Your favour of the 5th inst I duly received and observe the Contents; a part of your Letter would be Answd by mine of the 4th inst and after the Meeting of the Creditors of Walter Hall & Co tomorrow, you will hear from Mr Heron.
I have made offers to the several London Houses of 35000 p[iece]s of Lead at Â