Bretton Octbr 27th 96
I have yours enclosing the Bond, but from what Lord Strafford said to me he was not for paying the £264. – for he is at present in a disagreeable dilemma with the Duke of Leeds, respecting the Title of his Estate, his Grace claiming it as a Copyhold & his Lordship said he did not wish to pay the Money until that Matter was settled, but I understood him he would give me up the Rent of the Houses. He should I think in that case repay me all the Rent t
G S Van Heythuyson Esqr Newcastle 4th Novem 1796
John Street London
Sir Mr Blackett was favoured with your letter of the 29th Ulto & observe what you say respecting your Lead Mine etc. He is now at Harrogate & will be there for about three weeks; but as soon as he returns and has an opportunity of seeing Coll Beaumont’s Mine Agent, you may depend upon hearing from him on that business. I am for JEB
Welbeck Street Novr. 9th 96
Dr. Mrs. Beaumont,
I enclose you a copy of the Music of Tookes Song it was done in a hurry by a person not used to Music, it is six quavers in a bar you will observe these should be single & not <tied together>, the <ties> are marked out with a pen. It is a very fine song the tune goes excellently well with it, do let me have your opinion of it. My old friend Major Cartwright was at the dinner he came to town on purpose, the crowd was so gr
Novr: 12th 1796
Dr. Mrs. Beaumont,
I am sorry to find that Mr. Wests eyes are so bad, many thanks for the trouble you have. What a strange advertisement there was in the Morn[in]g Chronicle front page. Burke & Owen the Book<sellers>.
Tho’ you have read so much about the dinner on the 5th you may not have heard of the suppers that took place on that night – It was suggested by the Committee from the delegates of the Corresponding Societys that those who wi
Mr Westgarth Forster Newcastle 1st Decr 1796
I am not a little surprized that you have not paid the Ballance of your Account with Mr Beaumont, & likewise the Money that you have in your hands belonging to the Club at Allenheads According to your promise; I am directed by Mr Beaumont to acquaint you that unless you do it before the 25th Inst or give good security, for the amount, that measures will be tak
Newcastle Dec 1 1796
We enclose your Accounts.
The balance of the General Act. giving you Credit for bills not due till March is 4480..10..2 in your Favour. The balance of Cash is however 21,000 against you.
We are, with respect,
Sir your obed Ser
Surtees Burdon Co
Col Beaumont
Bretton Wakefield
Augustus Browne Esqr Newcastle 2d Decr 1796
Foster Lane London
Sir I have this day sent you by Jackson’s & Potts the London Carriers a Piece of fine Silver Containing Thirteen Hundred & Eighteen Ounces & a half which I desire that you will place to Account with Thos Rd Beaumont Esqr as usual at the Markett Price & advise me on your Receipt of it
Decr. 5th 1796 –
My dear Sir,
The Stock has been paid this Morning to Mr. Burdon, & I shall loose by the whole about thirteen hundred Pounds. I always understood that Lancasters were to pay the full amount, however it is better to loose a part than the whole sum. What has been done about the Money, I hope we shall be able to recover some of that. I called this Morning upon Mr. Wilson who has been concerned for us in the Affair of the Stack.s – he told me their Solicitor had
Thorpe Lee 9th Decr 1796
Dear Brother
I Rec'd the favor of yours, I was very sorry to find that you was hurried away from an agreable Set at Harrowgate, & just as you began to find that the waters agreed so well wth you, & you began to began to receive benefit from them. Mr & Mrs Ormsby are very good sort of People; she is a pleasant woman, & we lost exelent neighbours when they left us.
I am sorry my Bro. H does not take a greater liking to Newcastle; for
G S Van Heythuyson Esqr Newcastle 12th Decr 1796
John Street London
Sir Since I received your Letter respecting your Lead Mine at Bollihope, I have had some conversation with Coll Beaumont’s Mine Agent on your proposals, and am sorry to say I cannot agree with you for either _ In the first instance Coll Beaumont does not intend to have any concern in Partnership either in renting Engines or otherwise, and as I ca
Thomas R Beaumont Esqr Newcastle 21st Decr 1796
Portman Square
M.P. London
Dear Sir I am favoured with your Letter of the 16th Inst and observe that an amendment in the Cavalry Bill is about to take place; indeed an explanatory Act is highly necessary; I do not apprehend that it will in the least affect the Galloways that are employed in the Carriage of Ore, or Lead; but those persons who have only one for the
Thorpe Lee Decr 21st 1796
Dear Brother
We rec'd a letter from my Daughter this morning by wch we find that she wth her young folks set out from Tynemouth for this place last Sunday, & means to be here next Friday as the weather has not been bad for travellers, We hope & trust She will accomplish her journey according to he Intentions, & our wishes. She says in her letter that Capt Collingwood says that he expects to be att Portsmouth by Xmas, & that Mrs Collingwood
Mr Thos Emerson Junr Newcastle 22 Decemr 1796
Newhouse Weardale
Dr Sir The Qty of Rye sent to Weardale Mines since the 16th Novemr 1795 is 505 Bolls & of Barley 185 Bolls the Prices to be charged to the Workmen as below there is a difference in the Price of the Rye on Accot of the Reduction that took place in May last
I am etc J.S
Augustus Browne Esqr Newcastle 27th Decr 1796
Foster Lane London
Sir I have drawn a Bill on you payable to the Order of Surtees Burdon & Co at Twenty days dated the 26th Inst for £381-16-4 being for the piece of fine Silver I lately sent you & which I have no doubt you will duly honor _ I expected you would have allowed me 5s 10d per ounce, as Mr Walton the Agent for Greenwich Hospital, received that price of
Messrs Makepeace & Son Newcastle 31st Decr 1796
Serle Street London
Gentn I have this day sent you by Jacksons & Potts the London Carrrs a Pe fine Silver Containing Thirteen Hundred & Sixty Two Ounces which I desire that you will place to Account with Thos Rd Beaumont Esqr at the Markett Price & advise me on your Receipt of it
Jan 12th 97.
My dear Sir,
I have the pleasure of yours, and am happy to say Mrs. Beaumont and her little Family arrived here perfectly well on Thursday last. I think Mr. Newton calls for the Money very soon as in knowing well that tradesmen give longer credit that he allows us, and from Mr. Bell I find his Son is almost constantly at the Abbey, which we never understood would be necessary, and at this time you will know we have not any money in advance. I think betwixt ourselves, t
Mess Wheeldon Webster & Co Newcastle 13th Jany 1797
Gentn The Litharge which I sent you in July last was charged at a Money Price as you desired & we are much surprised that you have not sent a Bill for the amount being £38-15s according to your Invoice sent you _ You’ll therefore please (on Receipt of this) to send a Bill on London at a short date payable to J E Blackett Esqr or myself. I am etc
Jany. 14. 1797.
My dear Sir,
Enclosed I send you a Letter respecting a petition sent me from Coulthard & <Kid>, the petition I have directed also by this post. I will thank you to enquire into the particulars. Mr. Emerson seems still to be the bone of contention, and if what is stated is just, Mr. Emerson is highly culpable. I am happy to say Mrs. Beaumont and the Children are very well. She begs to unite in best respects to yourself & Mrs. Collingwood –
I am My d
Mess Gosling Newcastle 14th Jany 1797
Bankers London
Gentn Inclosed you will receive a Bill drawn by Surtees Burdon & Co on Glyn & Co at Forty days dated this day for £450 being half a Years Composition for the Tithe Ore of Weardale Lead Mines due the 11th Inst to the Revd Heny Hardinge from Thos Rd Beaumont Esqr. Please to advise me on your Receipt of the same I am etc J.
Thos Rd Beaumont Esqr Newcastle 15th Jany 1797
M.P. Portman square London
Dr Sir! I am favored with your Lre of the 12th and am glad to hear that Mrs Beaumont & her young family arrived safe and well in Town, I hope they may continue so. I observe by the letter of Mess Surtees, Burdon & Co (which you enclosed) that the Ballance of Cash against you is £21,000 which I am concerned to find, and in the present st
Thos Rd Beaumont Esqr Newcastle 17th Jany 1797
M.P. Portman square London
Dear Sir! I wrote to you the 15th inst to which I refer you; I am since favored with your letter of the 14th inst with the Memorial of Ralph Coulthard & John Kidd two of the Workmen who from my own knowledge have been the leaders in every disturbance amongst the Workmen of Weardale Mines, some of their alligations I know to be false, & I
Thos Rd Beaumont Esqr Newcastle 29th Jany 1797
M.P. Portman square London
Dr Sir!
I wrote to you the 15th Inst to which I refer you. On friday last I had a good deal of conversation with Mr Burdon on the business that you mentioned to me in your last letter; I satisfied him that I had not lost any opportunity of making a Sale of Lead, even at a reduced price, but that in the present situation of the trade I d
Jan – 30th – 97.
My dear Sir,
Mrs. Beaumont & myself left Town on Thursday last on a visit to Lord & Lady Dudley for a Week, it is a most charming situation and the House very large and the Grounds very neatly laid out. I had the Favor of Yours wherein you mention you was to see Mr. John Surtees respecting the Letter you had received from Mr. Búrdon, I hope they will be able to assist us at the pays otherwise we shall be in very great distress, & I would not upon a
Mr J Bell Hexham Abbey Newcastle 30th Jany 1797
Dear Sir I wrote to Mr Beaumont respecting the building going forward at Hexham Abbey & what you mentioned on that business; I likewise had some discourse with Mr Newton, & it was intended that Mr Johnson should come over here to meet me & Mr Newton & I had wrote to him to that purpose but Mr Newton having a severe return of his disorder prevented me sending my letter; Mr Newton still being very weak & in a very pre
Mr Jos Dickinson Newcastle 31st Jany 1797
Dear Sir! The quantity of Rye etc sent to Coalcleugh Mines in the Year 1796 you have as under with the Prices Mr Blackett fixed to be charged for the same. I am etc J.S
155 Bolls Rye @ 15/- Free of Carriage
120 Do @ 8/- Do
85 Bolls Barley @ 9/- Do
NB The first of the Rye at the Reduced Price, was sent on the 18th May la