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Letter – Joshua Straker to Augustus Browne – 12 Oct 1793

Augustus Browne Esqr Newcastle 12th Octor 1793 Foster Lane London Sir I am desired by Mr Blackett to inform you that he has drawn a Bill on you payable to the Order of Messrs Surtees Bowden & Co at 30 days dated the 10th Instant for £300 on Account of Thomas R Beaumont Esqr which he has no doubt you will duly honor I am for JEB Esqr Yours etc J.S

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Mark Skelton – 15 Oct 1793

M Skelton Esqr Newcastle 15th Octor 1793 Birthwaite Hall near Wakefield Yorkshire Dear Sir I wrote to you the 10th inst since which there has been two Meetings of the Creditors of Walter Hall & Co who have at length come to a Resolution of taking out a Statue of Bankruptcy & Thos Robinson of this Place who is Creditor to a considerable Amount makes the Application; the Debt due to Mr Beaumont i

Letter – John Bell to John Erasmus Blackett – 20 Oct 1793

Sir Hexham Abbey 20th October 1793 I send you inclosed two Papers the one for Hexhamshire and the other for Allendale signed by several of the Proprietors of those different Districts for commuting their Tithes by giving Land for them - For the power under which this is to be done and the Regulations respecting the Allotments to be made in Lieu of Tithes see the 20, 21, 22 and 23 pages of the Act for the Divisi

Letter – Ransom Morland & Hammersley to Thomas Richard Beaumont – 24 Oct 1793

London 24th Octor 1793 Sir Mr. Skelton communicated to us your intention of withholding for a Season your Lead Sales, in order to relieve the market. And that in Consequence, it would be necessary you had the Certainty of about £60,000 to Complete the payments of next Spring, in case it should still continue advisable to defer your Sales. We promised that Gentleman to give the subject a very serious Consideration, and we were not without great hopes of being able to meet your wi

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Augustus Browne – 31 Oct 1793

Augustus Browne Esqr Newcastle 31st Octor 1793 Foster Lane London Sir On Monday last I sent you by Jacksons & Jennings the London Carriers a piece fine Silver containing 1367 Ounces, and this day I have sent you another piece containing 1782 Ounces, which I desire you will place to Account with Thomas R Beaumont Esqr as usual at the Markett Price & advise me on your Receipt of it

Letter – John Bell to William Bates – 1 Nov 1793

Draft of the claim of Thomas Richd Beaumont and Diana his wife for their estate in Allendale 1 A Tenement called Lightshields in West Allendale consisting of One Dwelling house and Byer under the same and Four Closes in Meadow and Pasture in the Possion of Thomas Walton 2 Also one other Dwelling house there and a Byer under the same and two Closes of Meadow Ground in the Possion of Edward Nixon 3 A Tenement called Wolfcleugh in West Allendale consisting of a Dwelling house and a Byer and S

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Thomas Richard Beaumont – 3 Nov 1793

Thos Richard Beaumont Esqr Newcastle 3d Nov 1793 Bretton near Wakefield Yorkshire Dear Sir I had the favour of your Letter enclosing the Power of Attorney etc. It is well that Mr Straker is joined with me in the Power as I shall have had a difficulty in attending the Commission having met with an accident at Sir J Clavering’s about Ten days ago by falling with my leg against the Edge of the Stone Steps, Mr Ingham has con

Letter – Richard Clark to Mark Skelton – 4 Nov 1793

Sir/ I have made a Valuation of Mr Beaumonts Estate at Wibsey & have Calculated the Buildings as you’ll see by the Acct. at 20 Years purchased & the Land from 20 to 33 Years purchase, but on Acct. of the Coal being Sold off it will very much Injure the Estate in selling as its an Object to no person but the Lords of the Manor & that they will be well aware of otherwise its a very great [word obscured] to them but I cannot see a Chance of any purchase likely to [word obscure

Letter – John Hardy to Mark Skelton – 10 Nov 1793

Bradford Nov 10 1793 Dear Sir On behalf of my partners & myself I thank you for the Offer of treating with us for the Sale of Mr. Beaumont’s Estate at Wibsey. Upon this Business we shall be very happy to meet you any day & at such place as you shall appoint, only we must entreat you to favour me with the Contracts of each Tenants farm, which will be immediately looked over so as to meet you at the time appointed. Perhaps asking you to allow us until Monday the 18th Inst will

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Bell – 10 Nov 1793

Golden Lion 10 Novemr 1793 Dear Sir I got here about three Quarters of an Hour ago and am come on purpose to examine into the Claims wch have been made in consequence of obtaining the Act for Dividing Allotting and Inclosing Hexhamshire and Allendale Common along with any others who might think proper to join in that examination. This matter was hinted by me to Mr Ruddock soon after the second mee

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Messrs Gosling – 13 Nov 1793

Messrs Gosling Newcastle 13th Nov 1793 Bankers London Gentlemn Inclosed you will recieve a Bill drawn by Messrs Surtees Burdon & Co on Messrs Glyn Mills and Mitton at 30 days dated this day for £225, being one Quarters Composition for the Tythe Ore of Weardale Lead Mines due 11th Octor last to The Revd Heny Hardinge from Thos Richd Beaumont Esqr Please to Advise me on your Receipt of th

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Mark Skelton – 19 Nov 1793

M Skelton Esqr Newcastle 19th Novr 1793 Birthwaite Hall near Wakefield Yorkshire Dear Sir I have your favour of the 17th inst and observe the Contents _ I have not yet rec[eiv]ed from the Lead Stewards the Rental of the several Estates under their Management that you were desirous of having; nor have I got their Calculation of the Amount of the next pays for the several Lead Mines and Mills, it must be

Letter – John Bell to William Bates – 1 Dec 1793

To Mr William Bates Mr John Fryer and Mr Thomas Bates Commissioners named and appointed in and by an Act of Parliament made and passed in the 32nd Year of the Reign of his present Majesty King George th 3rd intitled ‘An Act for Dividing and inclosing certain Parts of the Commons Moors or Tracts of Waste Land called Hexhamshire and Allendale Common and also certain Townfields within the Regality or Manor of Hexham in the County of Northumberland and for Stinting the Depasturing of the other Par

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Augustus Browne – 7 Dec 1793

Auguss Browne Esqr Newcastle 7th Decemr 1793 Foster Lane London Sir I have this day drawn a Bill on you payable to the Order of Messrs Surtees Burden & Co at 30 days dated this day for £897-6-9 being the Balance of your Account with Thos R Beaumont Esqr & which I doubt not you will duly honor _ In the course of this Month I shall send you a piece fine Silver & am etc JEB

Letter – John Hardy to Mark Skelton – 9 Dec 1793

Bradford Dec 9 1793 Dr. Sir/ I have just now seen Mr. Sharp and he has promised me to go upon the Valuation of Wibsey as soon as he can but his present Engagements will take him a fortnight, in the mean time as he understands his Value is to be compared with Mr Clark’s he wishes he may be favoured with a field Book otherwise he must be obliged to make a kind of <> Notice which will not do to compare with Mr Clarks; if you will favour me with the Book I will take care to

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Thomas Richard Beaumont – 12 Dec 1793

Thos Richd Beaumont Esqr Newcastle 12th Decr 1793 Bretton Hall near Wakefield Yorkshire Dear Sir I am favoured with your Letter of the 9th inst and shall agreeable to your directions subscribe for you £200 towards the intended Road from Burtreeford to Fadstone West of Alstone which Sum with your former Subscription of £100 to the Road from hence to Burtreeford will compleat your original Subscription towards that Road

Letter – John Bell to John Erasmus Blackett – 13 Dec 1793

Sir Hexham Abbey 13th Decemr 1793 I got home on Wednesday and in my way through Newcastle had a Conference with Mr Williamson and Mr Heron respecting Westburnhope and upon considering that the antient Inclosures as so called contain only about 97 Acres and cost £140 in the last Century - that the Estate in the purchase Deeds is described to be a Messuage Tenement or Farmhold and Sheep-Walk and also taking into

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Lancaster Bax & Elill – 16 Dec 1793

Messrs Lancaster Bax & Ellill Newcastle 16th Decemr 1793 Merch[ant]s London Gentn I am favoured with your letter of the 13th Inst & observe that the Assignees of Walter Hall & Co have drawn a Bill on you for £277-2 the Amount of the 50 Casks Litharge purchased by them for your house with their Charges thereon. As the Debt has been proved & Admitted by the Commiss[ioner]s it must be submitted to. notwiths

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Bell – 16 Dec 1793

Farnacres 16 Decemr 1793 Dear Sir I have the satisfaction to acquaint you that I am fully empowered to act for the Commissioners and Govrs of Greenwich Hospital respecting the Claims on the Hexhamshire and Allendale Common. I shall be happy to hear you are under similar circumstances. I am also authorised to Subscribe £300 towards the Road from Burtry Ford to Alston and from thence to Burnstones

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Thomas Richard Beaumont – 17 Dec 1793

Thos R Beaumont Esqr Newcastle 17th Decem 93 Bretton near Wakefield Yorkshire Dr Sir I had the favour of your letter & before this time you will have Rec[eiv]ed a letter from Mr Heron with the best information that he can give you respecting the Affairs of the Halls. Mr Straker went to Hexham yesterday to meet your Lead Agents with Subsistence for the Workmen which with some Payments for Wood Amounted to £2910, The

Letter – James Lee to John Erasmus Blackett – 17 Dec 1793

London 17th Dec. 1793 Dear Sir I take the liberty of addressing myself to you as one of the Trustees under the Will of Sir Thomas Blackett upon a subject most interesting to myself and Miss Wentworth As you may most probably have heard of our mutual attachment, I flatter myself you will be neither surprized nor displeased by our application for your consent to our union which by the Will you know is necessary. That my pretensions in point of fortune are not adequate, I must admit

Letter – John Skelton to John Bell – 18 Dec 1793

Bretton Decr 18 1793 Sir By the Coach you’l rece the two Deeds of <R..> of the Westburnhope Tit[le] - Mr Beaumont is gone from Home I am Sir Yr very Ob Sert Jno Skelton No 2 Decr 2d 1687 - <Release> Sr John Fenwicke or the one part to Edwd Burdett of Grays Inn in the County of Midx on the other part of All that Messuage Farne Tenement or <Sheepewalk> called Westburnhope and all Tythes &c

Letter – Joshua Straker to Lancaster Bax & Elill – 18 Dec 1793

Messrs Lancaster Bax & Ellill Newcastle 18 Decemr 1793 Merch[ant]s London Gentn Mr Blackett wrote to you on the 16th Inst in Answer to yours of the 13th Inst & is this day favoured with another letter from you with a Copy of one from Mr Frederick Hall _ Mr B being indisposed desires me to inform you that he has only to refer you to his last letter & begs that you will do nothing in this business until you hear furthe

Letter – Nicholas Ruddock to John Bell – 20 Dec 1793

Mr Ruddock returns Compliments to Mr Bell with Thanks for his pleasing Information & kind Congratulations for which Mr R is sure All the proprietors will think themselves obliged to Mr Bell. They will feel themselves now as a House not divided agin its self. Mr R submits the inclosed to Mr Bells Correction - is much divided in his Opinion whether it shod state the Withdrawing of the Claim or the Objection first - but thinks it not very material - The Withdrawing the Claim first is more

Letter – John Bell to Nicholas Walton – 22 Dec 1793

Hexham Abbey 22nd Decem 1793 Sir When at Bretton I received Instructions how to act under certain Circumstances and according to the Exigencies of Cases of the different Nature of the respective Claims. It is most extraordinary there has not one person since the Advertisment of the 3rd Meeting applied to inspect or examine a Claim I am very glad to hear the Road from Burtry Ford to Alston and from thence
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467