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Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Thomas Richard Beaumont – 22 Dec 1793

Thos Richd Beaumont Esqr Newcastle 22d Decr 1793 Bretton near Wakefield Yorkshire Dr Sir Inclosed I send you Copies of Letters from Messrs Lancaster & Co & my Ans[wer]s thereto as well as Mr Heron’s Lre [Letter] to you on the Subject I could wish to advise you for the best in this unfortunate business but I am really at a loss what to say as to the matter of Law; Equity certainly is in your favor. What Mr Willia

Letter – John Fryer to John Bell – 23 Dec 1793

Newcastle 23rd Decemr 1793 Sir On the other side I send you an account of the Incroachments which have been noticed in that part of Allendale which I have Surveyed. I am not enabled to give you an account of those in the Shire, having never seen them, but at the times of the Boundary riding. I am Sorry you should think the notice too short. I called upon Messrs Bates the 1st day of decr and we then fixed the Meeting to be on t

advertisement – Nicholas Walton – 25 Dec 1793

LEAD STOLEN FOUR PIGS of Lead marked G H _ L the property of the Commissioners and Governors of the Royal Hospital for Seamen, at Greenwich, in the County of Kent, having between the Evening of the 23rd, and Morning of the 24th Instant, been stolen from the Hospital’s Lead Yard or Wharf, at Skinner Burn, - Notice is hereby given, that any Person or Persons making Information to Messrs Peters, Attornies, in Newcastle, of the Offender or Offenders, so as he, she, or they may be convicted o

Legal Opinion – Robert Hopper Williamson to John Bell – 28 Dec 1793

Case Sir John Fenwick of Wallington in the County of Northumberland by Inde[nture]s of Lease and Release bearing Date the 1st and 2nd Days of December in the 3rd Year of King James the 2nd and in the Year of our Lord 1687 in Consid[eratio]n of £140 conveyed to Edward Burdett of Grays Inn in the County of Middlesex Esqr All that Messuage Farm Tenement or Sheepwalk with the appurt[enance]s called or known by the Name of Westburnhope and all Lands Tenements and Heridit[ament]s thereunto

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Thomas Richard Beaumont – 29 Dec 1793

Thos Richd Beaumont Esqr Newcastle 29th Decr 1793 Bretton near Wakefield Yorkshire Dr Sir In Ans[we]r to your last Letter I send you annex’d a Calculation of the Amount of the late Sales of Lead as near as I can form a Judgement. I wish it was in my power to make a larger Sale; but at present we have not any demand. Mr Heron received Mr Skeltons letter and I had some difficulty in prevailing on him to draw

Letter – John Bell to William Bates – 30 Dec 1793

To William Bates of Clarewood in the County of Northumberland Gentleman John Fryer of the Town and County of Newcastle upon Tyne Gentlemen and Thomas Bates of Halton in the said County of Northumberland Gentleman Commissioners named and appointed in and by an Act of Parliament made and passed in the thirtysecond Year of the Reign of his present Majesty King George the third intitled ‘An Act for dividing and inclosing certain Parts of the Commons Moors or Tracts of Waste Land called Hexhamshire

Letter – Anthony Watts to Mark Skelton – 1 Jan 1794

Hatton Garden 1st. January 1794 Dear Sir/ Beaumont vs. Bosville I am sorry that I could not Answer yours sooner but the delay has been occasioned by the holidays and Mr. Barkers non attendance during them. I have now this day procured his Sentiments hereon and find the Exemplification must be sent back and Resealed and have the great Seal put to it de novo. The mistake of the <Test> is certainly a great one and Mr. Barker takes shame to himself that it was returned out

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Augustus Browne – 2 Jan 1794

Augustus Browne Esqr Newcastle 2d January 1794 Foster Lane London Sir I have this day sent you by Jackson & Jennings the London Carriers a Piece fine Silver containing 1703 Oz, wch I desire you will place to Accot with Thos R Beaumont Esqr as usual at the Markett Price & advise me on yo[u]r Reciept of it I am etc J.E.B

Letter – John Bell to Mark Skelton – 3 Jan 1794

Sir Hexham Abbey 3rd Janury 1794 On the other Half Sheet you have a Copy of Mr & Mrs Beaumont’s Claim for Westburnhope with a Copy of the Objection thereto the persisting in the Claim desiring the same may be refused to the Arbitrators and the Objectors refusing to refer the Claim to the Arbitrators and desiring the same to be tried at law subjoined When at Bretton I told why I made the Claim

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Nicholas Ruddock – 6 Jan 1794

Mr Ruddock Farnacres 6 Janry 1794 Dear Sir, As most of the Claims which were objected to at the Hexhamshire and Allendale third Meeting have been persisted in, if not the whole, it sh[oul]d be considered what ought to be done and as you will I presume be at the Sessions at Newcastle I desire you will be so good as make Farnacres your sleeping place before you go to Newcastle. I think Mr Heron sh[oul]d be told what has been done as to retaining Council. I am

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Thomas Richard Beaumont – 6 Jan 1794

Thos R Beaumont Esqr Newcastle 6th Jany 1794 Bretton near Wakefield Yorkshire Dear Sir I am favour’d with your letters of the 2 and 3 Inst. No part of the Money due from the Hall’s is included in the Ballance amounting to £11000. Wilson promises me to proceed in the Business respecting the Halls and when he has obtained an Opinion that a Copy shall be sent to you. I a

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Nicholas Ruddock – 8 Jan 1794

Mr Ruddock Farnacres 8 Janu[ar]y 1794 Dear Sir I am very glad you have intimated to Mr Heron the having retained Council. It was early enough. Mr Heron cannot be seriously offended by our doing what we thought the best thing that co[ul]d be done and in which I am satisfied we did what was proper. He will I suppose of course have the conduct of such of the Suits as do not relate to the Lord & Lady of the Manors Claim as to Westburnhope. That however sh[oul]d be well consid

Letter – Ralph Heron to John Bell – 10 Jan 1794

Dear Sir It will be necessary to take some immediate Steps as to the Westburnhope Claim - for which purpose please to send me Copies of the Claim Objections and persisting that I may advise Mr Williams. I think we may compel the Objectors to go before the Arbitrators - look at the Clause and give me your Sentimts - the Claim is not barred by the pl[ain]t[iff] refusing to bring an Action unless he shall still refuse to consent to refer to the Arbrs Mr Ruddock informs me that he retained Mr L

Letter – Joseph Carr to John Bell – 15 Jan 1794

Sir At the request of Mr Forster, I am desired to inform you, why Joseph Watson my late assistant was dismissed. It was solely for inattention. One reason chiefly for such conduct was the anxiety he felt, for losing his place when I came here, as he then was sole master, being made to believe, that I wanted his place. My mortification at getting is, was equal to his losing it. I wish you could get the remaining arrear of Rent from Kirsopp which is £1.4s.- I suppose it may be recovere

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Thomas Richard Beaumont – 18 Jan 1794

Thos R Beaumont Esqr Newcastle 18th Jany 1794 Messrs Ransom & Co Bankers London Dr Sir I hope that this may find Mrs Beaumont yourself and Young Man perfectly well after your Journey to Town. Mr C Blackett made application to me a few days since for 5000 pieces of Lead and at the same Time shewed the Lre [Letter] that he had from Mr Freeman (a Copy of wch I enclose you) You may believe me it was with reluctan

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Messrs Gosling – 21 Jan 1794

Messrs Gosling Newcastle 21st Jany 1794 Bankers London Gentlemn Inclosed you will recieve a Bill drawn by Surtees Burdon & Co on Glyn, Mills and Mitton for £225- - at 40 days dated this day: being One Quarters Composition for the Tithe Ore of Weardale Lead Mines due the 11th inst to The Revd Mr Hardinge from Thos R Beaumont Esqr. Please to advise me on your Reciept of the Bill and acqua

Letter – Thomas Richard Beaumont to Mark Skelton – 21 Jan 1794

No. 4 – Portman Square Jany. 21st 94. Dear Skelton, I can with pleasure say we arrived all perfectly safe & well on Sunday Evening & our dear Boy performed his Journey very well. We like our house very well only the furniture is very antique w[hi]ch does not altogether suit our Modern Ideas but in a little time we shall get accustomed to it – I have seen Mr. Bosville every day here, and this Morning I spoke to him he says he will endeavour by May to let us have

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Ibbetson – 22 Jan 1794

John Ibbetson Esqr Farnacres 22d January 1794 Sir On the 30th & 31 Ult. I attended the third Meeting of the Commissioners appointed to Divide Hexhamshire and Allendale Common and was accompanied by Mr Willm Peters Junr. After having considered the Claims affecting the Boundaries we proceeded, with the assistance of Mr Peters Mr Heron of Newcastle and Mr Ruddock of Hexham, in settling the form of objection, which having got finished on the 30th as many of the those forms as a

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Thomas Richard Beaumont – 27 Jan 1794

Thos R Beaumont Esqr Newcastle 27th Jany 1794 No 4 Portman Square London Dr Sir I wrote to you the 18th Inst directed to your Bankers not then knowing your direction; I have since been favoured with your letter of the 23d Inst & am glad to hear you got safe & well to Town; I postponed Answering your letter in hopes of having some conversation with Mr Heron on the business, tomorrow we are to have a Meeting for tha

Letter – Thomas Richard Beaumont to Mark Skelton – 1 Feb 1794

Feby. 1st 94 – Dear Skelton, Enclosed I send you a letter from the Bankers, I have seen them this Morning, & they are engaged in the present Loan – I told them we shall want some pretty large sums this Month, & to hold themselves in readiness, I asked them if they could advance us any money, they said it was a bad time at the time they were engaged in the Loan, but desired I would let them know as soon as possible what we should want. I have made an Offer to Government t

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to P Denys – 6 Feb 1794

P. Denys Esqr Newcastle 6th Feby 1794 Dear Sir I am favoured with your Lre [Letter] of the 13th inst and observe the Contents; I think that you have misunderstood me as to my writing to you in Town; I wrote to Mr Beaumont and acquainted him with the Conversation which I had with you respecting the Lead Trade, and I imagined that you would call on him and acquaint him with your sentiments on the Subject; I have

Letter – Ralph Heron to John Bell – 6 Feb 1794

Dr Sir the 30th of Decr was the time of the Persisting etc and the two Months creep away - unless the Objectors to Mr & Mrs Beaumonts Claim withdraw the Objection I must commence the Action within the two Months - Joseph Watsons Name stands first and I think of making him Df[endan]t perhaps it woud be Right to commence the Action at all Events - and for me ‘amicably to name an Atty for the Df[endan]t and there let the Matter rest but this I only mean as a Measure to prevent any Lapse on

Letter – Nicholas Walton – 8 Feb 1794

My Lord Farnacres 8th February 1794 An application being intended to be made to Parliament this Session for the obtaining of an Act for making a Turnpike Road from Burtry Ford in the County of Durham to Alston in the County of Cumberland and from Alston by the Dyke to Burnstones in the County of Northumberland I beg leave to name this to your Lordship tho’ I have no doubt you will recollect that Notice of the proposed application was given at the Sessions holden at Penrith in

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Ibbetson – 14 Feb 1794

John Ibbetson Esqr Farnacres 14th February 1794 Sir On the 27 November last a list of the several Claims affecting the Boundaries of the Hexhamshire and Allendale Common was sent you, and on the 22d Ult we informed you that Objections had been made to several of those Claims amounting to 6917 Acres. When at Hexham on the 4th Inst some very agreeable intimations were given respecting the Claims above referred to and it is with great satisfaction that the Board can now be acquainted

letter – Isaac Hunter to Jonathan Sparke – 15 Feb 1794

Dukesfield 15th Feb'y 1794 Sir I am not a little surprized to find that you shoud remove any of the Wastes thats under bargain & more so to have them put into the Race that they may go the Bargain of a higher price I have Ordered Hutchinson's Son's to remove them back again to the place they were when I let the bargains at your mill & you may acquaint Robson that he shall not have any thing more to do with the old black Slags after he has got the metal sme
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467