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Letter – Thomas Richard Beaumont to Mark Skelton – 27 Jul 1795

Monday – Dear Skelton, I have the pleasure to say I have got all the Duke of N[orthumberlan]ds. Interest, all the Grey’s, & the Blackett’s and all the rest of that party I am sure of, that I think there is little doubt of any opposition nobody has as yet started. I shall see Mr. Pitt this morning & propose being with you on Thursday Evening or Friday Morning I shall not be able to stay therefore you must be prepared for me. I will bring some <chicks> with me. I a

Letter – Diana Beaumont to John Erasmus Blackett – 5 Aug 1795

John E Blackett Esq Charlotte Square Newcastle upon Tyne Tynemouth Tuesday Dear Sir I have been prevented by Indisposition calling on you at Newcastle; a Letter on Sunday from Col: Beaumont said every thing went on well, I expect more particulars by to Days Post & will let you know the results – I will be obliged to you to send by My Servant forty Guineas; - I expect Mrs Willm Lee on Friday – My youngest Boy is better than he has been – I am Dear Sir Your Sincere Hbl

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Ibbetson – 8 Aug 1795

Jn Ibbetson Esqr Farnacres 8 August 1795 Sir On the 24th November 1793 we sent you an Accot of the several Claims which Affected the Boundaries of the Hexhamshire & Allendale Common amounting in the whole. to A[cres] 7194 R[od] 3 P[oles]31 and on the 22d January following Mr Walton acquainted you with the proceedings of the 3d Meeting for the Division of the above Common which was held at Hexham the 30 & 31 of December. To our Letters of the two first abovement Dates we beg

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Mark Skelton – 9 Aug 1795

M Skelton Esqr NewCastle 9th Augt 1795 Birthwaite Hall near Wakefield Dear Sir The hurry of our Assize week & some disturbance at present amongst the Keelmen prevented me replying sooner to your favour of the 31st Ulto. The Accounts sent you would I think explain pretty near what was due to Coll Beaumont as Executor, the other Accounts you desire shall be sent to you & as soon as I can

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Isaac Hunter – 9 Aug 1795

Mr Isaac Hunter Dukesfield NewCastle 9th Augt 1795 Sir The Hurry of our Assize week prevented me answering your letter sooner; I must say that I am not a little surprized at the contents of it, & did not expect to have had such a letter from Mrs Hunter. I did not charge you with being Greatly Neglectfull in getting the Lead sent down to Markett, but I do Aver that there has been a neglect, & a great one in the Carriers, & that Pringle who you assert has been s

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Richard Master – 26 Aug 1795

Richd Master Esqr & Co NewCastle 26th Aug: 1795 Bankers London Gentn Inclosed you’ll receive a Bill drawn by Messrs Surtees Burdon & Co on Messrs Glyn & Co for Two Hundred & thirty One pounds Five Shillings being a Quarters Composition for the Lot Ore of Weardale Lead mines due this day to the Lord B[isho]p of Durham from Thos Rd Beaumont Esqr. Please to advise me on your receipt of the same

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Ibbetson – 3 Sep 1795

John Ibbetson Esqr Farnarces 3rd Septemr 1795 Sir By the Post of Thursday last, we reced from Mr Dyer, a Letter which had been sent to you by Edwd Coats relative to the taking of Hay from the Woodlands of Greenwich Hospital. It is certainly a fact, that, since the Stealing of young Trees in the Hospitals Woods has taken place, the Grass in all parts where it was likely to hurt the young Plants, has, by our Direction, been permitted to be cut with Sickles, by Persons whom, it could b

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Isaac Hunter – 14 Sep 1795

Mr Hunter Dukesfield Newcastle 14th Septr 1795 Sir I rec[eive]d your Letters of the 27th Ulto & 9th Inst & observe the Contents. I was mistaken as to a Monthly Account being sent from Rookhope Mill it was an Account at the end of the Year which you must be sensible will be very proper; You will observe by my letter to you that I took notice of the great quantity of the 8 Stone Lead that remained on the Road & desired that for the future some part of that Ore

Letter – Thomas Richard Beaumont to John Erasmus Blackett – 18 Sep 1795

Bretton Sepr. 18th 1795 My dear Sir, I hope this fine weather has enabled you to get more lead down for the Market, and that it is raised in price, the call of the Houses for the parliament meeting to be very soon as appears from the papers will I should imagine give us peace & raise the price of Lead. I did not write to Mr. <Trevylian> respecting you & Mr. Heron & Kit Blacketts consulting together about the necessary steps to be taken previous to the general electi

Letter – Diana Beaumont to John Erasmus Blackett – 19 Sep 1795

Bretton Sept 19th 1795 Dear Sir I was favor’d with your Letter last Night & Col: Beaumont & myself are glad to find you are in hopes of raising the price of Lead to 17 – 10 – 0 pr Fodr & that you are endeavouring to get a quantity down to Blaydon before the Roads break up; Mr Bill & Mr Straker will have an unpleasant task in settling the Accounts &c of Mr Forster; I hope Allanheads will be better conducted when it is under the control of Mr Crawhall; C

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Augustus Browne – 22 Sep 1795

Augustus Browne Esqr Newcastle Sept 22d 1795 Foster Lane London Sir I have this day sent you by Jackson & Potts the London Carriers a Piece of fine Silver Containing Thirteen Hundred & Ninety three Ounces & a half which I desire that you will place to Account with Thos Rd Beaumont Esqr as usual at the Markett Price & Advise me on your receipt of it

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Thomas Richard Beaumont – 24 Sep 1795

Lieut Coll Beaumont M.P. Newcastle Sep: 24th 1795 Bretton Wakefield Yorkshire Dear Sir Mr Straker is returned from Allenheads after having with Mr Bell gone thro’ the Mine Accounts of Mr Forster, as well as those of his Rental, but as the Vouchers for which he has not yet produced, tho’ I have frequently required them of him; he has left the House & Mr Crawhall enters on it immediately; Inclosed is an Inventory of the Furniture left belonging to Mr Beaumon

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Thomas Richard Beaumont – 24 Sep 1795

Col Beaumont NewCastle Septr 24th 1795 Bretton Wakefield Yorkshire Dear Sir I have the favour of your letter of the 18th Inst & am in hopes that before this reach you that the destination of your Regiment has been altered for Ireland instead of the West Indies. I observe that neither you or Mrs Beaumont have requested Mr W Trevelyan to act as one of a Committee for the Management & Conducting of the

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Richard Fishwick – 29 Sep 1795

Mr Fishwick Newcastle 29th Sep 1795 Sir I received your favour & observe what you say as to the quantity of Lead that we can supply for your Works exclusive of the sale for the four London Houses; in a Week or ten days I shall be able to judge what quantity of Lead I shall have it in my power to make an offer of to the latter, it will not exceed 20,000 p[iece]s of which three parts will be Com[m]on &am

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Isaac Hunter – 29 Sep 1795

Mr Isaac Hunter Dukesfield Newcastle 29th Septemr 1795 Sir I received your two letters & am obliged to you for the Calculation of the Lead that is likely to be made at the several Mills which will enable me to form a judgement of the quantity that I may have in my power to sell to the London Houses; I observe the exertions which you have used to get the Lead down to Markett before the Roads break up, which I hope may succeed, & should the Winter prove favourable

Letter – Joshua Straker to Mark Skelton – 29 Sep 1795

M Skelton Esqr Newcastle 29th Septemr 1795 Birthwait Wakefield Yorkshire Sir Mr Blackett was favoured with your letter of the 19th Inst & according to your desire have sent you the Banker’s Accounts, likewise Copies of all the Lead Mines & Mills Accots Rentals etc to the time of the last pays. I have sent them by the Leeds Dilligence directed for you to be left at the Stafford Arms Inn Wakef

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Isaac & John Wilkinson – 30 Sep 1795

Messrs Isaac & Jno Wilkinson Chesterfield Newcastle 30th Septr 1795 Gentlemen I am much obliged to you for your favour of the 5th Instt which I delayed answering in expectation of having it in my power of advising you of a Sale of Lead; I have not yet compleated it but in a few days I am in hopes that I shall succeed in obtaining £17-10s per Fo[dde]r for 25,000 p[iece]s; the London Houses are very eager to purchase & the quantities at this Markett

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Walker & Fishwick – 3 Oct 1795

Messrs Walkers Fishwick & Co Newcastle 3d Octr 1795 Gentlemen I now make you an offer of 5000 p[iece]s Lead, ¾ Com[m]on & ¼ Refined with the usual quantity of Slag Lead at £17-10s per Fo[dde]r to be paid for in Bills due at the end of Six Months from the time of Sale. Likewise 5000 p[iece]s for Messrs Walkers, Maltby & Co in the above proportions & terms, & 50 Casks of Litharge at £18 per Ton. Your Answer will O

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Christopher Blackett – 3 Oct 1795

3 October 1795 [Note: file note] Made Mr Chris Blackett an offer of 10,000 p[iece]s of Lead, in the same proportion & terms as the foregoing Letter to Messrs Walkers & Fishwick. Also made Mr Wm Hewitson an offer of 5,000 p[iece]s of Lead & 50 Casks Litharge in the above proportions & terms.

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Isaac Hunter – 3 Oct 1795

Mr Isaac Hunter Dukesfield Hexham Newcastle 3d Octr 1795 Sir I wrote to you the 29th Ulto & this Morning I have your favour of the 2d Inst enclosing the Mill Accots for July & Augt. In Septr 1794 I agreed with Messrs Jno Whinfield & Co for all the Old Castings at the several Mines & Mills (which by their Calculation might be from 140 to 160 Tons) at 47s 6d per Ton they being at the Expence of Carriage, it being the highest offer that was made for them;

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Diana Beaumont – 4 Oct 1795

Mrs Beaumont Newcastle 4th Octr 1795 Bretton Wakefield Yorkshire Dear Madam I wrote to you & Coll Beaumont the 24th Ulto as I have not been favoured with an Answer, I am in hopes that the Colonel does not go abroad. I have the pleasure to acquaint you that I have made a Sale of 25,000 p[iece]s of Lead & 150 Casks of Litharge to the several London Houses, & Messrs Walkers & Co

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Isaac Hunter – 5 Oct 1795

Mr Isaac Hunter Dukesfield Hexham Newcastle 5th Octr 1795 Sir Since I wrote to you I have made a Sale of 25,000 p[iece]s of Lead for the London Houses & Messrs Walkers & Co White Lead Works, three parts of which to be Com[m]on, One part Refined; as the time of payment depends on the Lead being got down to Markett, I have no doubt of your using every exertion to effect it. I am with Compliments to Mrs Hunter, Yourself & Sons

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Isaac Hunter – 10 Oct 1795

Mr Isaac Hunter Dukesfield Newcastle 10th Oct 1795 Dear Sir I am sorry to find that the Lead does not come so fast in as was expected; I have no doubt of your exertions on the occasion but as there are at present about 18,000 p[iece]s wanting to compleat the quantity sold I would recommend that the East Hand Carriage (who lead on the same terms as last year) may have an advance from this time of 3d or 6d per Fo[dde]r the latter I think would encourage them; Pringle likewi

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to William Emm – 12 Oct 1795

Mr Emm Esqr NCastle 12th Octr 1795 Castle Aukland Sir I have lately been Informed by Mr Beaumont’s Agents in Weardale that the Lessees under Lord Burford were working a Lead Mine in his Estate called Harehope Gill, which borders on the Royalty of the Lord Bishop of Durham, under Lease to Mr Beaumont, & that he apprehends they are working in the said Copyhold, that the Mine is very pr

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Westgarth Forster – 13 Oct 1795

Mr Westgarth Forster Junr Allenheads Newcastle 13th Octr 1795 I am directed by Mr Beaumont to acquaint you that Mr L Crawhall is told to provide a second Agent under him at Allenheads; that should you incline to accept of the 2d Agent’s place at Coalcleugh under Mr Dickinson you will be placed there, please to let me have your Answer that I may acquaint Mr Dickinson I am your H[um]ble Serv[an]t Mr Forster Junr
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467