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Letter – Richard Fishwick to John Erasmus Blackett – 21 Feb 1798

Newcastle Feby 21st 1798 Sir I could not with Propriety send you the Bills requested by your Favour of last Week until I heard from Mr Maltby as he was displeased with my having paid you a Month too soon for the 5000 Pieces Lead sold near that Length of Time after the purchase of 10,000 Pieces was made. I have a Letter from him this Day and he says the Months previous payment made you for the above must now be allowed and which being reasonable I hope you will accede to and in that Case

Letter – Thomas Richard Beaumont to John Erasmus Blackett – 23 Feb 1798

Portman Square My dear Sir I have the favor of yours this morning, and the Bishop of Durham called upon me to say he will write this Post to Mr Pearson, saying that he should wish you Mr Heron himself & Mr Moffat should have a meeting and consider what would be the proper steps to be taken & the claims to be made previous to a general one being called. I think that a number of people will claim the Right of Freehold without having any first claim, & when your consulting together

Letters – John Erasmus Blackett to Henry Wilson – 23 Feb 1798

Sir H Wilson Pomfret Yorkshire Newcastle 23d Feby 1798 Sir I send you enclosed Messss Surtees Burdon & Cos Bill on Barclays & Co for £160-11- being for six months Interest on the late Sir Thomas Blacketts Bond to the late W Wilson Esqr due 17th ins & likewise for one year’s Rent of the House in Westgate street due Mart[ima]s last deducting 9s/ for the Land Tax the receipt for which I enclose you; Your will be pleased to acknowledge the re

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Ibbetson – 23 Feb 1798

John Ibbetson Esqr Newcastle 23d Febry 1798 Sir In pursuance of an intimation from Mr Dyer an Agreement has been made with Mr John Dixonfor the Purchase of his Estate at Turfhouse, except two Acres of Common which it was known to us he had sold when we wrote to you upon the 30th Decemr last, and also except six Acres and twelve Perches of Common which he has sold since 30 December . The Purchase Money to be paid by the Hospital is £1000 so that Mr Dixon has abated £50 for the six A

Letter – Thomas Richard Beaumont to Shute Barrington – 24 Feb 1798

Portman Square Feby <1>4. 98 My Lord, I had the Honor of Your Lordships letter some time since respecting the Division & Enclosure in Weardale & immediately wrote down to my Agents about it. I have been confined to my House for some time by an Accident in hurting my leg, but as soon as I am able to stir out I will do my self the Honor of waiting upon Your Lordship. I have the Honor To be, My Lord Your Lordships most obt. & very humble Servant

Letter – Shute Barrington to Arthur Mowbray – 24 Feb 1798

Cav: Square Feb. 24th 1798 Mowbray I have this morning had a conversation with Col: Beaumont on the subject of the Weardale Inclosure, in consequence of a letter from him signifying that he had just heard from his Agents. I found him by no means indisposed towards the measure; but apprehensive that his rights might be injured unless there were strict clauses in the bill to secure them. He expressed a fear also lest many would enjoy freeholds under the bill, who at present claim

Letters – John Erasmus Blackett to John White – 2 Mar 1798

Mr John White Engine Maker Newcastle 2d March 1798 No 11 John Street Minories London Sir I received your letter of the 16th Ulto with Invoice of an Extractor amounting to £13-13- for which sum I herewith enclose you Surtees & Cos Bill on Barclay’s & Co dated 1st inst at ten days date. The Extractor is arrived & landed & should it answer the purpose I may have occasion for more, & probably of a larger size; I

Letters – John Erasmus Blackett to Thomas Richard Beaumont – 2 Mar 1798

Thomas Richard Beaumont Esqr Newcastle 2d March 1798 Portman square London Dear Sir I am favoured with your letter of the 24th Ulto & observe what you say respecting the intended Division in Weardale; I have no doubt that it will be injurious to your concerns in some degree, but it appears that the Bishop of Durham has not only given his Consent to its taking place, but that he has promoted the Measure as much as possible, he

Letter – Thomas Emerson to Joshua Straker – 6 Mar 1798

Newhouse Mar 6 1798 Dear Sir, I received your Letter relative to the intended Division of the <Stinted> Pastures & Fells in this Country. As to Wastelands, the Owners will not admit there is any. If Colonel Beaumont cannot prevent the said divisions from getting forward, proper clauses should be made in the act, such as liberty to make Water races, Hushes to discover veins, Sink Shafts, drive Levels, & wash work, with carry other privelidges for working the mines in t

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Ibbetson – 17 Mar 1798

John Ibbetson Esqr Newcastle 17th March 1798 Sir As it is confidently asserted that there is an intention on the part of Government to Sell the present Land Tax, at a certain number of Years purchase, to the Owners of Estates from whence the Tax arises, we take the liberty of inclosing you, for the Boards information, an Account shewing the present Rental of the Derwentwater Estates, the Land Tax now paid for the same, and how much that is for each Estate, and for the whole, and also

Letters – John Erasmus Blackett to Thomas Richard Beaumont – 18 Mar 1798

Colonel Beaumont Newcastle 18th March 1798 MP Portman square London Dr Sir I wrote to you the 2d ins to which I beg leave to refer you. On Monday last Mr Heron & myself had a meeting with Mr Pearson of Durham & Mr Mowbray the Bishop’s Agent respecting the application that is about to be made to Parliament for a Division of the Commons & Stinted Pastures in Weardale, when after having fully considered that

Letters – John Bell to John Erasmus Blackett – 20 Mar 1798

Sir                                   Hexham Abbey 20th. March 1798 A Report has been handed about here this last Week that you fixed the Pays some say for the last Week in April and others the 9th. 10th. and 11th. of May Be pleased if you have fixed the Pays to acquaint me with the Days because I want Mr Williamson to appoint a time for holding the Head-Counts which must be within 28 Days after Easter and I wish to then clear of the Pays for the

Letters – John Erasmus Blackett to Thomas Richard Beaumont – 23 Mar 1798

Colonel Beaumont Newcastle 23d March 1798 MP Portman square London Dear Sir I am favoured with your letter of the 19th inst & by the last Post Mr Wilson’s letter to Mrs Beaumont; I hope that it will be unnecessary for me to go thro’ a long detail to clear myself of the Aspersions this fellow has thought proper to load me with, I shall only say that his Charges against me I solemnly declare are false,

Letter – Arthur Mowbray to Shute Barrington – 7 Apr 1798

Sherburn 7 April 1798 My Lord, Herewith I send you an Acct. of the Constables of the County of Durham by Mr. Josh. Sanderson the County Treasurer, and who as Mr. Pearson’s Clerk has for him the Chief Management of the Office of Clerk of the Peace. I found Things here much the same as before I came to Town. Appeals against the New Taxes seem fashionable, I think from the highest to the lowest all go and obtain Relief; I should think the Minister never brought for

Letter – Thomas Richard Beaumont to John Erasmus Blackett – 10 Apr 1798

Portman Sq My dear Sir I have this day paid into the hands of Messrs Barkclay & Co £3368-5s-6d on account, to be placed to the Credit of Messrs Surtees and Burdon. I am very happy to find that every thing will be in readyness about the Pays. I greatly fear that in this juncture of Affairs that it will hurt the Lead Trade very much. I will be much obliged to you to say what you think will be expected of me to give as a voluntary subscription my assessed Taxes will come to near 2000£, i

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Ibbetson – 13 Apr 1798

John Ibbetson Esqr Newcastle 13th April 1798 Sir An application is now before Parliament and leave given to bring in a bill for dividing allotting and inclosing Tweedmouth and Spital Common in which Greenwich Hospital is somewhat interested the Commissioners and Governors having a Dwelling House Stable Yard Garden & Croft in respect of which there is a right of Common upon the said Tweedmouth & Spital Common. The amount of the Rental of the Estates having Right of Common

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Ibbetson – 14 Apr 1798

John Ibbetson Esqr Newcastle 14th April 1798 Sir Herewith you will receive our Cash Accot for last Month upon which there is a Balance of £2098.11. ¾ in favour of G Hospital and you are desired to acquaint the Directors that we have this Day sent a Bill to Mr Edwd Bates for £2000 * in part thereof. If you will look upon the Plan we sent shewing the situation of Mr Dixons Estate at Turf House as compared with that of the Hospitals Estate at the same Place you will observe that d

Letters – Henry Hardinge to John Erasmus Blackett – 18 Apr 1798

J E Blackett Esqr Newcastle upon Tyne Sir Having heard last Week with much pleasure that Coll Beaumont’s Miners were desirous to contribute for the defence of the Country, I waited upon Mr Emerson & requested that he would allow me to add a contribution from those of the Inhabitants of the Parish of Stanhope who were not employed in Coll Beaumonts Works, & who might be disposed to join in that very laudable purpose, with which request he was so obliging as to comply; I have acco

Letters – John Erasmus Blackett to Thomas Richard Beaumont – 30 Apr 1798

Coll Beaumont Newcastle 30th Apr 1798 MP Portman square London Dr Sir I wrote to you the 14th inst to which I refer you. the only sale that I have made since that time is 3000 Pieces of Lead to C.B. one half refined at £15 per For payable in Bills due in six months; I offered Mr Chris Blackett the like quantity at 7 months credit but he declined it; I wait for Mr Lancaster’s answer whether he wil

Letter – Thomas Richard Beaumont to John Erasmus Blackett – 1 May 1798

May 1st 1798 My dear Sir Enclosed is a letter I have from a Mr Fairly. It appears to me to be an affair which I should not answer without consulting you upon it. Mr Bell thinks it of consequence <for> he declines saying anything on the Subject. I shall be much obliged to you to enquire into the matter & to write to Mr Bell on the subject. I don't think this is the time for purchasing, unless it is a thing of very material importance, and what he has to sell from the nature of

Letter – Diana Beaumont to John Erasmus Blackett – 5 May 1798

Dear Sir, Col. Beaumont has shewn me your Letter & observes what you say respecting the Abbey, I expect we shall hear from Mr. Twedale tomorrow; when we were consulting at Hexham what place would be advisable for the Stables I recollect the Tithe Barn was then thought of & the objection was, hav[in]g the Stables so near the Town the Idle People w[oul]d always be in them & we already find inconvenience on that head & a Brew House we don't require at present for we shou

Letter – William Emm to John Erasmus Blackett – 11 May 1798

Dear Sir, Messrs. Drummonds having informed my Lord Bishop of Durham that Col. Beaumonts Agents had made no Remittances this Year on Account of the Lead Ores <Dues>; allow me to put you in mind of the nature of the Agreement by which the payments are to be made Quarterly and to request that you will order them to be punctually observed and all arrears paid as soon as possible. I am, with great respect, Dear Sir Your very obedt. Hble Servt. Willm. Emm Auckland C

Letters – John Erasmus Blackett to Messrs Drummond – 14 May 1798

Mess Drummond Bankers London Newcastle 14th May 1798 Gent Inclosed you will receive a Bill drawn by Surtees Burdon & Co on Barclays & Co at Thirty days dated this day for Four Hundred & Sixty Two Pounds Ten Shillings to pay half a Year’s Composition for the Lot Ore of Weardale Leadmines due the 26th Instant to My Lord Bishop of Durham from Coll Beaumont _ Please to advise me on your Receipt of the Bill &

Letters – John Erasmus Blackett to Browne & Brind – 22 May 1798

Mess Browne & Brind Newcastle 22d May 1798 Foster Lane London Gentn I have this day sent you by Jackson’s & Potts the London Carriers Two Pieces of fine Silver Containing Two Thousand Five Hundred & Sixty Six Ounces (as under) which I desire you will place to Account with T R Beaumont Esqr as usual at the Market Price & advise me on your receipt of them I am Gentn Yours etc J.E.B

Letter – Thomas Crawhall to Mark Skelton – 12 Jun 1798

Newcastle 12th. June 1798 Sir In Mr. Straker’s absence I write to you to inform you that the Box containing the papers you mention in your Lre arrived safe. Mr. Blackett has examined them but found most of them of no use at present, the Papers that he wanted were those that related to the Winlaton Estate &c. but is of opinion with you that they ought to be here & not at Bretton – Mr. Straker went to Rothbury the latter end of last Month; when we heard from him last we
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467