Rothbury 15th June 1798
I beg pardon for being so long in Writing to you, but I deferred it hoping to give you a favourable account of my health; I have drank the Goats Whey a Fortnight and tho' it agrees with me very well I get strength very slowly; indeed the Weather has been so changable that it has been very trying for Weak Constitutions, my Cough and Expectoration is very little lessened.  I am very much obliged to Mr. C. Blackett for his letter to Coll. Farqu
Mess Wheldon & Webster Derby Newcastle 21st June 1798
Gentlemen I received your letter of the 13th Inst inclosing a Bill for Fifty Pounds. and in return you have the Amount sent you in Litharge which is shipp’d on board the Phosphorus, Capt Wm Crabtree for Gainsbro’ the Invoice of which you have below
I am Gentn Yours et
Rothbury 4th July 1798
I was favoured with your kind Letter of 20th Ulto. for which I am much obliged. I have continued the Goats Whey since I wrote you and I think myself a little stronger but my Strength increases so slowly that I'm affraid it will take some time to restore me to my usual Strength but as you have been so kind as to say that I may stay some time longer I mean to give this place a full trial provided my presence is not wanted at Newcastle. Coll. &
Newcastle July 7 1798
We made you an Offer the 16th past to take Lead of you at the same price we were then buying for of others, to which we have received no Reply – We are to Day offered any Qty of refined Lead from 800 to 5000 Pieces at £14:10 but have not yet purchased, nor do we intend to purchase until we have given you time to reply to these Lines.
If you will take the above Price of £14:10 2000 Pieces of Common & 2000 Pieces of refined together and on six Months you m
Newcastle 10th July 1798
I received yours & gave Mess. Walker’s Fishwick &C. the order also acquainted Mr. C. Blackett of the same. W. Hewitson is out of Town but shall acquaint him at his return. Mr Bell the surveyor called at the Office yesterday, wanting a Plan that he made of Harehope Gill Leadmine, which he says, would be particularly useful in making others from, & would save him the trouble of making one as he has seven or eight Copies of them to make, &
Newhouse July 11 1798
I intend to be in Newcastle on Monday the 23rd Inst. in order to wait upon you for the Workmens subsistence when if you please, I should have £1600
I am Sir, Yours mo. obt. hble Servant
                                                Thos. Emerson Junr.
Newcastle 11th July 1798
I have just now seen Mr M. Hewitson, who desired me to acquaint you that he would take 5,000 ps. Lead on the same conditions as Messrs Walker’s Maltby & Co. (Viz) ½ Refd. with the usual quantity of Slag Lead @ £14 ½ P For. to be paid for in Bills due in Six Months, also if you wish he will take 500 ps. Slag Lead at the same time. There has been no enquiries for Lead or Litharge since you left home.
I am Sir Your Most Obedient Hble Servt.
July 12th 1798
My dear Sir
I have the Favor of yours and since we came down We have been at Harrowgate & almost constantly upon the <Wing>. we purpose setting off for Newcastle on the 22d inst. We are to stop a day with Sir B. Milbank and at Rookby. I am sorry the lead Trade is so very slack, but there is not much prospect of a greater Demand, and as so much lead is upon Sale, we are perfectly satisfyed the sales you have made are certainly very right and proper, as it is absolu
Newcastle 12th July 1798
I received your letter inclosing Mr Hewitson’s Tickett, also yours last night with the Key of the Bookcase, have examined the Bookcase but cannot find the Plans wanted. I called upon Mr Bell, who says it is not very much matter as he is going, by Mr Heron’s order, to Wolsingham on Sunday to take a fresh survey &c. shall acquaint Mr Mulcaster of the Sale of Lead to Mr Hewitson. I called at Mr C. Blackett’s this morning. Mr Blackett was not in T
Newcastle 14 July 1798
Dear Sir
Mr Preston accepts your offer of 500 of WBLead half Refined and half Common at £14.10 - pay in 6Ms. and I am much surprized that I have not had an Ansr. from Mr Locke to day, but I make no doubt of hearing from him to Morrow - the delay I hope will not be inconvenient or disagreable to You -
If my Friends should wish to take an extra qty of Slag, perhaps you will have no objection to letting them have 1 or 200p[iece]s?
Mr Walton has s
Allenheads July 14th 1798
Against the 24th Inst. shall want for subsistence &c for the workmen at Allenheads £450 and £50 more for wood cutters, & two small wood payments.
I am Sir Your most Hble Servt.
Thos. Crawhall
Sunday 15 Noon
Mr Blackett ordered me to keep this Letter open in hopes of receiving a Letter of this Days post from Mr Locke.
I have just reced one & Mssrs Locke & Co agree to accept your Offer of 500 ps Lead 1/2 Ref & 1/2 Common @£14.10.0 payable in 6Months.
Mr Blackett will write you more particularly in apost or two, in the interim if you will have the Goodness to forward the Tickets you will oblige him
Newcastle 16th July 1798
Mr L. Atkinson & Son just now applied for an order for 300 ps. Comon Lead, which I told them I could not give ‘till I heard from you, on which accot. they desired me to write you as the ship they want it for is waiting – have delivered Mr C. Blackett’s letter & acquainted Mr Mulcaster of the Sales &c. Mr Fawcett called this morning for Mr Beaumont’s Benefaction to the Sons of the Clergy of £2-2s-d, as it appeared by the Cash Book to have
Dr Sir,
I this day sent H Bulman a piece fine Silver weighing 955 oz
[added underneath in a different hand:] H.B. 752 ½
On the 23d will wait on you for Subsistence for Col Beaumont’s Workmen, When I shall trouble you for £300.
I am Dr Sir Yr Obt Servt I Hunter
Dukesfd 16th July 98
PS. I have sent what Refined & Comon Lead we had at this mill to Blaydon
To Jno E Blackett, Charlotte Sq, Newcastle
Mess Browne & Brind Newcastle 23d July 1798
Foster Lane London
Gentn I have this day drawn a Bill on you payable to the Order of Surtees Burdon & Co at 20 days dated this day for £700-6 being the Balance of your Account for fine Silver with Col Beaumont & which I doubt not you will duly honor. also will send you by Jacksons & Potts the London Carriers, this day, a Pe fine Silver Containing Nine Hu
Mess Brown & Brind Newcastle 24th July 1798
Foster Lane London
Gentn Since I wrote to you yesterday I have received another Pe of fine Silver which have sent you by Jackson’s & Potts the London Carriers Containing One Thousand & Seventy Seven Ounces which I desire you will place to Account with Col Beaumont as usual at the Market Price & advise me on your receipt of the two Pieces I am etc
Durham, 1st August 1798
My Lord,
I have just seen Scruton, he has not as I imagined communicated the Content of the Memorandum, which I left with Mr. Bernard. I told him as indeed I did before that he had much overstated your Lordships Intention as to the portion of the Allotment to be given for the Maintenance of the Chapel, and also mistaken the Mode and Power to the Commissioners for Enfranchising. In the Conversation he seemed convinced, says it was hastily drawn up, and he w
Dr Sir,
I recd a line from Mr <P..> Harrison requesting to have 10 tons of the Old Metal, he proposes giving £4 pr Ton delivered at Blaydon. I shall bring his letter with me on the 17th inst for your opinion; & at that time will thank you for £300 for Col Beaumont’s Workmen.
I am Dr Sir Yr Obt Servt I Hunter
Dukesfd 8th Aug 1798
To Jno E Blackett, Charlotte Sq, Newcastle
Auckland Castle Aug. 22nd 1798
Dear Sir,
I consider the proposed inclosure of the waste hands in the parish of Stanhope as a measure, which will not only be very beneficial to the Country, but will (if properly arranged with regard to the rights and interests of the parties) produce a considerable advantage to every person interested, and among them both an immediate and prospective advantage to the Rectorial and Episcopal estate.
As however some questions may occur relat
Durham 24th August 1798
My Lord,
Mr. Heron answers me that for the benefit of his health he is going with his Family to Tynemouth on Tuesday, and therefore proposes coming here on Monday. I have written to him again and expect he will breakfast with me that morning _ so as that we may be at Auckland by twelve or one o’ clock, and accomplish his wish of returning to Newcastle the same Evening _ in case that time happens to be convenient for your Lordship and Mr. Bernard.
Auckland Castle Aug. 24 1798
Mr. Harding was here yesterday & informed me that he shd. wish in any arrangemt. to be made as to his rights & claims to be advised by Mr. Hopper Williamson. This is the Man agreeable to me as Mr. H.W. is the person to whom, in point of character, I, probably & almost all the parties wd. have the most satisfaction in a reference. It is therefore very material that he shd. be consulted before the meeting on Thursday next, as to his
Newcastle 25 Augt 1798
I have called once at your House last Week, & three times there and at the Office since but was not so fortunate as to meet with you, Our London House wrote me last Week to buy of you 200 Barrels of Litharge for them which as you have sold the other Houses at 15£ they expect you will not charge them more please to send us a tickett for them.
We shall soon be in need of a Weekly or monthly supply of Lead and wish to take it from you either at a fixed or unf
Ballindaloch August 27th 98
My dear Sir,
We arrived here last night after passing some days at Blair with the Duke's family, who I think are the most pleasant people I ever met with, their attention makes every thing so affable & without any the least Form. We found here some Gentleman & Ladies of the General's relations very pleasant, & agreeable society, and the place very <healthy> he keeps an excellent House; enclosed I send you a letter from Mr Dixon, h
We have a letter to Day from Our London House saying they are quite out of Litharge and have some large Orders and request us to find them 100 barrels more, please therefore to send us a Tickett for the other 100 Barrels and as to the 5s per ton more which you mentioned we must leave that to yourself. We are Sir
Your most hble Servts
Walker Fishwick & Co
Newcastle Aug 29 1798
J E Blackett Esq/ NC
Suppose the Allotments to be 8000 Acres & Leased for 21 Years -
for the first seven at 5s pr Acre making £2,000 pr an
for the second seven at 6 pr Acre making £2,400 pr an
for the third seven at 7 pr Acre making £2,800 pr an
in the first seven years would be received - 14,000
2 Parsonage houses 3000
2 Churches 5800
Curates - 200 pr an 2800
Agent under the trustees 1000
Rector a 10th 1400