Mrs Mary Forster Allenheads NCastle Octr 13th 1795
I am directed by Mr & Mrs Beaumont to acquaint you that you are to quit the House & Premises at Allenheads in which you now reside; as well as the Farm that you hold at present, against Mayday next, as they intend to place the 2d Agent in that House & Farm, & will not permit any publick House at the place except the old one kept by Nicholson; I desire to have your immediate Answer & in case of your
Coll Beaumont NewCastle 1st Novr 1795
No 4 Portman Square London
Dear Sir I went to Hexham on Wednesday & returned with Mr Williamson the next day, I have the pleasure to tell you that the dinner at the Abbey gave great satisfaction to the Freeholders present about 80. Reed provided a plentifull dinner which was well drest & served, The Wine etc was good, the Company had a good dose of it, &
Mr Hunter Dukesfield NewC[astle] 12th Novr 1795
Dear Sir I have your Letters of the 5th & 10th Inst & observe the Contents. I am very sorry to find that the Mill at Dukesfield has suffered as much from the late Flood; I have no doubt of your taking very proper Measure to reinstate the Works in such manner as may be the least prejudicial to the Concern.
The Commissioners of the South Turnpike have a power by the Act of laying on double Toll from the 1st Novr t
John Ibbetson Farnacres 14th November 1795
Mrs Brown who farms Langley Castle grounds having had very great losses, but particularly of late Years by the death of several Horses etc entirely owing to the poisonous quality of the Lead Mill Smoke and Water impregnated with Particles of Lead Ore, which are unavoidably carried down the Stream that runs from Langley Mill thro’ Langley Farm, has applied to us and requested that the Grounds liable to receive injury from the Causes ab
John Ibbetson Esqr Farnacres 17th November 1795
Herewith we send you an Accot shewing the Parcels of Wood which it will in our Opinion be proper for the Hospital to offer for Sale next Spring. We have reason to hope that the whole will sell for upwards of Three Thousand Pounds clear of all Expenses; but that will depend upon a great measure upon the continuation of the demand for Wood and the price of Oak Bark, The amount above referred to is accompanied by an Estimate of the E
John E Blackett Esq Charlotte Square Newcastle upon Tyne
Bretton. Novr. 22d 1795
Dear Sir
I was in hopes I should have had the pleasure of seeing you at Bretton before this time as you did talk of Visiting Harrowgate; but I think it is now too late in the Season; there is Company still at Buxton; Colonel Beaumont is so much Engaged with Parliamentary Business that he has not been able to leave London since he went to attend the Meeting of Parliament & as he finds there is
Thos Rd Beaumont Esqr M.P. NewCastle 23d Novr 1795
Portman Square London
Dear Sir I wrote to you on the 21st Inst in answer to your Letter by that days Post, which I hope that you have communicated to Mr Burdon, that he may acquaint the Bishop of Durham how very ill founded those complaints, & clamours were which had been industriously spread against you, without the least foundation of truth; had there been a cause for that Charge? & the Bishop who receives £1100 per
M Skelton Newcastle 24 Novr 1795
Birthwaite Yorkshire
Sir I rec[eive]d your letter of the 14th Inst & observe what you say respecting the Charge in the Bankers Accot of £3-18s for sundry small Bills discounted by Me. This transaction took place when the Lead Agents were last down here for Subsistance Money and when I got the Money at the Bank I discounted some Bills which we had rec
November 26th 1795
Dear Madam,
I have the honour of your letter of ...22nd Inst.which I postponed answering that I may have it in my power to give you some account of the County Meeting at Morpeth yesterday, which I hope to do before I close my letter.I observe that you propose setting off for Town with your little Boys on the 30thInst. as a frost is sett in. I hope that you may have a good journey and a happy meeting with Col. Beaumont. I wrote to him fully on the 21stand 23rd Inst. a
Richd Master Esqr & Co Newcastle 2nd Decemr 1795
Bankers London
Gentn Inclosed you will receive a Bill drawn by Messrs Surtees Burdon & Co on Messrs Glyn & Co at 40 days dated this day for £231-5s being a Quarter of a Years Composition for the Lot Ore of Weardale Lead Mines due the 26th Ulto to the Lord Bishop of Durham from Thos R Beaumont Esqr. Please to advise me on your Receipt of the same I am et
Mr Hunter Dukesfield Newcastle 4th Decer 1795
Dr Sir I rec[eive]d your letters of the 20th & 26th Ulto & observe the Contents The proceedings of the Commissioners of the South Road are I think very extraordinary I have had some conversation with Mr Williamson on the subject, I shall take his opinion on the Order made by the Commissioners a Copy of which I have a right to demand & I desire that you will make
M Skelton Newcastle 17th Decem 1795
Birthwait near Wakefield Yorkshire
Dr Sir I am favoured with your letter of the 14th Instt & observe the Contents. Mr Heron has been Consulted, but he is ignorant of the Amount of the Arrears of the Annuity as well as the cause of its being withheld since the time of Mrs Stackpoles coming of Age, he is at a loss to give Advice in that Matter & apprehends that in Case of
Thomas R Beaumont Esqr Newcastle 17th Decer 1795
Portman Square London MP
Dear Sir I was favoured with your letter of the 11th Inst & observe that you have got the High Sheriff Dub[be]d a Knight, he is not yet returned to his County having made some stop in Yorkshire _ I met the Lead Stewards at Hexham on Monday & paid them £3470 for Subsistence for the Workmen with the Advance that I promised them with which they a
Mr Jasper Gibson Hexham Newcastle 19th Decer 1795
Sir I am favoured with your letter of the 14th inst & observe that you decline my request of a Copy of the Order of the Trustees respecting the double Toll, least my intentions for the obtaining the same should not be friendly to the Interest of the Road; If the Order is such as can be justified, Why refuse me a Copy of it? Should it be otherwise? the Trustees should not have made it; It is not my wish that the Lead
Thos Rd Beaumont Esqr M.P. NewC 21st Decr 1795
Portman Square London
Dear Sir I wrote to you the 18th Inst since which I have been favoured with your Lre [Letter] of the same date enclosing Mr Richardson’s letter; he & Mr Carr of Allenheads are to be down with me next week when I will endeavour to settle the matter in dispute between them; previous to that I should be glad to know what Sum you had come to a resolution to a
Thos Rd Beaumont Esqr M.P. NewC 23rd Decr 1795
Portman Square London
Dear Sir I wrote to you on the 18th & 21st Inst & have this day rec[eive]d your letter of the 21st Inst: I shall make application to Captn Rothe for the discharge of Lewis Ogle & acquaint you with my success. On consulting with Mr Williamson respecting Mr Stacpole’s Claim, he is of opinion that in case of a seisure being made for the Arrears of
Thos Rd Beaumont Esqr M.P. NewC 24th Decr 1795
Portman Square London
Dear Sir Since I wrote to you yesterday I have seen Capt Rothe who informs me that Lewis Ogle was discharged the 16th inst on the representation that you mention
The Key that I mentioned in my former letter is taken by Mr Chris Blackett; part of the Lead sold has already been removed, & the remainder will be taken there tomorrow.
The price of Corn co
Thos Rd Beaumont Esqr M.P. NewC 28th Decr 1795
Portman Square London
Dear Sir Since I wrote to you I have been favoured with your letter of the 24th inst with two Bills; the Post Office & the Bakers Bill; I cannot form a judgement as to the necessity etc of the former, The Bakers (as I mentioned in a former letter) I am confident will not answer the purpose, & nothing short of a compulsatory law will have the desired ef
Augustus Browne Esqr Newcastle 29th Decr 1795
Foster Lane London
Sir I have this day sent you Jackson’s & Potts the London Carriers a Piece of fine Silver Containing Eleven Hundred & Sixty One Ounces which I desire that you will place to account with Thos Rd Beaumont Esqr as usual at the Markett Price & advise me on your receipt of it
I am Sir Your M
Thos Rd Beaumont Esqr Newcastle 29th Decr 1795
Portman Square London
Dear Sir I refer you to my letters by the last post with the Power of Attorney _ Messrs Surtees & Burdon are perfectly satisfied with your joining with them in the Security (in case of a seisure being made) without your giving them a Bond of Indemnity, of which I have acquainted Mr Heron _ Mr Wilson is certainly mistaken as to the inexpedency of having the Lead sold removed out of your Pre
An impartial Account of Mr Carr's conduct, as Chaplain of Coalcleugh Chapel, towards Mr Richardson the Curate of Nine Banks Chapel, respecting the Dues he complains of.
NB Respecting Churchings & Christenings at Coal Cleugh Chapel.
The duty ----- he does at Coal Cleugh Chapel, by ancient custom which gives Mr Richardson, offence is the Churching of Women & Baptizing of Children gratis, in that Chapel, for such Miners, as chuse to take the advantage of the Chaplain's a
Thos Rd Beaumont Esqr Newcastle 3d Jany 1796
M.P. Portman square London
Dear Sir
Since I wrote to you the 29th ulto Mr Carr of Allenh[ea]ds & Mr Richardson of Ninebanks have been with me & after having heard the Complaints of the latter & what Mr Carr had to say on the subject, I am of opinion that Mr Richardson has no real cause of complaint; that he can have no claim to the Dues for that part o
T R Beaumont Esqr Newcastle 4th Jany 1796
M.P. Portman square London
Dear Sir I wrote to you yesterday but omitted acquainting you that on informing Mr Carr that you intended allowing him from the 1st Octr last £40 per Year in lieu of the 5% paid him by each Workman, & £20 per Ann[um] for Teach[in]y School, he having the benifit of the Quarter pence, & being at the charge of paying an Assistant; Mr Carr sub
Mr Fishwick NewC 6th Jany 1796
White Lead Works
Sir Mr Blackett received your Bill & Check for £4000 & enclosed you have this receipt for the same, likewise Bills of parcels for the last Lead sold you _ Mr Blackett now begs leave to make you the following Offer (Viz 2500 P[iece]s Lead 1/3 Refd & 2/3 Com[m]on at £20 per Fdr for your London House & the same quantity in th
Messrs Gosling Newcastle 11th Jany 1796
Bankers London
Gentlemen Inclosed you will receive a Bill drawn by Messrs Surtees Burdon & Co on Messrs Glyn & Co for Four Hundred & fifty Pounds to pay half a Years Composition for the Tythe Ore of Weardale Lead Mines due this day to the Revd Heny Hardinge from Thos Rd Beaumont Esqr _ Please to advise me on your Receipt of the Bill and acquaint Mr Hardin