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Letters – John Erasmus Blackett to Thomas Richard Beaumont – 12 Jan 1796

Thos Rd Beaumont Esqr NewCastle 12th Jany 1796 M.P. Portman square London Dear Sir I have the Pleasure to acquaint you that I have this day made a Sale to the several London Houses & Walkers & Fishwick of 12,500 p[iece]s of Lead, (two thirds Com[m]on, & one third Refined) at £20 per Foth[e]r to be paid for in Bills due in 6 Months, this is certainly a very good Sale, & will settle the price so that it w

Letter – Thomas Richard Beaumont to Mark Skelton – 12 Jan 1796

Dear Skelton, I should rather think that at this time Land would sell very badly, but if upon enquiry we could have a good price, it would certainly be better to sell Cleckheaton, than to be at any great expense in making Fences. Oliver will certainly want Land near his House and as James Greenwood until that <field> near <Crows> House I should think Oliver has a prior claim to Mrs. <Heron>, but if he don’t want it I have no objections to her having it. I will converse with

Letter – John Taylor to Mark Skelton – 18 Jan 1796

Gomersall Jany 18th 1796 Sir/ In reply to the Letter with which you favd. Me; I should be far from wishing to induce Col. Beaumont to sell his Heaton Estate by fixing some Very high Price: And indeed I think it quite out of Character for me to fix any price at all. If it is his intention to sell it and you are impowerd to treat and will fix a price of Course I shall be willing to give the real Intrinsic Value taking all the Circumstances together, and this is all you can wish:

Letter – Thomas Richard Beaumont to Mark Skelton – 19 Jan 1796

Jany. 19th 1796 Dear Skelton, I should have answered your letters sooner but as Mrs. Beaumont begged leave to produce the Young Lady in such a hurry, I had a number of letters to write, with respect to the disposing of the Estate at Cleckheaton, I should not imagine this to be a good time, for when any commodity of Life is so very dear and Money, or at least in town, is very scarce land would not fetch its value, You most certainly must be a better Judge in this matter than myself w

Letters – John Erasmus Blackett to Thomas Richard Beaumont – 27 Jan 1796

T R Beaumont Esqr Newcastle 27th Jany 1796 M.P. Portman square London Dear Sir I wrote to you the 4th & 12th inst to which I have not rec[eive]d any Answer & as I shall be at Hexham on the 8th Feby to meet the Lead Stewards, it will be necessary that I should know what resolution you come to respecting Mr Carr etc. I hope that you & Mrs Beaumont were pleased with the late Sale of Lead; Lord Carlisle’s

Letter – John Taylor to Mark Skelton – 27 Jan 1796

Gomersall 27th Jany 1796 Sir/ I am now favourd with yours 26th and beg to inform you that comparing what I have heard of the Heaton Estate with the price you fixed I am induced to give up all thoughts of it, should you sell in Lots I may purchase one or two if there appears a probability of their paying a fair Interest, anytime when you or Mr F: comes over your giving a Call will Oblige. Sir. your most hble Servt. John Taylor I thank you for not naming me to <S

Letter – John Taylor to Mr Skelton – 2 Feb 1796

Gomersall 2d. Feby 1796 Sir, In reply to the Letter you Favour me with I have no difficulty in describing to you my Ideas & chain of reasoning of the Value of Col: Beaumonts Heaton Estate: if it can be of the Least use to you, tho I must conclude you know much better than me. _ From every thing I can Learn the Land is run out, the Buildings ruinous, and the Tenants poor; now whoever hath this Estate their Business is to remedy all there. The way I presume to do this is to c

Letters – John Erasmus Blackett to Thomas Richard Beaumont – 7 Feb 1796

Thos Rd Beaumont Esqr Newcastle Feby 7th 1796 M.P. Portman square London Dear Sir I was favoured with your letter of the 1st Inst: & observe what you say as to the Subscription now on foot for a Canal; I have had some conversation with Mr Heron & some others on the subject & I believe there is no doubt of Sir M.W. Ridley having mistaken that matter, for the Subscriber certainly will not be liable for an

Letter – John Bell to Thomas Richard Beaumont – 10 Feb 1796

Hexham Abbey 10th Februy. 1796 Sir It is expected the proposed Canal from Sea to Sea will be very productive of Profits to the Adventurers when finished. This Business I am sorry to say is rather got into Party – It was intended at first to bring the Line of Canal up the South Side of the River and so to Hexham by Mr. <Dods> who first started the Idea of a Canal from the East to the West Sea but Mr. Chapman who is a native of England but has been in Ireland constructing a cana

Letters – John Erasmus Blackett to Thomas Richard Beaumont – 11 Feb 1796

Thos Rd Beaumont Esqr NewCastle 11th Feby 1796 Portman square London Dear Sir I met the Lead Stewards at Hexham on Monday & paid them £4480 for Subsistance for the Workmen, who are at present quiet, & well satisfied with the increased Subsistance, & the weekly supply of Corn; There is little alteration in the State of the Mines; for these six Months past they have been poorer, but I hope they are in

Letters – Joshua Straker to John Beatson – 11 Feb 1796

Mr John Beatson Newcastle 11th Feby 1796 Cinderhill near Wakefield Yorkshire Sir Mr Blackett desires that you will send a Pack of Bends, for the use of Coll Beaumont’s Lead Mines, directed to Mr Thos Crawhall at Allenheads near Hexham, to be forwarded by Thos Nevin from Newcastle. Please to send Mr Blackett a Bill of the same, who will remit you the Amount I am for J E Blackett Esqr

Letters – John Erasmus Blackett to Lionel Self – 12 Feb 1796

Lionel Self Junr Esqr Newcastle 12th Feby 1796 Llyn Sir I Have been from home for some days which is the cause of your not having an Answer to your letter of the 6th Inst: I observe what you say respecting the Prices of Rye & Barley which I think very high, the former above this Markett at present; on which account I shall decline making any Purchase at this time having a sufficient quantity for the Miners

Letter – Richard Jackson to Thomas Richard Beaumont – 20 Feb 1796

Sir I beg leave to inform you that the Children left at Britton Mill have been advis’d to give up their situations, from an Idea, that from their Youth and consequent inexperience, they could not manage so great a concern - The Mill has been offer’d to one Joseph <Kay> a Man 70 Years of Age formerly tenant to Sir Thos. Blackett but lost his situation for suffering his Mill to go to ruin for want of repairs. The Children are very desirous to stay at their old home, which

Letters – John Erasmus Blackett to Thomas Richard Beaumont – 22 Feb 1796

Thos Rd Beaumont Esqr NewCastle 22nd Feby 1796 M.P. Portman square London Dear Sir I have the favour of your Lre of the 19th Inst; & shall observe the Contents; In a few days I shall inform you what Sum of Money I expect to have in my hands against the Lead Pay. As some Persons were about purchasing the Estate that I mentioned, Mr Bell & Mr Hunter agreed for it, (subject to your approbation) at the Price offered

Letters – John Erasmus Blackett to John Bell – 23 Feb 1796

Mr John Bell Hexham Abbey NewCastle 23th Feby 1796 Dear Sir By a Lre that I received the last Post from Mr Beaumt he approves of the Purchase of the Estate, Mill etc which he desires may be confirmed; he likewise desires that £5000 may be subscribed in his Name to the Canal on the North side of the Tyne, as that line of Navigation is generally approved of; you will therefore please to Subscribe that sum in your Subscription Book. Mr Beaum

Letter – Thomas Richard Beaumont to Mark Skelton – 23 Feb 1796

23d. 1796 Dear Skelton, I suppose before this time the Rent Day is over and that every thing was conducted with satisfaction to all. Enclosed I send you a letter I this morning received from Mr. Jackson, I do not see how any person can undertake what he says, to allow the Girls 30£ a Year over & above the Rent, and when they come of Age to resign the possession – the letter is wrote in a pedantic style and without giving in any Name - do make some enquiry about this Matter,

Letter – Richard Wilson to Mark Skelton – 23 Feb 1796

My Dear Sir I will with pleasure dine with you on Saturday the 12th of March I have great satisfaction in telling you that the Cause of Lancaster & Beaumont came on this Morning before the Chancellor who has ordered us to proceed in our Action at Law agt. Lancaster & Co. & they are to be examined as Witnesses on the Trial. I would almost venture to insure you a Verdict for the demand[?ant] I am Dr. Sir very truly yours Richd. Wilson <Bartle

Letter – Mr Child to Mark Skelton – 29 Feb 1796

Roberttown 29th Feby. 1796 Mr Skelton, Your esteemed fav[ou]r of the 27th Inst. came duly to hand. I do assure you that I should not have made application for the Cleckheaton Colliery had I not be informed that it was to be disposed of, as I should be ashamed of myself in being an Instrument of takeing any thing out of the Hands of another person in an unfair Way, I am glad that you have considered to take a further Trial of the present Tenants and I wish it may Ansr. both your and the

Letters – Joshua Straker to William Emm – 29 Feb 1796

Wm Emm Esqr Newcastle 29th Feby 1796 Aukland Castle Sir Mr Blackett will be much obliged by your informing him if you have taken any steps in Order to ascertain the Copyhold Boundary of Harehope Gill Lead Mine. We are informed that the Mine still continues Rich & as the Price of Lead has of late considerably advanced it becomes at matter of greater Moment to Col Beaumont to lose any part of the Copyhold Mines, L

Letters – John Erasmus Blackett to Richard Martin – 1 Mar 1796

Richd Martin Esqr & Co Newcastle 1st Mar 1796 Bankers London Gentn Inclosed you will receive a Bill drawn by Mess. Surtees, Burdon & Co on Mess. Glyn & Co at Forty Days dated this day for Two Hundred & thirty One Pounds Five Shillings; being a Quarter of a Years Composition for the Lott Ore of Weardale Lead Mines due 26th Ulto to the Lord Bishop of Durham from T R Beaumont Esqr. Please to advise me

Letters – John Erasmus Blackett to John Bell – 1 Mar 1796

Mr John Bell Newcastle 1st Mar 1796 Abbey Hexham Dear Sir I received yours enclosing a Plan of the Church at Allendale Town with an Estimate of the Expence of putting it into sufficient repair, & I observe what you say on the subject; I am of opinion with you that the most advisable measure will be to cover the Chancel with blue Slate, to provide that, as well as the necessary Timber as soon

Letters – John Erasmus Blackett to Thomas Richard Beaumont – 1 Mar 1796

Thos Rd Beaumont Esqr Newcastle 1st Mar 1796 Portman square London Dear Sir I am favoured with your letter of the 27th Ulto & have agreeable to your directions wrote to Mr Bell desiring that the Conveyance of the Farm & Mill near Allendale Town may be made to yourself, & not to the Trustees under the Will of the late Sir Thos Blackett, for the reason you mention. Inclosed I send you Copies of J. Bellâ€

Letter – Thomas Richard Beaumont to Mark Skelton – 4 Mar 1796

Dear Skelton, I have the favour of yours and with respect to the letting of the Mill to the Daughters of Parkin, I don’t think them by any means fit persons, & the plan they wish to adopt does not seem a good one. I am very happy to learn the Tenants all paid their rents. <H> Ashton thinks my little Mare will hold, I have no objections to her being covered by Mr. Wilson’s horse, and <Wildair> may also be covered by any horse he likes best. What has been done about the Tythe

Letters – John Erasmus Blackett to Augustus Browne – 5 Mar 1796

Augustus Browne Esqr Newcastle 5th Mar 1796 Foster Lane London Sir I have this day drawn a Bill on you payable to the order of Mess Surtees Burdon & Co at Thirty days dated this day for Three Hundred & Thirty Seven Pounds Eight Shillings & four pence, being in full for a p[iec]e fine Silver sent you & which I doubt not you will duly honor. I am Your

Letters – John Erasmus Blackett to Thomas Richard Beaumont – 6 Mar 1796

Thos Richd Beaumont Esqr Newcastle 6th Mar 1796 M.P. Portman square London Dear Sir I wrote to you the 1st Inst to which I refer you; I have paid into the Bank of Mess Surtees Burdon & Co on your Accot the Bills undermentioned amounting to £23,289-19-10 the beginning of next month I expect to pay about £6000 more in Cash or Notes, & against the Lead Pay about £4000 reserving £6000 for the next lending, the Candle
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467