Mr John Bell Newcastle 10th Mar 1796
Abbey Hexham
Dear Sir I received your favour of the 9th Inst, & observe what you say respecting the Conveyance of the Estate lately agreed for in Allendale, & I am of opinion that both Freehold & Copyhold should be taken in the name of a Trustee for the reasons that you assign, & that you are the proper Person to be named on that occasion; &am
Mr Isaac Hunter Newcastle 10th Mar 1796
Dear Sir I received yours with the Plans of the Estate & Allen Mill agreed for & I much approve of your loosing no time in the providing materials for the necessary repairs & alterations at the Lead Mill, which should be set about as soon as the season will admit of it. I think you judge right in sending part of the Lead by Hexham as it may
Mr Isaac Hunter Junr Newcastle 10th Mar 1796
Dear Sir I am favoured with your letter of the 8th Inst and according to your request have sent you (below) an Account of the Corn delivered to Dukesfield in the Year 1795. The price that Mr Blackett fixed was for the Rye 11s per Bole & for the Barley & Peas 9s per Boll the carriage to be paid by Mr Beaumont.
Have likewise sent you the price
Dear Skelton,
I am only come here this Morning & am going to return immediately. I shall march two Troops of my Reg[imen]t past your House about 11 o’ Clock tomorrow for Barnsley, I shall be glad you will give me the meeting <with> John Gates & go and dine with me, when we can have some conversation –
Yours sincerely
Tho. Rd. Bt.
Monday Mar 14
March 19th 1796
Dear Skelton
I have the proposals of Mr. Swallow before me, and it is a matter of such serious concern that I don’t know what to say on the subject, from your letter to me it appears as if you thought their proposals <eligible>. The persons who are bound if any are to join with him ought to be persons of property and who are well known, he himself should be a man possessed of a great capital or he never can embark on such a great undertaking, for we may be d
Mr Isaac Hunter Dukesfield NCastle Mar 19th 1796
Dear Sir As we are intirely out of Com[m]on Lead and are now receiving Orders for the Baltic etc on which account Mr Blackett desires that you’ll endeavour to get the Lead on the Hexham Road down as soon as possible, as he is unwilling to lose the Orders for Exportation. There is as much Refineable Lead at Blaydon as will supply the Refinery for a Month it will the
Thomas Rd Beaumont Esqr Newcastle 22nd Mar 1796
M.P. Portman square London
Dear Sir
I was favoured with your Letter of the 17th inst & observe that you have made further application to Mr Pitt respect[in]g the early Importation of Rye from the Emperors Ports, in which I hope that you may succeed; I have communicated that part of your Letter to the trade _ Wheat was on Saturday from 12s to 13s 6d Oats 3s to 3s 6d per
Newcastle 26th March 1796
By Mr. Heron’s desire I send you the Report, and Calculation of the probable Revenue of the intended Canal, between this place and Maryport. The Subscriptions at Newcastle, Hexham & Carlisle Amount at present to upwards of £108000
I am Sir Your most Obedt. Hble Servt.
Josah: Straker
M. Skelton Esqr.
Messrs Walker’s Fishwick & Co Newcastle 31st Mar 1796
White Lead Works
Gentn Mr Blackett received your letter of Yesterday the Contents of which rather surprises him as he is well convinced that the Lead he sold you on the 3d Octr last was to be paid for in Bills due at the end of Six Months from the time of Sale, and if you had referred to his letter of that date you could have had no doubt on the subject, a Copy of
Thos Rd Beaumont Esq Newcastle 2d April 1796
M.P. Portman square London
Dear Sir
I had the favour of your Letter of the 28th Ulto & am sorry that I cannot give you a better account of Mr Emerson, he has been worse since Doctor Clarke left him, the systems continue alarming. & I fear there is little hopes of his recovery he is a very Able, honest Agent, & will be a great loss to the concern. I shall send fi
Thos R Beaumont Esqr Newcastle 5th April 1796
M.P. Portman square London
Dear Sir
Your Lead Stewards have been with me this day & have received £3150 for Subsistance for the Workmen, who are all quiet & well satisfied, notwithstanding the endeavours of a few troublesome bad People to make them otherwise; The Mines are much in the same state, except Allenheads, which I hope is improving. Docter Clarke is gone again
Thos R Beaumont Esqr Newcastle 10th April 1796
M.P. Portman square London
Dear Sir I am favoured with your Lre of the 6th Inst & observe that application has been made to our Minister at the King of Prussia’s Court to obtain leave for Rye to be exported from his Ports to this Kingdom, which I doubt not will be complied with, & a great quantity is expected from thence, & other Ports, in the course of May, June &
April 11th 1796
Dear Skelton,
I have sent you Mr. Baily’s nomination. You have sent me part of the proposals of Mr Swallow but not the whole, as there were some remarks made on some of the Clauses which I objected to. As to getting the Ironstone by the <heart Eye> method I have no objections to, and if they are obliged to pursue the old way & he will pay for the Land it is just the same thing. I did not understand I was to lay out 500£, I thought he was to pay all
Since my arrival in Town I have seen General Prescott, who is within a few days of his departure for his appointment as Governor of Quebec, & as I understood from my Clerk who just before I left Yorkshire for the South, waited upon you upon another Matter of Business, that you had something to say or do, respecting the General’s affair between him & Mr. Beaumont, but that then you had not time for it. If therefore there is anything <essential> to his Int[eres]t that you th
Mr John Bell Hexham Abbey Newcastle 14th April 1796
Dear Sir I had a Lre from Mr Beaumont yesterday, himself & family were in good health; he desires that at the Head Court day you will give the prisoners in Hexham Goal two or three Guineas, as they may be in number that it may be laid out for them in provisions etc at your discretion; he ordered those in Morpeth Goal five Guineas; he takes no notice of the time he will be down, bu
Dear Skelton,
The Affair of Stackpooles is settled, and She is to have the Annuity for her Life, & not the 10,000£. The particulars Mr. Wilson will send you tomorrow. I must confess it has not terminated in the manner I supposed, for the decision has been from the Will not being properly worded, that is, you should, as you say you knew it was the intention not to make a forfeiture left out the Clause, or have inserted it more fully, and the next by your advice we paid her the Annuity whic
April 23rd 1796
I do not see anything objectionable in Mr. Swallows proposals. The granting a Lease, you say for 60 Years, in the proposals it says 63 Years for the Land, would make it necessary for an exchange of Land, as the Close is in the marriage Settlements, there being only one Close, and by Mrs. Beaumont’s signing her Consent to the Agreement, she being in Case of my Death so amply provided for, should Imagine would sufficiently satisfy the Trustees of the Settl
Mr Thos Emerson Junr Newcastle 28th April 1796
Newhouse Weardale
I shall be glad to hear that your Father continues better. I desire that you will procure what Information you can respecting the Workings etc at Harehope Gill, that we may have some conversation on that matter when we meet, for I do not propose being at Newhouse.
I send you enclosed, Copy of Mr Heythuyson’s Letter, I would have your Father ful
G S Van Heythuyson Esqr Newcastle 29th April 1796
John Street London
Sir I was favoured with your letter of the 12th Inst & observe the Contents. Mr Beaumont is obliged to you for the first offer that you make him of Harneyshaw Mine, with the Engine & Works; from the enquiry that I have made I understand that they will be no further an object to Mr Beaumont than by enabling him to work with more effect t
Halifax 30th April 1796
There seems a probability that if the Haigh Bridge and Horbury Pasture Canal was now brought forwards it would meet with the support of the Merchts at Manchester, Rochdale and this place. This you’ll observe is given as My own Opinion – I have mentioned it to Mr Walker Certainly nothing can be done without Mr Beaumont being first Waited upon and consulted about it. I trouble you therefore with this to ask when He is expected at Britain and should be glad at t
Auguss Browne Esqr Newcastle 18th May 1796
Foster Lane Lane London
Sir I have this day sent you by Jackson’s & Potts the London Carriers a Piece fine Silver Containing 1300 1/2 Ounces which I desire that you will place to Account with Thos R Beaumont Esqr as usual at the Market Price & Advise me on your Receipt of it
Mr Isaac Hunter NewCastle 26th May 1796
Dear Sir I received your favour & approve much of what you recommend respecting the raising the level of the Water Race at Allen Mill, & I think that no time should be lost in carrying that matter into Execution. The day of Election at Alnwick will (I believe) be on Thursday the 9th June, no Opposition is expected, but it would be well to be a little p
N. C. 26th 1796
Your letter was sent me here, I have no objections to Mr. Easdale having the four Acres of Land allotted me as that is no object. There does not appear to me any person that is willing to undertake the School at Darton under the Terms the Trustees want. Mr. Pickles must have the entire approbation of all the trustees before he can be appointed, and a meeting of them should be had to know whether they approve of him. I am sure it is my wish that the School should
G S Van Heythuyson Esqr Newcastle 31st May 1796
John Street London
Sir I was favoured with your Lre of the 26th Inst & observe what you say as to making your Mine & Mr Beaumonts a joint property _ but on consulting his Mine Agent I find that he is of opinion that it would not be to Mr Beaumonts advantage to do so; nor to Lease any part of his Veins, but as the Engine may enable him to work a part of the V
Messrs Makepeace & Sons Newcastle 1st June 1796
Serle Street Lincoln’s Inn Fields London
Gentlemen By desire of Coll Beaumont I have sent you by Jackson’s & Potts the London Carriers a P[iec]e fine Silver containing Fifteen Hundred & Nineteen Ounces, which I desire that you’ll place to account with him at the Markett Price and advise me on your Receipt of it. I am desired by Coll Beaumont to inform you that