Mr Fishwick NCastle 2nd June 1796
Sir Mr Blackett desires me to inform you that he intends making a Sale of Lead & that you may have 5000 P[iece]s 1/3 Refin’d & 2/3 Com[m]on at £19 per For for your London House, to be paid for in Bills due at the end of Six Months from the time of Sale; And 5000 P[iece]s in the same proportions & Terms, for your Works here _ Mr B. will be glad of your
Riche Masters Esqr & Co Newcastle 3d June 1796
Bankers London
Gentn Inclosed you will receive a Bill drawn by Mess Surtees Burdon & Co on Mess Glyn & Co at Forty days dated this day for Two Hundred & Thirty One Pounds Five Shillings; being a Quarter of a Years Composition for the Lott Ore of Weardale Lead Mines due the 26th May last to The Lord Bp of Durham from Thos Rd Beaumont Esqr _ Please
G S Van Heythuyson Newcastle 11th June 1796
John Street London
Sir I was favoured with your Letter of the 5th Inst & observe the contents: Mr Beaumont does not mean to Lett any other parts of the Veins adjoining yours, and as your Agent is of Opinion that the Veins in your Freehold (with the other Terms I mentioned in my Letter) is worth £4000 I’m afraid we shall not come to an agreement, as Mr Beaumontâ€
Thos Rd Beaumont Esqr Newcastle 13th June 1796
M.P. Portman square London
Dear Sir
I hope that you found Mrs Beaumont & your little Folks much better, & that you have recovered the fatigue etc of the Election; Poor Harry Tulip has been dangerously ill & I wish that he may be out of hazard, the fatigue of his journey to Alnwick brought on a suppression of Urine he suffered very much Mr Ingham drew off ne
Miss Wilson NewCastle 14th June 1796
Mrs Wilson’s Innkeeper Alnwick
Madam I received your letter of yesterday and was rather surprised to find that you had forgot that there was £5 Added to the Bill for the Servants but on my mentioning the circumstances to you, I have no doubt but you will recollect that it was so _ Mess Grey & Beaumonts Bill as given in by you was £224-7- We added £5 for the Servants wh
Messrs Makepeace & Sons Newcastle 19th June 1796
Serle Street Lincolns Inn Fields
Gentln I have this day sent you by Jacksons & Potts the London Carriers Two Cakes of fine Silver One Weighing 1502 Ounces the other 1044 Ounces which I desire that you will place to Account with Coll Beaumont at the Market Price and advise Mr Blackett on your Receipt of them; who is not y
N.Castle –
My dear Sir,
I had the pleasure of yours at Bretton before I set off for this place. I was very sorry we could not have the pleasure of seeing you as you went thro’ Barnsley. I most [si]ncerely hope you found Mrs. Stead much better [1-2 words missing] expected & that the <advise> that [1-2 words missing] procure from the person at <Chesterfield> will prove efficacious. We have had a very <gay> week & a good deal of Company, all is now [1 wo
Messrs Wheeldon, Webster & Co Newcastle 8th July 1796
Gentlemen According to your request, in your letter to Mr Beaumont,I have shipp’d on board you 2 Tons of Litharge the Weight etc you have below; When you Remit the Amount please to make the Bill payable to Mr Blackett or myself I am etc
Mess Gosling Newcastle 22d July 1796
Bankers London
Gentn Inclosed you will receive a Bill drawn by Messrs Surtees Burdon & Co on Mess Glyn & Co at Forty days dated the 20th Inst for Four Hundred & Fifty Pounds; being half a Years Composition for the Tythe Ore of Weardale Lead Mines due the 11th Inst to the Revd Mr Hardinge from T. R. Beaumont Esqr _ Please to advise me on your receipt of the Bil
                                                                                       Tapton House July 31st 1796
Dear Sir,
I had the favour of your Letter, and was very happy to hear, you got well home ---Â We were extremely concern'd, to hear Mrs Stead was prevented coming to Chesterfield by Illness, we hope she is now much better, which it will give us great pleasure if you will inform of,
Newcastle 5th Augt. 1796
Mr Wilson the Rector of Wolsingham is here and is very desirous of something being done respecting the Boundary of Harehope Gill Lead Mine and has employed Mr. Anthy. Surtees as his Attorney to go up with Mr. Heron who has agreed to go on the 22nd of this Month & they think it would be of great Service if you could make it convenient to go with them; Mr. Wilson says that he dined with the Bishop of Durham the other day and his Lordship promise
Wm Emm Esqr Morpeth 6th Augt 1796
Auckland Castle
Dear Sir! I am informed by Mr Beaumonts Agents, as well as by Mr Wilson the Rector of Wolsingham that there is now little or no doubt of Lord Burford’s Lessees working Harehope Gill Lead Mine in the Copyhold under the Lord Bishop of Durham, as plainly appears by a Copy of the Surrender of the Copyhold part of Lord Burford’s Estate; as well as by a plan taken by a su
Saturday 13th 96
Dear Skelton,
As I had not an opportunity of seeing Mr. Barker, and meeting Mr. Wilson, I requested him to speak to him and enclosed I send you his Answer. The Trustees should be made acquainted with his reply – I have also sent you Mr. Stephenson’s letter to me, which I have given this Answer to. That I cannot give him any security for £300 to be paid to him on his resignation, that unless he will agree to the terms proposed, I cannot find myself to be respon
G S Van Heythuyson Esqr Newcastle 31st Aug 1796
Highcliffe Christchurch Hants.
Sir I have been favoured with your letters of the 26th Ult & the 20th Inst to which you should have had a more early answer, I fully intended waiting on you when I was in Town, but the illness of my Daughter, & the death of my Nephew prevented me, I have since been from home for some days; I communicated the contents of your Lett
Riche Masters Esq & Co Newcastle 6th Septr 1796
Bankers London
Gentn Inclosed you will receive a Bill drawn by Mess Surtees Burdon & Co on Mess Glyn & Co at Forty days dated this day for Two Hundred & Thirty One Pounds Five Shillings to pay a Quarter of a Years Composition for the Lott Ore of Weardale Lead Mines due the 26th Ult to The Lord Bishop of Durham from T R Beaumont Esqr. Please to
Messrs Makepeace & Son Newcastle 6th Septr 1796
Serle Street Lincoln’s Inn Fields London
Gentn I have this day sent you by Jackson’s Potts the London Carrier a piece of fine Silver Containing Fourteen Hundred & Eighty two Ounces which I desire that you will place to Accot with Coll Beaumont at the Markett Price and advise me on your receipt of it
Messrs Makepeace & Son Newcastle 13th Septr 1796
Serle Street Lincoln’s Inn Fields London
Gentlemen! I have this day sent you by Jackson’s & Potts the London Carrier a piece of fine Silver containing Fourteen Hundred & Eighty One Ounces which I desire that you will place to account with Coll Beaumont at the Markett Price and advise me on your receipt of it. This piece will do more than Compleat the Servic
In Weardale the Lands are of 3 descriptions.
1st. The Inlands, or Enclosures adjacent to the Villages, which are rich meadow or pasture ground, & in general let for 40s/ or 60s/ pr. Acre or even more.
2d. Stinted Pastures enclosed from the Moors, on which the Customary freeholders exercise a limited common right. A Stint of 2 Acres is valued always at 8s/ or 4s/ pr Acre.
3d. Moors on which common right is generally exercised.
The rights of the Customary Freeholders
T R Beaumont Esqr Newcastle 23d Septr 1796
Bretton near Wakefield
M.P. Yorkshire
Dear Sir!
I hope that Mrs Beaumont yourself & Son are well after your Journey etc that you found your little folks perfectly so.
Your Lead Stewards were with me for Subsistance for the Workmen on tuesday; I strongly recommended to them the most strict attention & economy; the reducing the dea
Mr Richd Noble Newcastle 24 Septr 1796
Bretton near Wakefield Yorkshire
Dear Sir I have this day shipped on board the John & Mary Captn Barrowby for Hull 5 Fothers of Refd Lead, 3 Casks of Lead Fume & 5 Boxes of Sparr for Coll Beaumont which I hope will arrive safe. I am etc J.S
Lease to Sir Walter Blackett Bart. of the Moor Master’s Place and Lead Mines in the parishes of Stanhope & Wolsingham. Rent for 1/9th part of the Lead Ore Vizt.
By Bp. Cousin 60 £ pr. Ann
1706 150
1723 350
1771 350 Bp. Egerton
1787 850 Bp. Thurlow
1791 925 Bp. Barrington
1688 Lead Mines 2 Lives £950
1706 Davison & Wilkinson 1 Life & 10 yrs. 2 Leases 322 10
1732 Lanc. Algood for Mr. Blackett 1 L
Mr Hunter Dukesfield Newcastle 3d Octr 1796
Dear Sir Mr Blackett received your letter of the 27th Ulto and observes what you say as to the Lead Carriage; he says that you must have misunderstood him as to stopping the Carriage at all the Mills that he only intended that Rookhope Mill should be stop’d on Account of the immense Quantity of Lead that was on the Road from that Mill: he agrees in opinion wi
Thos Rd Beaumont Esqr Newcastle 8th Oct 1796
Bretton near Wakefield
M.P. Yorkshire
Dear Sir! I have the pleasure to acquaint you that I have at length made a considerable Sale of Lead, tho’ at a reduc’d price, and long credit, neither of which could be avoided, in the present State of the trade. A Box with table Linen from Ebene Gairdner & Sons of Edinburgh directed for you is now at t
Mr Isaac Hunter Dukesfield Newcastle 17th Octr 1796
Sir! As I have made a considerable Sale of Lead (tho’ at a reduced Price) I could wish that Lead at the Mill as well as that on the Road (particularly the Refin’d) may be sent down to Blaydon as soon as possible, before the Roads break up; & you must proceed briskly with the Refining as that Lead is most wanted & there is a Demand for Silver which is a ready Money Article.
inclosed is a Lottery Ticket and two Quarters  the Ticket £11..13..0 the Two quarters £6..2..0 total £17..15..0 which you have my best wishes may prove successful; the Revd. Mr. Blacket has written to me and informed me of your late ill state of Health of which I hope you are perfectly recovered; we have waited on Col. Beaumont who behaved with the greatest Politeness and Civility promising to give a Bill of ours to Mr. Beaumont & to deal with us, for your kindness in which