Mr J Bell Hexham Abbey Newcastle 30th Jany 1797
Dear Sir I wrote to Mr Beaumont respecting the building going forward at Hexham Abbey & what you mentioned on that business; I likewise had some discourse with Mr Newton, & it was intended that Mr Johnson should come over here to meet me & Mr Newton & I had wrote to him to that purpose but Mr Newton having a severe return of his disorder prevented me sending my letter; Mr Newton still being very weak & in a very pre
Jan – 30th – 97.
My dear Sir,
Mrs. Beaumont & myself left Town on Thursday last on a visit to Lord & Lady Dudley for a Week, it is a most charming situation and the House very large and the Grounds very neatly laid out. I had the Favor of Yours wherein you mention you was to see Mr. John Surtees respecting the Letter you had received from Mr. Búrdon, I hope they will be able to assist us at the pays otherwise we shall be in very great distress, & I would not upon a
Mr Jos Dickinson Newcastle 31st Jany 1797
Dear Sir! The quantity of Rye etc sent to Coalcleugh Mines in the Year 1796 you have as under with the Prices Mr Blackett fixed to be charged for the same. I am etc J.S
155 Bolls Rye @ 15/- Free of Carriage
120 Do @ 8/- Do
85 Bolls Barley @ 9/- Do
NB The first of the Rye at the Reduced Price, was sent on the 18th May la
Mr John Bell Hexham Abbey Newcastle 1st Feby 1797
Sir Mr Blackett received your Letter & desired me to send you the Amount of the Debt due from Mr Forster to Coll Beaumont & enclosed is a Copy of the Account as Settled at Allenheads the last Pay _ Mr B says that Mr Forster Received some Money belonging to a Club at Allenheads & gave a Note for the same on Mr Beaumont’s Accot but Mrs B does not know to what Account; probab
<H.Chr> 6th 97.
My dear Sir,
I am exceedingly obliged to You for your repeated information respecting the Banks at N.Castle and feel very much for the very great inconvenience the County must have been put to, and most sincerely hope every thing will go on very well. I have had some conversation with Mr. Burdon about our pays, & hope that when the Bills get again in good train that we shall be enabled to make our pays in May – I most sincerely congratulate you on the ver
Coll Beaumont MP Newcastle 8th Feby 1797
Portman Square London
Dr Sir! I wrote to you the 30th Ulto since wch I have been favoured with your letter of the same date. I acquainted you in my last letter with the Conversation that I had with Mr Burdon _ The Lead Buyers have made Offers of paying One half of the Amount of the last Quantity of Lead sold them one Month sooner than the Agreement & the Remainder a
H[ouse of] C[ommons] 14th 1797.
My dear Sir,
I have just seen Mr. Burdon respecting the Money wanted for the pays, and he will write to Mr. Surtees on the Subject, I wish you would inform me the sum that will be wanted. He informs me you had an Idea of putting off the pays ‘till June, at this particular period when the Men are so very much dissatisfied it would not by any means be prudent to put off the pays if the Money can be had at any rate, and as they have always been made in
Mr Isaac Hunter Dukesfield Newcastle 18th Feby 1797
You must remember what I mentioned to you respecting the Lead Mine Accounts being sent for the future regularly every Month to the Office let me desire that you will pay proper attention to it & not put me under a necessity of acquainting Mr Beaumont with this neglect; not one Account of the Lead Smelted & Delivered from Allen Mill has been sent to the Office since that Mill has
Coll Beaumont Newcastle 19th Feby 1797
Portman Square London
Dear Sir! I am favoured with your letter of the 13th 14th inst & observe that you have had some conversation with Mr Burdon respecting the Lead Pay & that he had wrote to Mr Surtees on the business What I mentioned to you as to the Pay being Postponed to June was from an Idea that it would not be in our power to effect it sooner but if it can
Dr Sir,
Yours las night
I do remember our conversation at Newb. Respecting the Monthy [sic] accts which has since given me much uneasiness & the more so you having had occasion again to repeat your Orders, but do assure you their nofafat being sent was not from inattention but owing to their being sent back to Rookhope to correct, Mr.Smith had sent me them but on my going to Rookhope found a great Quant[it]y of Lead had been taken up at the Mill by Thos Pringle & laid dow
Feby 21st 97
My dear Sir,
I have seen Sir Wm Ridley and Mr. Burdon this morning who mentioned to me the circumstances of the Banks at Newcastle having had a great run upon them & that Mr Brandling had wrote down as his rent day was near at hand for any Bills that might be offered, to be taken as usual in payment. As the stopping of the Payments at the Banks does not arise from the want of capital but from the want of specie I hope it will only be a temporary embarrassment, &
Messrs Makepeace & Son Newcastle 23th Feby 1797
Serle Street London
Gentlemen On the 21st Inst I sent you by Jackson’s & Potts the London Carriers a Pe of fine Silver Containing Fourteen Hundred & Sixty Five Ounces which I desire that you will place to Account with Coll Beaumont at the Markett Price and Advise me on your Receipt of the same I
Mr Isaac Hunter Dukesfield Newcastle 24th Feby 1797
Dr Sir Mr Blackett received your Letter and desires me to inform you that it is his wish that all the Lead upon the Roads, from Allen & Dukesfield Mills to Newburn, should be sent in as soon as possible & an Account made out, in order to see what Quantity is lost or mislaid a new regulation must also be made with the Carriagemen, as a Quay is engaged at Newburn & a person to
March 7th 1797.
My dear Sir,
I have the Favor of Yours this Morning and am very sorry that you should be under the very disagreeable necessity of putting off the Pays, it is a thing which gives me infinite concern but how to remedy it, I can not say, I have this Morning seen Messrs. Burdon & Surtees on the Subject, they are most certainly anxious for every mode to be used for putting their House in negotiation again, but as this unfortunate demand for Money has so very generally
March 8th 97.
My dear Sir,
I have just seen Mr. Burdon and he informs me that Mr. John Surtees will be down at N. Castle on Sunday next and that he will bring £7900 <odds> pounds in Bills, and they are using their utmost to get their Bank open again. He is in hopes the <Lending> Money may be paid before the time you mention is expired. They will likewise use their utmost endeavours to be ready for the pays in May. We have got all our plate from Mr. Makepeace, and when
Thos Rd Beaumont Esqr Newcastle 10th March 1797
M.P. Portman square London
Dr Sir! I am favoured with your letters of the 6th & 7th inst & observe the Contents I hope that the Bank may soon put their smaller Notes in circulation, that things may come about, & that Credit & Confidence may soon be restored; the Banks of this place have begun to issue Twenty shilling Notes & I have great hopes that we
Richard Master Esqr & Co Newcastle 13th March 1797
Bankers London
Gentlemen! Inclosed you will receive a Bill drawn by Messrs Surtees Burdon & Co on Messrs Glyn & Co at Fifty days dated this day for Four Hundred & Sixty Two Pounds, Ten Shillings; being half a Years Composition for the Lot Ore of Weardale Lead Mines due the 20th Ulto to the Lord Bishop of Durham from Coll Beaumont. Please to advise
March 13th
[cover annotated 13th March 1797]
Dear Sir,
Mr. Makepeace has finished all our Plate, he mentiond being now in our Debt by the Past Test of Silver being more than due to him, and as money will be very acceptable I should imagine to our concerns you will probably be so good as settle with Mr. Makepeace what credit do you give to the Refiners who purchase yr tests of silver? They say silver is much raised in price lately. I write in the greatest haste.
I remain Dear Sir
Sir Hexham Abbey 15th. March 1797
In the first place I must beg your Pardon for not noticing that part of your Letter yesterday respecting the Masons but it being Market day and Country People coming in I was afraid of losing the Post by Interruptions - which made it escape me/one
The Masons go forward very well at the Abbey and would do better if they had a compleat Plan for then they w
Messrs Wheeldon Webster Newcastle 15th March 1797
To Thos Rd Beaumont Esqr Do
1796 July 8th Cwt qr lb £
For 7 Casks Litharge qty 40 @ 19 1/4 per Ton 38-10
Wherryhire, Sufferance etc 5
1797 Mar 15th
For 12 Casks Litharge qty 73 3 @ 16 1/2 per Ton 60-16-10
Coll Beaumont Newcastle 15th March 1797
M.P. Portman square London
Dr Sir! I wrote to you the 10th Inst to which I refer you. We shall be supplied by Mess Surtees & Burdon against Monday next with 20s Notes & Cash for the lending but I have not heard when the Banks open; the length of time that they have been shut, has been a great inconvenience to the Country, as well as to the Trade, and when they
Newcastle 15th March 1797
Dear Brother
I hope that this may find Lady Blackett much better & that as the spring advances she may dayly recover from the effects of her fall.
Myself & Daughter are much obliged to you & Lady Blackett for your kind Congratulations on the late Victory gained over the Spanish Fleet, in which Capt. Collingwood had the good fortune to have a considerable share, and to escape unhurt, it happened at a very critical time, very fortunately for this
Coll Beaumont Newcastle 21st Mar 1797
M.P. Portman square London
Dr Sir! I wrote to you the 17th Inst to which I refer you. Your Lead Stewards have been with me this Morning & I have paid them in Notes & Cash £2950 for Subsistance for the Workmen with which the Stewards say the Men will be well satisfied, & that they do not complain much on account of the lending being postponed being sensible t
My dear Sir,
Enclosed I send you Mr. Makepeace’s Bill & he has paid me the Balance to day, I did not give him a receipt nor he one to me. I have just come in and am obliged to go immediately to the House. I saw Mr. Collingwood this Morning & he looks tolerable, in haste –
Most sincerely Yours
Tho. Rd. Beaumont.
Mr John Beatson Newcastle 25th March 1797
Cinder Hill near Wakefield Yorkshire
Sir! I shall answer your letter in your own words (“I am surprised to hear from you in the manner I have,) which I assure you I think very unhandsome manner of treating me; I never saw your Bends, nor those from Mr Wood of Bishop Aukland, and in case that I had, should not have been a judge of the quality; the late Westgarth Forster Agent at Alle