Mr Isaac Hunter Dukesfield Newcastle 25th March 1797
I am well informed that Cuthbert & George Bainbridge Sons of Cutht Bainbridge of East Gates did in the night take up on the Lead road 102 pieces of Col Beaumont’s Lead & convey them in a private clandestine manner off the road, they at the same time knowing that the same had been brought fm Rookhope Mill by Thos Pringle; I will have this matter fully investigated, & in case
Postscript to the Lre for Mr John Beatson _ Ommitted
P.S. Inclosed is a Bill for £46-12 being for the Parcel of Bends you sent to Allenheads Leadmines in April Last _ We only pay once a Year now for Bends got for the Mines in like manner as the other Articles that are wanted for the use of the Mines _ Please to acknowledge the Receipt of the Bill.
Mr John Bell Hexham Abbey Newcastle 17th April 1797
Sir Mr Blackett received your letter & according to your request have given you below the rates of Carriage of Lead from the several Mills to Blaydon. Mr Ellis got the same Account from me last week which he said was to send to London. Mr B desires his best Compts & says he is much obliged to you for the information you have given him on the business he wrote to you about.
Mr John Richardson Plumber Berwick upon Tweed Newcastle May 6th 97
To Thomas Rd Beaumont Esqr Dr
1797 May 5th Cwt Qr lb £
For 280 ps Refin’d Lead qty 419 2 7 @ 17 per Fother £339-12-11
Keeldues in Shipping 16- 6
£340- 9- 5
Sir Above you have an Invoice of
T R Beaumont Esqr Newcastle 9th May 1797
Portman square London
Dear Sir! I wrote to you the 2d Inst to which I refer you. The Pay for the Mines & Lead Mills, with the Subsistance money for the Workmen which they should have had last week will amount to about £53,000 with which we are to be supplied by Mess Surtees Burdon & Co in the following manner £37,000 in Notes of £5 each, 14,000 in Notes of
Newcastle May 11th 1797
Dear Sir,
I have a letter from Messrs Lancaster & Co desiring me to buy for them - 100 casks Litharge; At your convenience - I will thank you to say - if you can supply this quantity and the price.
Have this day drawn the Ballance of the last 5,000 ps Lead and am oblig'd by the extra time allow'd in the Payment.
I am Dear Sir
Yours most respectfully
Middleton Hewitson
12 May – 97.
My dear Sir,
I have the Favor of Yours this Morning, and I understood that the Pays are fixed by You for the 17th -18th – 19th Inst. & that they were not to be put off, as you express in Your letter. I have not been able to see Mr. Burdon to day but will see him in the Morn[in]g respecting more Cash. In all Your former letters I imagined that orders were given to proceed in due form against Mr. Forster for in one You mention that Mr. Bell was to take proper step
My dear Sir,
Enclosed I send you a letter I received this Morning. I have not the pleasure of Mr. Capon’s acquaintance, no[r] do I [know any]thing of what he mentions, please to [s]peak to him –
I am My dear Sir
Most sincerely yours
Tho. Rd. Beaumont.
Monday -
Auguss Browne Esqr Newcastle 23d May 1797
Foster Lane London
Sir On the 16th inst I sent you by Jackson’s & Potts the London Carriers a Piece fine Silver Containing 1593 Ounces & this day I have sent you another Piece Containg 1288 1/2 Ounces both of which you’ll please to place to Accot with Coll Beaumont at the Market Price & Advise me on your Receipt of them I am etc J.E.B
May 26th 1797.
My dear Sir,
I have the Favor of yours, and am very glad the pays are over & that there were no complaints amongst the men in the manner they received it. I approve much of Mr. T. Crawhalls manner & have no doubt but the Works will improve very much under his inspection, and I hope the Mines will continue to go on very well. I think it will be very advisable to take Mr. Williamsons opinion on what you state, but the Bishop will I fear have no part in the exp
Thomas Rd Beaumont Esqr Newcastle 4th June 1797
M.P. Portman square London
Dr Sir
I am favoured with your letter of the 26th ulte & observe the contents. I hope that your Mines may improve this year, otherwise the quantity of Ore will not keep the Mills, & the Carriage employed; last year the Stock of Ore & Lead at the Mines & Lead Mills were large, & I sold from the 1st June to the 1st inst 107,231
Mr John Richardson Newcastle 12th June 1797
Plumber Berwick upon Tweed
Sir I have this day drawn a Bill on you payable to the order of Surtees Burdon & Co at Ten days date for £340-9-5 being the Amount of the 280 Ps of Coll Beaumonts Lead which you bought of me the 20th Decemr last & which Bill I have no doubt you will duly honour
Messrs Drummond Newcastle 14th June 1797
Bankers Charing Cross London
Gentln Inclosed you will receive a Bill drawn by Mess Surtees Burdon & Co on Mess Glyn & Co at Thirty days dated this day for Two Hundred & Thirty One Pounds Five shillings; being a Quarter of a Year’s Composition for the Lot Ore of Weardale Lead Mines due the 26th May last to My Lord Bishop of Durham from Coll Beaumont. Please to adv
Augustus Browne Esqr Newcastle 16th June 1797
Foster Lane London
Sir Mr Blackett desires me to inform you that he has drawn a Bill on you payable to the Order of Mess Surtees, Burdon & Co at Thirty days dated the 15th Inst for Eight Hundred & Ten Pounds Eight Shillings & Sixpence, being in full for fine Silver sent you & which he has no doubt you will duly honor I am etc J.S
Gladllys, near Holywell Flints[hire] 19th June 1797
John Erasmus Blacket Esq.
By a Letter from my Brother Thomas I understand you are disposed to sell me 100 Tons of Litharge deliverable at your Works at Blaydon 20C[wt] of 112lb pr C at £16 per ton provided it is not for the London Merchants.
I have consulted my friends, who say the price is too high to answer their purpose, therefore must decline it for the present.
The Lead Trade is exceeding dull here except wh
Mr John Richardson Newcastle 22nd June 1797 Plumber Berwick upon Tweed
Sir I received your letter dated 16th inst & observe what you say as to allowing you a Discount on the Lead, had it been customary I certainly would have sent it with pleasure but we have never done it to any of our Customers
We are now selling Refin’d Lead at £16 per For & I believe in a little time it will be higher
Augustus Browne Esqr Newcastle 27th June 1797
Foster Lane London
Sir I have this day sent you by Jackson’s & Potts the London Carriers a Piece fine Silver Containing Fifteen Hundred and Forty five Ounces which I desire you place to accot with Col Beaumont as usual at the markett Price & advise me on your receipt of them
Mr Richd Fishwick Boldon 29th June 1797
White Lead Works Newcastle
Sir Your Favor of the 26th inst came to my hands this day. After I had sold Mr C Blackett a quantity of Comon Lead I came to a resolution not to dispose of any more for some Months, except small quantities for exportation at an advanced price, the stock of WB Lead is small at this season & the quantity this year will be much decreased on which
Mr Jonn Spark Allenheads Newcastle 3d July 1797
Sir Mr Blackett desires me to inform you that he is much displeased at your not sending down the Mill Accots to Mr Hunter as usual & likewise that you had set on some Lead Carriers contrary to his direction, but Mr B expects in future that you will attend to the directions given by Mr Hunter the same as you did to his Father _ Mr Bl thinks that as there will be mu
Sir Hexham Abbey 16th. July 1797
With this I send you my Half Years Rental up to Mayday last with the Vouchers a very large parcel indeed- there is of them
I have got a Load of potatoes from the West Wood which my Family have tried and so far they prove very good and if you please as soon as this severe Frost which fell in here on Tuesday Night is over I will send you a Load for there is no venturing to se
Newcastle 17th July 1797
Inclosed I send you a Statement of the Lead Mines &c. for this Year 1796 which I hope will be satisfactory to you; I beg leave to congratulate Mrs Beaumont and yourself in the Charge of Allenheads Lead Mines which has made a Profit instead of Losing a considerable Sum on Money which they have done for several years before.
I am Sir Your most Obedt. Hble Servt
Josuae Straker
Scarbro’ – July 20th 97.
My dear Sir,
Enclosed is a letter I have this Morning received from Mr. Bell, he seems to think they estimate the Lead Mill at Allendale too much. I will thank you to enquire into this matter as it appears from this letter that it will make a very material difference to me in respect of the poor Rates – and I don’t see we should pay any more than Greenwich Hospital. As I shall not be down at the time of the Moor Game Shooting, I shall send my Keeper u
John Tweddel Esqr Newcastle 23d July 1797
Unthank near Haltwhistle
Dear Sir I am informed by Mr Bell of Hexham that endeavours have been used to set aside the Poor Rate for the Parish of Allendale & rating the Lead Mill & their Profits arising therefrom at the very enormous sum of £3000 per Annum which certainly is out of all kind of reason; In some years the Lead Mills have scarce yielded any Profit, &
Messrs Gosling Newcastle 25th July 1797
Bankers London
Gentlemen Inclosed you will receive a Bill drawn by Messrs Surtees Burdon & Co on Messrs Barclays Fritton & Bevan at Forty days dated the 24th Inst for Four Hundred & Fifty Pounds, being half a Years Composition for the Tithe Ore of Weardale Leadmines due the 11th inst to The Revd Mr Hardinge from Coll Beaumont. Please to advise me on your Receipt
Colonel Beaumont Newcastle 25th July 1797
M.P. Scarbrough
Dr Sir I wrote to you the 23d inst to which I refer you. To prevent any dispute hereafter respecting the Boundary of Alston Moor, and the Bishop of Durham’s Copyhold in Weardale under Lease to you, it is proposed to have the Boundary assertained & settled in the like manner that was done in the year 1777 between the Hospital Estate & the Regality of