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Letter – Thomas Bernard to Shute Barrington – 19 Dec 1797

Tuesday Morn. 19 Dec 97 My Lord, I have made a point of sketching as well as I could the outline of 2 letters this Morning, as with our Chapel, some appointments after it, & a dinner party at home, I thought I had little Chance otherwise of sending it you in time. One is an ostensible letter framed on the suggestions of last Night; the other containing private & confidential directions to Mr Mowbray on the subject; & both of them sent merely for Consider[atio

Letter – Shute Barrington to Arthur Mowbray – 21 Dec 1797

Cav: Square Decemr. 21st 1797 Mowbray, I am so convinced that the inclosure at Weardale will add to the prosperity and plenty of the County of Durham, by the great quantity of Land which it must bring into cultivation, that it will have not merely my good wishes but (as far as I can go with propriety) my aid and assistance. I may not be able to assent to some things in an Episcopal Estate, which I might in what is merely my own private property. Not that I am aware of any difficu

Letter – Arthur Mowbray to Shute Barrington – 26 Dec 1797

Sherburn 26th Decr. 1797 My Lord, On Saturday last Scruton informed me that the Land-owners of Weardale had desired the meeting to be postponed for a few days, as they were not quite ready; this gives a little Time in Case any Thing occur. I see no Hardship in Lockwoods paying Money that he received at Mayday last. I am persuaded that some propositions will be made by the proprietors as to Parochial Schools, I gave the hint thro’ Scruton. As your Lordshi

Letters – John Erasmus Blackett to Browne & Brind – 26 Dec 1797

Messrs Browne & Brind Newcastle 26th Decr 1797 Foster Lane London Gentln I have this day sent you by Jacksons & Potts the London Carriers three Pieces fine Silver Containing Three Thousand Six Hundred & Eleven Ounces (as under) which I desire that you will place to Account with Thos R Beaumont Esqr as usual at the Market Price & Advise me on your Receipt them

Letter – Thomas Richard Beaumont to John Erasmus Blackett – 27 Dec 1797

Decr 27th 1797 My dear Sir, From a letter sent me with the bankers account I find you had paid £15,000 and upwards into their hands, as the Pays will be made in May I trust we shall be able to make some sales which will put us in cash, otherwise I fear we shall be in an awkward Dilemma, for if these assessed Taxes go forward Money I fear will be very scarce. I see by the paper that Mr Brandling has accepted the Chiltern Hundreds, & that his Son, has offered himself. I hope he will suc

Letter – Thomas Richard Beaumont to John Erasmus Blackett – 29 Dec 1797

My dear Sir, I have the Favor of Yours this Morning, and with respect to Mr. Herons Bill, I thought everything that had been done would have been settled previous to Sir Thomas Blackett’s Death, and as to anything that has occurred since, I concluded would have been settled by You, as to Mr. Wilson having been paid by me 200 Guineas, I can’t at this moment say how much he has received as I have not the Bankers account by me, but he has been employed as a professional Man & has paid for

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Ibbetson – 30 Dec 1797

John Ibbetson Esqr Newcastle 30th Decemr 1797 Py 2 Jany 1798 Sir On Thursday the 21st inst there was a Meeting at Haydon Bridge of the Commissioners appointed by two Acts of Parliament, one for the Division of Grindon Common in the Barony of Langley, and the other for the Division of Thorngrafton Common in the Barony of Wark, when Mr Walton had the satisfaction of being a Witness to the Execution of the General Awards for both Divisions, and they are now before the Clerk

Letter – Shute Barrington to Arthur Mowbray – 30 Dec 1797

Mongewell Decem. 30 1797 Mowbray, In answer to the two material points on which you wish to have my opinion, I reply. 1. It will be much better that the proprietors of Lands in Weardale should consider what they will propose as the Allotment for tythes; an 8th, or (at the expense) a 9th would be the least that could be offered; and it would be sufficient. 2. A payment of nine years purchase, would amount to a very large sum; but whatever the compensation for my reversionary inte

Letters – John Erasmus Blackett to Thomas Richard Beaumont – 6 Jan 1798

Thos R Beaumont Esqr MP Newcastle 6th Jany 1798 Bretton Yorkshire Dr Sir I am favoured with your letters of the 27th & 29th Ulto I have at length got the Newton’s to fix a day for Mr Ebdon to meet Mr Stephenson at the Abbey for the purpose of settling the business between you & Mr Newton, I have wrote to Mr Ebdon & if Monday 15th inst should suit him; he is to be with me on the Tuesday evening, it will be nece

Letter – Arthur Mowbray to Shute Barrington – 9 Jan 1798

Sherburn, 9th January 1798 My Lord, I have seen Scruton & Pearson several Times lately. we do not get forward with the Weardale proprietors & I have been told they are proving a little Lukewarm, but I hope they will come round and be sensible of your Lordships Goodness, no pains on my part shall be wanting to bring about a Work so laudable in every Point of View. £ s d Paid Mr. Tew half a years Int. due 22 Novr last on £6,200 155 0 0 do. Mr La

Letter – Thomas Richard Beaumont to John Erasmus Blackett – 10 Jan 1798

Bretton Jan. 10th 98 My dear Sir, I have the Favor of Yours and as Mr. Ebden & Mr Stephenson the two Gentlemen fixed upon for the Business to be referred to will meet. As you are fully acquainted with all the transactions that have passed You can relate to Mr. Ebden all the circumstances that have happened, and when they have given their Opinions I should wish to see them. You knew that no Agreement was made with Mr. Newton, & I think his Son ought not to be paid for his jo

Letter – Shute Barrington to Arthur Mowbray – 13 Jan 1798

Mongewell Jan: 13th 1798 Mowbray, Whatever may prove the event of The Weardale Plan, the failure, if it does fail, will not be ascribable to you. The Proprietors, if they do not proceed will be their own enemies, and the enemies of the County. My object is the benefit of both. You will assure Sir John Eden, with my compliments, that I shall readily consent to the inclosure of [blank space] Common on any terms which he as a man of honour shall say are a fair Compensation f

Letter – Arthur Mowbray to Shute Barrington – 14 Jan 1798

Sherburn 14th January 1798 My Lord, I have just received a letter from Mr. Buddle, the following is a Copy of what relates to Bedlington. ‘In Regard to a Boring at Bedlington I made application to Mr Rawling for his Conditions on a datum of 70 fathoms, which I have enclosed, but you must know that these Estimates are exclusive of a number of incidental (and often very weighty) Charges; such as Swelling Clays, Quick sands, Foul holes, Whin Stone, Lime Stone, &tc &tc

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Ibbetson – 16 Jan 1798

John Ibbetson Esqr Newcastle 16th Janury 1798 Sir In consequence of an intimation from Mr Dyer we now acquaint you that the quantity of Land in John Dixons Estate of Turfhouse is as follows A. R. P. Ancient inclosures & pieces of Land 28. 1. 34 Allotments of Common 20. 3. 37 Total 49. 1. 31 Inclosed you will receive our Contingent Acct from 31t August to and with the 21st Novemb

Letter – Shute Barrington to Arthur Mowbray – 18 Jan 1798

Mongewell Jan: 18th 1798 Mowbray, Ignorant of every circumstance relating to Collieries I can form no guess what proportion boring bears to the other expenses which the proprietor of the Colliery has to defray before he lets it, of this therefore I must be previously informed; as well as whether the communication with the river Blythe is secured by a way leave, and, whether, on the boring’s turning out advantageously, there is a fair prospect of any responsible person’s under

Letters – John Erasmus Blackett to Thomas Richard Beaumont – 19 Jan 1798

Colonel Beaumont Newcastle 19th Jany 1798 M.P. Portman square London Dr Sir I refer you to my letter of the 15th ins: Mr Ebdon returned fm Hexham yesterday evening & he called on me this morning; he & Mr Stephenson have gone through their valuation etc at the Abbey, & they are doing the like by some deals at this place which are ready dressed for flooring (& will be preferable to green ones) as wel

Letter – Arthur Mowbray to Shute Barrington – 22 Jan 1798

Sherburn 22nd January 1798 My Lord, The Boring for Coal at Bedlington Buddell estimates £133 15s 0d. Extracts £76.5.0. together £210. and without a Boring, he thinks no one will lease the Mine at a fair Price. If the Seam is found, which he believes there is little doubt, on a Vend of 15,000 Chaldrons, which is deemed very moderate, the Colliery will pay a handsome Rent, and the Expenses of Winning, say from 12 to 16,000£ with Interest in twenty one years, and leave £3,000 p

Letter – Shute Barrington to Thomas Richard Beaumont – 25 Jan 1798

Mongewell Jan: 25th 1798 Dear Sir It has been intimated to me that many of the Proprietors of Lands in Weardale are desirous of an inclosure. The idea meets with my fullest approbation from a conviction that the greatest benefits will result from the carrying it into execution both to the individuals concerned, and to the County at large from bringing into cultivation such an extent of unproductive soil. I should hope that it will appear to you and Mrs. Beaumont in the same

Letter – Shute Barrington to Arthur Mowbray – 25 Jan 1798

Mongewell Jan: 25th. 1798 Mowbray, I have written by this post to Colonel Beaumont; and transmit herewith a Copy of the letter, as you should not be left ignorant on what foot I have put my application to him for his consent. You may depend on the earliest communication of his answer. From your statement it is perfectly clear that the boring for Coal at Bedlington should be proceeded upon whenever Buddle shall think it proper. You will acquaint me when matters are ripe

Letter – Bishop Durham to Thomas Richard Beaumont – 25 Jan 1798

Mongewell, Wallingford Jan 25 1798 Dear Sir, It has been intimated to me that many of the Proprietors of Lands in Weardale are desirous of an inclosure. The idea meets with my fullest approbation from a conviction that the greatest benefits will result from the carrying it into execution both to the individuals concerned, & to the county at large from bringing into cultivation such an extent of unproductive soil. I should hope that it will appear to you & Mrs Beaumont in

Letter – Thomas Richard Beaumont to John Erasmus Blackett – 26 Jan 1798

My dear Sir, Enclosed is a letter this day received from the Bishop of Durham and wish you would give me your opinion upon it, I think that this certainly is not the time for so very great an undertaking as what he mentions, & I think it would meet with peak opposition. The Miners Galloways and petty Sm[all]holders I think would be very much affected by it. In your Favor of the 19th inst you mention having paid to Messrs Surtees on the 17th Bills amounting to 34348 £ in a letter from them

Letters – John Erasmus Blackett to Thomas Richard Beaumont – 28 Jan 1798

Thomas R Beaumont Esqr Newcastle 28th Jany 1798 Portman square London Dr Sir I am favoured with your Lre of the 26th inst inclosing the Bishop of Durham’s letter to you respecting the inclosure of the Common & waste lands in Weardale; Such a measure I have no doubt will be very injurious to your Concerns in those parts, & it requires some serious consideration before you give the Bishop an answer to

Letter – Arthur Mowbray to Shute Barrington – 1 Feb 1798

Sherburn 1’ Feby. 1798 My Lord. I am just returned from Newcastle where I have been attending Mr. Walton; Our Plan and Award as to the Boundary between the manor of Stanhope and Alston Moor is finished and very pleasantly: I find Mr. Walton has received for more than 4000 Bin[g]s of Lead Ore the last Year at rather more than £3 a Bin, <br[ough]t> the Sum of abt. £14,000 and this not a good Year; they have, I learn some other Years, as Lords received net £20,000.

Letters – John Erasmus Blackett to Browne & Brind – 2 Feb 1798

Mess Browne & Brind Newcastle 2d Feby 1798 Foster Lane London Gentlemen I have this day drawn a Bill on you payable to the order of Mess Surtees Burdon & Co at Thirty days dated this day for £979-19-7 being in full of your Account with Col Beaumont for fine Silver sent you, and which I doubt not you will duly honor

Letters – John Erasmus Blackett to Messrs Gosling – 3 Feb 1798

Messrs Gosling Bankers London Newcastle 3d Feby 1798 Gentn Inclosed you will receive a Bill drawn by Mess Surtees Burdon & Co on Mess Barclays & Co at Forty days dated this day for £450 being half a Year’s Composition for the Tithe Ore of Weardale Leadmines due 11th Ulto to the Revd Heny Hardinge from Coll Beaumont _ Please to advise me on your Receipt of the Bill & inform Mr Hardinge of the same
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467